What They Might As Well Have Been Saying

“EYE OF THE SPARROW” IS CRACKING US UP As supporters of Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson – the former two-term Republican governor of New Mexico – we have no use for either U.S. President Barack Obama or “Republican” presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Both are equally full of it ……


As supporters of Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson – the former two-term Republican governor of New Mexico – we have no use for either U.S. President Barack Obama or “Republican” presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Both are equally full of it … and equally committed to the same one-party status quo that’s choking off our nation’s economic engine and drowning us in debt.  Forget the rhetoric … look at their records.

Anyway, since nothing either Obamney says can be taken seriously … we were particularly drawn to a video called “Eye of the Sparrow” that mocks their performance (and the performance of moderator Jim Lehrer) in the presidential debate held earlier this month in Denver, Colorado.

The video – produced by the folks at Bad Lip Reading – is a must-see …

(Click to play)


And of course sad that this jibber jabber is more believable than the words that actually came our of their mouths.


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Just another Guy October 18, 2012 at 8:35 am

You do realize he was a democrat at one time, and then a republican, and now this. The guy doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up.

? October 18, 2012 at 9:25 am


Pure genius. I’d watch this any day over the real thing.

It’s amazing to see how many people tune in and hang on every word(ahem, lie) that comes out of the sociopaths mouths.

Robert October 18, 2012 at 11:16 am

Well friends you can pat yourselves on the back if you don’t like what you see on election day. You don’t want to hear lies, then don’t elect liars. You don’t like all the back biting, then don’t vote for candidates that do it. You want a third party, then get up off your ass and organize one. This idea that everything should change when nobody does anything different is insane. (Einstein said that, not me.) Look at Andre Bauer. If there was ever a less deserving(bright) politician then I’d be surprized, but he’s still around getting votes. So if you want good government, vote for good people, not crooks. Your state house is FULL of them.

BigT October 18, 2012 at 12:54 pm

Wasn’t Joel Sawyer (FITS Successor at Sanford4Guv) Johnson’s Lackey???

Sawyer is still working for Sanford…so I think we can connect the dots on this one…

FITS so Epitmizes the Disease in eastablishment government. The incest is Criminal…

FITS is nothing but another connected politico trying to lobby, like all filthy Coinsultants…

These charlatans try to sell their ideas as thought…when they are Really just paid HACKS pushing schemes to put public money and power into the pockets of the same old CROOKs who have already robbed us blind…

This attempt to dupe the stupid should DISGUST you…

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 18, 2012 at 9:46 pm

Bless your heart, T.

It seems, almost on a daily basis, that I read one of your comments and think to myself, ” That is the most idiotic thing that I have ever read!”. Yet, often the very next day, you top yourself. You’ve been doing this for YEARS!

Kudos to you, sir. You da Man!

*Note: Since I believe “BigT” is a FITS created caricature…this really is a compliment.

If you are “fo reel”, T……then ….. well… it is still pretty impressive.

In a way.

Common Sense October 19, 2012 at 2:46 pm

Tonto nails it!!!

Who What When October 18, 2012 at 1:22 pm


Philip Branton October 18, 2012 at 1:42 pm

Great Information War Fare….!!!

Excellent……..now if we could only do the same thing with every news segment…….

Louise Foote October 19, 2012 at 11:15 am

Gary Johnson is hanging in there. I had high hopes for him but I’m very disappointed and very angry about what his campaign people have done. Gov Johnson is so right on his opposition of the Patriot Act. So right on his call to legalize marijuana. But so dumb on his own campaign financing! He raised $2Million but had no media ads, no real campaign. 85% of Johnson’s money was paid to campaign advisor, Ron Nielson so where did it go? I gotta good nose and I smell criminal activity! Is Nielson stealing the money?


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