Will Folks: Letting The Chips Fall

By Will Folks || Since I founded FITSNews three-and-a-half years ago, I’ve made more than my fair share of powerful enemies in this state. One reason for that? I call it like I see it – whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, or even believe…

chips fall

By Will Folks || Since I founded FITSNews three-and-a-half years ago, I’ve made more than my fair share of powerful enemies in this state.

One reason for that? I call it like I see it – whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, or even believe it or not. Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process, but I like to think that the stories I break, the debates I drive and the opinions I help shape all speak to the potency of the brand I’ve created.

At the heart of this brand is telling it like it is – which this website has always done, and which it will continue to do no matter what “Damocles sword” is being held over my head on a personal level by the less savory elements of this state’s failed status quo.  Preserving my ability to shoot straight – free from threats and intimidation – is essential to my professional livelihood, while being able to look myself in the mirror each day is essential to who I am as a person.

The two are inseparable, actually, and to compromise one is to eventually wind up sacrificing both.

Beyond these considerations, this website is fighting for several fundamental ideals – academic opportunity for all of our state’s children, the promotion of individual liberty, and the creation of a more prosperous economic climate, to name just a few.  These ideals obviously matter a great deal to me – which is why I fight so hard for them – and why I cannot (and will not) permit anyone to compromise my ability to continue fighting for them.

In recent weeks, however, a group of political operatives has attempted to do just that.  In fact, on a very personal level I have become the primary target of a group that will apparently stop at nothing to destroy the one S.C. gubernatorial candidate who, in my opinion, would most consistently advance the ideals I believe in. For those of you unfamiliar with the editorial bent of this website, the candidate I am referring to is S.C. Rep. Nikki Haley.

This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself.   Such is the blood sport of S.C. politics, I suppose – particularly in the wake of the scandal that consumed my former boss, Gov. Mark Sanford.

Specifically, within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media.  I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week.  Watching all of this unfold, I have become convinced that the gradual release of this information is deliberately designed to advance this story in the press while simultaneously forcing either evasive answers or denials on my part or on Nikki’s part.

I refuse to play that game. I refuse to have someone hold the political equivalent of a switch-blade in front of my face and just sit there and watch as they cut me to pieces.

The truth in this case is what it is.  Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki.

That’s it.

I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm.

It is what it is, and aside from the Haley family – Michael, Nikki, Rena and Nalin – I feel no need to apologize or explain myself to anyone. People are human. We make mistakes. And as I have learned from experience, the key to life isn’t the mistakes we make, it’s how we choose to handle them.

I do owe my wife, Katrina, an apology for failing to disclose certain things that took place prior to our marriage. I know that’s not the technical definition of infidelity, but it is a form of unfaithfulness that has broken the trust between us – a trust which must now be rebuilt. I also owe her an apology for the storm that my family has been facing for the past few weeks, and the storm we will no doubt continue to face in the weeks to come.

In preemptively addressing this matter, I am well aware that conspiracy theories will abound regarding my motives. In fact, I have already been assigned so many roles in so many different conspiracies that I have lost count of which villain I’m supposed to be playing. I also know that no matter what I do, I will be end up being smeared in some form or fashion by someone.

That’s fine.

I can sleep at night knowing I handled this the best way I knew how (the way my wife and I decided together that it needed to be handled), which was to simply tell the truth.

After that, wherever the chips fall, they fall. That’s the way it’s always been on this website, and that’s the way it will continue to be moving forward.

Thanks for taking the time to hear me out and take care,


Will Folks, Founding Editor

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The Colonel May 24, 2010 at 8:12 am


sclawboy May 24, 2010 at 8:15 am


Your honesty and forthrightness are admirable. Best of luck to you and your family.

old timey elephant May 24, 2010 at 8:15 am

Can you tell me who is responsible for this leak? Whoever is responsible should be identified and let the chips fall where they may for the rat who would use this info that could destroy 2 families in order to possibly be the nominee. What a heinous thing to do in order to win….and my guess is the one responsible will be the “biggest loser” of all.

EM May 24, 2010 at 8:18 am


Natasha May 24, 2010 at 8:18 am


Wow May 24, 2010 at 8:20 am

Hat’s off to you Will – and to those who want to bring up history to try and destroy lives – may it come back to haunt you!

Talking about a candidates qualifications or lack thereof is one thing. To make it personal is very bad politics.

Ohmaar May 24, 2010 at 8:23 am

I sincerely hope that at least one young person reads this and it causes them to think long and hard about their own sexual promiscuity. It’s NOT “just sex” and someone WILL find out. They always do.

Maybe the little voice of youthful ignorance inside you right now is saying, “Who cares?”

Your future YOU cares. A lot.

The Joker May 24, 2010 at 8:23 am

And here we go….

Jeff SKI Kinsey May 24, 2010 at 8:28 am

This just in: Will Folks is human. I was sure the man was half cyborg…

Charlie May 24, 2010 at 8:28 am

Holy Shit.

CNChapin May 24, 2010 at 8:28 am


There is nothing a ski mask and tire iron can’t solve. {just kidding}

Thanks for being honest and know that any level headed people will not hold it against you. We know you’re human. I’m also thankful to know that you have good taste.

Ovaltine Jenkins May 24, 2010 at 8:30 am

Funny thing is that you spent the past 11 months tearing down one political figure for much the same reason.

I like and support Nikki.

This is just another reason you are a fraud.

Trey May 24, 2010 at 8:35 am

Maybe you should lay out all of the other women as well and get this all over at the same time.

rwwllms May 24, 2010 at 8:35 am

You know the saying ‘don’t kill the messenger’? Well it doesn’t apply in this case. If the messenger is counting on profiting off of his message concerning the private personal lives of other than his own life then this is a case of ‘kill the messenger’.
I am sic (misspelling intentional) and tired of tattletales running around hoping to cause problems for people by going public with info the public really has no right to know.

These whiney little momma’s boys losers need to be taught a lesson that tattletelling has consequences. No one likes a tattletale. They just killed their own campaign.

get the hook May 24, 2010 at 8:37 am

I guess Will won’t say but does anybody know if she was married at the time? This has got to hurt Haley even if she was single. Let’s be honest. Folks is not an attractive guy. Does she have bad judgement and poor taste or does she trade sex for favors?
Did Folks hook up with Kelly Payne and Katherine Jenerette too? His support for them is just as nonsensical.

dirtbogger May 24, 2010 at 8:43 am

nothing to to be ashamed of!

Ann Thenexttime May 24, 2010 at 8:43 am

That’s it? I thought you were going to drop a bombshell on us. You’re forgiven. Now let’s move forward and continue the good fight.

HD May 24, 2010 at 8:45 am

Karma is such a biotch.

Varga May 24, 2010 at 8:45 am

Will, we often disagree on politics, but I totally agree with straight and non hypocrytical method in dealing with what quite frankly is no one’s business but yours.

Slinky May 24, 2010 at 8:45 am

I applaud your honesty and your willingness to, as you say, let the chips fall where they may.

Catherine May 24, 2010 at 8:48 am

Thanks, Will, for your honesty. Go ahead and pull an “Eminem” from 8 mile–tell the truth before the others get the chance to spin it! Katrina is a cool lady. I must say, you have spectacular taste in women. :)

I hate political consultants May 24, 2010 at 8:49 am

Name names of the consultants. They are evil. They run this state.

Name names!

it could be the most important thing you ever do.

Karen May 24, 2010 at 8:51 am

How much did you get paid to publish this dribble??

Barney Fife May 24, 2010 at 8:51 am

Wow. You weren’t married that’s cool, whatever. But, Nikki Haley was married. That is not cool. We don’t need an adulterous in the Governor’s mansion. We already have a mess there now. We need a fresh start.

You did the honorable thing. Will Nikki? I doubt it.

Pam May 24, 2010 at 8:52 am

The politics of personal destruction is HATED by the public. But they never know who or what to believe.

Will, you have the ability to change that. You can educate them. You can help this state move past the rule of evil consultants.

But you have to stand up and name names and how they work. Evil exist when good men do nothing and the GOP leadership is rotten to the core.

Name the names, fight the good fight.

You Talkin to Me? May 24, 2010 at 8:52 am

It’s a shame that people care about this shit. Just more distractions from issues that really matter.

poster May 24, 2010 at 8:54 am

Ok, gee Will, come out once they find out about you. How heroic.

But the Story is Nikki Haley. She, like Sanford was spouting the Good family woman, God and faith and wholesome values instead of concentrating on the the stuff that really matters.

She, like Sanford is a fraud. (I thought she was not until today) Sorry but that is the way it is. Clinton had affairs but for better or worse he never espoused the Christian moral values as the basis of his candidacy. Haley did.

willisgay May 24, 2010 at 8:54 am

So gay. And you expect us to honor you bc you published something before you were going to be caught??????

JT in G-Vegas May 24, 2010 at 8:55 am

Uh Oh!! Many things happen in all of our lives that we have to “fix” or look for forgiveness on. It is part of our human nature to fail and EVERYBODY DOES….what makes us grow in wisdom and character is not how far we fall…but how high we bounce back.

While I will say I am surprised…wish this were not true…It does not change my opinion that on the issues of conservative governance that Nikki Haley is the best choice.

Karen May 24, 2010 at 9:00 am


Jdaddy May 24, 2010 at 9:02 am

Just like we all said last week… There goes that ‘huge lead’ Nikki!!!!

ya think? May 24, 2010 at 9:04 am

Nikki has an 11 year old – sooooooo I am gonna go with yes – she was probably married. Also the fact that Will would feel the need to apologize to her husband & kids makes it pretty clear.

John Steinberger May 24, 2010 at 9:05 am

Will – God bless you! Hang in there!

@PerezHiltonSays May 24, 2010 at 9:05 am

We will be voting for Nikki! Barrett can go F**k himself!

So... May 24, 2010 at 9:05 am

What’s going to be the fallout, if any, from this revelation? Will Haley suffer with the voters? Which of her opponents will come out with the first attack ad based on this info? Will we get a similar rambling press conference, ala Sanford style, from Haley about her soulmate? Most importantly, how does Sarah Palin feel about all of this?

tammy May 24, 2010 at 9:09 am

So who benefits most by you admitting this in a blatant move to destroy Nikki’s credibility? Henry McMaster? I’m just trying to figure out who’s behind this one…I mean…really…are we supposed to believe that you’re coming clean one week before the primary because you just want to do the right thing?

Earl Capps May 24, 2010 at 9:10 am

Will, personal stuff isn’t fair game in this race, or with regard to how you should be assessed.

It’s no secret that I’ve been twice-divorced, a high school drop-out, and my first wife was of African ancestry. I’ve had some of this become fodder for people who wanted to shut me down in the past, so I know how it is.

Whatever happened or didn’t happen isn’t my business and if you’re going to succeed or fail, it should be on the merits of the messages you present, not what you do when “off the clock”.

Hang in there.

Pam May 24, 2010 at 9:12 am

The Christian candidates in this state hire slime like Warren Tompkins, Rod Shealy and Robert Cahaely to destroy the lives of their political advisories.
It must stop. Will, you can blow the can of crap open. For all that is good, please do it

HMMM May 24, 2010 at 9:12 am

From The State’s report on the most recent Republican gubernatorial debate: “The candidates were asked if they would resign if caught in a morally questionable position, as Gov. Mark Sanford was in admitting an extra-marital affair last year…. Haley said she would not be put in that position….”

Oops. Bye-bye Nikki.

Old Bike Dude May 24, 2010 at 9:13 am

Tiger Folks. Perkins waitresses, porn stars, Repub wannabes,…oh Will,errrr Tiger, get ready for the paparazzi and the stealth reporters. Hide the golf clubs, the Trac phone, and remember the operative phrase is “sexual addiction”. If it happened to Tiger and Jesse then you had to know it wouldn’t be long until the booty calls came home to roost for Sic. Just please tell us that Jean Toal is not gonna come up in all this.
…uhhmmm what about the ice queen?

Bobby May 24, 2010 at 9:20 am

I’m sure you would have been equally gracious to Henry McMaster, Andre Bauer, Gresham Barrett, Jim Rex or Vincent Sheheen. You attack people’s personal lives before anyone else, and all the while you were holding a secret. Imagine that.

not too smart May 24, 2010 at 9:22 am

Where to start… There are many angles to this, but I will stick to one in this post. First of all, willisgay and poster are right, coming out in front of this story says nothing about your character, it just shows that you are smart. If your livelihood and profession can be salvaged in all of this, this is the way to do it.

Although I view this site as entertainment, in the back of my mind i’ve thought there was a journalistic nut of integrity – that you call it how you see it b/c you have no enemies to punish or friends to reward. Or at least when you had an enemy to punish you were up front about it (Richter). It was refreshing. Looking back at your Haley posts with this information is enlightening. Can you honestly tell us you were completely objective in your coverage of her? Even if you believe you were, how can we?

I wish the best of luck to all of the families involved, but like it or not, this information is extremely relevant to Haley’s and Folks’ respective jobs because of their line of work.

Looking back at your

Barney Fife May 24, 2010 at 9:22 am

Earl Capps, you are not running for Governor of South Carolina. If you are being attacked for sins of the past, that is your problem. running for public office, makes your character our problem.

If you run on family values, then live by them! Be honest. If you run for public office and you had an affair be ready to pay the price. Nikki will certainly pay the price.

character matters folks. I was not supporting Nikki Haley, but I thought she was honest and would vote for her in November or possibly in a run-off if my person didn’t get in.

Not now. Not ever. She certainly is a fraud! Most of them are, she just got caught.

Cooter Brown May 24, 2010 at 9:22 am

Even ol’ Cooter aint perfect… hard az dat may bee t’ belieb. Man size step yer takin’ here. Move on, ye did da hard werk, now move on…

Olivia May 24, 2010 at 9:26 am

I say “bullshit”…I wonder.. would this be allegedly leaked if Nikki wasnt so far in the lead? Dirty politics…lawsuits, alleged affairs, what about the 85,000 GB accepted from myrtle beach chamber?? that should be what people are talking about!!

Paul May 24, 2010 at 9:26 am

Another classic case of the “morally” right party and their belief they are somehow above the law and will never get caught. Nikki and Will have to answer to their families, and Will doesn’t have to answer to us as we can choose to read his site of not, but he’s not running for office, she is and her lies and decision to try and sweep this under the rug are just another reason in a host of many to not elect her. No wonder she distanced herself from Sanford. Until the party of adultery stops, no one will ever trust them.

3Dingo May 24, 2010 at 9:28 am

People cheat. That’s life. Lots of people do it. Get over it.
The part that bugs me is why all these high and mighty “conservatives” have to go around condemning everything but the Baptist Church knowing they have dirty laundry.
As someone else said, how noble of the great Will Folks to admit this AFTER he’s been exposed. What a big man.

same ole politics May 24, 2010 at 9:31 am

Haley probably should have thought about her platform of character, honesty, blah-blah-blah if this stuff is true. What makes you wonder is this blog has a Henry McMaster ad at the top.

Truthairbensder May 24, 2010 at 9:31 am

Shes done pack up now!!

Elsie May 24, 2010 at 9:31 am

Really. I am going to burn my eyes out and yell at the person who told me to read this…I just vomitted a little in my mouth. SC Politics makes me sick, any who don’t screw around?

Mike May 24, 2010 at 9:33 am

I am confused how someone can hold this over your head when you were single!! I call bull!!

BoobQuaker May 24, 2010 at 9:33 am

Thing is you fall into the same as all other Family Values first conservatives. It’s bullshit.

Mike Traynor May 24, 2010 at 9:34 am

Guess Palin is rethinking her endorsement.

Rick May 24, 2010 at 9:35 am

Hang in Will, none of us are saints. We all fall short in one way or another. Its how we handle the failure that makes the difference. Nikki has my vote.

Donnie Kaier May 24, 2010 at 9:36 am

At least it wasn’t Nikki Benz! Coulda been worse……or better depending on your perspective.

Ouch May 24, 2010 at 9:37 am

As long as you publish it before the press gets out – you get credit in everyone’s book for being honest and forthcoming – wooohoooo!

Actually, it is not your problem, it’s hers – and she didn’t even consider beating the press to the punch so she could at least enjoy the ten seconds of “Bob Livingston” honesty by saying, “well, at least I admitted it (all be it five seconds before the papers were going to break the story).”

poster May 24, 2010 at 9:37 am

From her Website:“My faith in Christ has a profound impact on my daily life and I look to Him for guidance with every decision I make. God has blessed my family in so many ways and my faith in the Lord gives me great strength on a daily basis. Being a Christian is not about words, but about living for Christ every day.”

Every Decision??? Wow. Will does have friends in high places!!

schousehopeful May 24, 2010 at 9:37 am

Holy Sh** Batman!!!…..Knottzi and his boys will love this.

so much for family values (again) May 24, 2010 at 9:37 am

Well said, patron!

If you look at her timeline, it had to have been an extramarital affair. She got married in 1996, a year before Folks graduated from college. Very slim window of opportunity for them to connect prior to her marriage. So yeah, it makes a difference with me. She’s lost this woman’s vote because she’s a hypocritical slut. She was probably banging Sanford too. It’s why she couldn’t remember if she flew first class to China – they were joining the mile high club in the bathroom.

Gee, wonder what that Yankee bitch Jenny thinks about this?

Randy Sease May 24, 2010 at 9:40 am

Do you really think this admission/confession will lessen the damage done to Mrs. Haley? I don’t – not in South Carolina – not in the Bible Belt. How stupid? How sad?

same ole politics May 24, 2010 at 9:41 am

…and to top it off…what was Jenny Sanford think of her now? LOL

Reynolds Williams May 24, 2010 at 9:41 am

You owe it to your readers to say who the network of operatives is and with what campaign this network is affiliated. If you do not know who, then you should say who you have eliminated. And you should also state the evidence that leads you to say:
“In recent weeks, however, a group of political operatives has attempted to do just that. In fact, on a very personal level I have become the primary target of a group that will apparently stop at nothing …
This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself. Such is the blood sport of S.C. politics, I suppose … .”
I would, by nature, make my voting decision on this episode, but I will ignore it unless somewhat convinced as to the strength of the facts on which you base your opinion.

same ole politics May 24, 2010 at 9:41 am

…and to top it off…what will Jenny Sanford think of her now? LOL

The Todd May 24, 2010 at 9:51 am

This story is not about Will Folks.

He isn’t running for governor on a platform of Christian values.

If she means all the crap she spews about being a Christian – ANY of it – she will admit to this and drop out of the race. She has campaigned on nothing but lies, and to continue to do so without admitting she isn’t who she says she is would be outright dishonesty.

SouhernBornandBred May 24, 2010 at 9:54 am

I have actually heard from several people that she WAS in fact involved on some level a little too close to Mark Sanford

colleen May 24, 2010 at 9:56 am

Wow, did not expect this. Looks like Will is trying to do what the Caifornia firefighters do-Start fire in another location in hopes that when the flames get there, the fire will die out. Hope this will quell the rumors for once and all.
It must be heartbreaking for Will to come thru because he had to tell his wife and may possibly destroy Nikki’s chance to be the next Governor.
Am wondering if the Sanfords knew about this at that time?

William Hamilton May 24, 2010 at 9:58 am

Well we could take about the State’s major problems, but somehow sex is always a higher priority here. I guess children learning math just isn’t as important.

Having just seen Mike Huccabee endorse Andre Bauer on TV, my functional capacity to explain what I seen in South Carlina falls ever shorter of being able to grapple with reality.

HIPAA Violator May 24, 2010 at 9:59 am

Wow. Way to kill a campaign.

rightwingrick May 24, 2010 at 10:02 am

Agreed, we are human, we make mistakes. The focus on Nikki Haley, however, has to do with the “pro-family values” talk….the sense of “I have better values than you do” that comes through in things like Sarah Palin’s endorsement. Then, this comes out. So, the question becomes, “is Nikki Haley just another two-faced politician and hypocrite?”. Important question.

E. May 24, 2010 at 10:02 am


You handled this the best possible way you could. I wish you and your family the best.

What I am curious about, though, is how Nikki could choose to run for a higher office knowing this was in her backgound and would likely leak out. The world of politics is a nasty place…she should have known that her mistake would not stay a secret.

Kelly May 24, 2010 at 10:03 am

What matters is that Will has been faithful to his wife since he has been married. In fact Will adores Katrina and they are very well suited for each other. I personally know him and he has NEVER, EVER been inappropriate.

We mustn’t allow this to stop Nikki’s momentum. God knows and sees all. Remember the Lord said, “Vengeance is mine.”

PandaChris1 May 24, 2010 at 10:06 am

I will pray for you and your family.

I wasnt supporting Nikki before..dont support her now.

A small voice tells me that somewhere Catherine Ceips is marveling at the irony of all of this and the Sanford affair.

C4L in SBG May 24, 2010 at 10:10 am

1) If true, you actually deserve some points for nailing perhaps the hottest libertarian MILF in politics. In your heart you know I’m right.

2) If true, I’d like to know which campaign(s) are behind the sudden push of this information. If I had to guess, I’d go with Bailout Barrett or Senior Scam Bauer. If you think I’m short of nicknames, how does Casual Encounters M4M McMaster sound?

3) If true, it still does not change that fact that since Larry Grooms pulled out, Nikki Haley is the only acceptable candidate left in the field. Period. Full stop. End of discussion.

4) To all the “values voters” out there who will get in a tizzy over this…
“I think every good Christians ought to kick Falwell in the ass.”
“It’s wonderful that we have so many religious people in our party, … They need to leave their theologies in their churches.”
– Barry Goldwater

Thank you, that was indeed a Barry Goldwater hat trick. *takes a bow*

LookyLoo May 24, 2010 at 10:11 am

I think you need to come out and state unequivocally whether or not you’ve slept with any of the other gubernatorial candidates.

Carpe Jugulum May 24, 2010 at 10:11 am

Well, I feel all better, now. The truth is, I DON”T CARE! What you and Mrs. Haley did, or didn’t do, is of infinitesimal interest to me, and I hope, to anybody else. The problem with salacious revelations is that everybody slows down to look at them…like bad car wrecks. Most magazine racks in any given grocery store has a section of publications for teenagers that are full of this kind of stuff. Consider the target audience. Sandra and Jesse James, oh my!!

Those who read this website, however, are political animals and I think this earth shaking revelation should be viewed through the lens of politics. If this information has the predicted effect, it will derail Haley’s run for Governor. A fallen woman, a fallen candidate. For God’ Sake man! She dropped her knickers!

For anyone to think that this is important to me, or anybody else, is insulting. The only thing about all this that I would really like to know is the identity of the dickhead who thinks this should matter to anybody. That’s where a “chip” should really fall. This should be viewed for what it is; a sorry attempt to avoid having to prove political ability by feigning shock and outrage at a minor personal failing that has probably long since been resolved.

I am sure women will faint and men will shield their eyes when this subject is brought up. However, before getting too righteous about Mrs. Haley’s conduct, it might be instructive to review some of the private lives of our founding fathers. In South Carolina that might be asking a bit much, so let’s just skip to the 20th century. How about Winston Churchill? He experimented with opium in his youth, was very fond of tobacco and was sober a few hours each week. Of course, it was Winston’s wife who had the affairs. Franklin Roosevelt, on the other hand, had affairs, but used tobacco less and only had a cocktail or two in the evenings. Dwight Eisenhower was very fond of his jeep driver while Supreme Allied Commander. He also later became a Republican President. Locally, we had Strom “Brown Sugar” Thurmond. I understand there are still women around who rode on elevators with him. Maybe whoever is investigating Mrs. Haley can use their skills to find out more for us. There was one virtuous political figure of the 20th century. He never used profanity, would not tolerate tobacco use, and by all accounts never “dipped his wick”…..Adolf Hitler. You always want to go with the squeaky clean candidate.

Now, let’s ignore all those depressing old problems we have in South Carolina, grab a role of duct tape and a scarlet letter, and chase down Mrs. Haley. While were at it, let’s get some mustard based barbecue and make a party out of it. After the party is over, however, I am going to proudly vote for Mrs. Haley. Some much for falling chips.

Lily May 24, 2010 at 10:12 am

Aren’t you noble, Will, disclosing information which, even if true (doubtful, given your tendency to inflate your own importance and power), only you and one other person had. That does not make you brave. No matter what the circumstances, the right thing to do would have been to keep your mouth shut. Period.

Nikki Haley has infuriated the Statehouse boys and their vulture-consultants. Pigs squirming pigs in their slop. None of the rest of those guys have the power to move people because they stand for nothing. She does, and the public is responding. That’s what they are afraid of, and they should be. No matter how many rumors they pay for, they won’t stop her or the movement she’s energized. Hang in, Nikki.

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 10:15 am

Will, you are an f’n moron…

Boz Martin May 24, 2010 at 10:16 am

Pam, you left out some of the slime: Walter Whetsell, Mike Green and everyone at Starboard Communications. Not to mention Atwater’s meentee and cokehead/dealer Ravenel’s man, ol’ what’s his name. Or did you mention him already? See, coz I don’t even know his name. I just know that he helped the GOP establisment to maintain the stranglehold of the Good Ol’ Boy Country Club Repub Mafia in control here in Myrtle Beach and Horry County, and helped ruin our economy in the process.

I don’t give a damn who had an affair. I don’t care which party anyone belongs to. I just want the real crooks swept out of office. In my opinion, nobody but Nikki Haley can do that. Or at least get the process started.

No doubt this revelation will slow her surge in the polls a bit. I don’t think it will matter. Once Gresham Barrett’s role in the Chambergate scandal is widely known, he will be history. And the others are MUCH too tied in with the establisment themselves to fair well in this reform-minded election cycle.

Hang in, Will. I’m with ya, bro.

Alec May 24, 2010 at 10:17 am

Yes, you certainly are the victim in all of this. Much like Governor Sanford, your boss, was the victim in his tawdry affair. It’s those demons who expose your hypocrisy and selfishness who are to blame.

Republicans are truly like the kid who gets caught stealing candy. He’s not sorry for what he did. He’s sorry he got caught. I cannot believe all the people defending this behavior, and turning the cheater into the victim. No wonder the REpublican party is so devoid of any real morals.

How brave of you sir, to cheat with a married woman, and then admit it when you got caught. How very, very brave.

Would have ever admitted it if you hadn’t been caught? That might have been half way honorable.

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 10:18 am

“I can sleep at night knowing I handled this the best way I knew how”

No, you have not handled this the best way you could… if this was true you should have said something a long time ago… and then let the chips fall… if this is false, it’s despicable to say…

JC May 24, 2010 at 10:18 am

Hmmmm. So somebody’s leaking this info. And you don’t know who. But you say it’s being leaked. But it’s not…you, and you don’t know who’s behind it….

beentook2 May 24, 2010 at 10:20 am

Please remove my email address, profile etc. from your files.

I have no need to contact your blog from this day forward.

James May 24, 2010 at 10:22 am

I am glad you told the truth.

No Name May 24, 2010 at 10:24 am

A couple of thoughts.

1. Will fucking a married women is shitty …as there was a husband that no doubt would not be pleased…..also got to believe that you were not so horny as this was the only pussy you could tap at the time….so let me leave this one image for you to contemplate….some day in the future …….your wife will be going down on some guy other than you….because after all well sometimes we all have needs…right….in many cultures it is allowable to shoot someone like you….did you need to have this on you. Karma’s a bitch. Fucking married women is just dumb.

2. Nikki …..end your campaign today…..Mark got away with it because the mafia saw no downside to keeping him in place with his penis in a vice…..and Andre in charge scared everyone…..but you will be killed with this apparent lack of transparency…..ask yourself why you moved forward with this in your closet………did you have to cause this in your life….hope it was worth it and got to believe Will was not your only “strange”….go away and grow up a little… grow up a lot.

3. Contrary to what everyone on here is saying this will only enhance Will’s fame and brand …..just as he says….if his wife can be OK with it….and why not…. because she gets a pass any time she steps out on him….thus it is not only a non-issue to the site but a great traffice builder and excatly they way you handle something like this.

4. The timing is not an issue as different posters were threatening to expose it for quite some time ….so it can not have been that much of a surprise …..shits on Nikki for thinking it does not come out in the most brutal political state in America… gut says it was coming out soon….so Will got out in front.

5. Next up in the destruction zone is Gresham. So between Andre and Henry …..I think Henry wins.

6. Will use this publicity for all it is worth…..she consented….she was a big girl…..only you know if you met before she jumped into this and said what if it comes out we fucked… might have said I will not tell…so there is a story to be written on how and who fleshed this out.
I think your readers would like to see that story and it should be required reading for all pols in this State that pander the Christian Right while sinning.

7. Just once I would like a GOP candidate to open the campaign with this shit …..I would love to see if you can negate it by declaring up front….”I am against abortion….I love Jesus….but I have sinned a lot”.

Stay Thirsty my friend.

Transparency is a Bitch May 24, 2010 at 10:24 am

Love how you crazy people are blaming political operatives for her cheating on her family. I only hope Sarah Palin got paid up front!

Math Mom May 24, 2010 at 10:26 am

Not what I expected first thing this morning…will continue to read this site because it is the best [& most honest] but will definitely rethink the Haley vote. But if I don’t vote for her I vote for one of these lowlifes that started this whole thing. Why must SC politics be this way??

Joe Schmoe May 24, 2010 at 10:26 am

All these commentors seem to be giving Folks a pass because he wasn’t married. Haley was.

When did it become acceptable for a single man to be intimate with another man’s wife???

Fred May 24, 2010 at 10:29 am

She takes the fall and FITSNews News benefits. That sucks!

Any of us that KNOWS Will Folks will agree that he has probably taken money from another campaign to assist with this “honorable” leak.

Good news for Nicki is she can go back to her sister’s church and forget about that Methodist shit she has been scamming all of you with.

BTW, Will: your pic on makes you look like a retarded Pimp.


Leigh May 24, 2010 at 10:29 am

You know I’ve always supported you 100%. Yes, you are a little nuts sometimes but I love the way you put things into perspective. You know I’ve always respected you. I thank you for being so open and honest about this. I’m actually pretty shocked at the news but I know how horrible some of these SC boys can be to you. I have always wished you and your wife and family the best and this to shall pass. Hang in there.

One question though…Nikki is apparently denying it…surely you consulted with her at some point on this.? Maybe…No?

Better B Glad May 24, 2010 at 10:30 am

Will, I admire you for hitting this news head on. It says something for your character, and your willingness to be open. I will say, you are not running for a public office, nor were you married, therefore I have no comments to you. As for Ms. Haley, who has been trouncing around as the moral majority, and for being married at the time, I believe this should disqualify her as a candidate. For those of you that believe your personal life is none of our business I would like to respectfully disagree. ANY person elected to a public office has to be an open book, and if they have made a very poor decision in the past is should be considered as a disqualifier. From Ms. Haley’s point of view…she is claiming to change “Washington” and doesnt like the direction of our country….well I certainly wouldnt like anyone running our state that has made such a poor judgment to have an affair while married with children. I am a woman, and I valued Ms. Haley’s run as a woman, even though I did not agree with her on a few issues, I still was rooting for her slightly. ANY governement official that breaks there own personal moral code in there own personal life, no matter how many years ago, should be disqualified as a candadite. If they would break there own moral code, what makes you think they wouldn’t make a bad decision when put in a situation. Past behavior is ALWAYS a good indication for future behavior. If they didnt have respect for their own personal life, their children’s lives, what makes you think they are going to have total respect for our state??? Sorry Ms. Haley….your out.

HMMM May 24, 2010 at 10:31 am

Lay off the consultants. Whatever “lowlife” started this thing is giving you information that you need to know about a candidate who is leading the field for governor, possibly preventing you from electing someone who will disgrace the governor’s office and embarrass the state like Sanford did. It needs to be known, and it needs to influence your vote.

Let me get this straight May 24, 2010 at 10:34 am

So you beat women and have affairs with married women. What happened to you that you turned out to be such a despicable human being? And why can’t you finally go get some help?

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 10:35 am

“Hmmmm. So somebody’s leaking this info. And you don’t know who. But you say it’s being leaked. But it’s not…you, and you don’t know who’s behind it….”

That’s what I don’t get either… who are these “operatives”… whose campaign is behind this… and why didn’t they say something to Palin and Romney?

Philip Branton May 24, 2010 at 10:36 am


Catherine Ceips….LOL….!!!

Well, Wil….as in a previous post. Talk about protecting your flank and REAR positions…!!

It is with greatest concern that Nikki does WHAT…!!??

Considering the Gresham goatee, it is the right time for what type of action…??

Nikki…(yes YOU!!) We highly suggest that you do what..?? Keep MOVING…!! Come out with an ISSUE assault..!! Gresham was on WTMA this morning and said squat about SC local energy..!@! Gresham is still bending over to big OIL…!! Yeah we may have a pool of natural GAS; but he mentioned NOTHING about the wind ENERGY that is blowing all over OUR state..!? Gresham spoke of switch grass and sweet potatoes but said nothing concerning Algae Bio-Diesel that our BLACK small farmers could be franchising and producing in partnership with BOEING…!!! Nikki, BLAST Gresham and BAUER for not supporting …WHAT…??

Nikki, look into the camera and ask Gresham how Arab Soil is being protected with new technology that is not being used in our state to CLOSE all landfills…!?!

Nikki….look into the camera and let voters know that Wil Folks was just too sexy in years gone by and YOU were swooned…!! Let voters know that Wil is a REAL he-MAN unlike Gresham or Barrett, or McMaster….!!!

Nikki ….NOW it the time…NOW…!!! (Fist Poundz…!)

Get on a HORSE and put on a hat and be just like NANCY GRACE instead of DALE Petersen….!!!!

Nikki, you give a RIP about South Carolina….!! (Fist Poundz..!)

Bauer, Henry and Barrette’h can Rest In Peace…..!!!

Nikki…..NO SMILING….!!!!!

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 10:37 am

Lay off the consultants. Whatever “lowlife” started this thing is giving you information that you need to know about a candidate who is leading the field for governor, possibly preventing you from electing someone who will disgrace the governor’s office and embarrass the state like Sanford did. It needs to be known, and it needs to influence your vote.

No, the consultants should have informed a lot of people who got behind Haley if this is true… they failed… and they should be brought to account for their failure…

R May 24, 2010 at 10:38 am

I’ll say this much. I’m disappointed at this but still support Nikki. I’m sure Rod Sheally and the Barrett slime balls are behind this leak. They just assured that if Barrett wins the GOP primary I’m voting for the democrat.

Hardee Boie May 24, 2010 at 10:39 am

Once again, some dirty political s.o.b.’s want to bring someone down that wants to do good for South Carolina. It proves that the “good old boy” system is still alive and well. All they want to do is continue to “control” our state and if we don’t stop them they will continue to do just that. The people of this State deserve to know who they are so we can once and for all “get their sorry asses out of office”.

same ole politics May 24, 2010 at 10:39 am

She’s denying it…shocking

cfd007 May 24, 2010 at 10:42 am

Still voting for Nikki. Still the best person for the job,

LosGatosCA May 24, 2010 at 10:46 am

U a player now! And it wasn’t another man, that’s a surprise.

Alec May 24, 2010 at 10:46 am

Don’t you all get that this “honorable” man only told the truth because he got caught? How brave is that?

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 10:48 am

She denies it…

Specifically, within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media. I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week.

Where is this evidence? I don’t think Will by himself is believable… yeah he has “supported” Nikki on his blog, but he is really bitter against Sanford…

John May 24, 2010 at 10:50 am

Is SC ready for another adulterer?

jerry May 24, 2010 at 10:52 am


bqueen May 24, 2010 at 10:53 am

Uh…there must not be hard proof if she is denying it. Deny deny deny is the name of the game. In the meantime, she will continue to run on her family and christian values platform. This is sickening. You would think she would admit it at this point.

Oh, and Will…she’s calling you out.

Paul May 24, 2010 at 10:54 am

It’s 2010 and the only reason this is an issue is be cause of Republicans persistent use of “Family Values” to scare voters into voting against their own interests and privacy by trying to legislate morality, while undermining effective government, and corporatizing our country into an oligarchy. As long as the Republican party exploits their warped sense of Morality as a campaign issue, while promoting the discrimination of gays and ethnic minorites, they have no right to complain when their dirty laundry is aired. Conservatives have the audacity to believe they can determine whom can marry whom, yet it is all too obvious that they can’t seem to honor their own marriages. I applaud you for coming clean and exposing yet another conservative fraud, but I feel no sympathy for what you have been through with the “political operatives”, and hope they continue to “cut to pieces” other Cconservative Candidates and journalists and expose them as the frauds they are.

It was in your closet all along May 24, 2010 at 10:54 am


So, you went to D.C., harassed a staffer, and had security called on you all in an attempt to disclose an affair that you never proved in order to damage your Girl’s opponent; all when you had the facts concerning your naughty little tryst with Nikki all along. Such hypocrisy! Damaging lives left and right (Kristen McGuire for one), while attempting to come across as a martyr in your own confession. Get a life!!

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 10:57 am

BTW, she denies it BUT also canceled her interview with WIS 10…

Some might say this is evidence of her guilt… but I think it say something else..

If Will truly did have an affair AND truly cared about Nikki’s campaign he would have at least alerted her that he was going to go public…

The fact that she canceled the WIS 10 interview right after FITS put up this story shows that either…

1) he didn’t really have an affair with Haley
2) he doesn’t care about her campaign

Which is it?

And please, who was behind these leaks Fits?

politicsaredumb May 24, 2010 at 11:00 am

Politicians will never learn – the hypocrites will maintain their “moral high ground” until their own sins bite them – then they apologize and ask for forgiveness. If you aren’t moral yourself – stop spouting your religious right”ness”…

ANd I will not put this blogger on a pedestal because he came out with his own trangression – ONLY BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO BE DRAGGED OUT THROUGH THE MUD. Sure you are doing the right thing for your family – NOW.

You would never had said anything though if someone hadn’t mentioned it was going to press… way to be morally correct, when you have to…

You Said What? May 24, 2010 at 11:02 am

The irony in this is how she distanced herself from the luv guv after his announcement – removing references to Sanfraud after the big get. How far can she run from herself this time? Mark and Nikki — cut from the same cloth and both as weak morally as a cheap suit. Is being stupid and horny a requirement to run for SC politics?

Catherine May 24, 2010 at 11:02 am

I think its extremely indicative of the sheep mentality of most people in this god forsaken state that you assholes will believe Will merely because he posted it on his blog. You have no proof. Most of you don’t know Will personally. Yet you believe him because he wrote it. This doesn’t harm his credibility in any way. Everyone knows Will was a whore before he got married. What you don’t know is whether Nikki Haley is an adulteress. I can’t believe you people. Ignorant SHEEP! Show me the proof! Tell me who was leaking the info. Then I may believe you. However,I don’t care if Nikki Haley fucked every legislator at the state house for money. I’m still voting for her.

Clemson2009 May 24, 2010 at 11:02 am


You wish, Will. Keep on dreaming.

Gross May 24, 2010 at 11:03 am

You slept with Nikki Setzler?

Wait…just re-read the post. Never mind.

Please go about your business….

Joe Paluka May 24, 2010 at 11:05 am

what was inappropriate about it? lighten up. A good roll in the hay never hurts anybody.

will folks is a wiener May 24, 2010 at 11:06 am

folks = cumbucket

CLG May 24, 2010 at 11:06 am

When did it become ok to honor the institution of marriage only after you, yourself, get married? IF this story is true shame on both Nikki and Will. And shame on Nikki for being a hypocrit and running on the ideals of family and Christian values. IF there is truth to this there is no way I can support her now and become a hypocrit myself. I’m very disappointed.

The Colonel May 24, 2010 at 11:06 am

At the risk of repeating myself, DAMN!

And now it gets better, Haley is on the record denying it. So do we have a case of what the meaning of “is” is or is there more going on than meets the blog?

My wife would think my going to lunch with another woman alone would be “inappropriate” (and to my narrow mind, she’d be right).

Nikki can’t be so stupid that she’d flatly deny this while the other member of the tryst is saying the relationshp was inappropriate – there is obviously more to the (possibly) sordid tale.

james conrad May 24, 2010 at 11:07 am

Wil, Very honorable! I commend your honesty!

The Truth May 24, 2010 at 11:07 am

I hope you have some proof or you might find yourself in a lawsuit!

WorkingTommyC May 24, 2010 at 11:08 am

IF Will were as brilliant–as I have always supposed him to be–I would imagine that he is pulling this as a prank to destroy the destroyers–kind of like setting off a bomb to blow up an even bigger bomb by dispersing its elements.

If he comes out later and says he was stating this bull***t (and I DO believe it to be absolute nonsense) and admits that it is not true to make a point to people trying to cause him and Nikki trouble (and someone has been on the internet posting this idiotic stuff for well over a year now) this could destroy the issue that the connivers were hoping to use against Nikki at this, the last minute before the elections.

(And, yeah, I’m smoking dope if I think that’s really the case regarding Will’s true motives–which are–what???)

If this pile of fly-ridden excrement were true, why did they not (do whatever they did to) convince Will to come out with this earlier? It is obviously meant as a desperate attempt to affect the elections.

BZ May 24, 2010 at 11:10 am

1 down; 2 to go.

Will — we appreciate all of your efforts to introduce the concept of honesty to this Peyton Place (SC government). Nikki Haley should have known better, however. This is the signature MO of Knottsian politics: Set you up just to knock you down. She should have been suspect all along of such an easy ride to the top.

We don’t need a governor who doesn’t know that when you play with fire, you are going to get burned.

Olivia May 24, 2010 at 11:11 am

How “easy” it is to start rumors…like a brush fire.. lets see, Nikki is leading in the polls, what can we do to bring her down, lets see some proof.. Good ole boyz playing dirty politics, I would sue!!

Mike Keller May 24, 2010 at 11:12 am

If Mr. Folks wasn’t married at the time then whay is this NEWS? I would have to say Mr. Folks is a LIAR prior to the Primary. Good Luck Nickki!!

The Todd May 24, 2010 at 11:12 am

Phillip Branton you are completely and totally insane.

My God.

Mike Keller May 24, 2010 at 11:16 am

Hey Will, answer this for me…. Does your Mother know you are a Queer Yet? Just a yes/no will suffice.

Step to the Right May 24, 2010 at 11:16 am

Joe Schmoe is right! Adultery |??d?lt(?)r?|noun: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.
Too bad those pesky Suttons – Russo v. Sutton, S.C., 422 S.E.2d 750 (1992) got the SC Supreme Court to abolished the tort of alienation of affections back in 1992. Can you say, “sealed records”! Let’s face it, there is no real legal penalty for adultery and so the ‘hoes and bad boys’ just keep at it – At least the Democrats can still get elected if they get caught! Democrats seldom mention family values or belief in God just in case this comes up – but they like to use the church to hand out voting orders to the flock, which is very helpful!

Mike May 24, 2010 at 11:16 am

Now that she has denied it, this is a whole new ball game. When she has to backtrack it will be even worse.

Now, one has to wonder if she was one of the other woman Sanford admitted to crossing the line with?

john May 24, 2010 at 11:17 am

just another slut who can’t keep her legs closed… much for being a “christian”

CNChapin May 24, 2010 at 11:19 am

If there ever was a time to come out on the record saying that Bauer is a homo, NOW is the time! ;)

FunInTheSun May 24, 2010 at 11:19 am

The candidate, Rep. Nikki Haley, vehemently denied the allegation, made in a post on blogger Will Folks’ website that contained no proof of a relationship. Haley called the claim a “disgraceful smear” planted to derail her campaign, which has gained steam from high-powered endorsements, including one from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

“I have been 100 percent faithful to my husband throughout our 13 years of marriage. This claim against me is categorically and totally false,” Haley, a 38-year-old mother of two, said in a statement. “It is quite simply South Carolina politics at its worst.”

So someone here is the liar. I’m betting it’s the politician. Color me shocked! This statement by Haley is calling you a liar. Will you still support her even as she lies to cover her ass?

mike May 24, 2010 at 11:22 am

WTC: Pass over that doobie bro. God I hope your right. I am still voting for Nikki. I dont care.

I care that I continue getting RINO effed, by a party that says they are for lower taxes and individual freedom.

Will, can you please come out now and say you had an inappropriate physical relationship with Bauer.

Mike May 24, 2010 at 11:22 am


She is basically calling you a liar and claiming that you are engaging in SC politics at its worst.

What say you?

Crazy Liberal May 24, 2010 at 11:23 am

Mr. Folks, if you really did respected Haley, then you would have STFU and not say or do anything that would endanger her election. Once again, Republican Family Values got their a$$ kicked, but now, you losers want sympathy. Pathetic!

Osiris May 24, 2010 at 11:23 am

Hey Dogface (Will)! Do you need the attention that much that you’re willing to besmirch a good woman’s reputation, as well as destroy her family and ruin her career? I’ve come across pitiful people like you before. There is a special place in HELL reserved for people like you.

Nigel May 24, 2010 at 11:24 am

While an apology may be the “adult” thing to do, it doesn’t make Folks anything more than a cheap, immoral slut and Nikki Haley anything more than an adulterer. Why would I vote for someone to manage a state if she can’t even manage her home?

Also, this ought to disqualify any statement of substance Folks makes regarding the SC governor’s race as his viewpoint is automatically tainted and biased.

Now I really hope my buddy in DC will reconsider releasing bit by bit the evidence of Will’s adultery AFTER his marriage.

Rebel May 24, 2010 at 11:25 am

I don’t believe a word of it, not as far as what is being implied. We have no definition of what ‘inappropriate physical relationship’ is, and as she is denying ever having an affair of the Sanfordian sense, I will wait until this stunt plays itself out. I have faith that Sic knows what he is doing however. And I hope it results in a few operative/consultant types being ultimately destroyed.

Max May 24, 2010 at 11:25 am

You’re a liar and Nikki Haley has called you one herself. Clearly, you picked up more then one bad habit from Gov. Sanford.

SOP May 24, 2010 at 11:25 am

I thought this guy (Will) was busted at an I-26 Rest Area gay sex sting.

aaron burr May 24, 2010 at 11:26 am

Nikki is denying it– she’s calling you a liar.
La Socialista has printed Nikki’s denial, saying it is “categorically false.”
What’s up with that?

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 11:27 am

BTW, since she has now denied the affair then

A) she is completely through if she is caught in a lie… and since Will himself says that one media outlet is coming out with proof, I hope we see that proof… and I hope that if it isn’t true that Haley sues for defamation of character…
B) her chances are greatly diminished because people will always believe the worst…

There is something really fishy about this “revelation”… it comes off rather bragging like and without a care for Nikki or her campaign… if it was true and he he cared about her campaign(which are both things he asserts), then it wouldn’t have been handled this way…

If these are GOP operatives, they need to be exposed for not warning national figures like Romney and Palin… opposition research is great, but you need to limit the damage to the party…

And if this is true Nikki, you should have dropped out of the gov race and reran for your seat… and tried a run for higher office much, much later… like 6-10 years… then the affair would have probably been over a decade ago and people likely would not have cared much…

Mike Traynor May 24, 2010 at 11:28 am

Haley is throwing you under the bus.

Time to show the photos. Tell us about the cute little mole on the inside of her thigh. Bet she doesn’t cut the grass–big bush!

newzjunkie May 24, 2010 at 11:29 am

Sic Will,

You have out done yourself! Well, well… It appears the apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree. Anyone close to the vest with Sanford is a sanFRAUD!!!

Hmmm, you, Haley… Who’s next – Davis or Ballentine? Show your cards boys…

Ride, Sally, Ride! Yee-haw!

PandaChris1 May 24, 2010 at 11:30 am

I think that it is testimony to Will’s love for his family that he did this.

Will has been involved in some really vile shenanigans with Sanford and his cronies as they ran ramshod over their political opponents…regardless of what positions Sanford, Will, Nikki and their supportters have taken, their slash and burn approach to their political opponents sowed this.

Having said that, Will and this website have always spoken the truth, although many times this was used to hurt/tarnish/destroy their opponents.

For the life of me, I cannot imagine why anyone would think he would lie about this…absolutely no good to come of this for anyone that he cares about.

People need to pray for him and his family. If any second guessing or castigating is to be done, it should be a time for all of the morally bankrupt people who enjoy seeing others’ lives destroyed all for political gain. Sanford and his cronies are at the top of this list.

Nothing to be happy about here, nothing at all.

Will, even the worst sinners have a right to His Mercy. He has given you the continued love and support of your family…draw strength from that.

Rusty_Nail May 24, 2010 at 11:32 am

Poor poor Will. What do the bad guys really have on you? Why would you even come out with a he said/she said if you don’t have any more proof than your work.

I could say I had an inappropriate relationship with Nikki too. All the way up til the time the alarm clock went off.

John the Beloved May 24, 2010 at 11:33 am

You are a dawg, that Nikki is one fine S.C. piece of meat. High five buddy!

Joey May 24, 2010 at 11:34 am

I don’t know what your motivations are, but I think you’re full of sh!t. If you were really a champion of Haley, you’re not now. Apparently you and FitsNews can be bought.

Whatever the case, you have probably just single-handedly given the primary win to Andre. For that you’re scum. IF (big “if”) this is true, you really should have come out when she first announced she was running for Governor. But no, like all dirty politicians you waited until basically the Eleventh Hour. Thanks for leaving two weeks to sort this out!

Not Sayin', Just Sayin' May 24, 2010 at 11:35 am

Forget Will’s relationship with Haley coloring his coverage of her political campaign, the fact that he slept with a Clemson graduate explains why his coverage of USC is so negative and his coverage of Clemson is so positive. GINO!

cdaddy May 24, 2010 at 11:35 am

The only way this could be ” an inappropriate physical relationship” is for Nikki Haley to have been married at the time. So, Will is admitting to having an affair with a married woman. While people on this blog easily exonerate him, what about Mrs. Haley? What about her infidelity to the sanctity of her marriage? Her character? Do you ignore it for the sake expediency?

John the Beloved May 24, 2010 at 11:36 am

Nikki is saying she didn’t have “an affair” with Folks, she is not saying she didn’t go down on that blog weiner, or maybe even open the back door to him (the Christians, like Clinton, say it is not cheating and it is not an affair and it is not adultery unless it’s pure woman on the bottom, face-to-face missionary position heterosexual intercourse.

crocodile tears May 24, 2010 at 11:36 am

Not so surprised by the news, since that rumor about Will and Nikki has been around for years. Even so, the timing of this bombshell and FITS as the source sure lit up my Monday morning.

So my question is this – will the other(s) with whom Haley’s allegedly been involved come forward, too?? Fairly reliable sources have indicated that there has been at least one other “special friend” who is allegedly elected…and very married.

Even for the queen of transparancy, sunshine can sure be a bitch!

Name Names'!! May 24, 2010 at 11:39 am

If you don’t name the names of those who’ve threatened to release this information, then YOU are simply part of the problem.

Open truth is all we need.

mike May 24, 2010 at 11:39 am

Did Will have an alternative site called like who is will folks or what the folks? Wasnt there something in there about having an affair with Nikki?

Michael May 24, 2010 at 11:40 am

Brother, I’ve never even heard of you until now. I had to Google you to figure out who the eff you were. “no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process” This cracks me up man. You have NO impact! BTW…the first result that came back from your name search was a guilty plea to criminal domestic violence. Are you the same Will Folks? Keep your pimp hand strong man!

Bobby May 24, 2010 at 11:41 am

All of you who think this is honorable of him…

Kissing and telling isn’t honorable. Maybe keeping it in his pants would have been the honorable thing to do. Assuming this is even true.

blogo anon May 24, 2010 at 11:41 am

Strippers and pole dancing of Michael Steele’s Party of sexual perversion.

Dean girl, live boy and horny blogger.


WorkingTommyC May 24, 2010 at 11:48 am


In ninth grade in a crowded hallway between classes, I once accidentally swung my hand backwards into the pubic region of a very attractive girl who was a classmate of mine.

She laughed about it and called attention to it–embarrassing me–though she knew it was only accidental (I should have asked her to marry me right then and there, I know).

However, no matter how momentary the contact was, it WAS an “inappropriate physical relationship”–at least “from a certain viewpoint” as Obiwan Kenobi might put it. =:>)

marymac May 24, 2010 at 11:48 am

Wonder how Jenny will react to this one?

owen May 24, 2010 at 11:49 am

leaving out the names of those who threatened you and Haley with this makes no sense at all and weakens your claim to forthrightness. someone will profit from damage to Haley, and you are providing the ammo.

Gelda May 24, 2010 at 11:52 am

Well there is just no other alternative. Jenny is going to have to stand in for Nicki during her hour of need. Maybe the Governor will open up his remaining campaign war chest as a way of paying back her family’s contributions. Maybe this was part of the divorce settlement details. This smacks of a Bill and Hillary circuitous payback deal.

Scooter May 24, 2010 at 11:56 am

Will, could you be any more sappy. You are not the victim. Talk about paranoid. I really do not believe there is a conspiracy to “take you down”. Some people have been talking about this for awhile now. You came forward only after you knew this was going to hit a paper this week. Although, you could deny it, coming clean now is what you felt you must do, but please don’t make it sound like you are being victimized. You are not the biggest dog in town. You were not married, but that is between you and your wife. Nikki was married, and she knew when she ran for gov. that somebody would talk about this. She deserves no sympathy either. She knew the chances and she made her choice. She is not a victim either. After all the ugly things you have said about other people in politics, and suggesting that any number of them are unfaithful, gay, bi-sexual, dope using….why would it be unfair to call you out. Some of the other folks are not even what you have printed about them. I hope this proves once again that these conservative, right wing, anti-government people are sometimes just the thing they yell so loudly against. Wasn’t going to vote for Haley, and have heard about you two for sometime now. Wondered if you would admit it. Truthfully, Haley has to admit this and other things. She can run, but I hope to Heavens she will not win. This is just another thing I do not like about her. Sorry for your wife and her family. Not you, not her.

Tom Pelican May 24, 2010 at 11:57 am

Will Folks is a true gutter slut and will do and say anything to promote himself.

lol May 24, 2010 at 11:58 am

You people are so ignorant. Do you REALLY think that Nikki would touch that fat slob?

This is obviously a ploy to get her poll ratings down. Sic does not and has not supported Haley– ever. Any comments that suggested some positive tint were prob setting this up. What a joke that people actually believe this garbage.

Pragmatists May 24, 2010 at 11:58 am

I’m pretty sure it isn’t a “smear” if it’s the truth. I’m pretty sure Monica Lewinski did not “smear” Bill Clinton. so Will, get a grip. You weren’t smeared. You were caught. Just like the Governor. Just like Senator Crag and Senator Vitter. Just like Dr, Rekers and the Reverend Haggard.
If you’re going to stand up. stand up straight.

LuckysLady May 24, 2010 at 12:01 pm

All this from the scumbag who pushes women around, pleads guilty then says he didn’t do it… I call BS….

HIPAA Violator May 24, 2010 at 12:02 pm is now leading with Wil’s mug shot.

CNSYD May 24, 2010 at 12:03 pm

You support Haley. I do not. Who slept with whom and when play no part in my decision. You and I will cancel each other out on election day.

bc3b May 24, 2010 at 12:03 pm

Is your wife the same woman you were arrested for roughing up about five years ago?

This smells to high heaven. No offense Will, but I trust you abour as far as I can throw Chris Christie.

Interesting May 24, 2010 at 12:03 pm

This is unfortunate. You should have not gushed over her so much, since your affair, or whatever you want to call it.
You could have put a disclaimer in prior gushy posts without leaving it all out there. “I have a few personal reasons to like Ms. Haley, but that doesn’t change the fact that this proposal is blah blah blah.”
Truly sorry for your family.
I am putting this in John Edwards category. Everybody agrees he is a slimeball for having an affair while his wife was battling cancer and impregnating his camera-wielding concubine.
But I’m sorry, Oprah and the universe, where’s her culpability. He was a publicly married man. There’s no way she was fooled at the beginning thinking he wasn’t married.
I have, in my head, say she is a very bad person, just as bad as John Edwards. She has the same level of character slime. She lacks only his extra touch of audacity in that she didn’t think she could be so sinful and maybe even evil, yet still win the presidency.
So there’s no way around it here as well. She was married, she committed a sin in the religion she apparently follows. She will have to deal with that in its ways.
But it’s on you as well. You want to honor the institution of marriage, you have to honor all marriages, not just your own.
A real shame.

ckc May 24, 2010 at 12:04 pm

Your an idiot!Just a little whore looking for your 15 mins.Why didnt you say something the day after the affair? Dumb ass.

No Way! May 24, 2010 at 12:09 pm

No worries! This is just some meaningless attempt to have her chances ravaged! Either a worried Republican or Desperate Democrat Jackass!

Ungrateful May 24, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Let’s assume everything you said is true. What good did this do? This woman was nice enough to give you a piece of ass. I’ve seen your pic and you’re not a handsome man. You show your gratitude by ratting her out and point out her bad taste in picking a guy for an affair. All that’s really out there is rumor and innuendo, just like every other politician has swirling around.

You’ve proceeded to ruin this woman’s life. Did you think about her kids? You’re a douchebag, and I hope Karma rips you a new asshole.

Sam Morton May 24, 2010 at 12:13 pm


I don’t know you personally but work out with your mother at cardiac rehab. There’s no finer human on the earth than she. I disagree with you politically on many fronts, but sometiemes politics should be set aside for sheer humanity.

I wish you and your family peace and God’s grace and the same for Rep. Haley.

really5 May 24, 2010 at 12:13 pm

The facts will come out in a matter of days.

shiya May 24, 2010 at 12:17 pm

Hey Will,
Dont forget to tune into the Daily Show tonight because YOU will be in it.

I will continue reading this site because as today’s news confirms it…its the best site for juicy delicious gossip.

You dont owe anyone an apology…but maybe you could commiserate with one woman who fled to Canada because she was simply blogging about her sexual fantasies. I remember how gleefully this site covered it day after day.

Trevor Bauknight May 24, 2010 at 12:17 pm

Gotta say, as disingenuous and reckless as I feel the Tea Party candidates have been, I’m really not interested in seeing Nikki Haley attacked for her personal indiscretions or for her religious background (as satisfying as exposing some hypocrisy vis-a-vis the political views of some other Tea Party-aligned figures might seem). I’ve looked over Haley’s website as best as I can this morning (although for some reason it doesn’t appear all that responsive), and I find myself in agreement with many of her positions as stated.

That said, I don’t think I’ve ever read a more self-aggrandizing piece of writing than this one.

“Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process, but I like to think that the stories I break, the debates I drive and the opinions I help shape all speak to the potency of the brand I’ve created.”

Seriously? I live in Sumter, and I’ve never heard anybody say a word about this website. Ever. I mean, it’s a fine website, but a potent brand? The debates you “drive”? C’mon.

When Bill Clinton had an affair and lied about it to a fishing expedition, that was enough for an impeachment. When it’s one of the numerous family-values conservatives that get caught, well it’s always time for healing, time to move past the politics of personal destruction and all that. I couldn’t possibly care less about your dalliances with Nikki Haley, at least not until Nikki Haley starts telling the rest of us how we should live our lives. I haven’t really been exposed to that, and I doubt I’ll be voting in the GOP Primary, but all that is beside the point.

This isn’t about you. It’s about the Tea Party and the hypocrisy of its leading figures across the nation. People like Sarah Palin who support the bank bailout and then rage against it when it’s politically convenient. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame.

Thomas Jones May 24, 2010 at 12:18 pm

She needs to come out and admit it, and get it over with quick.

Clearly she is not going to get over this if she CONTINUES her Lies to her family first.

She is the only one that screwed up.

Dumb SLITCH(SL T Bit h!)

MKG May 24, 2010 at 12:19 pm

I will no longer subscribe to this blog. What a fu#king lowlife asshole, POS you are. If true, which I totally believe it is not, that’s not anyone else’s business. You are one of the many reasons politics in this state is crooked & sucks.

J.P. May 24, 2010 at 12:19 pm

Why do you owe your wife an apology for hooking up with a woman before you and your wife were together? Care to elaborate on that? Because that makes no sense.

Jim May 24, 2010 at 12:24 pm

Enough is enough. I am sick and tired of Republican Sex Scandals. This is another example of what happens when you fail to purge the Republican party of those who just don’t belong. I have read on numerous occasions that Folks considers himself a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Well the Republican party must have no place for this contradiction. Why? Because people who purport to be fiscal conservatives and social liberals cannot be trusted. They are only interested in what benefits them personally and to heck with everyone else; and what is right.

They don’t give a ##@! about this state or this country. They are fiscal conservatives because they are being paid, or they think it will save them money, or they think it will bring them power. In short they stand for nothing but their own self interest. Honesty?? Integrity?? Really. You’re screwing around with another man’s wife, and you want to claim the mantle of honesty??? Even worse before someone else outed you you were going to let the party support this woman, when you knew she was just another Sanford in training.

As far as I am concerned Haley is a RINO and Will Folks is a RINO. They need to be purged from the party along with all the other RINOs, like Mark Sanford. It is no surprise to me that Haley is being supported by the other fake conservative. Te Republican party needs to return to its roots; fiscal and social conservatism. The time has come to purge the party of fake conservatives. The party needs to turn its back on Haley, and anyone else who purports to be something they are not (which in this case is worthy of public trust). If we allow people like this to represent the Republican Party, we deserve to lose power.

Saying, I’m sorry, and we are all human is not enough. There are millions of Americans who have never cheated on their spouse, committed a crime or associated themselves with people who do. The Republican party needs to seek those people out, and abandon those who lack moral character. If you want to vote Republican, fine; but there can be no place for you in the leadership. This isn’t church. We do not have to forgive and forget. We now have two more people associated with Sanford who cannot be trusted. Its time put them behind us with Mark Sanford, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, John Ensign, and David Vitter. Which unfortunately only a few.

Mike May 24, 2010 at 12:24 pm

Talk about salvaging you credibility and that of this site. With the other half of the “two to tango” calling you out extremely hard, I’d say you might have to push back if you want to save some of that which you are pro-porting to have…credibility.

Lucinda May 24, 2010 at 12:28 pm

I came to this website after seeing it on the news. The first thing I noticed were all the ads for Mcmasters for governor. The second I noticed how many people had commented on this so called story and that there ar links to other sites that carry this story. You did what you set out to do, make money. The traffic has increased to your site and I believe your were paid to say what you did about Haley by someone in McMasters team if not the big man himself. You have no values.

TimTipper May 24, 2010 at 12:29 pm

So it’s a he said she said with “to be announced” corroborative information to be leaked in the main stream media? But in an effort to make himself relevant, Will comes clean and takes the martyr approach.
I’m not buying this one bit. It’s a shame to see how many people are buying it. It doesn’t take a sleuth to understand Nikki Haley is being targeted and Will is just another shameless opportunist.

PFR May 24, 2010 at 12:29 pm

“I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki.” Yes, I can see that’s tellin’ it like it is.

Steve V May 24, 2010 at 12:30 pm

Wow…like this could never happen? You people are ignorant. Two people working close together and things go too far. First time ever I’m sure. Stay strong Will. Don’t listen to these chumps. They don’t live in the real world.

Gary May 24, 2010 at 12:31 pm

Hey Will, didn’t you wear a bag over your head? Maybe she substituted a stand-in.

USC Sucks May 24, 2010 at 12:33 pm

The reason he rags on USC is because it’s a shitty state school. And its third-tier law school is a joke.

TemplarSC May 24, 2010 at 12:34 pm

I’m sorry but the timing of this “news” is suspect at best. McMaster and the rest of the “Good ol’ boys” have to do something to stem the tide as the polls show Nikki has rocketed to the top. So I call H***e Sh*t on this.

Soft Sigh from Hell May 24, 2010 at 12:35 pm

Somewhere deep in Hell the haint of Lee Atwater gets a few more hot pitchfork pokes. His legacy lives on. Well at least Nooky Haley and Will F*cks have convenient popular epithets.

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 12:35 pm

“The facts will come out in a matter of days.”

What facts??? If you’ve got facts then spill them now… all we now have is a he-said, she-said…

“You came forward only after you knew this was going to hit a paper this week.”

Maybe… but Will said this:

Watching all of this unfold, I have become convinced that the gradual release of this information is deliberately designed to advance this story in the press while simultaneously forcing either evasive answers or denials on my part or on Nikki’s part.

Well now we have Will saying one thing… and Haley saying another… what’s worse… “evasive answers” or complete contradictions? This announcement makes no sense whatsoever, even if a newspaper was working on a story… It’s obvious that he didn’t run this past the Haley campaign… which would have been a smart thing to do no matter what…

Sick of the "good ole boys" May 24, 2010 at 12:35 pm

Why is everyone assuming that you are telling the truth? Most of the comments on here have already tried and convicted Nikki Haley based on your statement! Nikki Haley is one class act and I WILL vote for her in 2 weeks!Get a life!

Jim Fletcher May 24, 2010 at 12:37 pm

What’s clear is that Will is more concerned about his job than he is about Haley’s family.

If he were a real man, he’d keep his mouth shut.

Not only does he sleep with a married woman, he thinks nothing about throwing her under the bus because it’s most convenient for him.

Everyone makes mistakes. But coming forward with this now was the easy thing to do. Like pushing a woman off the sinking Titanic so you can get her spot in the life boat.

You folks who praise Will for this… you turn my stomach.

John Holmes May 24, 2010 at 12:44 pm

Will boinkin Nikki??? Lucky man, I too would like some of that!!

jamal May 24, 2010 at 12:44 pm

If this is true, then you’re either a) criminally stupid to think this would somehow “help” her campaign, or b) exploiting a relationship you had with her for your own ulterior motives. Either way, you are one ruthless and mean-spirited individual.

If it is false, then one of the worst things you can do is to bear false witness against the character of a woman, IMO. Karma’s a bitch. Keep that in mind.

Bodo Wieringa May 24, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Here we go again, The facination of this country with other peoples sexlife. IT’S NOBODY’S BUSINESS. and BTW I agree with your choice of wgo to support for governor

Seymour Glass May 24, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Oh, her denial is simply a lie, and anyone who knows anything about SC politics is all too familiar with her hypocrisy. Those of you blaming political operatives for exposing this little tryst are probably the same people who lambasted Sanford and any other politician who admit their indiscretions. How best could Haley have prevented her past from coming to light? Simple… 1) don’t commit adultery, and 2) there is no #2. She’s campaigning to be governor, to be the highest representative of our state, and therefore, her personal choices should be taken into account.

Catherine May 24, 2010 at 12:46 pm

That’s pretty “ballsy” of Haley to deny this. Folks is NOT lying about this and I know there is information that is going to prove her a liar if she continues to deny. Why add LIAR to the list with ADULTERESS?

proudof sc May 24, 2010 at 12:46 pm

All those who write that Haley’s behavior does not matter greatly pain me. I, too, have heard the rumors about Haley and Folks for years. I have, personlly, seen her inappropriate action with men in power.

Integrity, character, truth still matters. How can some of you say you will still vote for her after her ability to tell the truth is again in question? Uh, I can’t remember if I sat in first class or coach on a trip to China…

Makes me wonder if there is anybody out there who believes in fidelity and honor anymore.

Bruce Alan May 24, 2010 at 12:48 pm


Apparently your confused about what a mistakes is? You are correct when declaring that Humans make “mistakes”, however the definition of what a mistake is, does not fit nor excuse, the action you “chose”, when you “voluntarily engaged in a “physical relationship” (sexual act ?) with another person.
Mistakes are things / actions done unknowingly, apart from any awareness of some action whether verbal or physical committed resulting in a wrong and or harm to another or others. You chose your action, made a conscious decision to engage in what you knew was wrong, involving another person, resulting in some hurt, anger, sorrow or loss to another, or others. That is not a “mistake”, and by calling it so tends to minimized the offense of your chosen actions, (which is what it is, an offense), and does nothing to comfort those harmed (your wife and family) because of your wrongful actions.

Moreover Will, there is the moral aspect of your actions, and also the excusing your action by calling it simply a “mistake”, deepens the immoral gravity of your mindset. This is a matter of morality, in that, you had mentioned you already were in a relationship at the time of your offense, suggest that in your mind you saw nothing morally wrong in what you were consciously choosing to do, when in fact your Fiance,no doubt felt morally betrayed and injured!

Lastly Will, what do you suppose God calls your actions, and don’t think you can dismiss this, because you “will”, stand before Him to give an account of your “Chosen actions”(in word & in deed) taken throughout your life, and calling any of them a “mistake”, “will” not be excusable.
God calls it, “Fornication” that is, any sexual practices out side the confines (borders) of “Marriage”. Also if any one, or both of the persons committing the offense were already married at the time of the offense, God then calls them Adulterers. In any case, it is “SIN”, and according to God’s revelation to us (The Bible KJV), God says it is punishable by death.
The only way to escape this punishment of death, is looking unto Jesus, trusting in Him, His finished work on the cross, where He was “nailed” upon, for YOU Will, and YOUR SIN, having paid the price for YOUR iniquities, with His own life, His Blood being poured out…for you!

It was not for any “mistakes” you have done, (nor anyone else’s), but for Sin, iniquities committed against a HOLY & JUST God, whose wrath will be poured out on all those who reject His beloved Son, Christ Jesus!

Bruce // servant to King Jesus………..coming again to take up His Church

Ungrateful May 24, 2010 at 12:49 pm

If this website ever wants to have a modicum of relevance in the future, you should resign if no one has the power to fire you (and if they do, you should already have your pink slip).

You are a small, pitiful man ie. a rat. Go live your life and I hope you never get alzheimers so you’ll always have this on your conscience.

Interesting May 24, 2010 at 12:49 pm

Free Times has a story admitting it was working on a story.
Also says it’s source says Will called ’em up crying like a baby, admitting The affair, and asking it not be revealed.
Hey, Wil. One and only sure way to make sure “Bob” doesn’t tell anyone your dirty laundry is DON’T TELL BOB.
Bob is so unreliable.

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 12:50 pm

“Those of you blaming political operatives for exposing this little tryst”

Will himself blamed “political operatives” you moron…

teaman May 24, 2010 at 12:51 pm

So, are her nips pink or brown?

Phillip C. Thomas May 24, 2010 at 12:54 pm

I think I hear the “Soul Man ” Lee Atwater ! This former operator trained Karl Rove . Remember when W. hit S. C. about the time Mc Cain did ? He was to reported to have mixed race child . Goodbye John , see you in eight years. God Bless America .

adfgkadf May 24, 2010 at 12:54 pm

Bastard, why the fuck did you make this shit up

Soft Sigh from Hell May 24, 2010 at 12:55 pm

Someone’s career has ended today. It is just hard as yet to tell whose.

Whipkey May 24, 2010 at 12:59 pm


The real question that hasn’t been asked is “How was she in the sack?”

Carolyn May 24, 2010 at 12:59 pm

You are one piece of work; Folks what did they do pay you off. You are one sick poc. You are less than what my dog leaves in the yard (waste). This is dirty even for you! Why don’t you bring out all the truth if this is what it is; huh! Who has been pushing you to tell this??? Come on if you’re so trustworthy bring it on.

Bruce Alan May 24, 2010 at 1:00 pm


So, Apparently your confused about what a mistakes is? You are correct when declaring that Humans make “mistakes”, however the definition of what a mistake is, does not fit nor excuse, the action you “chose”, when you “voluntarily engaged in a “physical relationship” (sexual act ?) with another person.
Mistakes are things / actions done unknowingly, apart from any awareness of some action whether verbal or physical committed resulting in a wrong and or harm to another or others. You chose your action, made a conscious decision to engage in what you knew was wrong, involving another person, resulting in some hurt, anger, sorrow or loss to another, or others. That is not a “mistake”, and by calling it so tends to minimized the offense of your chosen actions, (which is what it is, an offense), and does nothing to comfort those harmed (your wife and family) because of your wrongful actions.

Moreover Will, there is the moral aspect of your actions, and also the excusing your action by calling it simply a “mistake”, deepens the immoral gravity of your mindset. This is a matter of morality, in that, you had mentioned you already were in a relationship at the time of your offense, suggest that in your mind you saw nothing morally wrong in what you were consciously choosing to do, when in fact your Fiance,no doubt felt morally betrayed and injured!

Lastly Will, what do you suppose God calls your actions, and don’t think you can dismiss this, because you “will”, stand before Him to give an account of your “Chosen actions”(in word & in deed) taken throughout your life, and calling any of them a “mistake”, “will” not be excusable.
God calls it, “Fornication” that is, any sexual practices out side the confines (borders) of “Marriage”. Also if any one, or both of the persons committing the offense were already married at the time of the offense, God then calls them Adulterers. In any case, it is “SIN”, and according to God’s revelation to us (The Bible KJV), God says it is punishable by death.
The only way to escape this punishment of death, is looking unto Jesus, trusting in Him, His finished work on the cross, where He was “nailed” upon, for YOU Will, and YOUR SIN, having paid the price for YOUR iniquities, with His own life, His Blood being poured out…for you!

It was not for any “mistakes” you have done, (nor anyone else’s), but for Sin, iniquities committed against a HOLY & JUST God, whose wrath will be poured out on all those who reject His beloved Son, Christ Jesus!

Bruce // servant to King Jesus………..coming again to take up His Church

Scooter May 24, 2010 at 1:00 pm

Let’s see if she will take a polygraph. BTW, I do not find her hot, sexy, good looking or anything worth daydreaming about. Oh, and I was not going to vote for her in the first place. I think this is true and she is toast if she continues to deny. She is never around for voting, and followed Sanford around like a puppy until he was way too damaged to help her. Have heard rumors that she and Sanford hooked up at one point. Trash behavior. Poor children in these families. Have heard Haley living apart from husband. Don’t know for sure about that, but maybe he has heard same rumors.

Bullhockey May 24, 2010 at 1:02 pm

Definitely Andre’s campaign in my opinion. He just has that Rovian/Atwaterien aura around him. What a nightmare.

Carolyn May 24, 2010 at 1:02 pm

Must have been well worth you sick self esteem to tell this story to anyone. Goes to show those that tattletale get it in the end. Hope you love the feelings now you low life. Feel good now huh!

get the hook May 24, 2010 at 1:03 pm

Maybe her denial isn’t a lie. Did you rape her?

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 1:07 pm

I read this story… and without Will “admitting” to the “affair” there would be no story…

The source tells Free Times that on June 26, 2009, Folks called him, near tears, admitting that he’d had an affair with Haley and urging him not to tell members of the media about it.

WTF? Oh shut up…

Furthermore, the source — who is not affiliated with any South Carolina gubernatorial campaign — says former Haley staffer B.J. Boling told him Haley had confided in him about the affair around the time Boling was working on her House reelection campaign in 2008.

Boling, who is working on the GOP gubernatorial campaign of U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett, said he didn’t want to comment about the allegations to Free Times.


So this “source” who listened to crying Will also talked to former Haley staffer who apparently got Haley to tell him she was having an affair with Will… oh, and this former staffer now works for an apposing campaign… oh, come on…

The source says he’s coming forward because he doesn’t want South Carolina to suffer another national sex scandal if Haley becomes the Palmetto State’s next governor.

Too f’n late moron…

Btw, I love how all this is taking place around May 14th… look towards the end of the story to know why…

Will, there is no “dripping” of information… you’re blabbing to practically everyone… you knew what newspaper was working on the story too… you’re original blog post is so much BS…

WorkingTommyC May 24, 2010 at 1:08 pm

Are 215 posts in less than five hours enough motivation to post this garbage?

What gives, man?

There is certainly an unholy stink to this whole thing.

BZ May 24, 2010 at 1:09 pm

Soft Sigh from Hell — it is Nikki Haley’s. You’re not from around here are you?

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 1:09 pm

BTW Nikki, if it is true(I give it about 30% odds) then please just leave… you’ll save a lot of people a lot of grief…

BZ May 24, 2010 at 1:10 pm

The State “newspaper” might as well throw in the towel too.

proudof sc May 24, 2010 at 1:11 pm

One more thing: Will, I believe you. Why would you take all this grief? You don’t need the money.
Plus, please, people, stop blaming Will, political operatives, and whoever else you can for this mess. Are you so mesmerized by NH that you refuse to believe it possible? Again, I say, you were suckered by Sanfraud and now, again, NH.

Crooner May 24, 2010 at 1:14 pm


Not your story to tell.

And what’s this idiocy about spilling out all prior relationships to your betrothed? That’s a recipe for disaster.

kmayes6767 May 24, 2010 at 1:15 pm

If this website, led by Will Folks, is to educate the citizens of SC of current political issues around the state and SC then you are doing a good job. However, I have read many of the comments posted above from your statement posted on the site.

Will, you said “At the heart of this brand is telling it like it is – which this website has always done, and which it will continue to do no matter what “Damocles sword” is being held over my head on a personal level by the less savory elements of this state’s failed status quo.”

I ask you to reveal the sources who leaked this story to the press. Let us (the citizens) of SC decide what to do next? If it came from another canidate, shame on them. If it came from a PAC and a canidates affiliation is tied, really SHAME ON THAT CANIDATE. Secondly, why would you admit to inappropriate physical relationship (your words) when Haley denies it. You would have to have known she would deny it? Confusing? Finally, I too agree with a readers earlier comments… Why would you owe your wife an appology if this inappropriate relationship occured prior to your marriage. I do have to say… this is POLITICS at it’s best! The only thing I could understand an appology for is the phone calls to your house or cell phone from the media and stories they feel like they have the need to publish but not for a relationship that occured prior to your marriage?

Jeremy May 24, 2010 at 1:17 pm

I am incredulous at all the obsequious comments posted about how great Will is and how noble that he posted this, etc etc. Give me a break. The guy had an affair with a woman who was married with small children. There is nothing less noble and honorable. And Will, I don’t know if I know anybody as obviously self-infatuated and self-congratulatory– the 2nd paragraph of your posting is incredible obnoxious.

If you’re done preening in the mirror of your mind, and congratulating yourself for how great you are for “calling it like you see it” (barf) and “driving the debate”, why don’t you think for a minute about the kids whose lives you’ve changed forever with your selfishness.

You are the exact kind of person I pray my children don’t end up like. I would consider myself a failure as a father.

sugarbuger May 24, 2010 at 1:18 pm

The galleries are full of critics. They play no ball, they fight no fights. They make no mistakes because they attempt nothing. Down in the arena are the doers. They make mistakes because they try many things. The man who makes no mistakes lacks boldness and the spirit of adventure. He is the one who never tries anything. His is the brake on the wheel of progress. And yet it cannot be truly said he makes no mistakes, because his biggest mistake is the very fact that he tries nothing, does nothing, except criticize those who do things.–Gen. David M. Shoup

Will…..This will all soon pass. And for those that find it necessary to ‘judge’ your character, are the one’s that don’t know you…nor do they deserve the priviledge to!!!

Mike May 24, 2010 at 1:20 pm

When you publish the names of, political affiliation of, campaign connections of, and other pertinent information of the political operatives who were “stop at nothing to humiliate me” then and only then will reasonable people consider this junk as anything but just that, junk.

It is patently obvious that the “good ol’ boys are running scared of this fine lady, and that you are irrelevant at best. It just shows that when candidates can not stand on their own record, their own personal achievement, their own ideals, and their own ideas of how to move our State forward that they will try to bring the Leader down to their level. This is one time that this will NOT work!!

Go Nikki, kick it in an even higher gear, and let’s use this opportunity to make a runoff unnecessary.

Nikki has my personal support, she has my financial support, she and her family have my prayers, and more importantly, SHE HAS MY VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

proudof sc May 24, 2010 at 1:22 pm

kmayes6767, for crying out loud. SHE was married. I can only assume you have no morals.

yarrrrr May 24, 2010 at 1:24 pm

Will needs to reveal who he “cried” to on June 26, 2009… we already know whoever it is talked to a staff member of one of her opponents…

Pimp-alicious May 24, 2010 at 1:28 pm

He might have had to apologize to his wife if, at one point, his then-girlfriend came up to him and said, “I’ve been hearin’ talk about you and that Haley b—–! Better not be true!”
And if he responded like any normal pimp might, “No, baby, you know I love only you. You the one for me.”

BZ May 24, 2010 at 1:28 pm


My guess would be Knottsian plants housed in that monstrosity they call The State “newspaper” leaked it. Who else could possibly be more motivated?!

To understand crooks, you have to train yourself to think like one.

Same with the mentally ill. To understand them you have to ALMOST become one.

DJ May 24, 2010 at 1:28 pm

Uh..sorry…why is this news? Raise your hand if you think shit like this is really that out of the ordinary in politics? Please. Ah, the popularity contests known as elections continue.

wethepeople May 24, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Here we go again . . .
At the same point in every election cycle, a couple weeks before voters hit the polls, the same hired gun scumbags that have been dragging our state down for years rear their ugly, bald little heads and sling mud for whoever had enough ambition to hire them.
Anyone with the cash and lack of integrity can hire Rod Shealy to do his or her dirty work. Sometimes Shealy’s games work, sometimes they don’t, but there is always wreckage left in his wake. I feel truly sorry for the Haley family. Daring to take on the establishment opened you up to the attacks from nasty little men that are nothing more than angry little money whores willing to lie and cheat or steal (see Shealy’s ELECTION FRAUD charge) on behalf of their weaselly little candidate.
It never ceases to amaze me that people who run on values, integrity and the best interests of South Carolinians are so easy to veer off the path when power lust takes over. Karl Rove wannabes like Shealy should be called out for what they are and so should the folks who hire them. I’ll start:
1) TIM SCOTT – You are an opportunist that would stoop to anything to win, including hiring the lowest of the low. SHAME ON YOU! I guess we shouldn’t expect more from a liar running on a “no earmark” (let me know how you’ll ever get I-73 built) platform who voted for a $50,000 earmark (that’s taxpayer money folks)to pay for a football game put on by his friends at S.C. State.
2) ANDRE BAYER – You should be very careful.

Who else is willing to call out these hypocrites?

CJV May 24, 2010 at 1:38 pm

Another FOS Republican- color me shocked!

How you manage to wrap yourself in any ideals or morals is beyond me. You’re just trash, Will.

sullyman May 24, 2010 at 1:38 pm

So Will, is Nikki the real deal? Is she a teabagger or not? Just how inappropriate was this relationship? Inquiring minds want to know!

Recovering Lobbyist May 24, 2010 at 1:40 pm

I touched Nikki’s hand once. I guess I need to fess up as well. Will, you are a mess.

Ryan May 24, 2010 at 1:41 pm

More importantly, how was it?

Chris May 24, 2010 at 1:44 pm

rofl Nikki is denying. Any comment Will? Do liars ‘ most advance your ideals ‘????


freakbaiter May 24, 2010 at 1:46 pm

Before anyone snoops around and discovers some facts from my past, I want to go ahead and make a statement right now, and this will be my only disclosure of these facts, I will not answer any further questions on this matter. A few weeks ago, Will Folks and I terminated a 2 year long homosexual affair, it’s over and that’s all I’m saying about it- don’t ask me any questions because I won’t answer them.

mike May 24, 2010 at 1:47 pm

Unless someone has a stained dress or some hard evidence; Will, why could just say “no comment”.

This thing about someone holding a knife to your throat sounds like you were going to be exposed on something else if you didnt cop to this affair. Be the affair true or false.

colleen May 24, 2010 at 1:50 pm

Now that Nikki is denying the affair so vehemently that makes me wonder what is really going on. It takes two to have an affair and if one admits to it and the other denies it-one of them has to be a liar. Were alcohol and marijuana involved at that time? One of them probably thought they did under the influence and the other does not remember at all because of the influence. What proof was Will worried about? Was it about another affair that he does not want anyone to know? Did he agree to go public with the Nikki afair to keep that proof silent?

Kathy May 24, 2010 at 1:51 pm

Anyone can say they had an affair with someone but unless you got some proof, and are willing to share it, you better know in advance that no one is going to believe you.

Mr. Folks seems more than willing to suggest an affair but unwilling to substantiate the claim. Additionally, he claims there are secret groups with incriminating evidence that have plans to “leak ” the details to the media but he fails , again, to name them.

This entire story just rings of BS.

Rich39 May 24, 2010 at 1:53 pm

How about your affair with Sarah Palin last week? And you afrair with Jenny Sanford? And the other women you dream of about when you are in the bathroom? ;)
Or watching some XXX movies.

Keep having fun.

FunInTheSun May 24, 2010 at 1:56 pm

Boy, reading this stuff is such fun. You folks managed to take the heat of the spotlight off of my semi-retarded VA government. Thanks. I need to move to SC and start a blog…so that I may too have sex with a hot gubernatorial candidate.

Chris May 24, 2010 at 1:57 pm

Anyone Sarah Palin touches turns immediately to poop.

Tom Poland May 24, 2010 at 1:59 pm

Do you just make this stuff up to direct traffic to you pathetic blog?

seesright thruyou May 24, 2010 at 2:03 pm

Was this “relationship” before or after you pled guilty in September 2005 to criminal domestic violence against your then-fiancee?

Is being so supportive to Ms. Haley a result of the anger management classes you were ordered to take? You certainly are a fine example of a true Southern gentleman!

CML May 24, 2010 at 2:03 pm

liar, liar pants on fire.

Buck Batard May 24, 2010 at 2:11 pm

What exactly is an “inappropriate physical relationship”. That could mean anything. It could mean he was standing on an elevator next to her and bumped her tits intentionally. He never said once he had a sexual relationship with her. I am calling this a stunt.

Jane Page Thompson May 24, 2010 at 2:16 pm

Nikki Haley has the establishment so scared that they got you to tarnish her reputation with a claim like this “I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki”. Nikki Haley has stated that this claim is false, that she has not been unfaithful and I believe her.
I also found out what the SC Employee Conduct definition of inappropriate Physical conduct can be as simple as a pat on the back or even worse a hug. I feel sorry for a political operative that is so desperate to construe a kind gesture as a way to hurt a campaign, a family and the potential of our State.

S.M. May 24, 2010 at 2:16 pm

A few years ago, Will Folks didn’t have any problems running with a story about a principal and a school official. They were fair game in his quest to further his blog. It meant nothing to him if their lives and images were ruined. Now, the shoe is on the other foot and he doesn’t want to give any more comments on the situation. It really doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, the damage has already been done to both families. Will Folks is the true definition of the word Hypocrite.

Male sapphist May 24, 2010 at 2:17 pm

I invoke the ultimate law of the internet: Pics or it didn’t happen

All for Honesty May 24, 2010 at 2:17 pm

Will….. Thank you for being honest with the citizens of South Carolina. We all have skeletons in our closets, but the truth will set you free!

TomTom May 24, 2010 at 2:18 pm

It is amazing to me the hypocrisy of the Republicans. They campaign on fake family Christian values and then when they get caught doing the exact opposite of their rhetoric, their supporters say it is no big deal, God forgives, we should too and elect the philanderers. But if it is a Democrat committing the transgressions, they condemn him or her with no forgiveness ever mentioned.
The double standard is alive and well in the right wing Republican party. Is that who you want governing us: a lying, philandering hypocrite? It doesn’t matter if the lying, philandering hypocrite is a Democrat or a Republican, they don’t deserve one single vote for office. If your standard for elected office has been lowered to the lesser of two evils, we are screwed!

MH May 24, 2010 at 2:24 pm

Will, this hints of slander and if Nikki can prove damages for a false accusation, you may lose what money you have. I hope you have your lawyer apprised of the situation, because they will come after you and you may have to back up your statement. That could further hurt your marriage. Oh, forgot, the Huffington Post reports that you already pleaded guilty to criminal domestic violence in 2005.

Canofworms May 24, 2010 at 2:27 pm

When will South Carolinians get it through their thick skulls that just because a candidate professes to be a Christian and devoted to their family doesn’t mean they are telling the truth? You all thought Sanford was a “family man” too didn’t you? I gotta give him credit though-when he was caught he at least admitted to it. That’s more than I can say for “Darling Nikki.” Thanks Will for being honest about this. Now it’s Haley’s turn to ‘fess up.

mikeg1950 May 24, 2010 at 2:29 pm

So Will Folks has “cleared the air” of all possible unsubstantiated future claims that he might have had sexual contact with Nikki Haley by making an unsubstantiated claim that he did.
I for one am impressed by your construed sexual prowess and although I don’t follow your political career or “blog”, I have seen your picture. So I for one am going to jump right out there and say, loudly- “LIAR”! That’s my vote because I simply don’t think the lady would wallow with you if she has good eyesight or is sound of mind.

Henry133 May 24, 2010 at 2:29 pm

They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”
— John, 8:7,

So Will Folks, Nikki Haley, Thomas Jefferson, Dwight Eisenhower, Albert Einstein, Prince Charles, Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, Frank Gifford, Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods and all other humans sin.

It is good for you to be honest, Will. I do not hold it against you or Nikki.

Keep up the good work.

And Nikki still has my vote.

harik May 24, 2010 at 2:32 pm

Could this be a rope-a-dope?

Might their be a “just joking” post in 24 hours wherein Folks denies an affair with Haley only to reveal scorching evidence of marital indiscretions of other Republican candidates?

proudof sc May 24, 2010 at 2:35 pm

Well, it seems to me, and I did not count them, but the majority of comments offered are pro-Haley, anti-Fitts. That is sad. Ahhh, transparency. I am getting so cynical till I make myself sick. So many people have drunk the Jim Jones, errrr Nikki Haley, coolaid.

Bruce Alan May 24, 2010 at 2:37 pm


Your confused about what a mistakes is? You are correct when declaring that Humans make “mistakes”, however the definition of what a mistake is, does not fit nor excuse, the action you “chose”, when you “voluntarily engaged in a “physical relationship” (sexual act ?) with another person.
Mistakes are things / actions done unknowingly, apart from any awareness of some action whether verbal or physical committed resulting in a wrong and or harm to another or others. You chose your action, made a conscious decision to engage in what you knew was wrong, involving another person, resulting in some hurt, anger, sorrow or loss to another, or others. That is not a “mistake”, and by calling it so tends to minimized the offense of your chosen actions, (which is what it is, an offense), and does nothing to comfort those harmed (your wife and family) because of your wrongful actions.

Moreover Will, there is the moral aspect of your actions, and also the excusing your action by calling it simply a “mistake”, deepens the immoral gravity of your mindset. This is a matter of morality, in that, you had mentioned you already were in a relationship at the time of your offense, suggest that in your mind you saw nothing morally wrong in what you were consciously choosing to do, when in fact your Fiance,no doubt felt morally betrayed and injured!

Lastly Will, what do you suppose God calls your actions, and don’t think you can dismiss this, because you “will”, stand before Him to give an account of your “Chosen actions”(in word & in deed) taken throughout your life, and calling any of them a “mistake”, “will” not be excusable.
God calls it, “Fornication” that is, any sexual practices out side the confines (borders) of “Marriage”. Also if any one, or both of the persons committing the offense were already married at the time of the offense, God then calls them Adulterers. In any case, it is “SIN”, and according to God’s revelation to us (The Bible KJV), God says it is punishable by death.
The only way to escape this punishment of death, is looking unto Jesus, trusting in Him, His finished work on the cross, where He was “nailed” upon, for YOU Will, and YOUR SIN, having paid the price for YOUR iniquities, with His own life, His Blood being poured out…for you!

It was not for any “mistakes” you have done, (nor anyone else’s), but for Sin, iniquities committed against a HOLY & JUST God, whose wrath will be poured out on all those who reject His beloved Son, Christ Jesus!

Bruce // servant to King Jesus………..coming again to take up His Church

Emma May 24, 2010 at 2:40 pm

There is no end to the Republican hypocrisy, apparently. This “confession” is no exception. Why come out with this “revelation” at all? Because of threats and innuendo? So? You know what they say about getting out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat. (Not to mention NOT sticking your, um, hands in the hot oven, unprompted.)

Will, as much as you attempt to portray yourself here as some kind of a moral hero, your post is evidence of anything but. A gentleman does not kiss and tell. And if you were really concerned about honesty, morality and what have you, you’d have confessed earlier, not just now. (I won’t even state the obvious — that you would have kept your hands off a married woman.)

Wills Ajoke May 24, 2010 at 2:46 pm

Nice attempt to get yourself some publicity. I too remember how you drug a local school principal through the mud.
Was this at the same time you were getting inappropriate with Haley? Tell me, what’s the difference?

Not Buying It For A Minute... May 24, 2010 at 2:47 pm

I find it very interesting how this information is just now coming out right when Rep. Haley has topped the polls. I also find it humorous how people are taking Mr. Folks’ word without any proof what-so-ever. I’m not buying it. I guess it’ll all pan out in the end, but I’m going to need a little more proof than a confession on someone’s personal blog.

Thomas Aquinas May 24, 2010 at 2:49 pm

My God, what a pussy. What kind of a man blurts out his private life online in a way that will only cause harm to innocent people, including Haley’s family? At some point, you baby boomer whiners have to quit thinking that the blogosphere is a focus group for sharing “your feelings.”

There is a reason why it once thought that real men do not kiss and tell. Apparently, the moral behind that understanding has been lost on pussified jackasses like “Will.” Man up, soldier.

Greg Nelson May 24, 2010 at 2:53 pm

“Professional” he refers to himself in “…Letting the Chips Fall”. My ass is more professional than he is. What a puke!

Rob May 24, 2010 at 3:02 pm

Let’s see… It worked for Kelly Payne (remember Richard Eckstrom’s emails??) I guess Will thought this might actually HELP Nikki?

Chris May 24, 2010 at 3:03 pm

So Nikki Haley who was married at that time was sleeping with someone else. This definitely is FAMILY VALUES! After one adulterous jerk in the Governor’s mansion another adulterous jerk wants to be Governor!!!!!

According to Nikki’s Website:
“My faith in Christ has a profound impact on my daily life and I look to Him for guidance with every decision I make. God has blessed my family in so many ways and my faith in the Lord gives me great strength on a daily basis. Being a Christian is not about words, but about living for Christ every day.”
Wow. Is she going to claim that Christ tole her to sleep around while she was married?

Sometimes I wonder how can these frauds like Nikki and Sanford sleep at night when they talk about Christ during the day time and then sleep around at night with people other than their spouses.

BTW, Palin loves Nikki. No wonder great personalities gel so well!

Just read about Nikki’s denial. So, who is a big LIAR.. Will or Nikki?????

Mab May 24, 2010 at 3:06 pm

Just think of the bloodletting this could save us further down the road should Nikki Haley have ever been elected governor.

She could have sought an Argentine paramour, and those aren’t what they used to be. Al-Queda now has a strong presence in the tri-border region of South America (Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina) where these operatives learn Spanish and the culture and then seek entry into our country — most via the back door in Arizona. Nikki could bring us one home on a plane, first class.

Nice moves(?), Sic Willie.

Estan May 24, 2010 at 3:10 pm

3 red flags and your out… learn how to lie better… you’re a politcal editor?

by the by, false witness is a pretty dirty deal with serious karmic consequences.

Rebel May 24, 2010 at 3:11 pm

Nikki DEFINITELY has my vote now.

So who’ll be indicted/subpoenaed/served with a lawsuit by Friday: Boling, Corey Hutchins, or the crowd down at Myrtle Beach?

stevetclark May 24, 2010 at 3:16 pm

All I can say is that this explains why Fitsnews attacked the Boiling Springs Tea Party.

mg May 24, 2010 at 3:18 pm

I may start reading your blog again. I hate to see this but I really am not a supporter of her but I am of the GOP and this kind of puts us in the ditch again.

William J Clinton May 24, 2010 at 3:29 pm

You expect me to believe that the guy in this picture ( hooked up with Nikkie Haley??

LMAO!!! In your dreams, Will Folks. Dream. On.

GutterBoy May 24, 2010 at 3:29 pm


Tom Corbett May 24, 2010 at 3:29 pm

Thanks for running my ads on your site. Keep up the good work. No lie is too big!!!

Tom Corbett

Bradley May 24, 2010 at 3:30 pm

Will Folks is either the biggest backstabber of all time, or the biggest liar of all time, and either way he is a first-class ugly ball-less douche-bag. I hope Folks thinks every day about the permanent harm he has caused to Haley’s children. Why would any candidate trust Folks, as a client of his consulting firm. If you believe him, he feels no loyalty whatsover to his “friends”. Now after unleashing his bomb, he is afraid to man-up and answer questions or offer any evidence to support his wild accusation.
The timing is very suspicious as are Folks’ motives. If making himself and his website the center of attention was his goal, I must reluctantly admit, mission accomplished.

william May 24, 2010 at 3:34 pm

For another political scandal read the Spartanburg paper where they catch the Treasurer lieing to the paper…and they bust him!!!

Scene SC May 24, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Dude, doesn’t matter if this is true or not, great publicity stunt Will. Affairs are where the hits are at.

Oscar May 24, 2010 at 3:42 pm

Will Folks is either the biggest backstabber of all time, or the biggest liar of all time, and either way he is a first-class ugly ball-less douche-bag. I hope Folks thinks every day about the permanent harm he has caused to Haley’s children. Why would any candidate trust Folks, as a client of his consulting firm. If you believe him, he feels no loyalty whatsover to his “friends”. Now after unleashing his bomb, he is afraid to man-up and answer questions or offer any evidence to support his wild accusation.
The timing is very suspicious as are Folks’ motives. If making himself and his website the center of attention was his goal, I must reluctantly admit, mission accomplished.

Betty May 24, 2010 at 3:49 pm


I don’t make assumptions or find someone guilty until proven innocent like a lot of trash talkin’ people on here.

Prove it!!! I DARE YOU!!!

Barney Fife May 24, 2010 at 3:50 pm

I still can’t grasp the purpose of coming out like this. To get page hits? Come on, they don’t pay that much per hit. When it all comes down to it this site probably gets less than a nickel per hit. Which if they get 10,000 hits, that’s $500.00. What is that compared to hit this site and it’s founding editor will take when the dust settles?

This has nothing to do with consultants etc. They may be pushing the issue, but when it all comes down to it, Haley’s campaign is DOA. The damage is done. It cannot be repaired. If she had an extramarital with Will then she should be ashamed and go back to Lexington and repair her family.

That’s my opinion.


RightKlik May 24, 2010 at 3:50 pm

LAME. With the story you’ve presented, this affair could have been any number of scenarios. You dated before she was married?

“I’m thinkin’ he never describes the ‘inappropriate physical contact’ ….maybe he put the make on her and she slapped the crap out of him.”

RightKlik May 24, 2010 at 3:52 pm

Inappropriate physical contact:

Lamar May 24, 2010 at 3:55 pm

This posting has motivated me to come clean as well. Back in my college days, I experimented in homosexuality. I only tried it 3 or 4 times, but in most all cases, it was after I had been drinking – a lot. I don’t know why I did it, but even though I take full responsibility for my actions, it was usually the idea of my partner, Will F. He always seemed to be the one to initiate it, and I must admit, he does give rather good head.

I’m relieved that I finally confessed this little fact that has been haunting me since college. I have explained my actions to my family and pastor. Therefore, I will not be conducting any additional interviews about the subject. I only hope that my friend folksy friend Will, has overcome it as well.

DisgustinJustin May 24, 2010 at 3:55 pm

If Nikki had half of a brain, she’d cry racism and sexism. That always shuts up a ball-less Republican. Play the race card, baby!

most-excellent wife-babe May 24, 2010 at 3:57 pm

Willie, didn’t yo momma tell you “never to kiss and tell”. But heck why don’t you go ahead and give the names of all of the women you have slept with? I think it’s b/c there would be no benefit to you by embarrasing them.

Anon May 24, 2010 at 4:00 pm

I pray that woman abuser bastard did not rape Nikki and now is calling it inappropriate. Many women are afraid to admit they were rape.

When men confess inappropriate it implies sexual aggression. Now noway Nikki can ever claim he abused her because he broke the story and shape the message.

Christa May 24, 2010 at 4:04 pm

Have you considered becoming Scott Lee Cohen’s running mate in IL? I hear he also beats women and lies too.

Suzanne May 24, 2010 at 4:05 pm

I find your timing highly suspicious. First, what honorable man publicly brags about an affair that happened years ago? If you are indeed ashamed of your behavior, why not keep your private matters private?

Clearly you are only doing this stunt to bring free attention to yourself…..which speaks volumes of your honor….or lack thereof.

Shame on you!

usslsm51 May 24, 2010 at 4:06 pm

I believe Will said he had an inappropriate physical relationship prior to his marriage. Fearful of a leak? What type of physical relationship? Who are those that were going to expose you? Why would they expose you or your relationship and how did they get the information? Where they witnesses to the relationship? Answer some questions big guy! Right now it nothing more than a veiled accusation. No wonder you will not say nothing more.

Moe May 24, 2010 at 4:09 pm

Proof? Pix? If not you are lying for money , promise of a job, or being black-mailed by someone.

Your credibilty has a stench about it.

Em May 24, 2010 at 4:09 pm

I have no Idea what exactly “inappropriate physical relationship” means, bet we find out soon enough. I’m wondering if possibly Will Folks decided to make this grand confession to flush out these political consultants that have been floating the accusation of an affair for the last year. Kevin Cohen said on wvoc this afternoon that it was ‘shopped’ to him last Thursday from another campaign. What would be better, get the conversation out in the open, let Nikki deny, find out what the Others were going to say/show or let it simmer under the current, posts on blogs, the write up in Free Times. We will know soon enough if Nikki and Will were inappropriate. We will find out if Nikki is a liar. We might find out if Will Folks played the other political consultants and secured the win for Nikki. Until I find out whether Nikki lied today, she will still get my vote. Hell if she did lie today, she might still get my vote, because the others running against her might make me vote for a Democrat….cough,gag..ack

Mr. Cynical By Nature May 24, 2010 at 4:23 pm

Let me get this straight…you say that information was going to be leaked about your alleged affair. The ONLY information that I can think of that would prove any type of affair would be actual photos of you in bed with her. They have photos? How’d that happen? Secondly, you had to tell your wife of your inapproriate relationship BEFORE you were married? Really? Interesting, in that unless you were engaged at the time, or had made a promise of fidelity while you were married, it would be irrelevent. As a no-name, unknown blogger (heck, I can’t even remember your name as I type this), how would this news affect YOUR reputation? You don’t have one! The whole thing smells fishy to me, but I’ll give you some benefit of the doubt. However, I would be interested to see if you have suddenly come into some cash or large deposits to any bank accounts, both in our counry and offshores. I just call them as I see them, and you have nothing to lose if the supposed story were released, yet a lot to gain. Interesting, no?

sunny black May 24, 2010 at 4:24 pm

“Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, ” –I’d never heard of you before today.

If you were really fighting for “the promotion of individual liberty,” then you wouldn’t give a damn about “Damocles’ sword”.

“This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself.”— WHO are you again??? How are they going to humiliate you? Do you have a small penis or something? Credibility of your website?? No one knows who you are, dude.

“I refuse to have someone hold the political equivalent of a switch-blade in front of my face and just sit there and watch as they cut me to pieces.” — you’re a nobody blogger, homes. No one can hurt you if you don’t have any power to wield.

Cory Truax May 24, 2010 at 4:24 pm

Here’s my big reveal, you coward.

So, what if on my website I did something like this:

Hi guys,

I had a “physically inappropriate relationship with Will Folks. Yep. Big gay love affair. I have nothing else to say about it, and I’m not taking questions or interview. Okkkkaaayyyy. Bye.”

Cory Truax

Is that supposed to be credible? How about it’s obvious you’re whoring for web traffic and hits?

Mr. Cynical By Nature May 24, 2010 at 4:25 pm

CORRECTION: Let me get this straight…you say that information was going to be leaked about your alleged affair. The ONLY information that I can think of that would prove any type of affair would be actual photos of you in bed with her. They have photos? How’d that happen? Secondly, you had to tell your wife of your inapproriate relationship BEFORE you were married? Really? Interesting, in that unless you were engaged at the time, or had made a promise of fidelity *BEFORE* you were married, it would be irrelevent. As a no-name, unknown blogger (heck, I can’t even remember your name as I type this), how would this news affect YOUR reputation? You don’t have one! The whole thing smells fishy to me, but I’ll give you some benefit of the doubt. However, I would be interested to see if you have suddenly come into some cash or large deposits to any bank accounts, both in our counry and offshores. I just call them as I see them, and you have nothing to lose if the supposed story were released, yet a lot to gain. Interesting, no?

Peg May 24, 2010 at 4:26 pm

It seems that everyone has known about this story for a year or so, but no one was going to talk about it to the press until 10 days ago. Free Times has been investigating, but they had no proof and so they were not going to run the story.
You knew, for at least 10 days, that Free Times was investigating. Why did you wait until now to come forward? If there was actual proof out there, the story would have run by now.
Do South Caroliners have the right to know they are about to elect another adulterer into office? Yes. But, lets be real. No one had proof, everyone knew and kept their mouth shut-including the press and then You, Will, come along and blow this open.
There were no shadowy operatives slowly leaking this- YOU were slowly leaking this. You cheated on your fiance with a married woman. Did you want Nikki to promise you a position in her inner circle and when she refused, you blew this story up?
Now she is destroying your career by calling you a liar and you swear here that you will not respond any more, letting it look like you are a liar by not defending yourself further.
So, its not okay for these shadowy figures to destroy your or her career, but it IS okay for you to destroy hers, and her to destroy yours.
Hypocrisy reigns in SC politics.

sunny black May 24, 2010 at 4:26 pm

“[operatives] will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family”
–so then you have a motive to LIE?

tim May 24, 2010 at 4:33 pm

What’s that smell

j May 24, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Can’t wait for “The Daily Show” or “The Colbert Report!”

Sic you’re something else! Hang in there!

Enjoy your blog as it’s better than TV.

Jarvis Merriweather May 24, 2010 at 4:45 pm

Webster’s dictionary defines “honorable” as : 1: deserving of honor; 2: performed or accompanied with marks of honor or respect; 3a: of great renown; 3b: entitled to honor – used as a title for the children of certain Brit ish noblemen and for various government officials 4a: doing credit to the possessor ;4b: consistent with an untarnished reputation 5: characterized by integrity.

Honorable? I’d rate honorable in the following order: (Will- 4 at best, but probably a 6)
1. not sleeping with other people’s wives
2. sleeping with other people’s wives and telling the truth out of guilt promptly
3. sleeping with other people’s wives and telling the truth eventually as a result of pressure or getting caught.
4. sleeping with other people’s wives and not telling anyone
5. sleeping with other people’s wives and telling the truth upon the arrival of the proper motive to expose the truth.
6. lying for money.

So it’s a lot like the argument Matt Damon made in his guest spot on 30 Rock last week regarding Sully Sullenberger…Good pilots don’t birds.

Alas, some say there is honor among theives, but we must be able to distinguish.

Even if she did get “inappropriate” with Will Folks, Nikki Haley’s biggest mistake was bringing Sarah Palin to SC. SC’s bible-beating right didn’t need an enabler.

turkeyfoot May 24, 2010 at 4:46 pm

That is more close to what the truth may be. Explains protecting his marriage. He did have a domestic incident where he assaulted a female. It explains a malevolent public protective act where he turns on someone he publicly supported.
Makes a double victim out of the true victim.
Oh, the horror!
I too pray that it not be the case but such is the human experience.

Peg May 24, 2010 at 4:46 pm

Palin is calling you out Will- I don’t think you will be able to keep your mouth shut on this one unless you really want to throw everything you have worked for away.

Nikki categorically denies the accusation that was spewed out there by a political blogger who has the gall to throw the stone, but then quickly duck and hide and proclaim he would not comment further on the issue. Quite convenient.

South Carolina: don’t let some blogger make any accusation against your Nikki if the guy doesn’t even have the guts or the integrity to speak further on such a significant claim. And don’t believe anything a liberal rag claims or suggests unless the reporter involved has the integrity and the facts to report to you so you can make up your own mind. For traditional media to rely on an accusation via some blog entry is almost laughable, but I know the seriousness of it because that’s exactly what my family and colleagues have had to put up with, every single day, for the past couple of years.

larbear May 24, 2010 at 4:47 pm

Why not keep your mouth shut……must have been alot of money involved……I bet he doesn’t have a job!!!!!!!!!

Tony in NC May 24, 2010 at 4:47 pm

you got any pictures of her butt naked or in lingerie ?? i would like to see some of that tail you nailed!!

j May 24, 2010 at 4:48 pm

Will, Post the emails and/or texts!

David May 24, 2010 at 4:50 pm

Will you’re a loser!

Peg May 24, 2010 at 4:53 pm

Here are some of Palin’s commentors (some assuming you are a lefty)

Jose Rodriguez
They’re fighting a losing battle and they know it!!! The sad thing about all this is that they’re so naive they don’t realize we, as a people, are a lot smarter tahn that….Keep up the good work it’s time to throw all those good-for-nothing out of office!!!!

John Litton
some jerk off is a stud wannabe so he dreams alot and destroys others

Donna Fite
More than dirty politics! Liberal politics! For a”tolerant” party they are intolerant of any conservative, but they go absolutely off the deep end when it is a woman who is conservative and has the nerve to have a loving family!

Kitty Katz
Some of the media loves to rake muk!

Mel Champion
The truth doesn’t have to account or defend itself. The truth is it’s own defense. When your opponents resort to name calling, smears and lies, it is done to try and redirect the voters attention from the issues (of the day). You kNOW you’re winning the debate when your opponents act this way. BTW, so do your opponents. Stay focused. Have the hide of an elephant and the heart of a lamb.

Arthur J Pauly Jr
Any Blogger who does not put their real name on their blog and stand behind what they say is a coward.

Erich Kneute
Isn’t this progressive liberal crap getting old

Jj DeTemple
Sarah, the left is so afraid of you and your backers

Paula Crews Callaway
I don’t know anything about ms Hayley, but Ms Palin I believe as I thought you believed, that gossip is a no-no. Not attractive my dear.

Peg May 24, 2010 at 4:57 pm

Are you a RINO, will? Are you really a “Republican”- More of the right are calling you out.

Now another Palin endorsee is under attack. Nikki Haley was never much of a threat to anyone until the candidate for governor in South Carolina received an endorsement from Sarah Palin and sprinted from fourth place into the lead in the GOP primary. All of a sudden “Republican” blogger and former Sanford aide Will Folks is claiming that he had an affair with Haley several years ago. But Haley is a happily married Christian woman with a beautiful family, all the members of which have now been designated as casualties of political warfare. Just chalk it up to “collateral damage” and political dirty tricks.

We seriously doubt his claims. All it takes is one look at Folks and one look at Haley, and it’s clear that she’s way above his league. And we’re not the only ones to whom it is patently obvious:

“Last week I was tipped off to the panic in the South Carolina House and Senate Republican Caucuses. The leadership had a private meeting to see what could be done to take out Nikki Haley. She spent her years in the legislature fighting the good old boys, even within her own party.”

“She demanded transparency and won. They don’t like her.”

“Well, with Rasmussen now having her significantly in the lead, we see what the good old boys are doing — skipping all the oppo research and going straight to the sleaze.”

Hmmm. A conservative woman fights corruption in her own state party organization and soon is the target of the most vile sort of personal attacks. Sound familiar?

It’s also very curious that Folks, who was not married when the “affair” allegedly took place, would mention it at this point in time. The poll numbers showing Haley’s surge were just released Friday, and here’s Folks making his “confession” on the following Monday. He says he wanted to get the story out himself before it was leaked in the mainstream media. Yeah, riiiight.

Royce May 24, 2010 at 5:02 pm

Full disclosure is needed here to allow those of us trying to determine what is truth and what is not. Obviously, Nikki Haley has denied this claim. Will Folks stands by his accusation. So we have “he said, she said” My question is who are these mysterious political operatives? What is the documentation that is going to be released. Why not disclose who these unknown “bad guys” are? Let’s question them for the evidence they were planning to use for blackmail purposes. In other words, “Where’s the beef?” Are these unsupported accusations to be given any consideration without proof and evidence. Perhaps an investigation is needed; could it be the real culprits are the accusers? Time to name names, produce evidence, disclose finger pointers. Otherwise, Nikki Haley is being wronged.

sunny black May 24, 2010 at 5:03 pm

This actually is NOT a He said/She said situation.

This is one of those rare circumstances where the gross disparity in physical attractiveness gives the benefit of the doubt to the one who doesn’t look like his face got crapped on by a sweaty three-legged mule.

If indeed Mrs. Haley had an affair with blogger Folks, then it calls Mrs. Haley’s judgment into question. Not for having an affair, but for choosing such an oafish partner. I mean, my god. That’s just embarrassing. Make sure you take a good hard look at this Folks guy ( When I say gross disparity, I mean GROSS.

Jonny D May 24, 2010 at 5:03 pm

who gives a shit, I had some inappropriate physical contact with a fine Haitian babe this afternoon, can’t wait for some more…the only thing that really pisses me off is the reference to the SicMeister as a “blogger”. Dammit peeps, when are you going to get it right, he’s the founder/owner/operator of SC’s Most Innovative and Influential “New Media” Source, so this one goes of to Haley and Will…

Incredulous May 24, 2010 at 5:04 pm

Naming Nikki’s children makes Folks the biggest douche-bag on the planet. Why the need to name Nikki’s children in the same article which shows he has no concern whatsover for them? All Will Folks cares about is publicity for himself and more page-hits and ad revenue.
I take this opportunity to announced that last year, I had a gay orgy with Will Forte and Henry McMaster. Now that my conscience is clear, I will not be making additional statements about this matter.

AmericoVespucci May 24, 2010 at 5:07 pm
sunny black May 24, 2010 at 5:09 pm

Can we in the Tea Party take Mrs. Haley seriously on her pledge to be fiscally conservative when she’s performing such acts of charity with blogger Folks?

I mean, seriously, hooking up with folks counts as a charity. Even Mother Teresa is rolling in her grave: “Child, there’s selflessness and then there’s embarrassing. Will Folks is the latter”.

EXIT QUESTION: Would hooking up with Folks be considered tax deductible? We should ask his wife and her accountant.

FAITH4LIFE May 24, 2010 at 5:10 pm

Will, if your story were true, it would mean that you callously had an affair with someone’s wife and mother. And that you now throw a wife and mother — as well as your own family — under the bus. Seriously, dude, you need the Lord.

As for infidelity in general, here is my statement to one and all: Whether it’s a golf pro or a candidate, infidelity is a PRIVATE, FAMILY matter. If a person has low moral standards, there will be evidence of that in their PUBLIC dealings. Look for THAT evidence and STOP hurting innocent spouses and children (who already have enough pain to deal with) for your own gain. Otherwise, you are at LEAST as evil as any adulterer.

GOP May 24, 2010 at 5:12 pm

Ok, so who paid you to come up with this lie!!! And if it’s really true how come you waited till NOW to tell your BS story about it? You ain’t nothing but a low down dirty lying dog!!

Richard Wilson May 24, 2010 at 5:13 pm

Will, didn’t you beat the crap out of your wife?
Is this the same wife you speak of now?

Your 15 minutes of fame start now… one will remember
you next week.

Do us all a favor and put a pistol in your mouth!

Pat Hendrix May 24, 2010 at 5:15 pm

Screwing a man’s wife – keep it classy, Folks.

Suzy Roberts May 24, 2010 at 5:17 pm

This sounds like fabrications from the “good old boy” network to me!

jason May 24, 2010 at 5:22 pm

i had heard that Will Slept with Andre

Todd May 24, 2010 at 5:26 pm

That’s what you get for bringing Palin on to your campaign. That lady is batshit crazy.

David May 24, 2010 at 5:32 pm

Don’t just say it. PROVE IT or shut the hell up…and name names of the candidate leaking this out. Lay it all out on the table or leave it alone.

Jim May 24, 2010 at 5:35 pm

To Peg and the other RINO posters on this site. What is your point? That Folks should have continued to covered this up if he could not prove it. The Republican Party already has enough scum bags in office, like Mark Sanford. I would rather know about this rumor before the election than after. You apparently knew this rumor was out there and did nothing to address it. So I take it you were willing to risk putting our state through another Sanford debacle to get your candidate elected. With conservatives like you, who needs liberals. Your just as bad as Sanford and the other people who pretend to be something they are not.

The Swamp Cock May 24, 2010 at 5:40 pm

In the light of all this honesty I feel compelled to reveal that I am currently in a homosexual relationship with Will Folk. I will not divulge any further details about the relationship nor will I comment on it further.

How’s it feel Will? What a Jackass.

reagan conservative May 24, 2010 at 5:43 pm

It seems if you feel compelled to come forward now, at this point in the election, you certaintly would do so with more evidence than ” because I said so.” With so much experience in politics are you honestly expecting us to believe you would believe such a statement with no proof made about your candidate? Man up! If you are going to destroy a lady’s life at least do it in a truthful way. In America- we are innocent until proven guilty. Where’s your proof? If this did not happen, I hope you have the biggest law suit coming your way the state has ever seen.

Nutjob May 24, 2010 at 5:46 pm

Whoa, was it worth it Folks? Go get your brain checked for a brain tumor.

So, Nikki wouldn’t promise you a job huh, you are a pathetic loser!

R.C. Oxx May 24, 2010 at 5:51 pm

Will……..You have proven yourself a liar or illiteriate. How can you say in the same statement, that you were forced to come clean regarding Haley due to the incremental leaks and THEN say that you are preemptively making this allegation? One is a lie or you do not know the definition of preemptive. Which is worse? You also make yourself appear to be lieing by a vague characterization, “an inappropriate physical relationship”. What does that mean, intercourse, a kiss, you punched her out, WHAT? You also lose credibility by clamming up after starting a firestorm. You really are a poor excuse for a human being and I do not know how you sleep at all or how you even have anyone, especially a wife, that trusts you. Bless yo soul…….

Susan May 24, 2010 at 5:53 pm

Another strange phenomena that occurs around and about the boards and online communities is that of the hyenas – the slandering attacking hyenas. Rare that anyone has not met them. Rare that anyone has not had trouble with them – certainly most posters have stories about them. Just as a leopard is unable to change it’s spots – the hyenas are unable to change their appetites for eating the reputations of others …. normally a serious issue to most – but one in context becomes laughable at best because there are no secrets about who they are and the same old stories they peddle over and over. Appetites remain the same, just get bigger. Issue triggers that set them off never change. One thing that never changes with the forum hyena is the den/packs he/she likes to live in with fellow hyena clan members. The only thing that seems to change with the hyena is the Klan/friends it moves in and out of – always trying but failing to convince anyone they have changed, always seeking to dazzle a new unsuspecting forum poster with old stories! You know who your slandering hyenas are just as I know who mine are – oh yes we do – everyone knows them by dark reputation if nothing else!! LOL – everyone knows them simply because they like to tell the world on their “social media”!! That’s one constant about forum culture – peeps become well known for “their fruits” …. or criminal record…just sayin’ ….

David Nute May 24, 2010 at 5:53 pm

Will gets it….tell the truth. Side benefit of telling the truth is you don’t have to remember as much…keeping up with fabricated stories just compounds the situation. When will high profile figures realise that by being up front and honest will be less painful and respected than trying to cover thier tracks? They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and Will’s parents are well respected, brilliant, do the right thing kind of people. Thanks will for your well written blog.

most-excellent wife-babe May 24, 2010 at 5:54 pm

The real question is why Will Folkes would reveal this relationship. The only reason would be if he knew he would face unwanted consequences – otherwise known as blackmail by another political operative.

James May 24, 2010 at 5:56 pm

Whether he did or whether he didn’t doesn’t matter. Either way, Will Folks is an idiot.

Mark Nix May 24, 2010 at 5:57 pm

Who are you and why would anybody care who you slept with? For that matter why would Haley risk messing up her political future by having an affair with a POS blogger like yourself. Besides that, you’re kind of fugly, she could do a lot better than you. Seriously dude, who are you really working for? I’m thinking the only inappropriate contact you’ve had lately has been with yourself; loosen the grip, let some blood get to your brain. It’s a sad attempt to discredit her, but everybody with a brain sees this for the lie it is.

General Washington May 24, 2010 at 6:03 pm


If this is not a case of a tea party candidate handing out stimulus, I dont know what is.

Fools names and fools faces are often seen in public places. Thats a free one from granny.

Paul May 24, 2010 at 6:18 pm

If Will Folks is a true conservative, he will provide the stained dress he wore during his encounter with Nikki Haley.


“Inappropriate physical relationship”?

What the hell would have been an appropriate physical relationship with Rep. Haley?

You dumb cons and your preposterous euphemisms kill me.

Keir May 24, 2010 at 6:20 pm

You seem to be unconcerned about how the chips will fall for Rep. Haley who, you intimate, was the one who was in the inappropriate position as you carefully outline how you hadn’t been married at the time. Then to twist the knife further, you go out to name her family members and refuse to add any further details which appear designed to continue this sordid public interest. Such is our era- everyone thinks they should reveal every intimate detail without considering old-fashioned values of stoicism, dignity and respect for others.

CriticalMass May 24, 2010 at 6:30 pm

Maybe all he did was grab her ass at a cocktail party somewhere when he thought nobody was looking. That’s probably what it was. Not consensual.

Not even sensual.

That was a pun.

StewartIII May 24, 2010 at 6:38 pm
joe May 24, 2010 at 6:38 pm

Oops, so we all human so who throws the first stone.

MD May 24, 2010 at 6:44 pm

You are pathetic and are tied to the destructive forces which have stunted South Carolinas’ ability for progress.

Tom May 24, 2010 at 6:49 pm

If any of you really believes this crap then your just as waked out as this moron.

Whippersnapper May 24, 2010 at 6:56 pm

Will, you said:

“….I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm…..”

“compelled” by what? your desire for notoriety or to drive traffic to your site? your desire to destroy a great candidate? your desire for 15 minutes of fame?

“compelled to confirm”?? Will, there was NOTHING out there to confirm; beyond what YOU are putting out there. Where will Mrs. Haley go to get her reputation back? How she remove the sleaze you’re throwing her way?

Dick May 24, 2010 at 6:56 pm

I think she was simply at the top of your MILF list. Where’s the dress or skirt with your semen on it ??

Agki May 24, 2010 at 7:01 pm

I nhope you will be prepared to prove your allegation. If you can’t provide the evidence, the word “liar” comes to mind. Whom are we to believe? Who is doing the lying? You? Nikki? Give us the proof!

HotelGuyAtlanta May 24, 2010 at 7:04 pm

Glad you can sleep better now. You’re a dog for your actions in the first place if they are true. You’d have known she was married at the time. A typical manwhore. One exception, you should have followed the golden rule of “lie till you die”. This is what I am certain you agreed on with Nikki in the first place..and had you held to your word.. What ever leaks are coming would be unsubtantiated and be immediately dismissed. Everyone is happy. I say it again…Manwhore… Nikki would be the victim here.. of falling for your charms and what was/is probably the most costly trist she could ever have had…..

RKM May 24, 2010 at 7:12 pm

I’ve been informed from a close source within the McMasters campaign that Will Folks actually has a very particular skeleton in his closet (hint: there was an investigation that involved the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force). Apparently McMasters used this to get Folks to concoct this story about Haley.

Dathi May 24, 2010 at 7:39 pm

Whatta Guy !

Susan May 24, 2010 at 7:42 pm

I figured it was something like that. SO Will, you have been surfing with underage girls? Ooooooooh..doggie~!

What’s that POPPING sound I hear….

Cjosto May 24, 2010 at 7:44 pm

Douche bag!

FitsSnooze May 24, 2010 at 7:44 pm

You are so full of shit. At least put up a pic of yourself. You’re probably a fat slob. Did that faggot Gresham Barrett pay you to post this slop?

Elly May 24, 2010 at 7:46 pm

Shame on you ,Will. If you had have a relationship with a woman, do not say it was mistake, do not say anything about it. Keep it a secret.I think, a real man should not tell about his affair with a woman. Such a man is a worthless.

FitsSnooze May 24, 2010 at 7:46 pm


Don’t believe this attention whore idiot. I sure don’t. There is no evidence of this every happening and the fact that he’s made this story up so close to an election is over the top to say the least. Even if this were true, the timing of it is so off, nobody is going to believe it.

Clemson for Nikki May 24, 2010 at 7:55 pm


You wish, Will.

What a joke.

cliff May 24, 2010 at 8:04 pm

you are a liar!!!

Go Cocks! May 24, 2010 at 8:16 pm

“I figured it was something like that. SO Will, you have been surfing with underage girls? Ooooooooh..doggie~!

What’s that POPPING sound I hear….”

Out with it Susan…what do you have????

WillFolksIsSlime May 24, 2010 at 8:17 pm

Dear Will Folks et al,

In my view, the man whose wife you were porking has the right to make you disappear for two reasons: 1. For porking his wife; 2. For your self-righteous attitude when admitting to porking his wife.

You are slime and have lost all moral credibility, so close up shop, shut down the website and shut up. Nobody should listen to one thing an adulterer has to say on behalf of conservativism.

Why don’t you go over to the liberals? There you’ll feel right at home. They don’t mind it when people go around porking each other’s wives.

FLypaper May 24, 2010 at 8:30 pm

True or False…

You lose.

Bruce Alan May 24, 2010 at 8:36 pm

You know what the interesting thing is , many here posting their comments about Will’s “transgressions” are ignorant(lack of understanding)of one simply truth. Which is this, all of you who have not received Christ Jesus as Lord & Saviour, are in the same boat as Will, which is The ship of “Lost Souls”, headed for a devils Hell!!!
However, God in His Love for you in mercy ,has done a great and wonderful work, that is the sacrificing of His only begotten Son, nailing him to a cross, to suffer & die for all of you, so that YOU “might” be saved from your sin and transgression against a Holy & Just God!!

Thus says the Lord God;

Bruce // servant to King Jesus………my Lord & my God

robtr May 24, 2010 at 8:40 pm

Heh, Dude I just saw your picture. Unless it was a mercy f@*# I ain’t buying it.

803andy May 24, 2010 at 8:40 pm

I bet Nikki had on matching bra and panties and high-end perfume………….

tcinsc May 24, 2010 at 8:47 pm

Will, I wonder if the “political operatives” who are taking shots at you would be willing to disclose their own “inappropriate” personal relationships and business dealings. I seriously doubt they would be willing to be so honest. Instead, they choose to use their perceived power as a reason to destroy the lives of those who disagree with them. I admire you for admitting to what happened. I hope you and your family are able to survive the fall out. Keep your chin up and don’t let those spineless operatives threaten you and your reporting.

Paul May 24, 2010 at 9:07 pm

Nikki can now say she was not riding first class.

Sweetoleboy May 24, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Don’t believe it, and will vote for Nikki Haley regardless and urge everyone else to! This is what the Columbia crowd of ex-Democrats in the Senate set up. Those scum will do anything to bring down anyone who opposes their dictatorship. Next time you vote, people, make sure you vote for a Republican, not someone who “sez he is”. The state Senate is a disgrace to all true republicans.

Soft Sigh from Hell May 24, 2010 at 9:17 pm

Ol’ Strom is smiling in Hell: “That’s muh boy! But he’d ah nevah got her if Ah was still around.”

York County Native May 24, 2010 at 9:24 pm

So, what did I miss today? Anything new?

northoftheborder May 24, 2010 at 9:36 pm

If everyone here wants a good laugh, check out Ace of Spades… and start at the “Cool Facts about Will Folks” post and keep reading.

Eviscerate isn’t a word to be used lightly, but if the shoe fits. Will Folks just got sliced and diced by a master. I wonder if he even knows how big a douchebag he looks like?

jshadows May 24, 2010 at 9:48 pm

So, uh, how was it, man?

Soft Sigh from Hell May 24, 2010 at 9:59 pm

I personally am never voting for a “family values” Republican again. This is now a recurring theme with them. But this at least was male-female, of age, not in a graveyard, they actually knew each other (no airport restroom romance), and it apparently involved no taxpayer funding. So it in fact was much cleaner than what conservative Republicans have been dishing up in recent years.

One wonders though, how much of the moralistic judgmental harping here (“a real man would would take the bamboo shoots before telling”) would be absent were it not a GOP candidate harmed, or their favorite one harmed? I suspect there is a strong dose here of “Whose ox is gored?”

ace of spades May 24, 2010 at 10:10 pm

ACE nails Folks (figuratively)…
Will Folks: Letting The Chips Fall

“Since I founded FITSNews three-and-a-half years ago, I’ve made more than my fair share of powerful enemies in this state.”
–Right. Like the buffet cashier at the Charleston Sizzler. What? Dude, how can you have enemies when no one knows who you are?

“One reason for that? I call it like I see it – whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, or even believe it or not.”
–Huh– well that’s a new spin: a blogger who calls it like he sees it.
Well, now I’ve heard everything!

“Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process…”
–Um, I’m short an opinion– who the fuck are you?

“…but I like to think that the stories I break, the debates I drive and the opinions I help shape all speak to the potency of the brand I’ve created.”
–I like to think my flatulence smells like fresh-baked cinnamon-raisin bagels. Preach it.

“At the heart of this brand is telling it like it is – which this website has always done, and which it will continue to do no matter what “Damocles sword” is being held over my head on a personal level by the less savory elements of this state’s failed status quo.”
—I always “trust” people who “use” quotation marks like “homicidal maniacs.”

“The two are inseparable, actually, and to compromise one is to eventually wind up sacrificing both.”
–I still want to hear about that “Damocles sword.”

“Beyond these considerations, this website is fighting for several fundamental ideals – academic opportunity for all of our state’s children, the promotion of individual liberty, and the creation of a more prosperous economic climate, to name just a few. These ideals obviously matter a great deal to me – which is why I fight so hard for them – and why I cannot (and will not) permit anyone to compromise my ability to continue fighting for them.”
—I see him on horseback, face blue with Woad-paint, rallying the flower of Scotland, as he says this. Because he’s my new fucking hero.

God I hate self-promoters like this. I really, really do.

“In recent weeks, however, a group of political operatives has attempted to do just that. In fact, on a very personal level I have become the primary target of a group that will apparently stop at nothing to destroy the one S.C. gubernatorial candidate who, in my opinion, would most consistently advance the ideals I believe in.”
—So I’m going to grab the spotlight and announce I shagged her.
Because shagging’s an ideal I believe in, too.

“For those of you unfamiliar with the editorial bent of this website…”
—(Hand up) Oooh, ooh! That’s me, that’s me!

“This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself.”
—This cat — Braveheart of Charlestown, I call him — is claiming they are trying to humiliate him by suggesting that he, when single, and a man, had a sexual affair with a woman, who was married.

Lisa May 24, 2010 at 10:10 pm

This is such a load of crap! Where is the proof? You are pathetic and your wife has my pity. May you never procreate.

The Swamp Cock May 24, 2010 at 10:14 pm

Whats the matter Will? Can’t physically beat up a woman any more so you decided to try it in print? After seeing your pic the no way you’re getting next to Nikki. You look like a huge bloated turd.

Dick F.Cheney May 24, 2010 at 10:14 pm

Will Folks,

0) I read this site for entertainment purposes only — love the way you rip on USC and Clemson.

1) You have inflicted some pain on people here….taken away their hope… may need to clarify things, especially given that Haley says otherwise. People of this state deserve more than to innocently repeat the same Sanfraud mistake. Man up here.

2) Reckon people in all political parties have sex. We’re probably not going to stop that anytime soon. Given this,
scandals will always be there….republican, democrat, tea bagger. Man up, dude. Tis inappropriate to leave an entire state hanging.

Coco May 24, 2010 at 10:28 pm

GOP really needs sex education and religious teaching badly. I thought the party upholds the moral standard of our nation and I have been let down over and over again. What next? Palin had an affair? I am so sick and tire of this shenanigan I could vote for Democrats.

Robin Huud May 24, 2010 at 10:46 pm

Amazing; another example of a cowardise newsman hiding behind a computer. You make an accusation like this and dont give details. You are pond scum and I have a feeling I know which candidate you are doing this for. I hope this backfires and Nikki wins by a landslide; then you can face the other candidates whose chances you ruined, but I am sure this does not faze you; since you are a “martyre” and are doing the right thing by spreading vicious rumors without any proof. Any idiot that would listen to a low life like you must be an idiot. I had made up my mind to vote for another candidate mainly because I feel how phony Sarah Paline is but I will for sure vote for Nikki Haley after your low life antics. This is not best of luck to you but go to hell you lowlife. You say you discussed this with your wife; you will next tell us you prayed over this; what a disgusting individual you are. Get out of the State you lowlife. No wonder the general public hate most people associated with politics in any way.

Vanessa May 24, 2010 at 10:52 pm

Can you possibly be so pathetic for your 15 minutes of fame. You are such a noble journalist Mr. Folks. The great sacrifice you have made to politically injure Nikki for your own personal gain. Your idea of having the chips fall where they may is obviously you wishing for name recognition, so that people will actually know who you are. Other than this little stunt no one has ever heard of you before besides your family and friends. This is nothing more than a malicious publicity stunt. This will get you known for being a little weasel. Play on Willie Boy, Play on!!

Pain Of Palin May 24, 2010 at 10:57 pm

Brings new meaning to —- guber-natorial candidate if you ask me LOL :)

Edward May 24, 2010 at 11:07 pm

If Will Folks was good looking, I might believe it. He should be so lucky. It was just a dream, Will. A wet dream. Get over it. You look like a fool.

huh? May 24, 2010 at 11:11 pm

One picture suggests a strong resemblance between FIts and Michael Haley.

Richard Carlson May 24, 2010 at 11:13 pm

Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR
Will Folks is a DAMN LIAR

Pavel May 24, 2010 at 11:21 pm

Good grief. What an insufferable, self-righteous douche you are, Folks.

TommyB. May 24, 2010 at 11:21 pm

You sir are a pathetic attention seeking liar. How many hits has your pathetic website got today? How many more people know your name today? Great timing jerk. Go rot you slug.

Don May 24, 2010 at 11:24 pm

This is your typical BS to smear a good name…. What proof does he have? Sounds like politicians as usual….

Canofworms May 24, 2010 at 11:26 pm

So will the tea party types freaking out on this website now come back to apologize to Fitts later when it’s revealed via the emails, text messages, etc. in his possession that he is the one telling the truth and it’s their beloved Haley who is the adulturous liar?

Wm T Sherman May 24, 2010 at 11:35 pm

Well, looking at her, and looking at you, I say you made this up.

How do I know you never had her? The same way I know that a horse never climbed a tree.

Jay Wall May 24, 2010 at 11:54 pm

One week before the vote and this comes out. Whatever. I’m voting for Haley. The good ole’ boys are nervous because she is leading in the polls. I’m having everyone I know go vote for her and this is only making me feel more strongly. This is a game and shame on you all for playing dirty pool.

HeatherMcC May 25, 2010 at 12:04 am

Someone doesn’t make such an allegation without *some* evidence to substantiate the claim. If I were the Haley campaign — and her political thugs (today’s campaigns all have them) — I’d tread lightly lest Folks be compelled to go back on his promise and reveal compromising information (which will be even more damaging given her unequivocal denial).

For goodness’ sake, if you did it, just admit it and move on! Spare us the drama. Please.

Wm T Sherman May 25, 2010 at 12:12 am

“Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process, but I like to think that the stories I break, the debates I drive and the opinions I help shape all speak to the potency of the brand I’ve created.”

Shorter: “me, my, I, I, I, I, I’ve.”

In fact there’s a great shortage of opinion about you, obscurity boy.

Get over yourself.

It is to laugh.

magdelyn May 25, 2010 at 12:32 am

No one is going to believe that she had an affair with you. Look at you. You scream, “Loser.” BTW, haven’t you been convicted of domestic violence? Even if it were true, no real man would kiss and tell.

Matt May 25, 2010 at 12:33 am

Sorry Folks I don’t believe you. Boy you are ugly and she is hot. She would have to have been passing out drunk to have had sex with you. The closest you got to having sex with her is in your dreams.You really are a sad little shit.

Viktor May 25, 2010 at 12:41 am

If Folks said the truth, he disclosed a secret that belongs not to him only but mostly to the woman he had the relationship with. This is betrayal. He discused this issue with his wife to make the things easier for himself but he does not care about his former partner.

ace of spades May 25, 2010 at 12:58 am

@ Canofworms who wrote: “So will the tea party types freaking out on this website now come back to apologize to Fitts later when it’s revealed via the emails, text messages, etc. in his possession that he is the one telling the truth and it’s their beloved Haley who is the adulturous liar?”

–i’ll come back. to ask how many roofies he got into Mrs. Haley’s system before he had his way with her. RAPE IS A CRIME!

-if you had a video, I’d say it was CGI and doctored.
-an email? faked. text messages? faked.

-why? i’m not a tea partier or a conservative. i just know some fundamental facts of life. hot women don’t cheat on their husbands with dudes who look like will folks. that’s a Hustler/Penthouse Forum fantasy. in reality, it doesn’t happen. fact. deal.

Calhoun Fawls May 25, 2010 at 1:15 am

My own disclosure. I had inappropriate physical contact with Andre Bauer. I shook Andre’s hand at a USC football game not long after I took a piss. I had not washed my hand.

I want to apologize to the Lt. Governor, to the state and to the Bauer family. A drunk guy at the tailgate party named Leo had “leaked” that tidbit to Unfree Times. I felt compelled to “wash” away my guilt.

Now, can we talk real issues?

sunny black May 25, 2010 at 1:28 am

@ Canofworms “So will the tea party types freaking out on this website now come back to apologize to Fitts later when it’s revealed via the emails, text messages, etc. in his possession that he is the one telling the truth and it’s their beloved Haley who is the adulturous liar?”
-Apologize? No. I’ll wonder how many roofies he gave her.

Squanto May 25, 2010 at 2:07 am

…as opposed to an “appropriate physical relationship?”

Wizard of Odd May 25, 2010 at 3:52 am

I would claim to have bedded Haley if I could get this many hits to my site. One question.. if you have this information on Haley and Folks, which one do you approach if you want to reveal the story.. the married woman running for Gov. or the single (at the time) blogger?

Roger Gardner May 25, 2010 at 4:27 am

Give me a break! Have you seen Will? He is an ugly dork! No one would want to sleep with him. He had a dream that he had an affair! Lets make that clear! She is a classy woman. Will is a wanta be trying to make a name by blogging his fantasies. If someone believes him, I have a bridge in South Carolina, I would like to sell you!

S.O May 25, 2010 at 5:15 am

We republicans may have to go and apologize to Bill Clinton for all the harassment over infidelity so that the curse can be removed. It has become daily revelation that our leaders are as promiscuous if not more. The ghost of his harassment continues to hunt us and push us to out do him.

Andrew May 25, 2010 at 5:31 am

I was a huge supporter of Sanford (though a libertarian myself) and was a bit disappointed when he kicked Folks to the curb, but even though Sanford turned out to be despicable, he could tell his own kind I guess.

Either this is political BS, or it’s true. Even if it’s true Haley didn’t do anything the Governor wouldn’t do. And even if Folks “came clean” he lies about an affair until now? News Flash. He’s a bad guy.

I hope some day to help wipe the slate clean of all these people. South Carolina deserves better.

N Stone May 25, 2010 at 6:00 am

“No. I mean there’s no evidence,” Haley said.

That’s all the proof you need. When you qualify a denial you’re lying.

Chris Hilderbrand May 25, 2010 at 6:24 am

AMAZING how this comes out now…do you realize how stupid you look? Like all of the others who have these “revelations” of wanting to clean their soul by trying to rip someone apart on their way up…you should be ashamed of yourself-I agree with the previous post-what would she see in you? All you are trying to do is increase the popularity of this lame site…Unfortunately for you, in the end, will have to face your lies…God is watching, and the self imposed hell you have created is not going to be pretty-for you or your wife-she has stuck by you, but controversy tears up relationships…do the right thing-thats what your parents would want-stop trying to get ahead at others happiness and expense-it makes you look like a thrill seeking ass-look at all of Tiger’s “mistresses” and where they are today-looking like idiots…if this is your ONLY claim to fame, I feel sorry for you…SC’s hottest lawyer? Bet with some digging, we could find out some issues about you personally that wouldnt be too nice-don’t try to come off holier than thou…printing hot lawyer stories also tears you down…quit while you are ahead-you are messing with the wrong people…bottom line, she gets elected…YOU’RE DONE…maybe you can continue to tell your story behinf the counter at 7/11…

Supreme Mind May 25, 2010 at 6:50 am

Is there a sex tape on the way?

Dix Handley May 25, 2010 at 7:07 am

Lets see a picture of you Will. I’ll reserve comment on whether or not you are telling the truth until you post a picture of yourself. Mrs. Haley isn’t that bad looking but I would rate her an 8/10. I will be able to tell instantly whether you’re telling us the real truth once you post your picture. Thanks.


Dix Handley May 25, 2010 at 7:21 am

One other thing I forgot to ask is do you have any type of PROOF? Anything? People today are so gullible when it comes to sexual politics and I can see so many numb nutz eating this story up. There was a Democratic Congressman from Philadelphia back in the 70’s who said “money talks and b.s. walks!” You need to verify and show us the money, Will.

Tye Poole May 25, 2010 at 7:58 am


Whippersnapper May 25, 2010 at 7:58 am

Dix Handley commented above (on May 25th, 2010 at 7:07 am”

“Lets see a picture of you Will. I’ll reserve comment on whether or not you are telling the truth until you post a picture of yourself. Mrs. Haley isn’t that bad looking but I would rate her an 8/10. I will be able to tell instantly whether you’re telling us the real truth once you post your picture. Thanks.


Dix, do a Google search on “Will Folks”. This dude has some some of the most unbecoming photos of himself out on the internet I’ve seen. The last thing I’d consider this guy would be “attractive”. He’d be far over on the other side of the scale – much closer to “repulsive” based on his photographs extant on the internet.

Dix Handley May 25, 2010 at 9:00 am

Thanks Whippersnapper. I just did and ouch, no way did she even come around him without a bra on.

Joe May 25, 2010 at 9:02 am

Hard to imagine Nikki Haley having an affair with a gay boy. Are you trying to get the job of judge at a beauty pageant?

dano May 25, 2010 at 9:02 am

If you cannot substantiate your claim… are a liar. Sad to see a two bit blogger jump at grabbing headlines. Bring the proof or retract your claim.

Don May 25, 2010 at 9:33 am

What a load of crap! Just looking at the two pictures of you I know that she would never have anything to do with you.

No proof, no explanation, and no balls whatsoever. How kind of you to fabricate an affair that supposedly took place while she was married but PRIOR to yours. Coward. If you’re going to make up lies about people, have the courage to include yourself in the fallout. At least then it would sound more plausible. “I had an improper relationship with her while she was married. Oh, *I* wasn’t married so of course it’s not infidelity for me – just for her. Yet I supposedly couldn’t take the fallout of a scandal… one that wouldn’t impact me in the slightest.”

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Mickey Dugan May 25, 2010 at 9:38 am


huh? May 25, 2010 at 9:56 am

Hey, everybody. Will looks like Mike Haley. Besides, pretty superficial of you all to say that “looks” would be the determining factor in a relationship. How about ambition?

rattler May 25, 2010 at 10:28 am

U suck and are probably flyin on the DL, the reason you pretend to be a stud is ur actually gay.

Soft Sigh from Hell May 25, 2010 at 10:52 am

I’ll bet McGuire and Floyd have mixed emotions over all of this.

R.L. Jordan May 25, 2010 at 11:04 am

The term, “Will Folks”, actually means “Scum Bag” in Arabic!!!! First of all, I don’t believe your claim, secondly, why on earth would you say such a thing, even if it were true. Thirdly, Nikki could do much better than you. Fourthly, if ever I was considering a vote for another candidate, you just convinced me to vote for Nikki, if for no other reason than your stupidity and crass behavior!! YOU ARE A DIRT BAG!! LEAVE THE STATE, GO TO CALIFORNIA WHERE YOU BELONG!

Klum's man May 25, 2010 at 11:18 am

my vote on June 8th is for Nikki Haley. She is the besy candidate, period.
Our next Govenor will be a smoking hot woman with lots of brain power!!

foghat May 25, 2010 at 12:11 pm

too funny you think the best candidate is a woman you have been having sex with, and you want us to believe you…is there a tape so we can judge for ourselves?

JimBob May 25, 2010 at 12:12 pm

Wanking off to her pictures doesn’t count.

vicupstate May 25, 2010 at 12:25 pm

I have no idea who is telling the truth. My guess is that Will is over-stating what happened and Haley is under-stating what happened.

As for the multitude of posters that think it is impossible that Will could bed a ‘hot’ woman, you need to be realistic.

First, guys care more about looks than women to begin with. Second, Will is a dead ringer to be Mr. Haley’s twin. Third, Will has nice legs. Fourth, he was in a ROCK BAND. Hello, can you say groupie? Fourth, unless you know what Will has to offer ‘down south’ you can’t discount that factor either. I certainly wouldn’t put it past Will to walk around with a semi just to gage interest.

Mike May 25, 2010 at 12:47 pm

My guess to this whole thing is, someone wanted free publicity. That someone got it, lies or not, that is all this little trick is over.
So tell me Will. How many hits has your little site here had in the last 48 hours? I bet more than all of last year combine.

C20H18N2O May 25, 2010 at 1:07 pm

You are self-centered idiot. What evidence could anyone possibly have – unless you generated something? I really don’t see you as the type she would be attracted to. The mere fact that you are telling part of story and not all is highly suspicious. Makes for reasonable denial later. Hurts Haley’s chances now. The motive for all of this points back to YOU. Now I am just trying to figure out what it is that you want out of this – or what you may have already received? Enjoy your 30 pieces of silver. An investigation is certainly in order. I would start with YOU.

Chris May 25, 2010 at 1:11 pm

This blog paid for by Gresham Barrett for Governor.

kathleen May 25, 2010 at 1:34 pm

Leaks? The only leak I’m aware of came directly from you. Your fake humility is not fooling anyone. You kicked in the door of one woman, and now you’re seeking vengence against another. I think you’re jealous of her success. Or, you’re being paid off by someone else.

If you really wanted to do the honorable thing, you’d keep your mouth shut. Gentlemen do not kiss and tell.

djnfla May 25, 2010 at 1:58 pm

For me, this issue is not who is telling the truth. The issue here is that Will Folks is a cad. I feel sorry for his wife to be married to such a jerk.

Declan March May 25, 2010 at 2:09 pm

Have you read your own writing? “At the heart of this brand is telling it like it is – which this website has always done, and which it will continue to do no matter what “Damocles sword” is being held over my head on a personal level by the less savory elements of this state’s failed status quo. Preserving my ability to shoot straight – free from threats and intimidation – is essential to my professional livelihood, while being able to look myself in the mirror each day is essential to who I am as a person.

The two are inseparable, actually, and to compromise one is to eventually wind up sacrificing both.”

If you truly are honest, truly “tell it like it is,” and truly do so no matter what (or who)…then expose the “threat” expose the duress you were operating under. If you refuse to expose the who and what and how of the mechanisms that resulted in your “honesty,” then not only is your honesty in question, but so is the very “heart” of your “brand.” If you haven’t done so yet, it is time to learn how to be what you say you are.

Builder6 May 25, 2010 at 2:24 pm

What really cracks me up is that ANY of you people believe this guy. Simply because he says it happened, you lemmings believe it. If he’s so confident of his honesty, PROVE it happened. Lets see photos, lets have corroborating evidence, if not, just more bull shit from an guy with an agenda and who is seeking publicity.
Anyone who believes this guy without evidence is as stupid as he is and just as guilty of character assasination(sic) as he is.
If he was so full of character and integrity, he would “talk” about it. He isn’t, he’s looking for publicity.
He cracks me up, he tells us in no uncertain terms, that he doesn’t care what people think of him, or his views, or his politics. Yet, he supposedly, is compelled, because someone else is going to spill the beans, to expose this alleged affair. Which one is the lie, that you don’t care what people think, or the alleged affair?

Another full of shit blogger looking for his 15 minutes of fame at the expense of someone else.

If it is the truth, expose it with evidence, If not, shut the f__k up you coward.

Tom Poland May 25, 2010 at 2:29 pm

Posters go to and read “Run the Country Like It’s Your House” to see why it’s essential to throw all the old guard career politicians out of office. They do not run the country like you and I manage our households. You’ll find that column under the link “Across The Savannah.” Smear tactics like this one by Folks is part and parcel for how the old guard operates. It’s time to oust all of them.

Neil May 25, 2010 at 2:39 pm

Another God-fearing Republican found committing a sin against his fellow God-fearing Republican. So much for family values. Stop hiding behind the flag and the bible, just be a decent guy. Republicans love to preach to others, while they are the biggest hypocrites out there.

One would have to wonder what your motives for ruining your family and that of Nikki Haley. A real man would have kept his mouth shut. Any relationship between a man and woman, behind closed doors, is nobody’s business. It’s one thing to come out and embarrass yourself, but to hurt many innocent people is just cowardly. If a tabloid has proof of an affair, let them print it. A “no comment” is the right response to these types of allegations.

guyfawkes May 25, 2010 at 3:16 pm

if ya’ll believe this wife beating sleeze without any definite evidence I got a bridge in Awendaw I want to sell… having met Nikki she is way too smart, and way too classy to ever enter the public arena with a POS like this turd albatross. The inner circle in Columbia doesn’t want her in the Governor’s mansion, they would rather have a hack like mcmaster or even bauer. This is nothing but BS.

Jan'et May 25, 2010 at 3:36 pm

Fantasizing about having sex with someone does NOT constitute an “inappropratie physical relationship” in anyone’s mind except yours. Truth may indeed be stranger than fiction but only because it must have SOME basis for believability–unlike this story.

Concerned citizen May 25, 2010 at 3:49 pm

Your words – “within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship”

the secret is out now so what were the documents?

“I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week”

Can you tell us why they wouldn’t still publish it?

Dan McCaully May 25, 2010 at 3:57 pm

Ya, I understand it. I used to bang Sarah Palin while she was married to Todd. HEY, I’M NOT LYING !!!

SameOldSameOld May 25, 2010 at 4:38 pm

This situation is not unusual. Every candidate and political operative have one thing or another they would prefer remain private. As do the people who are funding or running the campaigns. And most of the people reading this blog. Its just life. Cant wait to hear stories about which of McMaster’s operatives fudged a business deal or which of Sheheen’s supporters have broken federal laws. Let the games continue…

Incredulous May 25, 2010 at 4:53 pm

It is impossible to believe a backstabbing attention-lusting blogger with a criminal record, willing to destroy an entire family, without any evidence to support his claim. Not only that, but Will only said he had an “inappropriate physical relationship”; what does that mean? For all we know, that could mean he tried to kiss Haley and she slapped him. Will never said there was a sexual relationship, but everyone is jumping to conclusions. For all we know, both Folks and Haley could be telling the truth. It is obvious this is a fake controversy intended to distract attention from the real issues in the campaign and Haley’s qualifications. There is no evidence Folks was coerced into any of his daily drip of rumor and innuendo. This is clearly politically motivated and timed to hurt Haley. Folks lied when he said he would have nothing else to say about this. This is a lame yet transparent attempt to become a celebrity no matter what the cost.

Ernesto A. Smith May 25, 2010 at 5:02 pm

Mr. Folks, you should be ashamed of yourself. On the one hand you are most likely a liar seeking some press time at the expense of the reputation of a woman who is both married and a mother – shame on you! On the other hand, if by any stretch of the imagination a woman as good looking and accomplished as Ms. Haley would give a guy like you a second look, a value that has always been important to any man that considers himself truly a man – discretion – has been desecrated by your shameless accusation; as such, you are not even a man – shame on you! You’ve lost another visitor, I will never visit your website again.

Randy May 25, 2010 at 5:07 pm

UMMMMMM DoucheBag…..I never heard of this website FitnsNews until this all began….makes ya wonder the true motives for this “story” to be leaked. You, Will are a nothing…. I wouldnt believe crapola that comes from your mouth. Anyone who has any common sense can see that you are a fraud just trying to get your 5 seconds.

On another note…if it was before you were married wtf business is it of your current wife? And why would they break any trust? seems to me you are building yourself up a little pitty party to give the allusion of honesty….

Janet May 25, 2010 at 10:45 pm

This is a crock of crap. No one can make you do anything you don’t want to do. So someone was going to come out with some garbage to try and ruin Haley. Why did you have to play along? “I’ve got emails and text messages!” Your as bad as the scum that you proclaim is “forcing” you to tell the truth. Why not just confess your sins, if there are any, to your wife and keep your mouth shut? What does an affair have to do with anything, NOT that I am condoning this behavior, IF it did indeed happen. It’s not like she stole $50,000 from a bank. Let’s get real. They made more out of Sanford’s ordeal than they did of Clinton’s. The American public thought JFK was the closest thing to a god that ever served in the White House and look at what he did. If the truth be known you probably came on to her and she turned you down flat and that is why you are so eager to spill your guts. Your a sad excuse for a man, a husband, and a friend.

Tom May 25, 2010 at 10:49 pm

I never heard of you, until today.

Except for this “story,” you were completely unknown.


Therefore we know who orchestrated whom, and for whose benefit!

You ALWAYS knew how you were going to use that woman, for your own purposes!

Good luck in your new career, propelled forward by the notoriety created by your own complete lack of personal integrity.

America is going to love you!!!!!!!!!

Been attacked by you before... May 25, 2010 at 11:46 pm

Amazing isn’t it how little concern you have for others in similar yet unsubstantiated situations. Why so kind and forgiving to Nikki and yourself when you are so brutal to others without care or concern for those you LOVE to attack. Maybe you’ll learn a valuable lesson. You know what they say…what goes around comes around.

Patvann May 26, 2010 at 11:15 am

Psst. Hey Will. Just so I can get ahead of the rumors, I banged your wife.

Thomas May 26, 2010 at 11:56 am

As most guys learned in high school and college – nearly ALL women cheat on their mates and lie to them about it. Am older than 50 now and have been with more than 200 married women and I’m quite sure none of them ever told their husbands or children about it.

Thomas May 26, 2010 at 12:07 pm

Even if this WERE true, and it apparently isn’t, what kind of mental deterioration would cause someone to even consider posting something like this on the internet and include the names of her children in the post?

The Fool May 26, 2010 at 1:39 pm

You all sound tawdry and pathetic to me. But is is kind of funny to hear all you family values conservatives being exposed for the hilarious hypocrites you really are.

pantsonfire541 May 26, 2010 at 1:49 pm

you’re like the balloon dad, right?

Rick Cain May 26, 2010 at 2:30 pm

You cheated, why didn’t you just say that instead of forcing me to read a rambling multiparagraph rant.

good riddance to you and your site.

Jim Nayzium May 26, 2010 at 3:27 pm

I think the phrase “It is what it is” is used too much in today’s media and in general.

I think what people really mean when they say this is —

“I am not that great at thinking, but I sure do like talking…”

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

huh? May 26, 2010 at 3:56 pm

So much for civil discourse. Some commenters are disgusting.

Wil Burns May 26, 2010 at 4:12 pm

I wish you people would get raptured away, so that the rest of us can get on with living and progressing.

Capn Eddie Ricketyback May 27, 2010 at 8:19 am

So I learn from other sources that Mr. Folks has published text messages on his blog, and I finally find said blog and come here and are unable to find said messages, although I see them alluded to in some of the comments. Would someone like to give me a clue as to where they are or a link to them if they’re still here?

Paulie May 27, 2010 at 9:25 am

Why don’t you give the proof you say you have instead of milking the publicity ?
Either put up or shut up !

Jimmy Carroll May 27, 2010 at 10:08 am

One of you is a liar, put up or shut up. You started this, finish it or become the butt of all jokes thereby ending any potential political access in your future. However, if you put up, then the doors will be opened to you, however cautiously for fear of exposure again.

Capn Eddie Ricketyback May 27, 2010 at 12:48 pm

“By Wil Burns on May 26th, 2010 at 4:12 pm

I wish you people would get raptured away, so that the rest of us can get on with living and progressing.”

I’m sure we would all be interested, Burns, to know how what goes on here is stopping you from “living and progressing.”

Stevo May 27, 2010 at 9:11 pm

Those in SC can thank other states like Mississippi and Alabama for not putting SC in the lowest rank in things like education and social development. Those in Miss and Alabama can thank the SC Republican party for giving them a fighting chance.

Don May 28, 2010 at 1:11 am

It seems like only yesterday that the party of family values was promising to morally fumigate the highest office in the land. Now it seems the Republicans are sorely in need of some moral house cleaning of their own. Onward Christian Soldiers!

Omaar May 28, 2010 at 2:08 am


You have Pictures of the Embrace Yourself and You Know it too..

Lets See them Will.

I Believe at the Debate, Nikki Haley will [Pull A Palin] and Quit Her Run at the Governorship, stating Too Much Pressure on her Family and that Her Family is Much More Important than Holding the Governorship, Watch, Wait & See, what Happens.

She’ll Also Cite The Media and its Lust for Scandal…

She’ll Blame Everyone, Including You Will and Most of All SC Carolina Politics.

She’ll Blame All with one Exception [Herself] for being [Weak] in the Flesh.

Nikki should Look Inside Herself and Blame Herself, for Her Own Vices and Shortcomings, Not the SC Political System, Nor the Mass Media.

Nikki, should Blame Herself…Period.

Where’s that Blue Dress ?

Omaar May 28, 2010 at 2:15 am

All Nikki has to do is Prove there’s No Sexual Relationship, by Giving Public Access to Her Telephone Messages and Text Messages.

She has Not Sued for Defamation of Character or Slander.

Looks Bad for Mark Sanford…

I mean Nikki Haley !!

Mark Sanford is taking this as a Relief..

Sanford is saying, “This is Worse than My Argentine Trail, I mean Appalachian Trail Story

Gizmo May 28, 2010 at 6:57 am

For someone who sounds like they have such high moral standards I have to ask “why did you have an affair with a married woman”? I believe you are shooting a bunch of bologna. And I believe that Bauer or McMaster is behind it. Reminds me of Andrew Young lying about getting some woman pregnant in order to help his good friend John Edwards. And how convenient for you that this supposedly affair took place before you were married. Made sure to get those math calculations right.

Bob Powell May 28, 2010 at 1:16 pm

WILL FOLKS: Whether or not your charges are true, YOU ARE LOWER THAN WHALE CRAP.

Not only that, but if you thought you would enhance your career by publishing this garbage, I can guarantee that you couldn’t be more wrong. When this is over, one way or another, you will be FINISHED as a writer – your credibility is shot.

If you are willing to reveal the most personal details of someone else’s life – true or not – without their consent, then there is no level to which you won’t stoop. NO ONE will ever trust you with anything, ever again. Kiss all of your sources goodbye douc**bag. I hope that you get EXACTLY what you deserve.

Omaar May 28, 2010 at 4:38 pm

Nikki Haley’s Late Night Phone Calls…

These Phone Calls Challenge Haley’s Story [Fact]

While South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley (R) admits to talking to blogger Will Folks frequently — she says he was a part-time political consultant, he says they has an “inappropriate physical relationship” — the Charleston Post & Courier notes…

“Some of those calls came late at night, lasted for hours — and one did not end until nearly 5 a.m.”

Phone Sex, to get through the [Night]

Love & Lust All In One: You Hang Up, No You hang Up, No, You Hang Up..

Prince: “Nikki Started To Grind”

Will, You Dah Man !!!

Omaar May 28, 2010 at 5:22 pm

Niki Has All The Makings of becoming the Hypocritical Moral Majority-Conservative Republican…

I.E…The [Female Version] of Sanford, Souder & John Ensign…

All Rolled into One.

The GOP [Image] of Being Morally Straight & Above the Shortcomings of Average America Citizens Must End, Now ..

They should Admit, I have Faults, Vices, Frailties and Drawbacks, like most of the People Out there.

But the Republican Image of Being Above & Beyond Human Weaknesses of Others [False Image] Restrains People like Sexy Niki Haley, from doing so.


PS: She may Admit The Affair and Drop Out or Stay in the Race, it would be [In Vain] of course.

Roger May 28, 2010 at 5:46 pm

What’s wrong Will, did she ignore your propositions and you have found a chance to get even? I can’t see any other reason to put this stuff out at this time. Of course there is the other reason, you got paid by the other candidates who are afraid of her. GO NIKKI!!!! YOU’VE GOT MY VOTE.

Omaar May 28, 2010 at 5:55 pm

Geez Louise, Will…

Niki had a a Ton Of Politicking to do with You, Especcially at [Night] and The Later the Better, I Guess ?

If I were her Husband, I would say, what in the Blazes is going on here ?

That is, If I Cared ?

But Obviously, Niki’s Husband Didn’t Care that Much about Her Odd Late Night [Phone Sex Calls] I Mean [Political Calls] and what not ?

I would’ve said to My Wife, “Niki, If You want Will’s Political Advice, Call Him, from 9-7 PM Maybe 9PM, But You’ll Not be getting Phone Sex, I Mean [Political Advice] On Family Time”

Will, This Chick, Couldn’t Contain Herself, Just Like Mark Sanford, Nothing Else Mattered, His Wife, Nor his Children, Will, The Chick was Hooked On You, like a Drug, Just like Sanford was Hooked on Those Long Hikes Up the The Argentine Trail, I Mean the Appalachian Trail.

8/7/07 – 10:19 PM – [180 minutes] – incoming 8/9/07 – 10:47 PM – [79 minutes] – incoming 8/20/07 – 9:58 PM – [73 minutes] – incoming 8/25/07 – 2:24 AM – [146 minutes] – incoming 8/26/07 – 9:53 PM – [63 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 9:59 PM – [72 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:12 PM – 2 minutes – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:13 PM – 20 minutes – incoming 8/28/07 – 10:05 PM – [40 minutes] – incoming 8/30/07 – 9:28 PM – [133 minutes] – incoming

Roger May 28, 2010 at 7:01 pm

I wonder where Nikki’s husband was in the middle of the night while she was talking to Will on the phone? If Nikki’s husband wasn’t around, then why did she have to call Will when she could have been with him? Will sounds like a liberal attack dog to me. Yep, I said liberal like the other candidates.

Omaar May 28, 2010 at 7:49 pm

Roger, You’re Pathetic

Liberal My A!!…

Will, was a Haley Supporter and a Card Carrying Republican, who worked for Mark Sanford and a Political Consultant to Haley.

Mark Sanford, David Vitter, John Ensign, Mark Foley and Souder are All Whore Mongers, No Liberal Help Needed.

So Much for the “Moral Majority”

Omaar May 28, 2010 at 8:38 pm

Robert, You’re Kidding Yourself, You’re Having what I call..

PCA:Politically Convenient Amnesia.


PSH: Politically Selective Hatred [Democrat Liberal Agenda Theory]..

Democrats made Niki Haley, David Vitter, John Ensign and Mark Sanford, have SEX Outside their Marriages, OK, I See You Illogic Now.

While South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley (R) admits to talking to blogger Will Folks frequently — she says he was a part-time political consultant, he says they had an “Inappropriate Physical Relationship” — the Charleston Post & Courier notes…

“Some of those calls came Late at Night, Lasted for Hours — and one did not End Until Nearly 5 A.M.”

They were Having a Ton Of Phone Sex and Lovers Chats, Until the Wee Hours in the Morning, I Mean Political Consultancy via the Phone.

Will was Getting Paid Handsomely, I Might add, He got Paid for Late Night Consultant Work and Paid Via Those Niki Haley [Perks & Bones] I mean Political Bonuses, whatever that might be..

Will, You Dah Man !!!

Valdare May 28, 2010 at 9:36 pm

Let me see if I got this straight. Willie the blogger who had nothing to lose is stating an affair with a politician is trying to play a victim. When it comes down to it, a blogger really can’t change much, regardless if Nikkie gets elected or not.

One’s arrogance will only carry them so far. I would like to remind everyone that this is the blogger that plead guilty to domestic violence and then made it sound like he was only pleading guilty because of his concern of the victim (

Even if what Willis says is true, is it really his place to hurt the innocent (remember her children and husband)? A person of true integrity would say no. That person would not be threatened by a press release of one’s transgressions. A person of integrity would allow the chips fall where they may, with clean hands. It appears for some that is just too hard to understand. Isn’t that right, Willie?

Omaar May 29, 2010 at 6:56 am

Valdare: Just another Its OK if a Woman Does it [Sex Outside The Marriage] and when and If a Woman Does it and is Caught, like [Niki Haley] it should Never be [EXPOSED]…

But its Never OK when a Man to Does it like [Sanford] and when he does it , it should be [EXPOSED 24-7] and let the Chips Fall where they may…Huh

Transparency Huh, When will Pretty Niki Release Her Payment Records for all those [Late Night Telephone Sex Calls]

Er Um, I Mean, [Political Consultant Consultations]?

Why hasn’t she Sued for Defamation of Character ?

Why did she Not Ask for Mark Sanford to Step Down as Governor [Impeachment] as others in the State House had called for ?

Answer: Because Pretty Niki Couldn’t Harshly Judge a Man who like Herself, had some Shortcomings-Weaknesses, like her Own..

I.E. [Lustful Desire for another Man, Outside of her Marriage].

She’s Not being Too Aggressive on Countering Will, Huh and for Good Reason too.

Where’s those Political Consultant FEES for Will’s EXPERTISE, that’s what I want to SEE, Show Me The FEES…Niki Haley, Give Me Proof of those Political Consultant FEES, that You PAID Will Folks, Please by All
Means, Prove Yourself to the People of South Carolina.

One More thing..

Valdare, Niki Knew about the Domestic Abuse Charge Against Folks, But she had No Problems with those Late Night [Phone Sex Calls] Er Um..

I Mean Late Night [Political Consultant Calls] Til 5 AM In the Morning !!

You Know what I’m Referring to…

Niki: You Hang Up

Will: Nah, You Hang Up

Niki: No You Hang Up

Both: Lets Hang Up, Together, then they say, OK, I Love You, Can’t Wait, Til We Talk or Meet Face To Face, Lets Keep it on the DL:The Down Low

DL: Discretion Level

They Both Hang Up: Then say to Themselves, That was some Great Phone Sex..

I mean Will, Gave Niki [Some Great Political Consultant Work]

Valdare May 29, 2010 at 8:52 pm

Omaar: I think it is interesting that you think that I’m defending Nikkie. It is also interesting how you avoid the integrity issue of Willie the blogger.

It is hard to find one that stands for integrity, no matter the situation. It is also hard to find a person that is willing to address the issue without trying to avoid it.

My issue is not political. It is, why trust one that has shown a lacking something that can be trusted. Remember we are discussing about someone that is guilty of causing violence to a woman. Then this person tries to say he plead guilty because he is concern for the woman that he caused violence to ( Integrity, where is it?

This also leads to another integrity question. What are Willie’s motives? Since integrity seems to be greatly lacking, it could not be that. Also, since integrity involves honesty and respect, it could not be either of those. What are the motives of Willie the blogger? It is a shame when one only thinks of oneself and not doing what is correct (integrity).

Well as the domestic “violentor” (Willie the blogger) said, “Letting the chips fall”.

Omaar May 30, 2010 at 10:38 am

Valdare: Nikki Knew Of Will’s Past, Period. You and Pretty Nikki Deall With that. It obviously Didn’t [BOTHER PRETTY NIKKI]

Integrity ?

Will, Worked for BOTH Mark Sanford & Nikki Haley, she said he Worked For Her !!

Integrity: You asked for Integrity ?

Where are the Payments Made to Will, for All those Late Night Political Consultations Valdare ? All Pretty Nikki has to do is Present Her Payments for Will’s Hot Late Night [Phone Sex] I Mean [Political Consultations] that would be [Integrity] and Thus End Part of the Scandal, but she hasn’t [She’s Pulling a Sanford] to the Bitter END

People like You SELECTIVELY CHEER SCANDALS like this, if its say, Democrat John Edwards, Yet Decry or Ignore People like say, David Vitter, John Ensign, Mark Souder, Mark Sanford & Now Female Nikki Haley, They SCREAM LIKE A BANSHEE.

She Screwed Around, END OF STORY

I Could Care LESS on Either Side, [Guilty Is Guilty] Political Persuasion or Gender, I.E. Let The Damn Chips Fall, Where They May.

That’s What I Call [INTEGRITY]

Not Politically Selective Amnesia

Niki had a a Ton Of Politicking to do with You, Especially at [Night] and The Later the Better, I Guess ?

If I were her Husband, I would say, what in the Blazes is going on here ?

That is, If I Cared ?

But Obviously, Niki’s Husband Didn’t Care that Much about Her Odd Late Night [Phone Sex Calls] I Mean [Political Calls] and what not ?

I would’ve said to My Wife, “Niki, If You want Will’s Political Advice, Call Him, from 9-7 PM Maybe 9PM, But You’ll Not be getting Phone Sex, I Mean [Political Advice] On Family Time”

Will, This Chick, Couldn’t Contain Herself, Just Like Mark Sanford, Nothing Else Mattered, His Wife, Nor his Children, Will, The Chick was Hooked On You, like a Drug, Just like Sanford was Hooked on Those Long Hikes Up the The Argentine Trail, I Mean the Appalachian Trail.

8/7/07 – 10:19 PM – [180 minutes] – incoming 8/9/07 – 10:47 PM – [79 minutes] – incoming 8/20/07 – 9:58 PM – [73 minutes] – incoming 8/25/07 – 2:24 AM – [146 minutes] – incoming 8/26/07 – 9:53 PM – [63 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 9:59 PM – [72 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:12 PM – 2 minutes – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:13 PM – 20 minutes – incoming 8/28/07 – 10:05 PM – [40 minutes] – incoming 8/30/07 – 9:28 PM – [133 minutes] – incoming

Omaar May 30, 2010 at 11:26 am

Valdare Wrote:

Omaar: I think it is Interesting that you Think that “I’m Defending Nikkie”

It is also Interesting how you avoid the Integrity Issue of Willie the Blogger.

Valdare, That’s Borderline Bull-Spit !!

Not once Did You Critique Nikki Haley. Not Once !!

You Castrated Will in Your Response.

You Gave No Critique of Nikki Haley.

You Defended Haley by Not Critiquing Her At All, in 2 Of Your Post, You Lack Integrity and You Also Lack Honor, Because Anyone with INTEGRITY BALANCES his or her Opinions, in Your Case, You Refuse to Critique Nikki Haley Yet, You’re Full Throttled with Your Portrayal of Will as the Bad Guy, who Cannot be Trusted, Implying Nikki as the Innocent [White Dove] in this Matter and Will as the Dirty [Black Raven] …

That’s Called Political Bias

It Aint Working, Valdare [OK]


PS: Police Convict a Large Number Of People Via Informants and Most of these Informants have Criminal Records, So Much for Your Assertions of Will, being a LIAR, based on his Criminal Past, Will has to Live with his [Past Actions] Period.

But Note, In this Country, Once You Do Your Time and Stay Away from Your Past Behavior, All is Forgiven.

Pretty Nikki Knew Of Will’s Past and it Did Not STOP Her Late Night Calls, Til [5:00-PM in the Morning]

Valdare, You’re Fooling Yourself, She had the Hots for Will.

I Think Her Extra-Marital Sex Of Choice, was [Dirty Sex Talking On The Phone] From the Looks of it.

Nikki Will Pull a [Clinton]

By Saying, it wasn’t Physical Intercourse, it was [Dirty Sex Talk] Not Physical Intercourse.

It won’t Matter, The Bible Says, if You Lust in Your Heart, You’ve Already Sinned, if Nikki had [Phone Sex] It’s Far Worse, she Might as well, Spread Her Legs Apart and Let Will, Have It, Because she’s Literally having [SEX WITH WILL, VIA THE PHONE & TEXT] if Nikki was that Obsessed with Will, that she [Sext Messaged] Lord Have Mercy on Her Career !!

Omaar May 30, 2010 at 11:31 am

Valdare: Police Convict a Large Number Of People Via Informants and Most of these Informants have Criminal Records, So Much for Your Assertions of Will, being a LIAR, based on his Criminal Past, Will has to Live with his [Past Actions] Period.

But Note, In this Country, Once You Do Your Time and Stay Away from Your Past Behavior, All is Forgiven.

Pretty Nikki Knew Of Will’s Past and that [DID NOT STOP] Haley’s Late Night Calls, Til [5:00-PM in the Morning] as has been noted in a Charleston News Paper and TPM and the Political Wire Websites.

Valdare, You’re Fooling Yourself, She had the Hots for Will.

I Think Her Extra-Marital Sex Of Choice, was [Dirty Sex Talking On The Phone] From the Looks of it.

Nikki Will Pull a [Clinton]

By Saying, it wasn’t Physical Intercourse, it was [Dirty Sex Talk] Not Physical Intercourse.

It won’t Matter, The Bible Says, if You Lust in Your Heart, You’ve Already Sinned, if Nikki had [Phone Sex] It’s Far Worse, she Might as well, Spread Her Legs Apart and Let Will, Have It, Because she’s Literally having [SEX WITH WILL, VIA THE PHONE & TEXT] if Nikki was that Obsessed with Will, that she [Sext Messaged] Lord Have Mercy on Her Career !!

Valdare May 30, 2010 at 12:01 pm

Omaar: The issue is not if it happened or not. It is the integrity of the accusser.

Why deflect from the real issue of integrity from the one who is guilty of abusing a woman (Willie the blogger:

Why deflect the from such an accusser’s motives?

There is more to this story from the one who is known to have abused a woman (Willie the blogger).

Like I said in my first posting, “A person of integrity would allow the chips fall where they may, with clean hands. It appears for some that is just too hard to understand”.

Omaar May 30, 2010 at 12:40 pm


Will, Niki had a a Ton Of [Politicking] to do with You, Especially at [Night] and The Later the Better, I Guess ?

If I were her Husband, I would say, “What in the Blazes is Going on Here” ?

That is, If I Cared ?

But Obviously, Niki’s Husband Didn’t Care that Much about Nikki’s Odd Late Night [Phone Sex Calls] I Mean [Political Calls] and what not ?

I would’ve said to My Wife, “Niki, If You want Will’s Political Advice, Call Him, from 9-7 PM Maybe 8PM, But You’ll Not be Getting Phone Sex Calls, I Mean [Political Advice Calls] On Family Time”

Will, This Chick, Couldn’t Contain Herself, Just Like Mark Sanford, Nothing Else Mattered, His Wife, Nor his Children Mattered..

Will, The Chick was Hooked On You, like a Drug, Just like Sanford was Hooked on Those Long Hikes, Up the The Argentine Trail, I Mean the Appalachian Trail.

8/7/07 – 10:19 PM – [180 minutes] – incoming 8/9/07 – 10:47 PM – [79 minutes] – incoming 8/20/07 – 9:58 PM – [73 minutes] – incoming 8/25/07 – 2:24 AM – [146 minutes] – incoming 8/26/07 – 9:53 PM – [63 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 9:59 PM – [72 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:12 PM – 2 minutes – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:13 PM – 20 minutes – incoming 8/28/07 – 10:05 PM – [40 minutes] – incoming 8/30/07 – 9:28 PM – [133 minutes] – incoming

Omaar May 30, 2010 at 9:37 pm

Valdare, This Your 3rd Post and YOU REFUSE to Critique Niki Haley, You are Biased and have an Ulterior Motive, to Try an put the Ounous on this Matter all at the Feet of Will Folks, it won’t Work.

If Nikki has not Filed Defamation of Character & Slander Suits against Folks, Nor Present Her Payment History to Folks, via Legal Documentation, then she’s Hiding or Withholding this Information, Because she knows she’s as ..

[G-U-I-L-T-Y AS, S-I-N]

In any Event, the Chips will Soon Fall.

OK Valdare, Nikki’s as Pure as the Driven Snow, Will’s a Dirty Scoundrel, Does that make You Feel Warm and Fuzzy All Over ?

Omaar May 30, 2010 at 9:41 pm

One More Time Valdare: Police Convict a Large Number Of People Via Informants and Most of these Informants have Criminal Records, So Much for Your Assertions of Will, being a LIAR, based on his Criminal Past, Will has to Live with his [Past Actions] Period.

But Note, In this Country, Once You Do Your Time and Stay Away from Your Past Behavior, All is Forgiven.

Pretty Nikki Knew Of Will’s Past and that [DID NOT STOP] Haley’s Late Night Calls, Til [5:00-PM in the Morning] as has been noted in a Charleston News Paper and TPM and the Political Wire Websites.

Valdare, You’re Fooling Yourself, She had the Hots for Will.

I Think Her Extra-Marital Sex Of Choice, was [Dirty Sex Talking On The Phone] From the Looks of it.

Nikki Will Pull a [Clinton]

By Saying, it wasn’t Physical Intercourse, it was [Dirty Sex Talk] Not Physical Intercourse.

It won’t Matter, The Bible Says, if You Lust in Your Heart, You’ve Already Sinned, if Nikki had [Phone Sex] It’s Far Worse, she Might as well, Spread Her Legs Apart and Let Will, Have It, Because she’s Literally having [SEX WITH WILL, VIA THE PHONE & TEXT] if Nikki was that Obsessed with Will, that she [Sext Messaged] Lord Have Mercy on Her Career !!

Omaar May 30, 2010 at 9:46 pm

Valdare: You’re Kidding Yourself, You’re Having what I call..

PCA:Politically Convenient Amnesia.


PSH: Politically Selective Hatred [Democrat Liberal Agenda Theory]..

David Vitter, Mark Souder, John Ensign and Mark Sanford, had SEX Outside their Marriages and So Did Sweet & Pretty Niki Haley.

Let the Chips Fall.

While South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley (R) admits to talking to blogger Will Folks frequently — she says he was a part-time political consultant, he says they had an “Inappropriate Physical Relationship” — the Charleston Post & Courier notes…

“Some of those calls came Late at Night, Lasted for Hours — and one did not [End Until Nearly 5 A.M.”]

They were Having a Ton Of Phone Sex and Lovers Chats, Until the Wee Hours in the Morning, I Mean Political Consultancy via the Phone.

Will was Getting Paid Handsomely, I Might add, He got Paid for Late Night Consultant Work and Paid Via Those Niki Haley [Perks & Bones] I mean Perks and Political Bonuses, whatever that might be..

Will, You Dah Man !!!

Pops June 1, 2010 at 7:21 am

So where is this evidence you claim the press had and was ready to divulge??

Quote Will Folks: Specifically, within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media. I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week. ……………………….

I refuse to play that game. I refuse to have someone hold the political equivalent of a switch-blade in front of my face and just sit there and watch as they cut me to pieces.

Tell us what this physical evidence is that documents the relatinship?
You claim its already public, already in the media and you don’t want it to be a swicthblade in your face, well disclosing it will render it mute.

Omaar June 1, 2010 at 6:25 pm

Will Sanford Comes t the Defense of Pretty Nikki:

Mark Sanford, who has survived a historically brazen sex scandal to remain in office as governor of South Carolina, today came out in defense of gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley — a longtime political ally — over the claim of an inappropriate physical relationship made by blogger and former Sanford spokesman Will Folks.

“I think that people see that stuff for what it is, which is politics as usual and in this case a particularly evil brand of politics as usual,” Sanford said at a public event today, the AP reports.

He continued: “Inevitably there are all sorts of crazy allegations that surface in the last couple of weeks of politics. It’s happened in my campaigns over the years. It’s awful as a candidate because there is very little time to respond and there is very little way to disprove some of these crazy allegations that come the last couple of weeks,”

Folks was Sanford’s spokesman from 2001 to 2005. But during the Sanford sex scandal last year, Folks’ site, FITSNews, was the go-to source for news and gossip about the governor’s infidelity. Folks even called on Sanford to resign. So it’s not surprising that the governor isn’t leaping to Folks’ defense.

Valdare June 1, 2010 at 11:22 pm

Omaar: Avoiding the question from Pops? What about the accusations from one that is guilty of abusing a woman (Willie the blogger: Where is the proof? All the abuser has is a couple of text a message that mean nothing and who knows if they are real. These messages are not even with Haley or none with her that support the abuser’s accusation.

Well, it appears that you will support an accusation from a person who is guilty of abusing a woman (Willie the blogger) and who doesn’t have any real proof. Maybe others will see what he is really about. Regardless, most do see through such a person, but some just can’t or just doesn’t want to.

Omaar June 2, 2010 at 3:34 pm

Valdare, Can You Read ?

One More Time Valdare…

Police Convict a Large Number Of People Via Informants and Most of these Informants have Criminal Records, So Much for Your Assertions of Will, being a LIAR, based on his Criminal Past, Will has to Live with his [Past Actions] Period.

But Note, In this Country, Once You Do Your Time and Stay Away from Your Past Behavior, All is Forgiven.

Pretty Nikki Knew Of Will’s Past and that [DID NOT STOP] Haley’s Late Night Calls, Til [5:00-PM in the Morning] as has been noted in a Charleston News Paper and TPM and the Political Wire Websites.

Valdare, You’re Fooling Yourself, She had the Hots for Will.

I Think Her Extra-Marital Sex Of Choice, was [Dirty Sex Talking On The Phone] From the Looks of it.

Nikki Will Pull a [Clinton]

By Saying, it wasn’t Physical Intercourse, it was [Dirty Sex Talk] Not Physical Intercourse.

It won’t Matter, The Bible Says, if You Lust in Your Heart, You’ve Already Sinned, if Nikki had [Phone Sex] It’s Far Worse, she Might as well, Spread Her Legs Apart and Let Will, Have It, Because she’s Literally having [SEX WITH WILL, VIA THE PHONE & TEXT] if Nikki was that Obsessed with Will, that she [Sext Messaged] Lord Have Mercy on Her Career !!

Omaar June 2, 2010 at 3:37 pm


I Truly Believe You and Nikki Haley Use to [Get It On] Especially Now..

Look at Nikki Haley’s Commercial with Her Husband, Both Haley’s Husband and You Look Eerily Similar.

Phone Sex, was Her Sexual Favorite


South Carolina GOP gubernatorial hopeful Nikki Haley is out with a new campaign ad taking on the “dark side” of state politics and also featuring a cameo of her husband in the aftermath of recent allegations that the Republican candidate engaged in an extramarital affair with a conservative blogger.

“I’ve seen the dark side of our state’s politics,” Haley says at the beginning of the 30-second spot. Then after briefly touting her conservative economic principles, Haley introduces her husband: “I’m Nikki Haley and this is my husband Michael,” she says.

Haley’s husband and her two children also appear in a montage of shots earlier in her latest campaign ad.

Despite speculation swirling over how Haley’s campaign will be affected by accusations she had an affair with the blogger, the GOP contender doesn’t appear to be too concerned about her chances with the state’s June 8 primary election less than a week away.

The AP reports:

State Rep. Nikki Haley says allegations by a Columbia blogger that they had inappropriate physical contact won’t hurt her ability to close economic development deals if she’s elected South Carolina’s governor.

Haley said Tuesday at a Francis Marion University debate that the claims can’t hurt her because they aren’t true.

Recent polling data out on South Carolina’s Republican primary race for governor shows Haley with a comfortable double-digit lead over her GOP opponents.

WATCH: Nikki Haley Campaign Ad Features Husband, Takes On ‘Dark Side Of Politics’:

bill board June 2, 2010 at 4:33 pm

Still waiting on the breaking news scoop Will.

Good Lord son.

Grow up.

bill board June 2, 2010 at 4:34 pm

Omar looks to be sweet on you Will.


Omaar June 2, 2010 at 11:30 pm

Bill, I Know People like You have Pint Up [Closeted Sexual Perversions] But try to Keep Your Perversions Harnessed, there are Websites, If You Can’t Contain Yourself…

This is Straight Talk, Not Stray Talk. Son

Your Bible Says, Out of the Abundance of the Heart, Your Mouth Speaks.

Will Sanford Comes to the Defense of Pretty Nikki:

Mark Sanford, who has survived a historically brazen sex scandal to remain in office as governor of South Carolina, today came out in defense of gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley — a longtime political ally — over the claim of an inappropriate physical relationship made by blogger and former Sanford spokesman Will Folks.

“I think that people see that stuff for what it is, which is politics as usual and in this case a particularly evil brand of politics as usual,” Sanford said at a public event today, the AP reports.

He continued: “Inevitably there are all sorts of crazy allegations that surface in the last couple of weeks of politics. It’s happened in my campaigns over the years. It’s awful as a candidate because there is very little time to respond and there is very little way to disprove some of these crazy allegations that come the last couple of weeks,”

Big Note: Folks was Sanford’s spokesman from 2001 to 2005. But during the Sanford sex scandal last year, Folks’ site, FITSNews, was the go-to source for news and gossip about the governor’s infidelity. Folks even called on S

Frank Drackman June 3, 2010 at 8:46 am

You Suck! You and Sanford are probably gay lovers, if there’s a God, you’ll get AIDS and die a painful death.
No Offense,

Frank “You Suck Barney Frank Balls” Drackman

P.S. Even if your not a Turd burglin Homo, you deserve a case of rectal cancer for not bein a Gentleman

P.P.S. Die already

P.P.P.S Your still here?? Might wanta get that Colonoscopy early

Omaar June 3, 2010 at 4:28 pm

Will, Another Nikki Haley Sex Bomb !!!

Lobbyist Larry Marchant, who on Wednesday became the second man to claim he had an affair with South Carolina Republican gubernatorial hopeful Nikki Haley, is dishing details on his alleged one-night stand with the candidate.

“I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki Haley,” Marchant explains in an interview with WCBD in Charleston. “We had gone to dinner, I had some drinks, and things happened and that was it. It was one time and one time only… I spent the night with Ms. Haley and we had sexual relations, we had sex.”

Marchant added: “I know in my heart what happened, and she’s knows in her heart what happened.

The big twist is that Marchant has been serving as a political consultant to South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, a rival of Haley’s in the governor’s race.

Meanwhile, Haley vehemently denies that she had a sexual relations with Marchant, whose announcement came the same day as the primary frontrunner released a campaign ad subtly attempting to do damage control amid earlier allegations she had an extramarital affair with conservative blogger Will Folks. Making a cameo in the 30-second spot is Haley’s husband Michael.

When asked in the interview about Haley’s claim that she’s been “100% faithful to her husband,” Marchant simply states, “That’s not true … I know she was making some very, very strong statements about her relationship and it bothered me.”

Ian McKinnon June 4, 2010 at 3:04 pm

Oh the sweet, sweet dagger of right-wing politics. Just like with Swiftboating, and “Obama is a secret Muslim,” there is no low to which it will not sink to get its way. No lie is too perverse, no tactic too cruel. Do we want people who condone these tactics in charge of the country? If so then America will deserve what it gets.

Ben Noir June 4, 2010 at 4:50 pm

This shabby bald little firkin of feculence would be lucky if his hand gave him a lapdance. His candor bespeaks his views, his tastes, his quality as a man and as a human being.

Maralago June 4, 2010 at 6:09 pm

Will, you are a flat out liar. I know because I’ve seen your picture. You are beyond fugly, you are like every other short ugly guy I’ve met in my life – they can’t get anywhere with a woman & the next thing they scream is “I slept with her”. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you have phone records with her number, or her records with yours. Phoning ain’t fucking. Another reason you can’t get laid – you’re an idiot.

Omaar June 4, 2010 at 9:48 pm

Haley Will Resign [IF] Charges Prove [True]

She did not say, It will Never Proven to be True, Instead Nikki says [IF]

There can be No [IFS] If You Never had Sex Outside Your Marriage

[Think People]

In a radio interview on WVOC-AM, Nikki Haley said she will resign if she is elected governor and the allegations that she had extramarital affairs are proven to be true:

Host: “If something comes out after you win the primary, or after you win the general election become South Carolina’s next governor, if something were to come out that validates the claims that have been made against you — in terms of stepping out on your husband and on your marriage — would you resign as governor because basically the way you’ve handled it has been an absolute, 100 percent denial? Would you resign or would it be dragged out?

Haley: “Yes.”

Host: “Yes, you would resign?”

Haley: “Yes.”

Reuben June 4, 2010 at 9:59 pm

Whatever happens between a man and a woman should remain between that man and that woman. You should have denied it. It was not like she raped you. You consented. You knew what you were doing. If there was a leak, you as a real man should have denied it. Man up!

Marlow June 4, 2010 at 10:47 pm

Mr Folks, I’m very concerned about your motives here. A political analyst and media figure like yourself is well aware of the ramifications of such an “announcement.” The excuse of good intentions is a very phony veil–any reader with insight into politics and language will find this letter not only suspicious, but insulting as well. Whether or not your dubious allegations are true, it is abundantly clear that your decision to publish this “information” is based entirely on personal gain. Produce concrete evidence, or leave Mrs. Haley alone.

I smell political blackmail.

Phred June 5, 2010 at 1:02 pm

Nice post – you make it sound like you didn’t want to push this information out and yet were compelled. Nice marketing twist. If you had come straight out and attacked saying you had the affair then people may have thought it was fake mud slinging but by acting like you were unwilling it’s makes a nice new twist.

But – you made a couple mistakes which convince me your story is fake and I suspect this was written by someone else. Note if you got paid (or are profiting from this from adspace on your blog site – I think this is a felony.)

1.) use of the word inappropriate relationship – come on, who uses that word. You would say, we got close, we made out, we spent a night at a hotel, etc. There should have been some piece of detail.

2.) Yes – I have seen your picture. A woman as hot as Nikki has ongoing physical attention from men, young, old, powerful, handsome, not powerful, not handsome. Being in politics, if she would have an affair, she would have done it with someone that was hot – and discrete.

3.) You’re a blogger. Like item 2, if someone hot like Nikki wanted to have an affair, she would never had done it with someone who was a blogger. She’s way to hot to not have her pick of the litter.

4.) In life, the simplest answer is almost always true – look at number 2 and 3 above. It is way more probable that she would not have had an affair with someone like you, and if you had, you being butt ugly would never had told anyone. Cherishing it like a secret nugget.

You are fantasizing. And committed a felony.

Omaar June 6, 2010 at 9:31 am

By Reuben Wrote: on June 4th, 2010 at 9:59 pm

Whatever happens between a man and a woman should remain between that man and that woman. You should have denied it. It was not like she raped you. You consented. You knew what you were doing. If there was a leak, you as a real man should have denied it. Man up!

You and others like [YOU] are pure [Hypocrites] Especially when it Involves [Republicans] like Vitter, Ensign, Sanford, Craig, Souder and Now Pretty Nikki Haley.

But people like YOU, Now Claim…

“Whatever Happens Between Man & Woman, Should Stay Between the Man and the Woman”

What a Damn Double Standard.

Give Me and the Free Thinking World a… Damn Break

If Nikki Had SEX with Will Folks a Republican Not a [Democrat] She DID.

If Nikki had SEX with the Other Republican Male, she DID.

If she DID, she’s No Different than Mark Sanford, David Vitter, Mark Souder, Larry Craig, John Ensign or Any Other Sexually Active While Married Republican.

You Celebrate When a Democrat is Caught having Sex with someone Outside their Marriage, Yet Want the MEDIA to LOOK OVER NIKKI HALEY..

Its Called … [HYPOCRISY]

I.E.. If the Heffa Opened Her Legs, Once Or Twice She’s Un-Fit To Serve as Governor, the Woman is [Done]

Omaar June 6, 2010 at 9:36 am


Will, Niki had a a Ton Of [Politicking] to do with You, Especially at [Night] and The Later the Better, I Guess ?

If I were her Husband, I would say, “What in the Blazes is Going on Here” ?

That is, If I Cared ?

But Obviously, Niki’s Husband Didn’t Care that Much about Nikki’s Odd Late Night [Phone Sex Calls] I Mean [Political Calls] and what not ?

I would’ve said to My Wife, “Niki, If You want Will’s Political Advice, Call Him, from 9-7 PM Maybe 8PM, But You’ll Not be Getting Phone Sex Calls, I Mean [Political Advice Calls] On Family Time”

Will, This Chick, Couldn’t Contain Herself, Just Like Mark Sanford, Nothing Else Mattered, His Wife, Nor his Children Mattered..

Will, The Chick was Hooked On You, like a Drug, Just like Sanford was Hooked on Those Long Hikes, Up the The Argentine Trail, I Mean the Appalachian Trail.

8/7/07 – 10:19 PM – [180 minutes] – incoming 8/9/07 – 10:47 PM – [79 minutes] – incoming 8/20/07 – 9:58 PM – [73 minutes] – incoming 8/25/07 – 2:24 AM – [146 minutes] – incoming 8/26/07 – 9:53 PM – [63 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 9:59 PM – [72 minutes] – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:12 PM – 2 minutes – outgoing 8/27/07 – 11:13 PM – 20 minutes – incoming 8/28/07 – 10:05 PM – [40 minutes] – incoming 8/30/07 – 9:28 PM – [133 minutes] – incoming

Note: Niki Knew about the Domestic Abuse Charge Against Folks, But she had No Problems with those Late Night [Phone Sex Calls] Er Um..

I Mean Late Night [Political Consultant Calls] Til 5 AM In the Morning !!

You Know what I’m Referring to…

Niki: You Hang Up

Will: Nah, You Hang Up

Niki: No You Hang Up

Both: Lets Hang Up, Together, then they say, OK, I Love You, Can’t Wait, Til We Talk or Meet Face To Face, Lets Keep it on the DL:The Down Low

DL: Discretion Level

They Both Hang Up: Then say to Themselves, That was some Great Phone Sex..

I mean Will, Gave Niki [Some Great Political Consultant Work]

Omaar June 6, 2010 at 9:49 am

Here’s what the new post on FITSNews — written with no byline — claims about the text messages: “All we can tell you for now is that the record of correspondence between the two of them began on November 20, 2005 – with an email sent at 8:33 a.m. from Haley’s State House email address ( to Will Folks’ personal address ( in which Haley complimented Folks on an article he had written praising her gubernatorial ambitions.”

It continues: “That four-and-a-half year record of correspondence ended on Saturday, May 22, 2010 – three days ago – with a text message sent from Folks’ cell phone to Haley’s cell phone at 1:04 p.m. alerting her to the fact that he had been placed in a position where he felt that he had no choice but to address the rumors regarding their relationship on his website.”

The site claims “a lot” happened in the period between those two dates, and that Haley “even refers to herself as the ‘Texting Queen,’ a reference to her favorite band, Abba.”

Now, remember Folks said in his post Monday that “I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm.” So if he is in fact the source for (or the author of) the new FITSNews story, he appears to be willing to discuss the relationship.

In another wrinkle, as first reported by Ben Smith, it has emerged that Folks’ consulting company was paid over $1,000 by Haley’s state senate campaign in 2008. Folks told the AP, in an interview conducted before his original blog post was published, that the relationship took place in 2007 when he was doing communications work for the campaign.

Omaar June 6, 2010 at 9:57 am

Nikki Text Messaging For 4 1/2 Years…

“That four-and-a-half year record of correspondence ended on Saturday, May 22, 2010 – three days ago – with a text message sent from Folks’ cell phone to Haley’s cell phone at 1:04 p.m. alerting her to the fact that he had been placed in a position where he felt that he had no choice but to address the rumors regarding their relationship on his website.”

The site claims “a lot” happened in the period between those two dates, and that Haley “Even Refers to Herself as the ‘Texting Queen,’ a reference to her Favorite Band, Abba.”

Now, remember Folks said in his post Monday that “I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm.” So if he is in fact the source for (or the author of) the new FITSNews story, he appears to be willing to discuss the relationship.

In another wrinkle, as first reported by Ben Smith, it has emerged that Folks’ consulting company was paid over [$1,000] by Haley’s state senate campaign in 2008.

Folks told the AP, in an interview conducted before his original blog post was published, that the relationship took place in [2007] when he was doing communications work for the campaign.

Omaar June 6, 2010 at 12:25 pm


Nikki Haley’s Husband is Short, Stubby, Portly & Balding…

Seems to Me, Nikki Prefers this Kind of Male.

Princes Song Pretty Nikki….”Nikki Started To Grind”

Police Convict a Large Number Of People Via Informants and Most of these Informants have Criminal Records, So Much for Your Assertions of Will, being a LIAR, based on his Criminal Past, Will has to Live with his [Past Actions] Period.

But Note, In this Country, Once You Do Your Time and Stay Away from Your Past Behavior, All is Forgiven.

Pretty Nikki Knew Of Will’s Past and that [DID NOT STOP] Haley’s Late Night Calls, Til [5:00-PM in the Morning] as has been noted in a Charleston News Paper and TPM and the Political Wire Websites.

Valdare, You’re Fooling Yourself, She had the Hots for Will.

I Think Her Extra-Marital Sex Of Choice, was [Dirty Sex Talking On The Phone] From the Looks of it.

Nikki Will Pull a [Clinton]

By Saying, it wasn’t Physical Intercourse, it was [Dirty Sex Talk] Not Physical Intercourse.

It won’t Matter, The Bible Says, if You Lust in Your Heart, You’ve Already Sinned, if Nikki had [Phone Sex] It’s Far Worse, she Might as well, Spread Her Legs Apart and Let Will, Have It, Because she’s Literally having [SEX WITH WILL, VIA THE PHONE & TEXT] if Nikki was that Obsessed with Will, that she [Sext Messaged] Lord Have Mercy on Her Career !!

bill board June 6, 2010 at 4:57 pm

Still waiting on that scoop Will.

mia glisen June 8, 2010 at 10:13 am

So do you feel all better now? What a loser, get a job and try to make some real money.

Watch Southpark June 8, 2010 at 4:55 pm

Yeah and next we’ll be debating oil spills! :)

Azmat Hussain June 8, 2010 at 10:51 pm

Are there any laws in SC about taking another mans wife? Can Mr. Folks be charged or the husband of Nikki have some kind of civil compensation, because of what Mr. Folks is claiming.
And the timing of this, would he not be better of if he had waited till she had some power, then he would have had more of an impact?

Joe Allen June 9, 2010 at 12:10 pm

There is no way this good looking woman chose a balding overweight nerd to cheat on her husband. She could have her pick and if she was so inclined it would not be this loser.
All his e-mails prove is his willingness to lie to his friends about having sex with women. We all knew guys like this in high school.

Fred Goepfert June 9, 2010 at 12:35 pm


Sam June 9, 2010 at 12:41 pm

What a selfish bastard you are. Don’t say this wasn’t totally self serving cause it was. “Let the chips fall where they may” my ass. You already knew where they were going to fall so you tried to get ahead of it. Either that or you’re lying for however you think it will benefit you. By the way, unless you were in a committed monogamous relationship with your present wife at the time, if you did have an affair, it was none of your wife’s business. Asking about that sort of thing is pure ego and insecurity. She should ask proof of a STD test if that was her worry.

Chad June 9, 2010 at 4:55 pm

Just like your “About Us” page says – this affair is in your own words “Conceptualized out of sheer boredom and an insatiable lust for attention.” That is the positive spin. The reality is that it is “Conceptualized by a fat bald royal jackass with no morals that will go down in infamy.”

Barbie June 21, 2010 at 10:23 am

What pap Mr. Folks…You are the “target” of operatives who want to “destroy the one S.C. gubernatorial candidate” you support,Nikki Haley?
YOU are the “operative” that put out the claim that could destroy your candidate. Interesting concept of support…if I were under your personal philosophy of “life support” I’d be detaching myself from the life line before your keyboard injected Will Folks’ poison brand of “honesty” and took me out!!

gene June 23, 2010 at 5:30 am

you are so full of shit….it never happened… much are they paying you…..??….where is your evidence….when people like you make accusations like that..without evidence….you need to be sued….and held accountable……..besides who cares what her past is….I dont care is she was a HO……in the past….what she does in the privacy of her own life is between her and god and her family….it is her business not the publics….or yours…..what is important is how she does on the job….

Sunny June 23, 2010 at 6:39 am

Time for the evidence. She says she will give up her position if you can prove your story! Let’s see it.

Bill Haley July 3, 2010 at 11:07 pm

Well? How was she?

b October 14, 2010 at 3:04 pm

Folks is so full of shit on this… he must be desperate for attention! lol

Twosteppin in Texas October 30, 2010 at 2:00 am

Will! I just saw your picture, and I just don’t see Nikki jumpin’ your bones. Say what you will, but that just doesn’t make it so!

Jimmy November 3, 2010 at 1:54 pm

I banged Will folks. I am a well hung white male. He said he didn’t like the dark meat.

ElreyJones December 27, 2010 at 5:33 am


Ash February 10, 2011 at 9:23 am

You’re despicable. Not because you had an affair with a married woman, but because you’re bringing it up now in some desperate ploy for money/power/revenge.

Nobody was threatening you or begging you for information and besides, what was the worst thing that was going to happen if you DIDN’T disclose this information?
Absofuckinglutely NOTHING.

If I was your wife, I’d leave your repulsive ass.

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Bill Malacrky November 3, 2012 at 9:58 am

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So if 1 party is not talking about it and the other party is, who is the leaky lips?

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