West Columbia Man Offers Reward For Missing Dog

Desperately seeking “Nesta …”

by WILL FOLKS || During the flood of 2015, my family lost our lab-retriever mix Relly for several days.  It was an incredibly sad time – especially for our kids.

People kept spotting Relly in nearby neighborhoods, but each new report placed her location further away from our home … and as soon as I arrived where she’d been spotted, a new report would place her even further away.

The situation grew helpless … until one day Relly miraculously showed up in the woods across the street from our home (tired, hungry and confused).

Our kids were overjoyed …

Now our pretty girl is back to doing what she does best … eating, sleeping and chasing our family’s three cats all over the yard.

That’s the sort of homecoming I wish for Neil Patel of West Columbia, South Carolina.  According to The Columbia Star, Patel’s beloved pooch – a 10-year-old Husky named “Nesta” – went missing late last month.

Fortunately for Patel (or so he thought), Nesta was quickly located and brought to Pet’s Inc. – a shelter on Oak Grove Drive in West Columbia.  The facility called Patel at 4:30 p.m. one afternoon and within an hour he was there ready to retrieve his dog.

Problem solved, right?  Sadly, no …

The shelter was full, so the “good samaritan” who found Nesta decided to take her home with her.  No contact information was ever collected from the woman, and the facility taped over its surveillance footage.

Patel hasn’t seen his dog since …

(Click to view)

(Via: Columbia Star)

Crazy, huh?

As seen in the photo above, Nesta is a white husky weighing 65-70 pounds.  She’s got a pink nose (with a freckle) and a skin tag on her eye.

Patel is offering a “no questions asked” $1,000 reward for the safe return of his dog.  Unfortunately, the only information he has to go on at the moment is that the woman who found her is “white” and was reportedly driving a dark blue or black Chevrolet Blazer during her visit to Pets, Inc.

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Nesta is encouraged to contact Patel at 803-543-3421 or email him at

I sure hope he finds her …

My family and I know firsthand what a terrible, empty feeling it is to lose a pet.  Hopefully Patel’s story will include a happy ending similar to ours.

Will Folks is the editor of the website you are currently reading.


UPDATE: And here we go … a happy ending for Patel and his pooch!  They were reunited on Sunday afternoon after more than four weeks apart.



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