
Will Folks: I Mocked Irma, She Tried To Kill Me

“Nuisance” storm sends tree to take out new media skeptic …

By WILL FOLKS || My website ran a column yesterday referring to Hurricane Irma as more of a nuisance than a nightmare.

From a macro perspective, I stand by the accuracy of that conclusion.  Irma did significant damage, to be sure, but the storm was nowhere near the cataclysm America’s #FakeWeather forecasters made it out to be.

It was bad … but not the apocalypse we were told was coming.

On a personal level, though, it appears as though Irma took issue with FITSNews‘ coverage.

At about 1:45 p.m. EDT yesterday, as the outskirts of the storm swept through my home state of South Carolina, I was working in my office – located approximately twenty klicks northwest of the capitol city of Columbia.

As I was puttting the finishing touches on a story about my hometown football team, I heard a sharp cracking sound followed by a loud “swoosh.”

My family’s home (and my adjoining office) are located on a large, wooded lot.  We have trees come down on the property all the time.  But in the split second that elapsed between this particular crack and the inevitable crash that followed – I knew this tree was big.  And close.

I braced … and sure enough in the space of a drawn breath a massive “BOOM!” the likes of which I’ve never felt before in my life enveloped my workspace, shaking the entire property.

Less than fifteen feet from where I was sitting, the middle trunk of a tall pine tree had slammed into the stairs leading up to my office – taking out the platform and making splinters of the railing.

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(Via: FITSNews)

Meanwhile, the top half of the tree had somehow flipped over and slammed into the side of our home – taking out three different gutters, some woodwork and punching a hole in our deck.

Easily twenty feet in length, the upper trunk of the tree came to rest against the side of our wrap-around porch.

Take a look …

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(Via: FITSNews)

My wife (who is five months pregnant) and all five of our children were inside the home at the time the tree came down.  Amazingly, no one was hurt …

All four of our pets also managed to make it through the drama unscathed …

Also uninjured?  My wife’s sense of humor.

“I blame your #FakeWeather post,” she told me. “You jinxed us.”

Perhaps I did.  Certainly commenters on my website had a field day drawing attention to the juxtaposition.

“Unfortunately, Will can’t respond since a tree from this non-event just landed on his house,” one wrote.

Touché, sir or madam … touché.

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(Via: FITSNews)


So, does this mean FITSNews is ready to join the #FakeWeather alarmist chorus?  To choose fear-mongering over accuracy in reporting?  Perhaps I’m ready to subscribe to Al Gore‘s views and blame what happened to my home on global warming?

No … I remain a proud climate change skeptic, eager to be convinced but refusing to be indoctrinated, always ready to do my part to advance the Biblical notion of stewardship, but unwilling to empower globalist governments eager to undertake a radical redistribution of wealth in the name of fuzzy science.

I’m not “all in” against the idea, but you’ve still got to convince me … and a good way of starting is to admit that not every meteorological measurement proves your theory.  Oh, and also acknowledging that there are other theories out there worth considering.

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(Via: FITSNews)

There’s one final point I’d like to make, too.

Speaking directly to Irma, a storm which certainly caused headaches galore for my home state (possibly rising above “nuisance” level), I have but two words for you …

“You missed.”

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(Via: FITSNews)

Will Folks is the editor of the website you are currently reading.



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