Sources: Larry Martin Standing Firm Against Liberal SC “Gun Grabs”

POWERFUL SENATE LEADER BLOCKING ANTI-SECOND AMENDMENT PUSH  This website has been harshly critical of S.C. Senator Larry Martin on a wide range of issues over the years.  Meanwhile pro-liberty groups have been harshly critical of him regarding Second Amendment issues. This year, Martin appears to be putting both of those criticisms to…


This website has been harshly critical of S.C. Senator Larry Martin on a wide range of issues over the years.  Meanwhile pro-liberty groups have been harshly critical of him regarding Second Amendment issues.

This year, Martin appears to be putting both of those criticisms to bed …

“You really need to do a story on Larry Martin single-handedly blocking all these (anti-)gun bills the liberal Democrats are putting up,” one of our S.C. State House sources recently told our founding editor, Will Folks.

Wait … these bills?

Yes, our source confirmed …

Martin – chairman of the Senate’s powerful judiciary committee – has made it clear to his colleagues that a flood of anti-Second Amendment bills will not be moving through his panel this year.  In fact the bills are unlikely to even receive a subcommittee hearing.

Multiple Senators confirmed this report – including one Democrat who is reportedly livid over Martin’s “recalcitrance.”

Good.  We like recalcitrance when it involves torpedoing bad legislation.

As we have repeatedly noted, there is a simple equation that the far left refuses to acknowledge every time it rushes to politicize a mass shooting in the hopes of imposing fresh restrictions on gun ownership.  That equation?  More guns = less crime.

Martin deserves credit for standing firm on this issue.  Let’s hope leaders in the S.C. House of Representatives show the same fortitude.


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erneba February 29, 2016 at 10:59 am

I guess he finally got around to reading the Constitution, or maybe one of his kids explained it to him.

CorruptionInColumbia February 29, 2016 at 11:05 am

IF, Larry has indeed had a conversion, more power to him and a hearty, “welcome aboard”, is in order!

He has bent over backwards so many times in the past to torpedo good, pro-2A legislation that I hope people will excuse my continuing to eye him with a healthy measure of suspicion until his actions and his motives have proven themselves to be true and pure.

erneba February 29, 2016 at 11:12 am

“ continuing to eye him with a healthy measure of suspicion..”
Good idea, a politician is a sly and devious individual who bears constant watching.

Dumb Hick February 29, 2016 at 11:19 am

Whew! Nobody better take my guns away! That brings a grand total of ZERO of the number of guns taken away by those nasty liberals so far!

Jonny Logic February 29, 2016 at 11:25 am

I love that you keep posting that stupid ‘equation’, as it will someone become reality just because you keep posting it. Must be worthy click-bait, as well.

CorruptionInColumbia February 29, 2016 at 11:28 am

Too late, it already is fact!

Jonny Logic February 29, 2016 at 11:42 am

It HAS to be a fact. There is an ‘=’ sign and everything, just like a real equation. You don’t need real data or facts when you can use an equal sign and post incessantly it on a blog.

The Colonel (R) February 29, 2016 at 12:09 pm

While the reasons for the correlation are not clear, it is a fact that as gun ownership has gone up, crime has gone down.

You can have your won opinion, you don’t get your own facts. The only truly bad “gun” number that has gone up is suicide with guns but that number is immaterial to the discussion of gun violence.

Jonny Logic February 29, 2016 at 1:01 pm

Exactly, there is no correlation. Just more ‘facts’ used to sell more guns. Go ahead and get another one. If you have > 6 you are 18.4% less likely to get rabies in Chile or have a working penis. It’s been proven!!

The Colonel (R) February 29, 2016 at 2:16 pm

Before you go all “victory lap” here Jonny the fact that the correlation isn’t clear doesn’t discount that there is a correlation. Environmental wackos are doing exactly the same thing you’re accusing “gun wackos” of here…

Lone Ranger February 29, 2016 at 7:15 pm

Yo…SC legislator-payday-grubbing-cowards…so you don’t want the flag that honors patriots and Southern heritage to fly?

We’ve got your names—we KNOW who you are and come election time you can bend over and kiss your caboose goodbye !!!

States Rights March 1, 2016 at 3:55 pm

Got that right and it will be the number one question at each “meet the candidate” town hall. Now if just more people form our side would run.

Lone Ranger March 1, 2016 at 4:16 pm

Amen to that and you can’t sling a cat without hitting an incumbent trying to save his/her neck
But that long Tea Train is running and voters are gunning and this year comes that RINO wreck !!!


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