Cornelius Huff Had A Big Party

CANDIDATE LAUNCHES STATE SENATE BID … We were told Inman, S.C. mayor Cornelius Huff was going to be running a substantive, credible campaign for the South Carolina Senate against long-time incumbent Glenn Reece … who has represented S.C. Senate District 11 (map here) since 1991. Judging by the turnout at his…


We were told Inman, S.C. mayor Cornelius Huff was going to be running a substantive, credible campaign for the South Carolina Senate against long-time incumbent Glenn Reece … who has represented S.C. Senate District 11 (map here) since 1991.

Judging by the turnout at his kickoff event this week, Huff certainly seems to have a good start on the “credible” front.

A big crowd turned out to hear the black “Republican” candidate launch his 2016 bid against Reece – a liberal Democrat who has inexplicably managed to hang onto a seat in the conservative Upstate region of South Carolina for decades.

Huff apparently gave a good speech, too, citing the need for ethics reform in state government.

The jury is out on Huff’s ideological inclinations as it relates to the bread and butter tax and spending issues that matter to us, but it seems pretty clear he has Reece on the defensive …

“Everyone is saying that he (Huff) is doing a good job as mayor,” Reese told The (Spartanburg, S.C.) Herald Journal. “Why doesn’t he just go and serve in that capacity for awhile?”

The liberal lawmaker also accused Huff of “startling” hypocrisy for awarding him the “key to the city (of Inman) in July” but then “running against me in February.”

Wow … somebody’s nervous!


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Bible Thumper February 17, 2016 at 1:50 pm

The liberal lawmaker also accused Huff of “startling” hypocrisy for awarding him the “key to the city (of Inman) in July” but then “running against me in February.”

It wasn’t like Huff trusted Reece not to sneak in when no one was home. Someone needs to explain to Reece, what hypocrisy means, Whatever award or key you got, Huff thinks he can do better.

Bible Thumper February 17, 2016 at 1:54 pm

That picture looks just like the Republican party.

tomstickler February 17, 2016 at 4:01 pm

Maybe during Reconstruction.

Flip February 17, 2016 at 4:46 pm

Lmao!! Preach it brother Tom!

mamatiger92 February 17, 2016 at 2:16 pm

Where was the party? His basement?

Readyforchange February 17, 2016 at 4:09 pm

Reese wins because he acts on behalf of his constituency. He’s a democrat for sure but he’s old school. We like him and appreciate his accessibility, listening ear, and serious action when needed. In the case of Senator Reese, we are not readyforchange…

Lone Ranger February 17, 2016 at 4:36 pm

Why of course, Marco—you’ve got my endorsement and you know
I do so like to ah brag

You know it was I who lied to SC conservatives and
back-stabbed ‘em by ripping the flag

Of course I did NOT let them vote—let them be the goat…like when
I appointed Tim Scott

Now a closet gay and a PC airhead who just serves blacks–the
only US senators they’ve got

Why no I didn’t tell South Carolinians you were in the gang
of eight with Lindsey Grahamnesty

Heck…South Carolina voters just loved getting back-stabbed
which is why they elected…me !!!

Flip February 17, 2016 at 4:46 pm

Mister Ranger, tear down that flag!

Lone Ranger February 17, 2016 at 5:03 pm

Flip—like flag-ripping Haley—didn’t value patriots nor did
he know Southern heritage from shinola

But like Tim Scott only serving blacks and whites sending
him money—he wanted to be a high-roller !!!

Lone Ranger February 17, 2016 at 5:22 pm

That’s right—it WAS lib Senator Reese who was defeated by
REAL conservative Jim DeMint in that Congressional race in ‘98

And it WAS Senator Reese who voted with con-back-stabbing
Nikki Haley to rip patriots’ flag WITHOUT your vote—the ingrate

But that long Tea Train is rolling and voters ARE going
bowling and gutless RINOs like Reese who think they’ll get a pass

Will find their RINO chickens ARE coming home to roost in
2016 when conservative voters hand ALL of them their… !!!

Politics Rocks February 17, 2016 at 10:06 pm

I count 45 adults and 2 kids … hell I can get more people than that over to my house in a couple of hours buy just buying a keg of Natural Lite. What did he have, a whopping 160 people vote for him for the Mayor position I think it was? #lol

Reese Bobby February 20, 2016 at 4:05 pm



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