SC State Sued

CHRONICALLY MISMANAGED “HIGHER EDUCATION” INSTITUTION SUED BY ITS FOOD PROVIDER FOR BIG BUCKS || By FITSNEWS || S.C. State University (SCSU) has been sued by one of its vendors in an effort to recover $6.75 million in unpaid bills, sources familiar with the case tell FITS.   Depending on the judgment,…


|| By FITSNEWS || S.C. State University (SCSU) has been sued by one of its vendors in an effort to recover $6.75 million in unpaid bills, sources familiar with the case tell FITS.   Depending on the judgment, the school could be on the hook for even more money in the form of late fees and attorney/ court costs.

Sodexo – which provides food services at SCSU – is one of an estimated 334 vendors owed money by the chronically mismanaged institution of “higher learning.”  Of course even as the company files suit alleging breach of contract (among other grounds) it is continuing to provide food services to the school to the tune of $182,000 per week.

As we’ve repeatedly pointed out, SCSU is the poster institution for rampant corruption, shady boondoggles, overblown bureaucracy and questionable expenses.  Not to mention a lack of transparency.

Of course the school continues to receive tens of millions of tax dollars in the state budget – not to mention additional millions in the form of unconstitutional bailouts.  Oh, and even though the school’s president has been placed on administrative leave, state lawmakers are still trying to give him a raise.

Sheesh …

We’ve repeatedly argued on behalf of privatizing the Palmetto State’s disproportionately costly networks of taxpayer-funded colleges and universities.  Higher education is simply not a core function of government … especially not the way it’s done at SCSU.


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Chris May 10, 2015 at 7:29 pm

I wondered when this was going to happen. Good scope, Will.

Bring It All Down May 10, 2015 at 7:36 pm

SC State is the poster child for corruption, abuse and misuse, and the outright theft of our tax money. People there should be in prison – PERIOD. There is absolutely no excuse for any of this – NADDA!

shifty henry May 10, 2015 at 7:41 pm

I’m buying stock in Sodexo, since they can carry an outstanding bill that accumulated to $ 6.75 mil (something going on under the table?) they have to have money rolling in from somewhere else…

Quniby May 10, 2015 at 7:47 pm

Sodexo is close to Clyburn. Clyburn doesn’t do anything unless there is money in it.

Zed May 10, 2015 at 9:58 pm

Hey mane.

See my comment about being banned from Disqus. It’s more than the result of deleting a couple of accounts. I can’t create new ones, either. It’s not for language. Only individual sites using Disqus censor like that for language. And I seldom cuss on other sites where I comment. Any notion that I’ve overstepped bounds discussing public figures is GT/pogo fantasy. That kind of smack talk is the bread and butter of this site, and many others.

What do you think is going on?

btw, I talked with SynTwist today. She says she’s done with this site for good. Dang, I hate that.

shifty henry May 10, 2015 at 10:36 pm

good luck on your Disqus problem — and I’ll miss SynTwist and Buz

Buz Martin May 11, 2015 at 5:01 am

Well, I’m back. Took a heap o’ browser-swtichin’, drive-cleaning, modem-resettin’, proxy serverin’, a little voodoo, a little hoodoo, some cussin’, spittin’ and I don’t know what-all, but I’m back.

shifty henry May 11, 2015 at 8:55 am

Good to see ya’! I’m not knowledgeable about the inner mysteries of all that but I do pick up a little knowledge at a time ( I tell folks that “I’m a user – not an abuser”)

Richard P May 10, 2015 at 7:45 pm

I wonder why Leatherman gave them permission to litigate. Interesting he would allow that now, on the eve on the new board going in.

Very interesting indeed!

jimlewisowb May 10, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Awhile back I missed a payment to Lowe’s. Although I use online banking and the payment is paid automatically I somehow managed to delete the online account and by the time I caught it the $15 had rolled into over $50 – that’s right $50.00

Lowe’s sent me emails, regular mail and even a phone call advising that the head waters of the Nile were beginning to dam up and if I didn’t cough up the money yesterday, I was going to be swept out to sea never to be heard from again

Surely if someone, something racks up $6,750,000.00 in bills that taxpayers are on the hook to pay, not including late fees, penalty fees, collection fees, lawyer fees, that there would be one goddamn son of bitch with the balls to stand up in the room and yell –

Look you goddamn stupid sons of bitches you just are fucking crazy to think you can just keep throwing bills in the shiter because at some point the fucking dam is going to break and all you mother fuckers are going to be swept out to sea to be eaten by the mother fucking sharks

BrigidBernadette May 10, 2015 at 9:39 pm


TontoBubbaGoldstein May 10, 2015 at 9:54 pm

Look you goddamn stupid sons of bitches you just are fucking crazy to think you can just keep throwing bills in the shiter because at some point the fucking dam is going to break and all you mother fuckers are going to be swept out to sea to be eaten by the mother fucking sharks

Sounds like you’ve switched from Ying Ling to Samuel Jackson Beer.

jimlewisowb May 10, 2015 at 10:25 pm


fc May 10, 2015 at 10:02 pm

“Look you goddamn stupid sons of bitches you just are fucking crazy to think you can just keep throwing bills in the shiter because at some point the fucking dam is going to break and all you mother fuckers are going to be swept out to sea to be eaten by the mother fucking sharks”

LMAO!!! And you gave Millionaire ‘swervin ‘ Tom Ervin how much money????

Buz Martin May 11, 2015 at 6:40 am

You support any number of wealthy “RINOs”, pogo. How much did you give to the blue-dog Dem’s favorite son, Tom Rice?


fc May 11, 2015 at 9:39 am

lol…glad you recovered from another one of your breakdowns/meltdowns whatever the fuck you go thru when you humiliate yourself in public and on forums/blogs…

Tom Rice? Never met him.Never gave him a dime.You however supported and had lunch with that carpet bagging,Green Peace Marxist named Gloria Tinbuctoo…just a fact.

Welcome back,nut.

Buz Martin May 11, 2015 at 12:16 pm

Still playing “good pogo”/”bad pogo” games, are ya?

The idea that Dr. Tinubu was a carpetbagger was a fabrication of Whetsel’s Weasels. She was born in the district. Rice was not. She was born at Brookgreen Gardens. Can’t be more of a daugher of the district than that. She worked in the hotels and cotton fields of Horry County in her youth. The only work available to a young black woman of modest means — but definitely a way that connects her to the working people of the district. She moved away to better her lot in life. Just as Rice’s own son had to move away, for lack good job opportunities here — and he’s a white man, dude. Gloria got her graduate degree from Clemson, btw.

As for her being a Marxist, the claim was made that she was too liberal for Atlanta. Nonsense. Her work for family-centered education reforms were at odds with the far left agenda of the liberal establishment. You are merely regurgitating campaign propaganda from political hacks.

Daily Kos embraced Rice as one of their own. Now he’s pretending to be more conservative, because he senses there will be challenges to him from the GOP’s right wing that might succeed this time. Much has changed since he last defended his seat. Power is shifting rapidly, due to the Chinese gaining much land, business and influence. Doug Wendel is not the major player he once was, and Rice no longer pleases some of the Dems who helped to put him in office.

fc May 11, 2015 at 12:42 pm

lol…you attack..I will respond…just like every other poor soul you have tried to destroy and defame…

“Meanwhile, some Atlanta business leaders question whether Bromell-Tinubu could build the coalitions necessary to make Atlanta work. Some also suggest she’s too liberal to be mayor.” (Source: AJC “Meet the Candidates,” 10/21/01)

If you are too liberal too be mayor of Atlanta you are indeed a Marxist.

Buz Martin May 11, 2015 at 12:53 pm

OOOO! “… some suggest …” Some WHAT suggest?

Weak as catwater.

fc May 11, 2015 at 12:44 pm

What else does Gloria Tinubu have to hide? Could it be her ties to the Green Party – a party so radical and far left of the Democratic Party that it makes most Democrats seem conservative?

The Georgia Green Party’s 2001 Platform (link) shows exactly how radical the party and “Green” Gloria Tinubu truly are. Their leftist policy goals include declaring “peace” in the war on drugs, opposing faith-based initiatives, shutting down nuclear power plants and replacing them with solar plants, opposing JROTC programs in schools, abolishing the CIA, creating a “peace force” and a “peace tax” fund, closing the School of the Americas (which the Greens call the “School of Assassins”), cutting 50% or more of the U.S. military’s budget, and eliminating the sales tax and implementing a “progressive” tax policy.

Gloria Tinubu unsuccessfully ran for mayor of Atlanta in 1997 and 2001 as the Green Party candidate. (Source: GA Green Party, 5/21/01)

The Green Party was enthusiastic about her bid. Hugh Esco, the Georgia Green Party Secretary and a Tinubu campaign worker in 1997, said in 2001:


Green Party May 11, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Most of that stuff sounds pretty good, where do we sign up?

guest May 11, 2015 at 12:52 pm
Squishy123 May 10, 2015 at 8:19 pm

So… why don’t they stop deliveries? What’s the incentive for SCSU to pay if you keep delivering food all the while they blow off your requests for payment. Let their students go hungry for a week and see how fast they find money to pay you.

jimlewisowb May 10, 2015 at 8:34 pm

Perhaps the question should be , What’s the incentive for Sodexo to keep delivering the food ?

Sodexo knows it is a taxpayer funded operation. They know the State(taxpayers) will eventually have to pay up.

So Sodexo can pad their bill with
1) Late fees
2) Penalty fees
3) Lawyer fees
4) Accumulated interest on balance due and probably a whole lot more crap

Odds are Sodexo’s bottom line was beginning to bleed a little so it was time to throw their IOU on the table

idcydm May 10, 2015 at 8:58 pm

They shouldn’t have to throw their IOU on the table. SC State is suppose to be educating young minds to enter the work force and become productive citizens. Makes you wonder what they really teach in econ 101 if they can’t manage their own finances.

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 10, 2015 at 9:45 pm

Makes you wonder what they really teach in econ 101…

1.) Buy on credit.
2.) Accept only cash payments. (Bonus for cash paid in advance of goods/services being rendered.)
3.) Don’t pay your bills.

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 10, 2015 at 9:41 pm

Sodexo knows it is a taxpayer funded operation. They know the State(taxpayers) will eventually have to pay up.


Soon the taxpayers will will be on the hook for the original amount…+ late fees…+ court costs…+ both side’s attorney’s fees.

shifty henry May 10, 2015 at 10:33 pm

— or else (sinister tone) ,,,,they will be paid with stock in Volvo?

Elfego May 10, 2015 at 8:35 pm

Their attitude is you owe us forever. On top of that if you do not stand with us you are racist! B/S!

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 10, 2015 at 9:59 pm

TBG is waiting for the classic…

“We were just about to pay you…but now that you’ve gone and sued us…you ain’t getting a dime!”

Carpe Jugulum May 10, 2015 at 9:28 pm

Reggie “Lightening” Lloyd summed it all up with his brilliant legal observation that, “it’s a sweepstakes!!” Goodnight Kingfish, wherever you are.

Zed May 10, 2015 at 9:52 pm

I’m banned from Disqus. The main site goes crazy when I try to create a new account. It flicks off and on rapidly, and the window cannot be closed. Changing browsers does no good. Changing IPaddress did no good either. Cannot use different email addy to create a new account. Now, some will say this is a banning by FITSNews. Nah. I happen to believe nobody gets banned by this site. I don’t believe Will hacks people, either. The dude is no saint, but he’s no hacker either.

Whoever or whatever is causing it … some really funny stuff is going on.

BrigidBernadette May 11, 2015 at 12:08 am

Have you gone into your C drive and checked the programs? Anything been installed recently that you do not recognize, malware?

Buz Martin May 11, 2015 at 5:41 am

Followed all your advice. Here I am. Thanks.

BrigidBernadette May 11, 2015 at 6:38 am

There’s the mug.

Tre B. May 10, 2015 at 11:55 pm

If the Budget and Control Board is responsible for fiscal oversight of state funded educational institutions, then how did years of unpaid bills, mismanagement, and corruption go unnoticed?? Looks to me like the parasites in Columbia were too busy to do their job overseeing affairs in Orangeburg….

idcydm May 11, 2015 at 7:47 am

Parasites overseeing parasites…what could possibly go wrong!!!

shifty henry May 11, 2015 at 9:07 am

spendin’ time picking each others noses —

Tre B. May 11, 2015 at 10:08 am

…and probably feeding each other the boogers too… the greedy unkept b@$t@rds…

shifty henry May 11, 2015 at 10:51 am

I want ya’ know, and this is serious, I opened this 2 minutes after eating the last bite of my breakfast..!! Here’s a tidbit for you —


A man walks into a bar and finds a drunk playing with a small ball of gloop. The drunk mutters to himself, ‘It looks like plastic, but it feels like rubber.’ Interested, the man looks over the drunk’s shoulder and takes a peek at the strange substance. ‘It’s weird stuff,’ says the drunk. ‘It looks like plastic but it feels like rubber.’
‘That’s unusual,’ says the man. ‘I’m a chemist, perhaps I can tell what it is.’ The drunk hands the man the gloop and he rolls
it between his fingers. ‘You’re right,’ he says. ‘It does look like plastic but feel like rubber. Do you know where it came from?’
‘Sure,’ replies the drunk. ‘It just fell out of my nose.’


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