Democratic heavyweight Rick Wade will challenge U.S. Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) in 2014, sources tell FITS – setting up a high-profile (and potentially historic) matchup in the Palmetto State’s “other” United States Senate contest.
Wade filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) this week – and if he and Scott earn their respective party’s nominations (as they are expected to do) it would set up the first all-black U.S. Senate race in recent memory.
Maybe ever …
“A Scott-Wade matchup would allow South Carolina to see a campaign unlike any it — and few if any other states — has ever seen: a bonafide race for U.S. Senate between two African-American candidates,” liberal columnist Warren Bolton wrote earlier this year.
Richland County, S.C. councilwoman Joyce Dickerson – another black Democrat – has said she’s running against Scott in 2014, but she’s not viewed as a credible candidate.
Wade? He’s a Democratic national committeeman with extensive corporate and government experience – including a senior post in Barack Obama’s U.S. Commerce Department. An early supporter of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Wade is expected to receive extensive national support in his effort to unseat Scott – who was appointed to his post a year ago by S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley.
Democrats in South Carolina have had trouble attracting credible candidates to run for office against “Republicans.” Wade – a native of Lancaster, S.C. – breaks that trend in a big way. After graduating from the University of South Carolina he earned a master’s degree from Harvard – and has held staff positions in gubernatorial administrations as well as on top legislative committees at the S.C. State House.

This won’t be Wade’s first bid for elected office. In 2002 he was handily defeated by Republican Mark Hammond in the race for S.C. Secretary of State – although at that point he had yet to build a national network of supporters.
We don’t expect Wade to defeat Scott – who has been rock solid on free market issues during his first year in the U.S. Senate – but we do expect him to mount a credible challenge.
We also expect Wade – who helped lead Obama’s 2008 minority turnout effort – to help mobilize black voters in a big way in 2014. That could pay dividends for Democrats up and down the ticket next year – especially S.C. Sen. Vincent Sheheen, the party’s gubernatorial candidate.
Sheheen ran a closer-than-expected race in 2010 against “Republican” Gov. Nikki Haley, and high black turnout could provide him with a critical edge.
Anyway, for more on Wade, check out this recent biographical sketch prepared by the University of South Carolina alumni association …
Attention all SC-2 district citizens: March 2014 is the deadline to file for the June 10 primary challenges against US Rep Joe Wilson and LCSD Sheriff Metts.
Tim Scott is “Black Mr Ed”. Teeeeeths.
Another Liberal unearthed!
Is that you Willlllbur?
Tim Scott has proven to be a rock solid conservative. He is also a great guy, one on one. He has my complete support alone with whoever emerges against Grahamnasty (?)SC. Also Leon Wynn in the 6th. dist.We have the opportunity in 2014 to fix several problems in SC let’s not blow it.
Last time two black men ran against each other for a US Senate race? That’s easy. 2004 – Alan Keyes v Barack Obama, Illinois
Wow…”a senior post in Barack Obama’s U.S. Commerce Department.” Now THERE’s a qualification for ya…
Pro Tip:
Rick Wade should run against Lindsey Graham.
Yes, but that would see him face party discipline for daring to run against one of their own…
I hope and pray we do not lose Tim Scott.
Scott will beat that monkey like a rented mule.
All this man has to do is ONE ….thing. JUST one….! Tim Scott’s time on the Charleston County Council that led up to the BOEING 900 Million “stuffle” can sink the entire “house of cards”.
Mixing metaphors here – That dog would blow up in his face!
Phil, Phil, look at me Phil. Do you really believe that?
At the press conference where he threw his considerable weight (from the rocks in his head) to supporting Wade, Vice President Joe Biden was heard to say, “…”I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American from South Carolina who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy….I mean, that’s a storybook, man…hell it could be a lot worse, Ol’Enos could have decided to run for the seat.”.
One of Wade’s claims to fame is his relationship with Green Tech Automotive – a company that exists solely to suck down as much gubamint money as possible a la Solyndra. He wasn’t terribly well though of at PGBA (a Blue Cross gubamint accounts subsidiary – PGBA, pronounced pig ba stands for Palmetto Gubamint Benefits Administrators. PGBA was at one time was the largest Medicare contractor). In fact most of his “corporate” experience is in the gubamint programs sector.
I’m going to agree with the sentiment that this is likely a Democratic ploy to drive up AA votes in the mid-term. And its probably the only decent strategy the party has had since 1994- I give them no credit for letting Beasley implode in 1998. I’m sure he’ll get a golden handshake as we walks off-stage after his concession speech.
A man who has never held elective office is a credible nominee? Please. Sen. Scott has deep roots in SC, if anything, Scott will win 30% of the black vote and that’s a landslide for a Republican. Is this guy that nobody has heard of going to SC conservative voters opposing traditional marriage and supporting abortion and obamacare? Please.
There is no such thing as a credible heavy weight dem candidate in SC Period – and I am a huge democrat…
Tim Scott is the best Senator for SC. We need him and we need Bill Conner it is time for Grahamnasty to go. Enough is enough of him he is not what SC needs.