Bill Connor Mulls US Senate Bid

Orangeburg attorney and Afghan War veteran Bill Connor is mulling a U.S. Senate bid against incumbent Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.), supporters of the former statewide candidate tell FITS. Connor confirmed his interest to FITS but declined to elaborate or provide us with a statement. “Be aware I am on active duty…

Orangeburg attorney and Afghan War veteran Bill Connor is mulling a U.S. Senate bid against incumbent Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.), supporters of the former statewide candidate tell FITS.

Connor confirmed his interest to FITS but declined to elaborate or provide us with a statement.

“Be aware I am on active duty military orders outside the state and therefore cannot talk politics until I return,” he told us via text message.

Should he run, Connor would find a crowded field vying to emerge as the “anti-Graham” in the 2014 GOP primary. Currently three candidates – Charleston businesswoman Nancy Mace, S.C. Sen. Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) and social conservative Richard Cash – have said they are going to run against Graham. Former S.C. Treasurer Thomas Ravenel has also hinted at a possible challenge.

Connor ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor of South Carolina in 2010 – losing in the GOP runoff election to corrupt “Republican in Name Only” Ken Ard. More recently, he ran unsuccessfully for chairman of the S.C. Republican Party.

While Connor isn’t viewed as a top tier challenger to Graham, if he jumps into the fray it could be especially problematic for the liberal “Republican.”

Why? Because Connor is perfectly suited to attack Graham on perhaps his most glaring vulnerability – the lies he told about his military service during the early stages of his political career.

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Thomas August 5, 2013 at 1:38 pm

ABC- Anybody But Cash. Total phony.

Thomas August 5, 2013 at 1:38 pm

ABC- Anybody But Cash. Total phony.

Misstate August 5, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Run Bill Run. Then all those family values stories can come out.

Misstate August 5, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Run Bill Run. Then all those family values stories can come out.

GreenvilleLwyr August 5, 2013 at 2:09 pm

Is he serving with Michael Haley?

GreenvilleLwyr August 5, 2013 at 2:09 pm

Is he serving with Michael Haley?

tomstickler August 5, 2013 at 2:35 pm

The more Republican primary candidates, the more of a lock Graham has in continuing to be SC’s senior Senator.

Has anyone expressed any interest in running in THE OTHER Senate contest SC will have in 2014, or is Timmy sacred? After all, we would not want to weaken the GOP’s appeal to minority voters, would we?

tomstickler August 5, 2013 at 2:35 pm

The more Republican primary candidates, the more of a lock Graham has in continuing to be SC’s senior Senator.

Has anyone expressed any interest in running in THE OTHER Senate contest SC will have in 2014, or is Timmy sacred? After all, we would not want to weaken the GOP’s appeal to minority voters, would we?

lawzoo August 5, 2013 at 2:59 pm

May be a good guy . Thank you for serving. However, anymore entrants in “the field”
would probably ensure a Lindsey win.

BTW, Is Conner’s middle name “unsuccessfully”?

utah August 5, 2013 at 4:52 pm

In law school he was known as “Essentially Bill.” Guy couldn’t answer a question in a class without using the word “essentially” several times.

Abuser August 5, 2013 at 5:58 pm

This guy got crushed by Ken Ard of all people. He’s supposed to be able to defeat Lindsey? or McConnell?

lawzoo August 5, 2013 at 2:59 pm

May be a good guy . Thank you for serving. However, anymore entrants in “the field”
would probably ensure a Lindsey win.

BTW, Is Conner’s middle name “unsuccessfully”?

utah August 5, 2013 at 4:52 pm

In law school he was known as “Essentially Bill.” Guy couldn’t answer a question in a class without using the word “essentially” several times.

Abuser August 5, 2013 at 5:58 pm

This guy got crushed by Ken Ard of all people. He’s supposed to be able to defeat Lindsey? or McConnell?

novalue August 5, 2013 at 3:44 pm

This guy must have the real package, he has already received the endorsement of Dutch Fork teacher, Superintendent of education loser, haven’t seen a politician that she wouldn’t take a photo with, fifteen minutes of fame are over, is it amateur hour at nursing home stripper night, are we on again off again eckstrom, Kelly Payne! Ringing endorsement. She could not endorse Ms. Mace because her affiliation with this website. It’s just not the christian thing to do! But getting naked with old married men is?
Go get them Nancy!

novalue August 5, 2013 at 3:44 pm

This guy must have the real package, he has already received the endorsement of Dutch Fork teacher, Superintendent of education loser, haven’t seen a politician that she wouldn’t take a photo with, fifteen minutes of fame are over, is it amateur hour at nursing home stripper night, are we on again off again eckstrom, Kelly Payne! Ringing endorsement. She could not endorse Ms. Mace because her affiliation with this website. It’s just not the christian thing to do! But getting naked with old married men is?
Go get them Nancy!

This just in . . . August 5, 2013 at 4:32 pm

Boehner Urges Republicans to Rest Up for Meaningless Votes Ahead

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — As House Republicans began their five-week summer vacation, their leader, House Speaker John Boehner, urged them to rest up for “the many symbolic and meaningless votes that lie ahead.”

Mr. Boehner, while congratulating his colleagues on having voted to repeal Obamacare forty times, reminded his fellow-Republicans that their work is “far from over.”

“I want you to come back from vacation rested and refreshed, because we’ve got another year of futile, time-wasting votes to cast,” he said. “Only the strong will survive.”

According to Mr. Boehner, this year’s grueling schedule of fake-repeal votes had been the G.O.P.’s “most physically punishing ever.”

Noting that the exhausting ordeal of frequent, pointless Obamacare votes had transformed his fellow House Republicans into hollowed-out husks of their former selves, the Speaker observed, “Purely symbolic voting may be even more exhausting than actual work.”

“It’s true that voting to repeal Obamacare has cost the American taxpayer over fifty million dollars,” he said. “But that’s nothing compared to the toll it’s taken on us.”

For his part, Mr. Boehner said he intends to spend August at the beach, as he always does, fruitlessly trying to change the rules of volleyball.

This just in . . . August 5, 2013 at 4:32 pm

Boehner Urges Republicans to Rest Up for Meaningless Votes Ahead

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — As House Republicans began their five-week summer vacation, their leader, House Speaker John Boehner, urged them to rest up for “the many symbolic and meaningless votes that lie ahead.”

Mr. Boehner, while congratulating his colleagues on having voted to repeal Obamacare forty times, reminded his fellow-Republicans that their work is “far from over.”

“I want you to come back from vacation rested and refreshed, because we’ve got another year of futile, time-wasting votes to cast,” he said. “Only the strong will survive.”

According to Mr. Boehner, this year’s grueling schedule of fake-repeal votes had been the G.O.P.’s “most physically punishing ever.”

Noting that the exhausting ordeal of frequent, pointless Obamacare votes had transformed his fellow House Republicans into hollowed-out husks of their former selves, the Speaker observed, “Purely symbolic voting may be even more exhausting than actual work.”

“It’s true that voting to repeal Obamacare has cost the American taxpayer over fifty million dollars,” he said. “But that’s nothing compared to the toll it’s taken on us.”

For his part, Mr. Boehner said he intends to spend August at the beach, as he always does, fruitlessly trying to change the rules of volleyball.

Crooner August 5, 2013 at 6:08 pm

Wow. Pricipled enough not to talk politics beyond confirming his interest.

Crooner August 5, 2013 at 6:08 pm

Wow. Pricipled enough not to talk politics beyond confirming his interest.

Al August 5, 2013 at 11:15 pm

Apparently Bill “glory hound” Connor didn’t mind talking to a more friendly news outlet. Check out these softballs:

Al August 5, 2013 at 11:15 pm

Apparently Bill “glory hound” Connor didn’t mind talking to a more friendly news outlet. Check out these softballs:

Thomas August 6, 2013 at 2:47 am

Another one running against Sen Graham? As far as I can tell. Bright and Connor are Graham shills to take votes away from Cash and Mace respectively. Why? 1) Why not run for Demint’s old seat? Sen Scott was appointed to fill the seat until the 2014 special election to fill out the 6 year term. Demint was elected in 2010. 2016 is when we hold that US Senate seat election. Why are these guys not running against Scott? 2) Bright entered the race around two months after Cash. Was he was asked to enter to be a shill, split the anti-Graham vote for Cash? 3) Connor entered AFTER Mace. Was he asked to enter to split the Mace vote? We will know soon by looking at who donates to the Bright, Connor campaigns. Meanwhile, Scott, who says he really wants to be Mayor has no competition in 2014? Why? Is it because Bright and Connor hate themselves to enter a crowded anti-Graham race? Or is it they really do not want the job, just be spoilers for Cash and Mace?

Thomas August 6, 2013 at 2:47 am

Another one running against Sen Graham? As far as I can tell. Bright and Connor are Graham shills to take votes away from Cash and Mace respectively. Why? 1) Why not run for Demint’s old seat? Sen Scott was appointed to fill the seat until the 2014 special election to fill out the 6 year term. Demint was elected in 2010. 2016 is when we hold that US Senate seat election. Why are these guys not running against Scott? 2) Bright entered the race around two months after Cash. Was he was asked to enter to be a shill, split the anti-Graham vote for Cash? 3) Connor entered AFTER Mace. Was he asked to enter to split the Mace vote? We will know soon by looking at who donates to the Bright, Connor campaigns. Meanwhile, Scott, who says he really wants to be Mayor has no competition in 2014? Why? Is it because Bright and Connor hate themselves to enter a crowded anti-Graham race? Or is it they really do not want the job, just be spoilers for Cash and Mace?

Ed August 6, 2013 at 8:46 am

Won’t he have to answer all those questions about his affair during law school again? Or is the GOP done with “family values” ?

Ed August 6, 2013 at 8:46 am

Won’t he have to answer all those questions about his affair during law school again? Or is the GOP done with “family values” ?


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