About Randy Scott’s “Indefinite Suspension”

This week’s announcement by the City of Columbia, S.C. that police chief Randy Scott had taken an indefinite leave of absence caught virtually everyone in South Carolina’s capital by surprise. Ready for the next bombshell? Scott – whose tenure has been marred by incompetence and a dramatic escalation in violence…

This week’s announcement by the City of Columbia, S.C. that police chief Randy Scott had taken an indefinite leave of absence caught virtually everyone in South Carolina’s capital by surprise.

Ready for the next bombshell?

Scott – whose tenure has been marred by incompetence and a dramatic escalation in violence – won’t be coming back. His “indefinite suspension” will be turning into a retirement announcement (or possibly even a termination for cause) within the next few weeks, sources tell FITS.

Why? Well we’re not necessarily disputing accounts in The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper citing “workplace issues” as a reason for Scott’s suspension (we’ve been hearing those rumors for several months) but that would appear to be the least of Scott’s problems.

Most of the drama enveloping the soon-to-be-former chief appears to be emanating from the downtown Columbia, S.C. apartment where he reportedly spends most of his nights. According to our sources, Scott – who is said to have a serious substance abuse problem – frequently hosted lavish, Nero-esque parties at his Main Street pad.

“Strippers, college coeds, booze, blow, you name it,” says a source who attended one of Scott’s shindigs.

Obviously that sort of thing doesn’t really offend us … people doing what they want to do behind closed doors is what America is (or at least should be) all about. As long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else, cost tax dollars or impede in their ability to do their job, we have no problem with people getting their “freak on” – even if they are married with eight children (like Scott).

Of course in Scott’s case, his night life was not only interfering with his job performance – it was apparently exposing the city to blackmail threats.

“He got way, way out of hand,” another source familiar with Scott’s hard-partying ways tells FITS. “Lots of girls.”

According to multiple sources, Scott was especially attracted to younger white women – and often used his position to offer (and provide them with) protection.

In one incident, the Columbia, S.C. fire department was reportedly called to investigate some sort of minor conflagration at Scott’s apartment. Accounts differ as to the severity of the fire, but all of the sources we’ve spoken to insist the blaze was covered up by the city to protect Scott from embarrassment. In fact a source at City Hall tells FITS this cover-up was recently used as leverage to secure an across-the-boards eight percent raise for city firefighters in the upcoming budget (police are getting only a two percent raise).

Scott and mayor Steve Benjamin are also reportedly sweating a lawsuit from the city’s former top investigator, who was fired after the city botched the investigation into a high profile disappearance-turned-suicide.

And of course then there’s the mayor’s alleged involvement with a video poker ring run out of neighboring Lexington County – which many contend Scott knew about.

FITS reached out to Scott again seeking comment … but as was the case yesterday he did not immediately return calls and messages.

Columbia is obviously no stranger to controversy involving its top cops. The city’s last chief – Tandy Carter – was fired in May 2010 after he objected to the city’s alleged interference into an investigation involving Benjamin’s controversial car crash, which left a Columbia, S.C. hotel worker with permanent physical damage. Specifically, Carter said that the investigation into Benjamin’s crash was being run by City Hall, and that he refused to be a “puppet police chief.”


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Columbiago April 3, 2013 at 10:08 am

Well, what did you expect? The investigations are swirling.

Columbiago April 3, 2013 at 10:08 am

Well, what did you expect? The investigations are swirling.

Lizard Man April 3, 2013 at 10:09 am

He may not make a great – or even adequate – Police Chief, but surely he can run the County Election Commission or manage the city or something. This man must continue to earn a paycheck for his unrivaled skill set. See to it, Mayor West.

thereallizardman April 3, 2013 at 10:09 am

He may not make a great – or even adequate – Police Chief, but surely he can run the County Election Commission or manage the city or something. This man must continue to earn a paycheck for his unrivaled skill set. See to it, Mayor West.

Thankfully not a city resident April 3, 2013 at 10:10 am

How does someone who was just hired (he retired & was probably paid for all his accumulated leave) have any leave to take leave with pay? Sounds fishy to me, but so does much of what the City of Columbia does.

Town Crier April 4, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Not clear if he is on paid or unpaid leave. Usually a personal leave of absence is unpaid and has a clear return-to-work date. He may be using any newly-earned leave since the rehire (which is probably about a week or so) because he may lose that new leave if he is fired. And/or this time out is probably being used to craft an agreement for his departure. Or if some bad news is imminent, to minimize any disruption at the PD and get his legal, personal and professional affairs in order beforehand.

Thankfully not a city resident April 3, 2013 at 10:10 am

How does someone who was just hired (he retired & was probably paid for all his accumulated leave) have any leave to take leave with pay? Sounds fishy to me, but so does much of what the City of Columbia does.

Town Crier April 4, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Not clear if he is on paid or unpaid leave. Usually a personal leave of absence is unpaid and has a clear return-to-work date. He may be using any newly-earned leave since the rehire (which is probably about a week or so) because he may lose that new leave if he is fired. And/or this time out is probably being used to craft an agreement for his departure. Or if some bad news is imminent, to minimize any disruption at the PD and get his legal, personal and professional affairs in order beforehand.

Jay April 3, 2013 at 10:12 am

Juicy, real juicy.

Jay April 3, 2013 at 10:12 am

Juicy, real juicy.

Squishy123 April 3, 2013 at 10:19 am

I wonder if he’s rethinking that big comeback. If he had just retired and moved on all of this wouldn’t be front page news and he’d land his dream job of Female Locker Room Security Officer at Benedict College.

BigT April 3, 2013 at 10:19 am

Liberal politics in full regailia…Admire your handi-work, people…this is just a drop in the bucket…

Squishy123 April 3, 2013 at 10:19 am

I wonder if he’s rethinking that big comeback. If he had just retired and moved on all of this wouldn’t be front page news and he’d land his dream job of Female Locker Room Security Officer at Benedict College.

BigT April 3, 2013 at 10:19 am

Liberal politics in full regailia…Admire your handi-work, people…this is just a drop in the bucket…

Bubbas Brother April 3, 2013 at 10:22 am

Once again who cares why as long as he’s gone.

The Colonel (R) April 3, 2013 at 10:22 am

Once again who cares why as long as he’s gone.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:26 am

Since when has incompetence ended a career in Columbia city government? I thought it was a job requirement.

Bubbas Brother April 3, 2013 at 10:41 am

Only in the Office of Voter Registration and Elections…

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:26 am

Since when has incompetence ended a career in Columbia city government? I thought it was a job requirement.

The Colonel (R) April 3, 2013 at 10:41 am

Only in the Office of Voter Registration and Elections…

Duck Duck Loose April 3, 2013 at 10:42 am

Any particular college co-eds? Every time you write “college co-eds” I think about a certain few. Trouble. Trouble. and more Trouble.

coladt April 3, 2013 at 1:50 pm

JF I’m sure.

colaSClulz April 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was JF once again… why she’s never mentioned on this site is beyond me.

Duck Duck Loose April 3, 2013 at 10:42 am

Any particular college co-eds? Every time you write “college co-eds” I think about a certain few. Trouble. Trouble. and more Trouble.

coladt April 3, 2013 at 1:50 pm

JF I’m sure.

colaSClulz April 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was JF once again… why she’s never mentioned on this site is beyond me.

Supreme Court Clerk April 3, 2013 at 10:53 am

Jean Toal is interviewing Scott as chauffeur for nights when she goes out and gets sloshed.

It’s a full-time position.

Lewis April 4, 2013 at 7:20 am

Randy didn’t get the job. He wasn’t corrupt enough.

Supreme Court Clerk April 3, 2013 at 10:53 am

Jean Toal is interviewing Scott as chauffeur for nights when she goes out and gets sloshed.

It’s a full-time position.

Lewis April 4, 2013 at 7:20 am

Randy didn’t get the job. He wasn’t corrupt enough.

scotty April 3, 2013 at 10:55 am

Shorty has finally got his dick in a wringer. Has fits looked in to the divorce file or is it sealed?

scotty April 3, 2013 at 10:55 am

Shorty has finally got his dick in a wringer. Has fits looked in to the divorce file or is it sealed?

Scrappy April 3, 2013 at 11:03 am

I bet old General Lott is getting his uniform from the dry cleaners now for the “back over Scott” press conference when this shit breaks wide ope!. The Top “minds” at RCSO (both of them) are thinking how “The General” can slip slide away from this one! Remember this was Leon’s #2 man.,

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2013 at 11:20 am

You have a grasp of something that unfortunately, seems to evade the average Richland County citizen. I’m glad someone else picked up on that!

Scrappy April 3, 2013 at 11:39 am

Makes one think that Scott knows where a few “bodies are buried” and became a political liability for the General. Leon got rid of him by dumping him on the residents of Columbia. Now Leon can can sit back and say “He was a exemplary employee when he worked for me. What a shame.” The “sheeple” will forget quickly that Lott put Scott in that seat.

Higher_Ground April 3, 2013 at 12:40 pm

It just struck my mind that maybe these two really are birds if a feather – in which case having a police chief friendly to your hedonistic ways might be mutually beneficial to both parties.

TheFunkyMonkey April 3, 2013 at 2:36 pm

And both are tied to the Lexington Ring… How convenient…

Scrappy April 3, 2013 at 11:03 am

I bet old General Lott is getting his uniform from the dry cleaners now for the “back over Scott” press conference when this shit breaks wide ope!. The Top “minds” at RCSO (both of them) are thinking how “The General” can slip slide away from this one! Remember this was Leon’s #2 man.,

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2013 at 11:20 am

You have a grasp of something that unfortunately, seems to evade the average Richland County citizen. I’m glad someone else picked up on that!

Scrappy April 3, 2013 at 11:39 am

Makes one think that Scott knows where a few “bodies are buried” and became a political liability for the General. Leon got rid of him by dumping him on the residents of Columbia. Now Leon can can sit back and say “He was a exemplary employee when he worked for me. What a shame.” The “sheeple” will forget quickly that Lott put Scott in that seat.

Higher_Ground April 3, 2013 at 12:40 pm

It just struck my mind that maybe these two really are birds if a feather – in which case having a police chief friendly to your hedonistic ways might be mutually beneficial to both parties.

TheFunkyMonkey April 3, 2013 at 2:36 pm

And both are tied to the Lexington Ring… How convenient…

? April 3, 2013 at 11:20 am

The irony of Columbia’s top cop having a substance abuse problem is delicious.

I wonder how many street bums went to jail for the same problem during his tenure.

major major April 3, 2013 at 11:52 am

Always wondered what they did with all the confiscated drugs.

? April 3, 2013 at 12:05 pm

lol…do you really wonder? Sure, some of them are put in property lockers, disposed of, etc….but knowing the right cops very well gets you a steady stream of dope if you want it.

Even further, how often do you think cops pocket cash from dope dealers on stops and send them on their way? Happens all the time….sometimes the cops still have the balls to throw the dealers in the joint.

I can’t tell you how many times some stupid dealer complains to the judge during a bail hearing that the cops took his money and it goes ignored…the judge pretends like he never heard it and continues on.

It’s a regular occurrence in many precincts. Some departments now have policy to make them frisk perps “on camera” in front/behind the car..but not all…and there’s ways to get around that too.

Mike at the Beach April 3, 2013 at 4:19 pm

You watch way too much TV, bro…

Boz Martin April 4, 2013 at 10:50 am

Bullshit, Mike. It happens all the time. It happens in Horry County, and you know it. Not as bad as it was back in the day when Jaybird and his boys were doing the same kind of shit that Scott is accused of doing, and then some, for 2 decades. But it happens, and it is ignored. Just as the question mark man said.

? April 3, 2013 at 11:20 am

The irony of Columbia’s top cop having a substance abuse problem is delicious.

I wonder how many street bums went to jail for the same problem during his tenure.

major major April 3, 2013 at 11:52 am

Always wondered what they did with all the confiscated drugs.

? April 3, 2013 at 12:05 pm

lol…do you really wonder? Sure, some of them are put in property lockers, disposed of, etc….but knowing the right cops very well gets you a steady stream of dope if you want it.

Even further, how often do you think cops pocket cash from dope dealers on stops and send them on their way? Happens all the time….sometimes the cops still have the balls to throw the dealers in the joint.

I can’t tell you how many times some stupid dealer complains to the judge during a bail hearing that the cops took his money and it goes ignored…the judge pretends like he never heard it and continues on.

It’s a regular occurrence in many precincts. Some departments now have policy to make them frisk perps “on camera” in front/behind the car..but not all…and there’s ways to get around that too.

Mike at the Beach April 3, 2013 at 4:19 pm

You watch way too much TV, bro…

Boz Martin April 4, 2013 at 10:50 am

Bullshit, Mike. It happens all the time. It happens in Horry County, and you know it. Not as bad as it was back in the day when Jaybird and his boys were doing the same kind of shit that Scott is accused of doing, and then some, for 2 decades. But it happens, and it is ignored. Just as the question mark man said.

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2013 at 11:43 am

What about allegations by Ms Greene made in an interview with a local TV station last year????? As I recall, she made comments about how Scott’s “Police Foundation” (or whatever it was called) was not properly keeping track of monies it solicited from citizens. She also noted that while Scott discontinued the time-honored tradition of presenting retiring officers with their badge and gun, apparently people connected with this “Foundation” who were neither police officers nor retired police officers were somehow winding up in possession of police badges.

While Steve Gantt appeared to be the main instigator of discontinuing awarding of guns and badges to retiring officers, it appears that Scott was not protesting very loudly and gladly danced to this tune for Gantt.

The tradition of awarding an officer his or her gun and badge seem a very small but deserved token for all of the missed holidays with family, missed ball games, missed birthdays, missed dance recitals, missed trips to the fair, and other things endured by the officers and their families because the job needed them.

If these badges were winding up in the hands of people who did not deserve them, this needs to be brought out. WHO and WHY? Same goes for the management of funds for his Police Foundation. WHAT happened there?

Read more here:

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2013 at 11:43 am

What about allegations by Ms Greene made in an interview with a local TV station last year????? As I recall, she made comments about how Scott’s “Police Foundation” (or whatever it was called) was not properly keeping track of monies it solicited from citizens. She also noted that while Scott discontinued the time-honored tradition of presenting retiring officers with their badge and gun, apparently people connected with this “Foundation” who were neither police officers nor retired police officers were somehow winding up in possession of police badges.

While Steve Gantt appeared to be the main instigator of discontinuing awarding of guns and badges to retiring officers, it appears that Scott was not protesting very loudly and gladly danced to this tune for Gantt.

The tradition of awarding an officer his or her gun and badge seem a very small but deserved token for all of the missed holidays with family, missed ball games, missed birthdays, missed dance recitals, missed trips to the fair, and other things endured by the officers and their families because the job needed them.

If these badges were winding up in the hands of people who did not deserve them, this needs to be brought out. WHO and WHY? Same goes for the management of funds for his Police Foundation. WHAT happened there?

Read more here:

jimlewisowb April 3, 2013 at 11:59 am

Picture on left, Randy Scott last week
Picture on right, Randy Scott this week

jimlewisowb April 3, 2013 at 11:59 am

Picture on left, Randy Scott last week
Picture on right, Randy Scott this week

Jimmy April 3, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Can you even imagine the money he’ll have to pony up? Eight kids and alimony. Law enforcement career done.

Jimmy April 3, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Can you even imagine the money he’ll have to pony up? Eight kids and alimony. Law enforcement career done.

surfer, the web, that is April 3, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Will, did Nikki also enjoy blow?

surfer, the web, that is April 3, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Will, did Nikki also enjoy blow?

Skeeter's cousin April 3, 2013 at 2:05 pm

The across the board pay raise for the ff’s is the remainder of a 10% raise promised in 2007 — of course only 3.3% of that was given, then they took away five holidays away which added 120 hours extra to be worked annually, in addition to furloughs and increased insurance premiums. The FF’s are trying to get the remainder of a raise promised six years ago when the COC acknowledged they were far below the SE average. This is why they have an attrition crisis on their hands — they can not fully staff all of the trucks.

Skeeter's cousin April 3, 2013 at 2:05 pm

The across the board pay raise for the ff’s is the remainder of a 10% raise promised in 2007 — of course only 3.3% of that was given, then they took away five holidays away which added 120 hours extra to be worked annually, in addition to furloughs and increased insurance premiums. The FF’s are trying to get the remainder of a raise promised six years ago when the COC acknowledged they were far below the SE average. This is why they have an attrition crisis on their hands — they can not fully staff all of the trucks.

bob April 3, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Worked in Blazing Saddles

bob April 3, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Worked in Blazing Saddles

Famously Hot April 3, 2013 at 3:05 pm

Where the white women at?

Gene Wilder April 3, 2013 at 4:56 pm

O.K. Bart, you made me laugh!

Famously Hot April 3, 2013 at 3:05 pm

Where the white women at?

Gene Wilder April 3, 2013 at 4:56 pm

O.K. Bart, you made me laugh!

nitrat April 3, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Was he like this when he worked with Leon?

nitrat April 3, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Was he like this when he worked with Leon?

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2013 at 7:17 pm

Hey Fits! Can you check and see if there is anything to the rumors I just heard about a certain vertically challenged police official having had more than one wreck in a city vehicle while DUI? I hadn’t previously heard this one so I don’t know if it has merit or not.

It is fairly common knowledge that he does like to fall into the bottle on a regular occasion. Whether or not this is true, I cannot be certain. Is there a way to search collision reports turned in by various jurisdictions such as SCHP, CPD, RCSD, FAPD, or other?

Has he been heard singing this song, lately?

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2013 at 7:17 pm

Hey Fits! Can you check and see if there is anything to the rumors I just heard about a certain vertically challenged police official having had more than one wreck in a city vehicle while DUI? I hadn’t previously heard this one so I don’t know if it has merit or not.

It is fairly common knowledge that he does like to fall into the bottle on a regular occasion. Whether or not this is true, I cannot be certain. Is there a way to search collision reports turned in by various jurisdictions such as SCHP, CPD, RCSD, FAPD, or other?

Has he been heard singing this song, lately?

lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Black T- Rav with a badge.

Lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Black T- Rav with a badge.

SC Retired April 4, 2013 at 7:22 am

Public corruption is everywhere in SC. It is an important part of ourpublic culture. It happens because “good people” in public office say nothing about what they see. Watching the “truth” about these Sheriffs
and also Columbia’s top cop become public is no surprise to the IN crowd as they ALL know it.

This reminds me of the South Carolina Investment Commission. A couple hundred people know about the unacceptable behavior of the Commission leaders but only State Treasurer Loftis will speak publicly about it and many powerful people are working diligently to keep the problems out of the press. As a retiree I follow this dismal situation and wonder how a system can become so corrupt.

It is OUR way to say nothing. To get along. To hide our heads in the sand. Standing up for truth is not part of our way. From slavery to public corruption in pensions and the police we watch, we know, and we say nothing.

SC Retired April 4, 2013 at 7:22 am

Public corruption is everywhere in SC. It is an important part of ourpublic culture. It happens because “good people” in public office say nothing about what they see. Watching the “truth” about these Sheriffs
and also Columbia’s top cop become public is no surprise to the IN crowd as they ALL know it.

This reminds me of the South Carolina Investment Commission. A couple hundred people know about the unacceptable behavior of the Commission leaders but only State Treasurer Loftis will speak publicly about it and many powerful people are working diligently to keep the problems out of the press. As a retiree I follow this dismal situation and wonder how a system can become so corrupt.

It is OUR way to say nothing. To get along. To hide our heads in the sand. Standing up for truth is not part of our way. From slavery to public corruption in pensions and the police we watch, we know, and we say nothing.

Trace G April 4, 2013 at 7:36 am

Randy Scott is no stranger to contraversy, when he was a high ranking officer with RCSD he had an affair on his wife with the apt. manager at Hunt Club Apts.
they were living there at the time. The managers husband found out and threatened him amd the Sheriff’s dept. he was suppose to be the courteousy officer and was screwing the manager.
Before he became the permanent chief he had a wreck and had to go to the hospital, he tested positive for coke then.

CorruptionInColumbia April 4, 2013 at 9:55 am

Are you saying he gave a whole new meaning to the term, “courtesy officer”?

“Wham, Bam, THANK YOU Ma’am!”

Trace G April 4, 2013 at 7:36 am

Randy Scott is no stranger to contraversy, when he was a high ranking officer with RCSD he had an affair on his wife with the apt. manager at Hunt Club Apts.
they were living there at the time. The managers husband found out and threatened him amd the Sheriff’s dept. he was suppose to be the courteousy officer and was screwing the manager.
Before he became the permanent chief he had a wreck and had to go to the hospital, he tested positive for coke then.

CorruptionInColumbia April 4, 2013 at 9:55 am

Are you saying he gave a whole new meaning to the term, “courtesy officer”?

“Wham, Bam, THANK YOU Ma’am!”

Trace G April 4, 2013 at 7:43 am

He’s been flaunting one of his female officers around every since he got there. Saying she was his driver, so she would have to take him out of town on business trips.
Why couldn’t he drive himself around?
And he’s wrecked a city car since becoming chief, he didn’t report it, he had his goons take it to a body shop to get it repaired.
And the city better be careful with the acting chief cause his integrity record ain’t real good either.
All his goon squad gonna make the city look stupid

Trace G April 4, 2013 at 7:43 am

He’s been flaunting one of his female officers around every since he got there. Saying she was his driver, so she would have to take him out of town on business trips.
Why couldn’t he drive himself around?
And he’s wrecked a city car since becoming chief, he didn’t report it, he had his goons take it to a body shop to get it repaired.
And the city better be careful with the acting chief cause his integrity record ain’t real good either.
All his goon squad gonna make the city look stupid

Squishy123 April 4, 2013 at 9:20 am

So who’s the top white guy at City Hall these days… or are there any? Everyone they show on the news is black… mayor, police chief, fire chief, city manager, assistant city manager, city council members. Has Columbia become “chocolate city”?

Squishy123 April 4, 2013 at 9:20 am

So who’s the top white guy at City Hall these days… or are there any? Everyone they show on the news is black… mayor, police chief, fire chief, city manager, assistant city manager, city council members. Has Columbia become “chocolate city”?

Boz Martin April 4, 2013 at 11:02 am

Hmmm. Let’s see now … this guy is connected to Lott and also to Benjamin. Lott’s noble lawman halo has been tarnished a good bit of late, and Benjamin is connected to Knotts and others in some really corrupt shit. How many powerful people has Scott been covering up for? How many of them is he going to give up now to save his worthless ass? Obviously they hope this lame suspension strategy will keep scrutiny to a minimum. If they’re wrong, a whole bunch of them are just as fucked as any coked-up coed that ever partied with this dirty cop. But without the fun party vibe.

Scrappy April 4, 2013 at 12:16 pm

General Lott is much too busy arresting these dangerous gamblers around town. He has also been “talking with” the victims of these horrible crimes and “sitting down at the kitchen table” and seeing first hand how this scourge has impacted our society. You know the “real victims” of this “Gambling Ring”. Why, all of the families money was lost on football games and they had nothing left to play the SC Lottery with! We sleep much better at night knowing Leon has our back!

Boz Martin April 4, 2013 at 11:02 am

Hmmm. Let’s see now … this guy is connected to Lott and also to Benjamin. Lott’s noble lawman halo has been tarnished a good bit of late, and Benjamin is connected to Knotts and others in some really corrupt shit. How many powerful people has Scott been covering up for? How many of them is he going to give up now to save his worthless ass? Obviously they hope this lame suspension strategy will keep scrutiny to a minimum. If they’re wrong, a whole bunch of them are just as fucked as any coked-up coed that ever partied with this dirty cop. But without the fun party vibe.

Scrappy April 4, 2013 at 12:16 pm

General Lott is much too busy arresting these dangerous gamblers around town. He has also been “talking with” the victims of these horrible crimes and “sitting down at the kitchen table” and seeing first hand how this scourge has impacted our society. You know the “real victims” of this “Gambling Ring”. Why, all of the families money was lost on football games and they had nothing left to play the SC Lottery with! We sleep much better at night knowing Leon has our back!

Charlie Cat April 4, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Here we go again. We are simply lacking class in role model positions. When are we going to get it right?

Charlie Cat April 4, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Here we go again. We are simply lacking class in role model positions. When are we going to get it right?

cpd April 5, 2013 at 7:23 am

I am an old friend of Officer Wines, currently employed with CPD The man lied about serving in the military and actually says he was a recipient of a purple heart. He is still telling employees (I still remain friends with one) that he is serving. It is known to not be true, yet he gets away with it… even Scott has known for a while. He has also been charged with domestic abuse. And guess who came to support him at his hearing when his wife wanted an order of protection? Scott. What a shmuck.

cpd April 5, 2013 at 7:23 am

I am an old friend of Officer Wines, currently employed with CPD The man lied about serving in the military and actually says he was a recipient of a purple heart. He is still telling employees (I still remain friends with one) that he is serving. It is known to not be true, yet he gets away with it… even Scott has known for a while. He has also been charged with domestic abuse. And guess who came to support him at his hearing when his wife wanted an order of protection? Scott. What a shmuck.

Tee Tee April 7, 2013 at 10:20 pm

He recently divorced his wife in January. This may be why he took this leave of absence…considering they both worked together…

Trace April 8, 2013 at 3:49 pm

His wife works at Richlamd County Sheriff Dept. and they hadnt been together since he became interm Chief and he’s been cheating on her for years so I doubt that has anything to do with it.

Tee Tee April 7, 2013 at 10:20 pm

He recently divorced his wife in January. This may be why he took this leave of absence…considering they both worked together…

Trace April 8, 2013 at 3:49 pm

His wife works at Richlamd County Sheriff Dept. and they hadnt been together since he became interm Chief and he’s been cheating on her for years so I doubt that has anything to do with it.

Antonio Richardson April 13, 2013 at 12:25 pm

This guy has been scum for years. I knew him when he was working for the RCSD and he cheated on his wife with sooooooo many women. I’m sure he will try to lie his way out of it, but can he lie about the fact that he was screwing the apartment manager at Hunt Club Apts? Yes, Mrs. Leslie……and then Willie found out. Everyone knew you were white trash, but a home wrecker? Well now we know

Antonio Richardson April 13, 2013 at 12:25 pm

This guy has been scum for years. I knew him when he was working for the RCSD and he cheated on his wife with sooooooo many women. I’m sure he will try to lie his way out of it, but can he lie about the fact that he was screwing the apartment manager at Hunt Club Apts? Yes, Mrs. Leslie……and then Willie found out. Everyone knew you were white trash, but a home wrecker? Well now we know


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