SC Immigration Enforcement Has Begun

For those of you who are new to the debate over immigration reform in South Carolina, the Palmetto State passed the nation’s “toughest law” in 2008. Then it passed the nation’s “toughest law” again in 2011. Of course neither law deports anyone, nor does either law stop illegal immigrants from…

For those of you who are new to the debate over immigration reform in South Carolina, the Palmetto State passed the nation’s “toughest law” in 2008. Then it passed the nation’s “toughest law” again in 2011.

Of course neither law deports anyone, nor does either law stop illegal immigrants from entering the state. Part of the brutal truth of the immigration debate at any level.

What does it do? That’s easy: It adds new “enforcement costs” for South Carolina taxpayers to pick up and assesses new fines and fees for South Carolina businesses. Not only that repeat “offenders” will lose their business licenses.

So in other words, as part of a totally futile effort to get rid of illegal immigrants our state has done nothing but grow government and expand its regulatory burden.

Exactly … which is what we said two years ago.

Anyway, this week the S.C. Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (SCLLR) reported that 323 Palmetto State businesses (out of 4,300 randomly surveyed) were not complying with the state’s new law. Of course what was really frightening wasn’t the 323 businesses that failed to comply with our state’s ridiculous law, it was the 1,700 that didn’t hire new workers in 2012.

Yikes …

“Immigration reform” in South Carolina is a joke. When you cut through the rhetoric, it’s yet another excuse for state government to shake down the private sector for cash … a shakedown subsidized by taxpayers. It’s also yet another reason for people to take as much of their business as possible off-line … away from the long arm of the state.


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Squishy123 March 26, 2013 at 9:58 am

Just position ICE patrols at the Flea Markets around the state and you’ll get 90% of all the illegals.

CorruptionInColumbia March 26, 2013 at 10:50 am

Or coin-operated laundry businesses. On weekends, you will see enough of them to populate a small village in Mexico.

Squishy123 March 26, 2013 at 9:58 am

Just position ICE patrols at the Flea Markets around the state and you’ll get 90% of all the illegals.

CorruptionInColumbia March 26, 2013 at 10:50 am

Or coin-operated laundry businesses. On weekends, you will see enough of them to populate a small village in Mexico.

? March 26, 2013 at 10:16 am

So who will the rednecks and generational welfare blacks blame for a bad economy and being unable to get a job when we’ve deported Jose and his family for mowing lawns,doing construction work, and cleaning hotel rooms?

? March 26, 2013 at 10:16 am

So who will the rednecks and generational welfare blacks blame for a bad economy and being unable to get a job when we’ve deported Jose and his family for mowing lawns,doing construction work, and cleaning hotel rooms?

Vanguard16 March 26, 2013 at 12:24 pm

If you hold businesses to the fire, then there is no incentive for illegals to come here. DUH!!

Nancy Yates March 26, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Reminds me of the war on drugs – if we just just arrest all those petty users there would be no drug dealers – uh right.

Vanguard16 March 26, 2013 at 12:24 pm

If you hold businesses to the fire, then there is no incentive for illegals to come here. DUH!!

Nancy Yates March 26, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Reminds me of the war on drugs – if we just just arrest all those petty users there would be no drug dealers – uh right.

X Ray March 26, 2013 at 8:27 pm

A construction company out of North Carolina doing business in South Carolina circumvents immigration laws. The way they do it, they hire hundreds of illegal Mexicans as sub-contractors each year to frame walls, install drywall (sheetrock) and then issue them 1099s at the end of the year.
There is nothing new about this method. It is just that these tyrants we have as elected officials in office are spitting in your face while laughing at you. These elected officials are crooks, liars, thieves, and more. Money talks, my friends. The laws that they make are just smoke and mirrors.

DelmarJackson March 27, 2013 at 10:45 am

X ray, thanks for letting people know what goes on in the construction business, it is the same here in Florida.

Immigration is a racket.

We have two immigrant visa programs that will meet our immigration requirements.
They are the farm visa program that allows farmers to bring in unlimited amounts of
temporary workers if they can not find local workers, and the visa for Exceptional
talents and abilities that encourages the immigration of exceptional people in the
sciences,arts,technology and business, providing they can actually Prove they are
exceptional. In all truthfulness, America does not need to bring in millions of others.
We have plenty here who have done all the work in the past and can do it in the future.

Those encouraging endless unlimited immigration, like the leadership of the democrat
party who want more voters, and those RINOs like the Bush family that want to please
their billionaire anti American worker cheap labor lobby weasels, just want to profit
from the immigration, and then pass on all the social,economic and environmental costs
to our communities

Professor Borjas of Harvard has shown repeatedly there is only a small economic benefit
to the nation from the current massive immigration, and that benefit is captured almost
entirely by those that hire the immigrants, and the immigrants themselves, leaving the
rest of us to pay for our own dispossession.

Read vdare every day and join numbersusa to fax your weasels in Washington about the
truth of immigration which is simply this, the American people have been betrayed by
both parties and the media on immigration for decades.

Remember, there is no real immigration problem, only an enforcement problem.
immigration was “fixed’ in 1986 when Reagan gave an amnesty to 3 million illegals in
exchange for enforcement that would prevent the need for any future amnesties. if we get
no enforcement, we will never get any end to immigration, just an end to America as we know it
to provide short term personal, political, and financial gain to those at the top.

Harry Reid Says No Sane Country Would Permit Birthright Citizenship

X Ray March 26, 2013 at 8:27 pm

A construction company out of North Carolina doing business in South Carolina circumvents immigration laws. The way they do it, they hire hundreds of illegal Mexicans as sub-contractors each year to frame walls, install drywall (sheetrock) and then issue them 1099s at the end of the year.
There is nothing new about this method. It is just that these tyrants we have as elected officials in office are spitting in your face while laughing at you. These elected officials are crooks, liars, thieves, and more. Money talks, my friends. The laws that they make are just smoke and mirrors.

DelmarJackson March 27, 2013 at 10:45 am

X ray, thanks for letting people know what goes on in the construction business, it is the same here in Florida.

Immigration is a racket.

We have two immigrant visa programs that will meet our immigration requirements.
They are the farm visa program that allows farmers to bring in unlimited amounts of
temporary workers if they can not find local workers, and the visa for Exceptional
talents and abilities that encourages the immigration of exceptional people in the
sciences,arts,technology and business, providing they can actually Prove they are
exceptional. In all truthfulness, America does not need to bring in millions of others.
We have plenty here who have done all the work in the past and can do it in the future.

Those encouraging endless unlimited immigration, like the leadership of the democrat
party who want more voters, and those RINOs like the Bush family that want to please
their billionaire anti American worker cheap labor lobby weasels, just want to profit
from the immigration, and then pass on all the social,economic and environmental costs
to our communities

Professor Borjas of Harvard has shown repeatedly there is only a small economic benefit
to the nation from the current massive immigration, and that benefit is captured almost
entirely by those that hire the immigrants, and the immigrants themselves, leaving the
rest of us to pay for our own dispossession.

Read vdare every day and join numbersusa to fax your weasels in Washington about the
truth of immigration which is simply this, the American people have been betrayed by
both parties and the media on immigration for decades.

Remember, there is no real immigration problem, only an enforcement problem.
immigration was “fixed’ in 1986 when Reagan gave an amnesty to 3 million illegals in
exchange for enforcement that would prevent the need for any future amnesties. if we get
no enforcement, we will never get any end to immigration, just an end to America as we know it
to provide short term personal, political, and financial gain to those at the top.

Harry Reid Says No Sane Country Would Permit Birthright Citizenship

DelmarJackson March 27, 2013 at 10:42 am

The USA has 3 immigration options
1. Continue to increase legal immigration while ignoring the desire of the majority of population to reduce it.
2. To continue to refuse to enforce immigration laws that would cut off jobs and benefits thus striking at the heart of the illegal immigration problem and call for endless amnesties.
3. To continue to let those that profit from immigration pass on all social, economic and environmental costs to our communities while smearing all who oppose as racist nativists.

There is a fourth option which president Eisenhower tried which was enforcing immigration laws, but it had the undesired effect of making 3 million illegals self deport.

Join numbersusa
read vdare every day
and throw the weasels in Washington out.

DelmarJackson March 27, 2013 at 10:42 am

The USA has 3 immigration options
1. Continue to increase legal immigration while ignoring the desire of the majority of population to reduce it.
2. To continue to refuse to enforce immigration laws that would cut off jobs and benefits thus striking at the heart of the illegal immigration problem and call for endless amnesties.
3. To continue to let those that profit from immigration pass on all social, economic and environmental costs to our communities while smearing all who oppose as racist nativists.

There is a fourth option which president Eisenhower tried which was enforcing immigration laws, but it had the undesired effect of making 3 million illegals self deport.

Join numbersusa
read vdare every day
and throw the weasels in Washington out.


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