Mark Sanford Is A “Wounded Warrior?”

ROCKY RETURN TO POLITICS FOR SCANDAL-SCARRED SOUTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford referred to himself as a “wounded warrior” this week in a pair of television interviews kicking off his bid for the Palmetto State’s vacant first congressional district – a rather odd choice of words given the…

mark sanford wounded warrior


Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford referred to himself as a “wounded warrior” this week in a pair of television interviews kicking off his bid for the Palmetto State’s vacant first congressional district – a rather odd choice of words given the circumstances surrounding his 2009 fall from grace.

“I failed, I very publicly failed. I’ve dealt with the aftermath, I’m a wounded warrior; I got it,” Sanford told WCIV TV 4 (ABC – Charleston, S.C.). “But you still feel like you have something to contribute, and you still feel like you could make a difference, so you got to try.”

Sanford repeated the remark in an interview with WCBD TV 2 (NBC – Charleston, S.C.).

“It’s hard, I’m scared to death in human terms,” Sanford said of his decision to run. “As I say – I’m a wounded warrior.”

Really? A “wounded warrior?”

Sanford served in the military as volunteer member of an Air Force aeromedical evacuation unit – but he’s never so much as whiffed a combat zone let alone been wounded. Furthermore, the political “wound” he suffered was entirely self-inflicted – the result of his decision to engage in an extramarital affair and then lie about it.

Wonder what veterans who have actually been wounded will think of Sanford’s comparison? More to the point, we wonder what his ex-wife, Jenny Sanford, thinks of it?

Sanford confessed his extramarital affair with then-lover, now-fiancee Maria Belen Chapur at a rambling press conference in the S.C. State House in June 2009. Already damaged, the lovesick governor then compounded his problems by perpetually oversharing about his feelings for Chapur – while nearly losing his job as a result of an ensuing ethics investigation into his travel practices as governor.

Among other abuses, Sanford’s Commerce Department spent tax dollars on a 2008 South American “economic development” trip during which the governor had a romantic rendezvous with Chapur. Sanford ended up reimbursing taxpayers for this trip and paying $74,000 in fines associated with his various violations.  He was also censured by state lawmakers – but avoided impeachment.

Sanford is one of roughly a dozen candidates expected to file for the South Carolina first district seat – which he held for six years prior to becoming governor (1995-2001).


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? January 18, 2013 at 1:39 pm

“But you still feel like you have something to contribute”

You do have something to contribute Mark, you’re a perfect example of things NOT to do if you want to keep your reputation, your family and your wealth.

“and you still feel like you could make a difference”

You can, you can bring more pain to your boys-among other things.

Zobro January 19, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Douche-a-hue Directs first move: paint their client as some sort of victim or underdog suffering at the hands of fate, evil, or anything other than their Douche-ness.

Next step, Douchey media blast, strong on the pity, weak on the reality.

Douche-a-hue, man, loosen up the bow ties and give it a break! Winning elections ain’t everything, afterwards all of us are stuck with these guys and the world judges us by them!

Think Italy…think Bunga Bunga. Think SC…think pussies that cry in public (for the wrong reasons) after they screw over their families, employees, and communities. Think Douche-a-Hue…think mindlessly supporting any incumbent or anybody w/$$$!

We need a less douchey group of political professionals in this state. Maybe some with balls, but definitely some with class and ethics!

I know,I know, and maybe Santa will bring me super powers. At least I can dream!

? January 19, 2013 at 1:06 pm


lol…very funny!

“I know,I know, and maybe Santa will bring me super powers. At least I can dream!”

That’s funny too, but expounding a little more we need some big REAL contributor to society to stand up and give a MLK type speech to everyone:
“I have a dream, that all you fucking politicians will go the fuck home, leave everyone alone, stop taking their money and stop starting wars. I have a dream!”

Douchehue is simply yet another bottom feeder manipulating the masses to pad his checking account at the expense of everyone. There’s unfortunately a lot more of his types around.

They should be shamed from society, but instead society worships these fuckers they put into office and when the shit hits the fan forget about the Douchehue’s behind the scenes.

We are perpetually screwed until there’s some MAJOR paradigm shift.

jimlewis,owb January 18, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Military Wounded Warrior – Solider injured serving his/her Country

Political Wounded Warrior – Cockroach caught with his cock in some out of town strange

? January 18, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Ha! Once again you rule.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 18, 2013 at 2:07 pm

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Like my late Pop woulda put it, “I wouldn’t hit a hog in the ass with Mark Sanford.”

Lance Riprock January 18, 2013 at 1:42 pm

We now have Lying Lance Armstrong and Mega-lying Mark Sanford, role models for Manti Te’O. A Road Warrior, A Wounded Warrior, and a Rainbow Warrior- all liars, but only Manti can use youth as an excuse. The other two are unredeemable ass-holes.

Rick January 18, 2013 at 1:43 pm

The only thing that kept Mark Sanford from being shit canned was the horrifying thought of Gov. Andre!

interested January 18, 2013 at 1:44 pm

And the Quinns hated them both because they didn’t subscribe to the RQA machine.

interested January 18, 2013 at 1:43 pm

We are witnessing the resurrection of a self absorbed, narcissistic pheonix. I actually think he may pull this off.

@WH_Buz_Martin January 18, 2013 at 2:09 pm

Isn’t the self absorbed narcissistic phoenix our state bird?

carrie January 18, 2013 at 2:28 pm

By I hope not.

Sarge January 18, 2013 at 3:25 pm

“…a self absorbed, narcissistic pheonix [sic]…” Leave Queen Jean out of this discussion. These boys are only amatuers compared to her. So, Bill Nettles, are you going to let the
FBI do it or not?

Ed January 18, 2013 at 1:43 pm

South Carolina endorsed Newt. What was martial mess. And look at McCain. So maybe so.

Stephan January 18, 2013 at 1:44 pm

He’ll have the hottest girlfriend in Congress.

MeadowMuffin January 18, 2013 at 4:38 pm

BTW – time for upgraded pix of Ms. Chapur…

Smirks January 18, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Wounded in the head, maybe. As for warrior, really? The guy that hauled pigs into the state house? lol…

Go back home and “dig some trenches” with your backhoe, “warrior.”

A face in the crowd January 18, 2013 at 1:54 pm

Classic political strategy. Next comes The Comeback Kid.

TontoBubbaGoldstein January 18, 2013 at 1:54 pm

Wounded warrior, huh?

Well, I guess if you “walk”* the er.. Appalachian Trail too often, you might get a bit sore.

*Anyone else here remember SNL’s Lothar of the Hill People?

Chapur must be misguided or as damaged as he... January 18, 2013 at 2:04 pm

With his narcissism, he always frames his failings in some self-effacing yet heroic way or attributes it to God’s will… “Wounded Warrior,” “King David” comparison, or “…we’re not in charge at the end of the day….” Geez, ever hear of self-agency?
In the most cynical sense, Sanford is hoping the “inferior” voters won’t know the difference and fall for his vulnerable, underdog affectations.

Capitol Complex fly January 18, 2013 at 3:47 pm

Amazing, just amazing! I imagine he has the same misconceptions as Little Dickie Ecksterom and his whore Kelly, thinking people do not care, or Nikki haley thinking she would not be found out, maybe even Bob Peeler, with his Donna Whore thinking “Donna can rebuild my career” while prancing around the Capitol! Guess Sanford feels Maria can rebuild his career too!
All are ridiculed, laughed at behind their backs. This place will smile to your face, enunciate niceties to your ears, slap you on the back in your presence. When you aren’t around you are laughed at, slayed with comments and called what you’re really thought of and what you really are!

main and broad January 20, 2013 at 8:47 am

As pathetic and sickening as Sanford, Peeler, Eckstrom, this Frazier guy from lexington all are, these cheap sluts are far worse!
Look at Eckstrom, what the hell does this woman kelly see in this perverted prick? …position, power, percieved position of influence?
Same for Peeler and Donna, Peeler’s nothing to look at, just like Eckstrom. Yet according to Bob (the boob)himself, she went after him like a hooker looking at a $50 for a blow job.
At leasst Sanford has a little looks left; but, Maria saw a US Gov and a chance to get a little exposure in the US, a meal ticket and flight out of Argentina.
Now this Lexington Councilman Frazier and his opportunistic slug slut Cynthia. What could either see in the other? Both are Sunday night stone sober nightmares to look at. Cynthia saw an easy life with with illegal gambling blood money.

These people like insects ate their young for what? Their children were all flushed down a toilet, their reputations sullied, their lives and careers tarnished beyond repair.
Ask John Edwards how it worked for him.

Sanford and Peeler are washed up in politics, Hopefully Eckstrom will be next and then all the others of their pathetic ilk.

hhuuhh?? January 20, 2013 at 10:01 am

Anybody who has not read Jeff Sharlet’s “The Family” or “C Street” just does not understand the mindset of people like Mark (or, Ensign or Coburn or Grassley or DeMint and dozens of others in Congress, primarily Rs).

They believe, Doug and David Coe have told them, God has annointed them to lead – like King David was literally annointed – to be in POWER.

This is a perverted religion of preaching to the up and out (as opposed to the down and out). They are taught that Hitler and Stalin and Mao are examples of how to consolidate power and lead.

This is a sorry bunch of opportunists.

Tank January 18, 2013 at 2:04 pm


sweepin January 18, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Question: Please define the term “self-absorbed, narcissistic, effete dilettante?”

Answer: Mark Sanford

@WH_Buz_Martin January 18, 2013 at 2:11 pm

Not feeling the luv for da luv guv here.

Booty Warrior January 18, 2013 at 2:15 pm

This foo’ needs some help on what it means to be a wounded warrior and I’m just the man to make him one.

carrie January 18, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Wounded warrior!! If he is, he did that to himself. He is definitely delusional.

shifty henry January 18, 2013 at 2:28 pm

…. in a nutshell —– “pathetic”

mph January 18, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Did he trip over his own penis on that hike?

More likely his ego.

hose virgin January 18, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Someone did say he was hung like a garden hose, and I’m always tripping over my garden hose.

shifty henry January 18, 2013 at 2:55 pm

….. if he needs to keep busy he should direct his attention to something like buying “Exotica” or perhaps a boutique lingerie store (Chapur could model), or perhaps selling peanuts on a street corner in Charleston, or even SPEND TIME WITH HIS KIDS!

shifty henry January 18, 2013 at 2:56 pm

…. which reminds me – does anybody know where Chapur is?

shifty henry January 18, 2013 at 2:58 pm

… perhaps “wounded warrior” is what Chapur called him when she looked at her claw marks on him?

carrie January 18, 2013 at 7:35 pm

Shifty- probably making wedding plans for this summer.

Andy January 18, 2013 at 3:43 pm

How in the hell does Sanford think he qualifies as a “wounded warrior”? What is he basing that assessment on? Talk about an Occam’s Razor situation. He shot himself in the balls–what more does anyone need to know?

Jan January 18, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Mark, let me eliminate one concern for you. You have nothing to contribute.

MarkSanfordsUnemploymentIsUp January 18, 2013 at 4:37 pm

Look at how arrogant he was to his own party as governor. Just think how little he will try to get along with his GOP fellows if elected. Then, he’ll turn up at Fox News playing the role as conservative fighting his own SCGOP. His intentional actions did cause this 50th ranked state for women in politics to elect a woman as governor. This dude is no conservative. He IS a friend of Jeb Bush so beware of the 2016 campaign of Jeb Bush and a Mark Sanford return to the top. Let’s tell this piece of shit to go away forever.

He's cocked and taking aim January 19, 2013 at 11:13 am

We all fear you are right about his national aspirations. Evidently, he is to do another Piers Morgan on CNN. Just more paving his way to acceptability and maybe bring the cultured and sophisticated Chapur along to show her love for the latina vote, since it would be a controlled setting for her introduction. Lord knows she would loathe an intro to what she considers the small-minded provincials of SC ! JEBS wife is Hispanic also. I see the photo ops already!

Popcorn please January 18, 2013 at 4:38 pm

I guess just a poor choice of words like his Obama spear-chucking comment. Wait until Chapur joins the show with her “genius in the bottle…” Although it worked for Charo, Hot Cha Cha Cha!!!

? January 18, 2013 at 7:13 pm

Charo could at least play guitar. I also happened to witness her cougar skills at the Waldorf Astoria one time and she was no slouch there either.

Dice Man January 18, 2013 at 5:44 pm

Just when you think this dipshot can’t sink any lower he tops himself.

And you have to credit Tom Davis and Jenny Trademark as enablers for this walking pestilence.

Don't blame Jenny TM January 18, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Jenny had a vested interest as wife and as mother of his children. She has always been kind by calling him quirky and restless despite the wear and tear she sustained living with someone with his disorder 24/7 while juggling four active sons. After the transgressions were revealed publicly and privately, you can bet the blinders were off! PS- the trademark was suggested by a business saavy friend to protect and prevent abuses. Where has she ever made any money off of it?

bogart January 19, 2013 at 9:29 am

Everytime Sanford gives an interview,he makes it sound like Jenny welcomed his visit with open arms and was happy to give him her seal of approval to run…..I’m doubting that….He also said it would be weird for a husband and wife to run against each other…..did he forget he’s divorced?….Jenny should send Chapur a thank you note for taking nutcase Mark off her hands.

Dice Man January 20, 2013 at 8:14 pm

If Jenny has washed her hands of this tripe she should publicly say so. She has not dismissed his prospects as a future candidate when all it would take is a recounting of facts. Sorry, Jenny Trademark gets lumped in with her ex.

She d-i-v-o-r-c-e-d him! (despite her strong belief in marriage) January 21, 2013 at 9:55 am

Diceman: Be reasoanble, this is her kids’ father afterall. Anyway, if you read between the lines and her body language, any adult gets where she is coming from. She certainly doesn’t have to recount the facts. If the voters aren’t intelligent enough to cast their ballots for someone of integrity, not someone with convenient morals, ethics, and dubious associations, then what is to be done?

bogart January 22, 2013 at 1:25 pm

I agree that Jenny holds back her true feelings because of her boys.Sad to say,but the voters in SC don’t care about integrity.When Mark starts talking about God and forgiveness the old farts think he’s speaking in tongues…people with working brain cells know it’s with forked tongue.

Mr. Dixie January 18, 2013 at 5:50 pm

There are too many around that can fill that seat and “just say no “. There is no reason to retread a morally corrupt, selfish bastard that has already had his chance. I wonder what makes him think he can “just say no” better than anyone else.

Butthead January 18, 2013 at 6:02 pm

What a fart knocker !
He is worse than Mr Anderson …

Doctor Freud January 18, 2013 at 7:37 pm

Mark has an oedipal complex, believing he’s still in his mother’s womb (er, pussy).

“Return to pussy” is a recurrent theme in sociopaths like Mark.

He likes the dark, the wet, the rumble, explaining his nighttime rides in the rain on the hot tractor digging holes at his farm.

S.C. deserves Mark Sanford.

carrie January 18, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Mark just apologized for using the term “wounded warrior”. He better learn to pay attention to what he’s saying otherwise he will be apologizing every day till election time.

sweepin January 18, 2013 at 8:38 pm

Should one apologize for a weak mind and weak character? The best part of Mark Sanford ran down his Daddy’s more than 50 years ago.

sweepin January 18, 2013 at 8:39 pm

“Daddy’s leg”

Nicked Dick January 18, 2013 at 8:46 pm

Maybe Maria uses too much teeth in her blow job technique – and wounded his warrior…

shifty henry January 19, 2013 at 9:06 am

….. it was the claw marks

Ave Maria January 18, 2013 at 8:51 pm

His FORMER wife respectfully requested he not run again and put his family through a rehash of his moral and ethical lapses. She was a private person before she married him but seeing him at loose ends, supported his dream of public office. Sanford claims that his FUTURE wife is “spectacular” but also a private person and he doesn’t know the degree to which she will become involved in campaigning. Maria Belen Chapur, welcome to your life in the political cesspool fishbowl. Jenny wrote letters to the editor in defense of her man, managed his campaign, gave financial support, gave speeches, campaigned 24/7 while pregnant, facing medical issues, and juggling their youg sons. You better start praying now that he treats you with more care in the end than he did her and the kids.

bogart January 18, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Damn,”spectacular” and the owner of magnificent parts,how lucky can a cheater get….wonder if Chapur travels with her own moonglow or if she uses local beams?????

Honeypie January 18, 2013 at 10:47 pm

Moonbeam Sanford — he deserves a special place in our history books. The index will certainly mention “Appalachian Trail” and “Argentina.” What a motherfucker.

Sanctamonious? January 18, 2013 at 9:01 pm

Glad to know all you sanctamonious folks have never made a mistake. Since you’re all casting stones I don’t guess you have ever sinned. Not that I’m a great fan of Sanford, I do feel he has paid a price for his indescrestions so let him be. You welcomed back Clinton, Mike Tyson, Darrell Strawberry, Tiger Woods and a myriad of others so why not Sanford? If you don’t like his politics don’t vote for him but don’t Not vote for him because his personal life is in the toilet.

With cause January 18, 2013 at 9:22 pm

Make a mistake, face the consequences: a distrustful, disgusted electorate, flabbergasted by his continued grasp for a taxpayer funded paycheck and power. This despite pledges of term limits and 15 years of government service. He needs to stay a private citizen and make it in the private world.

Spelling Bee- Bzzzzzzz! January 18, 2013 at 9:34 pm

When defending Mr. Sanford’s impropriety, it may help to spell indiscretion properly- but I’m trying not to be sanctimonious about it.

bogart January 18, 2013 at 10:14 pm

The only one in that group asking for my vote is Sanford,and he will never get it……the only one in that group claiming to be a family values politician is Sanford,and that’s a lie.

markfitsmyass January 18, 2013 at 9:17 pm

since ya’ll used to,wadda his farts smell like

Booyah January 18, 2013 at 10:00 pm

Sanford valued pussy more than power, therefore he deserves neither.

womanbeater will is such a cunt January 18, 2013 at 10:03 pm

he’s a fucking shameless clown. womanbeater will can’t hop back on the bandwagon quick enough. if he’s in dead last during the primary, can womanbeater will pull his (chest/chin)nuts out of the fire by saying he blew him, what, 1,000 times and let the ole luv guv ram him up the arse while roommates on official junkets to sumter, florence, and conway?

jakebustsmynutts January 18, 2013 at 10:13 pm

good point ,but fucking sanford might hurt.he ruined ‘the wizard of oz’ for me cause he looks like the scarecrow;all boney ass and shit.i’ll be voting,jake knotts for guv;now that’s a butt any man can luv,admit it or not

bogart January 18, 2013 at 10:05 pm

“Wounded Warrior”……Chapur give him An STD ?

alaindelon January 18, 2013 at 10:06 pm

Two questions : where is the closest psych hospital? and who is going to have commit this sociopath?

shrinkfucker January 18, 2013 at 10:25 pm

good fucking question,alaindelon(you french);most sociopaths get away with all kinds of shit and are never committed.. i know a couple shrinks who actually ‘commit’ people,then go back to the office and fuck their patients and best-looking members of they family,often together

Ball Sack Dirt Blogger January 20, 2013 at 11:02 am

You would know a couple of shrinks, 9″ / Shrinkfucker (or whatever you are calling yourself this week) since you are so fucking eat up with the Bus-stop B.J. Syndrome. You also have sores on the side of your feet from tapping out that secret queer code you perverts do.

How many pills do you take, Bitch to cure all your diseases?

alaindelon January 18, 2013 at 10:13 pm

Affirmative Bogart. Chapur deserves him and he deserves a wounded pecker er… STD

Manray9 January 19, 2013 at 10:48 am


SparkleCity January 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm


For crying out loud………

The shirking SOB did join the USAF Reserves using a lot of pull and promptly BAILED on his unit when it was activated for duty for Southwest Asia.

Why the hell do you dance around that fucking fact???

This “wounded warrior” BS is so far over the top I won’t even waste time posting on it except that this is even more evidence of “Shirker” Sanford’s not dealing with reality.

Fuck a bunch of Mark Sanford.

Joe Wilson Sucks January 19, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Sanfrauds a douche bag.

villageman January 19, 2013 at 6:44 pm

Have the Faith’s divorce records ever been unsealed?

Bogeyman January 19, 2013 at 10:10 pm

After hearing/reading him quoting biblical verses in his infamous sex emails to his Argentinian bimbo Maria, comparing himself to biblical character David and promising on working on his marriage after being caught have been in Argentina instead of the Appalachians, his rambling admission of being unfaithful to now ex wife Jenny, his soulmate connection confession to sex kitten Maria Chapur, the list of Mark Sanfraud’s never ending what he calls misquotes never fail to amaze all of us. Put a microphone, a TV camera and klieg lights on this man and hell talk about himself and only himself. Me, me me. So what’s he going to compare himself next after being a wounded warrior? The next Messiah maybe? I want to puke just thinking wants next on his sleeve. Can you just go away Mark please?

SparkleCity January 19, 2013 at 10:38 pm

All anyone’s gotta say/post is:


SCBlues January 20, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Anything is possible in South Carolina as long as you have that “R” after your name in politics.

No matter that the R’s have just about destroyed this state and made us the laughingstock of the rest of the country.

So yes – I believe Sanford will make a comeback – the R’s around here are stupid enough to vote for him. (They elected Nicki Haley didn’t they? I rest my case.)

Charlie Cat January 20, 2013 at 4:32 pm

This state should simply say NO to Sanford. The man ran off from his family and job to chase a women. My what morales we have. He cannot and will not be trusted in another high capacity job that represents the people. He left everyone behind to chase a women. Typical politician! Sanford fits this mold. He has embarrassed this state once, lets not let this happen again.

Gecko January 20, 2013 at 8:13 pm

Sanford’s the sort of bug we eat.

1770 January 20, 2013 at 8:17 pm

If embarrassing the state is criteria Joe Wilson would have been defeated in the last election. The legislature needs to declare him the state idiot. What a moron. I was enjoying the earlier posts about Wilson but see FITS the Wilson lover pulled them.

Juice January 20, 2013 at 10:49 pm

Suspicious that Sanford and Chapur — after years of passionate loving and chasing around one another — still aren’t married. Very fishy, like all “things Sanford.” I don’t believe his claim that they’ll get married “late this summer.” I don’t believe anything Sanford says.

They have everything they need January 21, 2013 at 10:05 am

I think your suspicions are well placed. This could just be a new chapter in their fantasy of a relationship that they are trying on for size, or to graduate Chapur from “mistress” to “fiancee” in the history books. Too bad Time mag still has her listed as one of the Top 10 Mistresses. There is always the pity vote, if she publicly dumps him before the election.

bogart January 22, 2013 at 1:06 pm

On the top 50 best looking mistresses list…Chapur ranked 48….Hunter beat her out at 42…OUCH.


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