
Bank Of America: Not Banning Gun Purchases (Yet)

YOU CAN STILL BUY WEAPONS, AMMO WITH YOUR BOA DEBIT AND CREDIT CARDS … FOR NOW The internet has been ablaze this week with a rumor alleging Bank of America has restricted firearm and ammunition purchases by its customers. According to numerous internet posts, the bank has been prohibiting customers…

bank of america


The internet has been ablaze this week with a rumor alleging Bank of America has restricted firearm and ammunition purchases by its customers. According to numerous internet posts, the bank has been prohibiting customers from purchasing guns or ammunition using bank-issued credit or debit cards. FITS has been bombarded with tips related to this rumor.

“Bank of America wont let you buy guns or ammo with your debit or credit card?” one reader informed us. “WTF???”

The rumor appears to have its origins in this video …

(Click to play)

“I heard a rumor this morning that the Bank of America is stopping purchases made with the cards – the Bank of America cards – on ammo and gun sales, is that correct?” a woman named Freda asks a bank employee.

“Correct, ma’am,” the employee responds.

Of course there’s another video in which a Bank of America employee debunks the claim.

FITS and other outlets have confirmed that the bank – one of the biggest beneficiaries of bailout largesse three years ago – is NOT blocking credit and debit card purchases of guns and ammunition.

“At this time the viral video appears to be either mistaken, or outright false,” The Examiner reports. “Whether the employee misunderstood the question or the call was fake, the allegation at this time appears to be incorrect.”

Nonetheless, The Examiner adds “the damage could already be done as thousands of viewers of the video are calling in to cancel their accounts with the bank.”


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Wondering January 16, 2013 at 10:05 am

Pay cash for your ammo so that nobody can flag you.

Pick up your weapon and follow me.

Jan January 16, 2013 at 10:43 am

Hum, an allusion to Christ’s advice to the rich man in Matthew 19. I’m not sure he would fully appreciate your plagiarism, but I am sure he would appreciate the irony of its use.

Nolff January 16, 2013 at 10:07 am

The sky is falling.

junior justice January 16, 2013 at 11:29 am

Could Chicken Little be correct?

junior justice January 16, 2013 at 11:31 am

Also note (if this rumor is true) that the bank’s name includes “America” – I don’t remember being asked about this policy (again, if it is true).

Research the Lies January 16, 2013 at 10:31 am

People need to start doing their own internet research. Don’t trust lame stream media to tell you the truth. While this video was going viral (something the news outlets watch diligently) they were reporting on cross-dressing depression and obesity. There are much bigger things to be reporting on, yet this is what we’re getting. Time Magazine even censors it’s reportage to the American people. We’re supposedly one of the freest nations on the globe yet we get biased/slanted/outright lie reports from the Media every day. We get cover ups and censored information. We get crap while the rest of the world laughs at us. We’re not the world police, there is no New World Order. If there was, why would we even be invited? America is a laughing stock.

Jan January 16, 2013 at 10:48 am

Following the logic of your post is a bit difficult, since this rumor did not come from the mainstream media. It came from people believing everything they read or hear on the internet and transmitting that bad information as truth. I.e. from people who were doing their own internet research.

sweepin January 16, 2013 at 10:37 am

From Socialism in the form of bail-outs to Totalitarianism of Gun Control.

Gotta watch those damn commies in Charlotte. They are going to take over the world with Comrade Obama and his Bolshevik revolutionaries!

south mauldin January 16, 2013 at 10:42 am

If these 2nd Amendment nutjobs were as concerned with the rest of the Constitution, this nation would be a much better place.

John January 16, 2013 at 11:08 am

People are dumb asses if they believe this.

Smirks January 16, 2013 at 11:08 am

This seems pretty dumb, but so is banking with BoA.

junior justice January 16, 2013 at 11:39 am

What (if true) is BOA concerned about? Robberies, extortion, etc? I have this strange thought that robbers might resort to using Hilllshire Farm Summer Sausages, Taco Bell Gorditas, or a Maurice Bessinger BBQ Plate.

“Give me the money, or I’ll eat this right here in front of you, and also make YOU miss your lunch!”

? January 16, 2013 at 11:55 am

Regardless of whether it’s true or not; it’s not much of a stretch to say that our big banks are nothing more than an appendage of our gov’t and wholly dependent on the US gov’t not only for profit(via the discount window), but more importantly solvency via TARP, reserves, etc.

If gov’t says jump, they won’t even ask “how high”? They’ll starting jumping right away and ask “Is this good enough?”

vicupstate January 16, 2013 at 11:33 am

Tea party nut jobs will believe anything that fits their paranoid narrative.
This is proof.

Anonymous February 9, 2013 at 2:24 am

Yea because they are soooo trustworthy. Its funny to see people like you defending them when they are robbing you and the American public with all their corrupt practices not to mention the bailout that, guess what?…you and I paid for. And they spent it on bonuses and vacations. God I wish we had more brilliant people like you in America!!!

Mike February 28, 2013 at 1:15 am

Lol,and the looney toons on the left don’t

Mike February 28, 2013 at 1:15 am

Lol,and the looney toons on the left don’t

to January 16, 2013 at 12:12 pm

it is confirmed you cannot but guns or ammo with BOA card.

Alan January 16, 2013 at 12:19 pm

I recently (1/12/13) purchased ammo at a retail store with my BOA debit card. No problem.

Carey January 16, 2013 at 12:45 pm

It is true!! I called Bank of America this morning and was told this information is correct!!

Brian T. Moynihan January 16, 2013 at 2:31 pm

I’m the CEO of Bank of America, I can tell you that all of this is untrue. We want our account holders to rest assure that all of the rumors you are hearing are false.

Brian T. Moynihan, CEO

Brenda Cooper May 17, 2013 at 5:10 pm

I have an email stating differently

LOL August 8, 2013 at 5:41 pm

It is obviously a fake account. Are you really expecting people to believe you when you can’t even figure out the simplest of things?

disqus_wridrzMl8k May 17, 2013 at 5:10 pm

I have an email stating differently

LOL August 8, 2013 at 5:41 pm

It is obviously a fake account. Are you really expecting people to believe you when you can’t even figure out the simplest of things?

kem63 March 8, 2014 at 7:05 pm

Brian you may not be canceling accounts right away. But you do cancel your customers cards after a gun purchase from a store that has the word GUN in it and then Bank of America threatens the customers of closing their accounts if they do it again. I know for a FACT because Bank of America just done it to my son.

Don Ingram January 16, 2013 at 3:27 pm

I guess it is time to change banks. I would think alot of gun owners would have done that, switch banks. We need to ensure that call gun dealers find other banks other then the BOA.

Ken E. January 16, 2013 at 8:50 pm

You read the article, right?

kem63 March 8, 2014 at 7:11 pm

Sorry but it is true they did the same to my son

jon reed January 16, 2013 at 4:23 pm

It’s all a bunch of nonsense, she has since taken the video down. She got her 15 minutes of fame, time to go away now. I hope they take her to court, I’m dike of all these people trying to incite the Alex Jones sheeple.

Brenda Cooper May 17, 2013 at 5:10 pm

You don’t know what your talking about my sister has it in an email

disqus_wridrzMl8k May 17, 2013 at 5:10 pm

You don’t know what your talking about my sister has it in an email

Paul February 1, 2013 at 2:57 pm

I made a purchase at a gun store in early September 2012 on my BOA credit card. I have had this card since 1993, never late, never over the credit limit. The very next day, BOA cancelled my card. When I went to the bank to find out what happened, the bank officer could not tell me so he made a call and handed me the phone. After I verified my identity, the little prick asked me what the last charge I made on the card was and when I said at a gun shop, he said, “That’s why.” I was so enraged that I forgot to ask his name. I should have filed a complaint with the attorney Generals office of my state but I doubt it would have done any good. If they did reinstate my card, they probably would have doubled my minimum payment, reduced my credit limit and quadrupled my interest rate. So, I am paying off the card and moving my accounts. I vote with my money and you should too.

Brenda Cooper May 17, 2013 at 5:08 pm

My sister called them today and had them email a copy of conversation and they told her she couldn’t buy ammo or guns with there bank card 5/17/2013

disqus_wridrzMl8k May 17, 2013 at 5:08 pm

My sister called them today and had them email a copy of conversation and they told her she couldn’t buy ammo or guns with there bank card 5/17/2013

kem63 March 8, 2014 at 6:49 pm

LOL a month ago they did not stop my son from purchasing a gun but bank of America did canceled his card immediately after that translation and let him know his account would be closed if he purchases another one. their exact words was ” its for your own safety” Every one in the family is switching banks.


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