The Wire: 12/11/2012

TIPS, COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS FROM FITS READERS The return of “The Wire” this week has South Carolina politicos buzzing … and elected officials squirming.  Which of course is just how we like it. As noted earlier, our objective is to make “The Wire” a daily part of FITS 3.0 –…


The return of “The Wire” this week has South Carolina politicos buzzing … and elected officials squirming.  Which of course is just how we like it.

As noted earlier, our objective is to make “The Wire” a daily part of FITS 3.0 – scheduled for launch this month.  In addition to this daily content addition and a radical new design, FITS 3.0 will feature an updated comment mode and several other enhancements (including columns that scale to fit whatever screen you’re reading us on).

As S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley would say, “get excited” people.

Got a tip for us?  Or a comment? Or a question? Submit it anonymously over on our tip line or our contact page … and remember, in addition to your tips we also publish letters to the editor and guest editorials (even anonymous ones) if you’ve got more to say on a subject.

Also feel free to reach out to our founding editor directly at … or via Twitter or Facebook.

To the wire!



Aren’t you tired of writing about DeMint?

FITS: No … we are, however, a little tired of writing about the process of replacing him.



(Re: Colbert Poll) How embarrassing that a comedian is the first choice of the people of our state for such an important position. We must really be that dumb! Wake up South Carolina! The joke is on YOU.

FITS: We are that dumb …  although Colbert is pretty funny. “Better Know a District” is comedy gold.



(Re: Colbert PollAt least with Colbert, you know he’s a comedian. As opposed to the ones we elect and hope are joking.

Melissa Thurstin
@MRThurstin (via Twitter)

FITS:  Yup … hard to argue that.



Please do not let up on the coverage of the SC Revenue hacking scandal.  We need answers! And Nikki Haley needs to be held accountable! 

FITS: There is a meeting of the S.C. Senate subcommittee that’s investigating it scheduled for this Thursday.  Maybe we’ll stop by …



I could not resist sending you this. Here is “light in the loafers” Lindsey Graham telling Obama to “man up.”

FITS:  Don’t mess with Lindsey.  He has “binders full of penises.”  And thanks to Jim DeMint’s resignation, we’re probably stuck with him for another eight years.



Re: “Bits of Lace” – Bits of Lace is a very high end boutique, and Charleston is lucky to to have a store willing to carry brands such as Aubade, Eres, La Perla and Lise Charmel.  Your readers should get their tight wads out of their asses and go buy their wives some expensive, fine lingerie!

FITS: Or their mistresses!



Any truth to the rumor (former S.C. Sen. Greg) Ryberg is filling the open slot as S.C. retirement systems director?

FITS: God we hope not.  Ryberg played a key role in the attack on pension fund reformer Curtis Loftis, which is why we were profoundly disappointed to see his longtime chief of staff given a six figure job at the S.C. Retirement System Investment Commission (SCRSIC).



Watch your back Sic. You came up at (Solicitor) Donnie Myers Christmas party last night and it wasn’t good. Might want to stop snooping around about his dead wife. 

FITS:  As soon as Solicitor Myers produces the autopsy report from his wife’s death we will stop snooping.



FITS:  Niiiiice … so is that a tracking device or are you just happy to see us?  Look … we get one of these a week.  Always take them to the same West Columbia, S.C. trash can (i.e. from whence they originated).



If you want to know the real unemployment “situation,” watch this video …

FITS:  Good stuff … the government reports really don’t tell the full story, do they?



I hope you are going to write on this outrage.  CNN says the median income for the top two dozen executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is $1.7 million.  My question: Do these people have no shame?

FITS: Our bailout culture at work …



I’m a little surprised Fits hasn’t weighed in on the pro-pot laws taking effect at the state level and the federal government’s heavy-handed response. I thought this website was pro-legalization?

FITS: We are – and have said so on numerous occasions. In fact we have been following this issue closely waiting to see if the feds were going to respect state sovereignty.

BEST WISHES! To the lovely Vanessa Cox of U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan’s office.  She got engaged this week!  And congratulations to one very lucky dude.

SOUTH CAROLINA FAST FACT: Louisiana State University defeated Clemson 7-0 in the 1959 Sugar Bowl.  The two teams will go at it again on December 31 in Atlanta, Georgia.



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Smirks December 11, 2012 at 8:53 am

Graham decries the “draconian cuts” to defense in sequestration but demands slashing Social Security (which can easily be fixed by raising the payroll tax cap) and Medicare. You can tell where his priorities lie.

Oh, the people that represent us…

south mauldin December 11, 2012 at 9:41 am

Gotta love them chickenhawks.

Can’t wait to invade another country.

Thomas December 11, 2012 at 10:08 am

And we can tell where your priorities are, smirks. They are stuck somewhere in a place deep inside you that was hurt and abandoned. Broken family, lost love one most likely led you to hate God and America. Take the pain, stop hating your country and rally for her defense. Natural resources are the prize, nation building is the war cry. It ios a cruel world we live in, how much misery will you tolerate if you do not see the way our enemy cares even less than you? Unless you have been in a coma, we are surrounded by an enemy that has nuclear missiles pointed at us. An enemy that will rape and pillage natural resources, enslave entire peoples, all for what? Palaces and a caviar life style? Unless we keep the tanks, planes, ships well funded, we will not need a entitlement program to fund.

Do you have a job smirks? Retired? Live off a trust fund? Self employed? Certainly you know what taxes are? Is it wise to tax the working families, cut our military by sequestration, to re-distribute wealth to a plethora of people that will not help themselves or come across the border to get a heaping cup full of cash and prizes where they have not paid for?

Let me tell you something, my uncles were drafted out of high school, spent two years taking bullets and orders, worked through college and made a fucking fortune in business and medicine. Why should they be forced to surrender their estates to the government and not pass it on to their children? Answer that.

south mauldin December 11, 2012 at 10:15 am

Why does his argument equate him with hating God and America?

And if your uncles are surrendering their estates to the government then they are too stupid or cheap to have gone to a decent estate attorney and shielded their assets through the many mechanisms that exist today.

Not that I am defending the estate tax, but it is the law of the land. Maybe you should work to get rid of it instead of running your mouth or spouting talking points like ‘death tax’ to inflame the ignorant masses.

vicupstate December 11, 2012 at 10:16 am

Thomas, you sure are an Asshole. Making a blanket assumption that every one that doesn’t support right-wing neo-con nuttery is an atheist, free-loader that hates their country.

Just because you are too stupid to see how your patriotism and religion have been exploited, for a narrow political agenda that primarily benefits plutocrats, doesn’t give you the right to slander those that are not as stupid.

Lance Riprock December 11, 2012 at 10:26 am

Thomas has issues because his father was the loser in a family of successful people. He brags on his uncles, probably uncles by way of marriage, not blood. Thomas has proven himself to be a moron in previous posts on this site.

MountainPenelope December 11, 2012 at 10:27 am

Excellent points, Smirks.

Thomas, ask YOURSELF all the questions you ask of Smirks. You might be surprised at the answers. And, I will add one for you to ponder. Why are people who disagree with you automatically considered ungodly and anti-American?

Thomas December 11, 2012 at 10:30 am

You guys are the assholes, assuming that Americans who do not see your pint of view are the enemy. Estate planning involves trusts, charitable giving, tax startegies that defy common sense all because the government, politicians on both ailes, need money to fund their version of America. Ever been to Beijing? Mexico City? Moscow? Evert talked with people who have? Marxist ideals that the Democrat politicians espouse, you endorse, is a dead philosophy. It has never worked, never will.

The common theme you will hear is people want to work, raise a family, buy things. We can still do that, but barely. We have entire companies moving over seas to take advantage of a system of government that shits on their people. Take that I Phone and shove it up your ass. That I Phone is made with slave labor, a people enslaved and trapped in a government that have no choice in electing.

Do you think blowing up statues of Budda by the Taliban is freedom of religion? Burning churces and killing people on the streets in Egypt because of their religion is an Arab Spring?

Do you really think if the Siviets had taken Iran back in the 80’s that they would have free elections soon there after?

You guys live in a fucked up world that is spoon fed to you by a fucked up corporate media. You are taking the molasses, but wait for the vinegar with open arms?

I have some time on this computer this time of the year because I have a successful website that must be updated, orders taken, phone calls answered, so lets roll, have at it, you bull shitters. After the new year, I will not be chained to this web based business and will live my life away from FITS….so here I am, all by my lonesome…come and get some

Thomas December 11, 2012 at 10:35 am

BTW, dear old dad took a company to the Fortune 500, was written up in the Wall Street Journal, made numerous CNBC business appearances and interviews. Do you know what his battle cry is? Do it your fucking self, no hand outs from me. He is right, you are wrong. You want it, go out and get it.

Thomas December 11, 2012 at 10:59 am

One more thing, fuck the unions. I love the way Michigan is asserting their rights of elected representative government. The unions, unable to negotiate with my Dad for benefits that would bankrupt the company made verifiable death threats against him and his children. This is the fucked up America you live and breathe. Not me. So go ahead, and vomit your nonsense, and remember, I will take you on one by one or as a pack of wild animals, makes no difference to me.

BradWarthenSucks December 11, 2012 at 9:06 am

The State has followed through on their promise. Now to read this rag that tries to pass itself off as a high school newspaper online you have to have a subscription plus pay the extra online fee or just pay the online fee if you want to see anything other than the front page.

upstate la socialist December 11, 2012 at 10:33 am

not if you live in the upstate, the garbage is still free to be rummaged through.

Frank Pytel December 11, 2012 at 12:57 pm

Frack The State. Bunch of fracking commies. I can get more intelligent and timely information out of the marxist manifesto.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Frank Pytel December 11, 2012 at 12:55 pm


I got new for ya brother. Its not just the Demlicans fighting to bring a socialist/communist agenda to the front of the stage. Republicrats stand right beside them. Hand in Hand they march to the beat of the marxist drums.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

? December 11, 2012 at 1:55 pm

So I’m a bit confused, are you telling us Will that you get tracking devices put on your car every week?

For crying out loud, throw them in Lake Murray so it at least costs them some money/time.


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