Letter: S.C. Safety Council Leader Says Allegations “Patently False”

“THERE IS NO MISSING MONEY, THERE ARE NO MISMANAGED FUNDS …” Dear Editor, It has been brought to our attention that you recently wrote a post about the South Carolina Chapter of the National Safety Council.  While we can confirm that we have recently had a leadership change in the…


Dear Editor,

It has been brought to our attention that you recently wrote a post about the South Carolina Chapter of the National Safety Council.  While we can confirm that we have recently had a leadership change in the organization, the allegations of embezzlement, mismanagement of funds and destruction of company property are patently false and we request that you correct the misinformation posted to your blog.

The facts are as follows:

– The Board recently determined that a leadership change was needed at the Council. Organizations change leaders all the time. This was not an unusual occurrence for a nonprofit organization.

– Following the departure of the Executive Director, the Board determined that it would be appropriate to conduct several organizational audits in the process of reviewing the Council’s vision and mission as it moves forward under new leadership. It is true that during this process, as a precaution, we conducted a financial audit. However, contrary to your allegations, we did not find any indication of embezzlement or mismanagement of funds.

– Early on in the process of transitioning a former employee out of the organization, we were led to believe there was an issue with company property. We investigated and found there to be no indication of the destruction of company property.

– To reiterate: there is no missing money, there are no mismanaged funds, and no property has been destroyed.

We appreciate your interest in the South Carolina Chapter of the National Safety Council and request an immediate retraction of misinformation that could be damaging to the reputation of the organization.  We have every confidence that the organization is on solid footing.  If you have any further questions, please contact us directly.

I. Brian Pearson
President SCNSC Board of Directors


sic speaking

Brian: Thanks for the reply.  I appreciate the thoughtful tone of your letter.  A quick note of correction, though: This website did not say embezzlement and mismanagement had occurred at your organization, we merely reported that your organization was said to be investigating allegations pertaining to such conduct.  In fact your acknowledgment of a financial audit “during” the recent leadership change lends credence to our reporting – although again, you attribute allegations to this website which we did not make when you say “contrary to your allegations, we did not find any indication of embezzlement or mismanagement.”  Bottom line? There are no “patently false” statements or other “misinformation” disseminated by our media outlet in need of any sort of correction or retraction.  Furthermore, our sources on this matter – including those who attended last month’s emergency executive meeting of your board – stand by their statements pertaining to the circumstances surrounding your group’s recent leadership change.  We will, however, look forward to contacting you directly with specific questions moving forward.


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GOB May 7, 2015 at 10:56 am

Mr. Pearson just got pwned!

mamatiger92 May 7, 2015 at 11:26 am

George Oscar Bluth?

jimlewisowb May 7, 2015 at 11:00 am

damn right skippy

when a dog bites you on your ass, bite him back

staffer May 7, 2015 at 11:32 am

Mr. I. Brian, where there’s smoke there’s fire. Just sayin.

Lucas 76 May 7, 2015 at 3:06 pm

Forensic independent audit is imperative.

amyidontcare May 7, 2015 at 5:10 pm

It is a real shame how a few unethical board members can
determine what is in the best interest of an organization, than turn around and make false allegations about people who have devoted themselves to the South Carolina Chapter of the National Safety Council. My family and I
have worked with the Executive Director, leadership, staff, and community to
make an impact. Hearing that someone on the board would turn around and slander all the incredible work of your top leadership is concerning. Shame on the
entire board of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Safety Council for
what you have done to make yourselves feel better in spite of the truth. I commend Brian Pearson for taking a stance to clear the Executive Director’s reputation, but as the editor stated this information was provided originally by sources who participated in an emergency executive meeting last month of the board. Apparently Brian Pearson, President of the board you have lost control and in turn the other sources are not as ethical as yourself. As I reviewed the South Carolina Chapter of the National Safety Council’s website I realized that one if not two of the executive committee members have no room to even have a vote, that being said I am sure that one of these individuals should really sit back and reflect. Being of power, rude, and believing they are better then all will come back to bit them in the ass, and don’t forget about adultery and zero integrity.

As Brian Pearson said leadership changes, maybe it is time for Brian to start at the top with the South Carolina Chapter of the National Safety Council’s board members. In nonprofits this happens all the time. Very
disappointed and will not engage with this board.

Jessica Reed May 7, 2015 at 9:04 pm

You don’t know anything! Why don’t you talk to some of the employees or better some of the past employees fired by that crazy Executive Director! Good for Brian Pearson and the others for finally doing something! Be gone before somebody drops a house on you!
and I didn’t need a screen name!

nitrat May 7, 2015 at 9:23 pm

Oh, honey, don’t call people crazy with your real name out there for god and everyone to see.


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