Nikki Haley Backs Scandal-Scarred Legislator

TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE? By FITSNEWS || S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley took a trip to Georgetown, S.C. this week to endorse Stephen Goldfinch – the ethically challenged incumbent “Republican” in S.C. House District 108 who can’t seem to tell the truth about all the trouble he’s in. Goldfinch is a…


By FITSNEWS || S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley took a trip to Georgetown, S.C. this week to endorse Stephen Goldfinch – the ethically challenged incumbent “Republican” in S.C. House District 108 who can’t seem to tell the truth about all the trouble he’s in.

Goldfinch is a terrible lawmaker … a fiscal liberal who votes the wrong way on fiscal issues (including a pay raise for himself) and who clearly cannot be trusted to own up to his corruption.

Which is why it’s not surprising a fiscally liberal, ethically challenged governor has his back …

“I’m here for one person today, Stephen Goldfinch,” Haley told a Georgetown crowd this week.

Haley added that she respected Goldfinch’s opponent, former S.C. Rep. Vida Miller, but that “this is not about respect. This is about the fact I need fighters in Columbia. Stephen Goldfinch is a fighter.”


Who has this guy been fighting for other than himself?

Ordinarily we’d say Haley embracing a lawmaker with such obvious ethical flaws would be potentially damaging for the governor … but at this point it seems clear to us South Carolinians either don’t care that their governor is a crook or aren’t paying attention.

Maybe voters in Georgetown are smarter than that … who knows.

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nitrat October 3, 2014 at 3:27 pm

Just proves Trikki knows SCGOP voters don’t care about electing the indicted or otherwise ethically challenged.

God Bless America & Haley October 3, 2014 at 7:19 pm

Just proves that Nikki knows SCGOP voters don’t care about electing Vinny Obama or Tom Ervin-Williams to finish the job Muslim Obama began in 2008-transform and destroy America.
My goodness nitfart-even the military and intelligence folks are turning on Obama.ISIS is threatening to go to military families homes and kill them.
In my opinion you and Fits hate Haley more than ISIS.

ReElect Nikki October 3, 2014 at 3:50 pm

Hey how about Bobby?

Boning Mrs. Goldfinch October 3, 2014 at 4:22 pm

Do you see what’s going on Mrs. Goldfinch? Your husband has dipped his wick into some Indian curry and is now being fellated.

Just remember when he goes to jail, that is your time for freedom!

John October 3, 2014 at 5:19 pm

The wife is a hottie. Maybe a 3-way with Her Curriness?

well-i-am into it October 3, 2014 at 5:57 pm

Did you see that recent Andrew Shain (The State) piece about Goldfinch. There is a short update at the end that quotes Dr.Dammai saying Goldfinch actually sold the stem cells and not him. We didn’t hear any Goldfinch response after that, after almost a year of saying Dr.Dammai did it. He is gone totally silent for a week now. What does that mean? Silence=guilty? Goldfinch lies being exposed? I guess he tried to rest his wick on a Indian-American Kebab and the Kebab is biting back…Oh the Indian troubles of Goldfinch. This is getting mega-interesting….where is Mike on the Beach…popcorn time.

well-i-am into it October 3, 2014 at 4:34 pm

Gotta see this one.
Its the first question about his involvement in stem cell case. Is he saying he did not sell stem cells? His federal criminal charge says he sold stem cells. His opponent calls him liar for a good reason.

neck republican October 3, 2014 at 8:17 pm

Really? This is the best Liberal democrat Vida Miller can do? Have we all forgotten Vida’s liberal voting record? Well after Goldfinch wins I just hope he has enough sense to realize who his friends were and were not. Reward your friends Stephen and banish your enemies like the former chair of the rino party in Georgetown (Glen McConnell) in case you cannot figure that one out.

tomstickler October 4, 2014 at 11:08 am

Goldfinch claims that he secured $5 million in state funding toward dredging the Port of Georgetown.

He must be some sort of wizard, since no money for dredging was in the budget when it left the House, but mysteriously was added in the Senate!


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