Race For SC Superintendent Heats Up

Educator Gary Burgess of Inman, S.C. will seek the Republican nomination for Superintendent of Education, his campaign announced this week. Burgess, who ran unsuccessfully for this seat in 2010, will formally announce his candidacy at the New Light Community Center in Pendleton, S.C. on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January…

Educator Gary Burgess of Inman, S.C. will seek the Republican nomination for Superintendent of Education, his campaign announced this week.

Burgess, who ran unsuccessfully for this seat in 2010, will formally announce his candidacy at the New Light Community Center in Pendleton, S.C. on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 20).

“The center and date were chosen because of the symbolic association with the hopes and aspirations of the citizens of South Carolina during a time in which the vast majority of African-Americans were Republicans,” Burgess wrote on his website.

Burgess has worked at several government-run schools in the South Carolina Upstate – and served on several local charitable boards.  Other than that we know very little about his record, although those who do say he is “not a credible candidate.”

Like anyone who files for any office in South Carolina, we will judge Burgess based on the policies he supports and opposes … and judging by the platform page of his website, he’s got a lot of work to do.

Oh, he’ll also have to figure out a way to explain this …  

Mick Zais – who four years ago became the first “Republican” to win election as Superintendent of Education in a dozen years – announced last month that he would not seek a second term in 2014.

Two Democrats – S.C. Rep. Mike Anthony of Union, S.C. and former Department of Education staffer Montrio Belton of Fort Mill, S.C. – have announced their intentions to seek Zais’ post.  Meanwhile a pair of fiscally liberal “Republicans” from Beaufort County, S.C. – Shannon Erickson and Andy Patrick – have indicated their interest in the seat.

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RHood2 January 9, 2014 at 8:41 am

I bet Barbara Nielson is thrilled to learn that a Republican, Zais, finally made it as super of Ed.

The Colonel January 9, 2014 at 8:45 am

Here’s what I wrote about Burgess in 2010:

Gary Burgess

Researcher, Burgess Research Action Group BA Wofford, M.Ed, Ed.S. Converse, Ed.D USC. Taught High school, served as a principal, professor at Converse and the Citadel, Superintendent Anderson County Schools.

Burgess can’t raise the money to be successful, has significant baggage related to a morals charge in Anderson and allegations of abuse of his staff. The shame of it is that he has the education and experience to be successful – however, character counts.

What’s changed?

Waldo January 9, 2014 at 8:57 am

Mark Sanford just laughed at you.

The Colonel January 9, 2014 at 10:01 am

I didn’t vote for “hiker boy”

GrandTango January 9, 2014 at 10:26 am

First question to him: Did you vote for Obama either time?

Any candidate who answers “yes” should be immediately Dis-qiualified for statewide office in SC.

If this candidate did…he needs to switch parties. Zais is actually making some headway in education. A democrat will just push us backward again, like they have for decades.

You are unfit for us if you are in any way responsible for the TOTAL and unquestionable failure and danger that is the trademark of the Obama Administration.

Goober January 9, 2014 at 10:44 am


Gomer Pyle, USMC January 9, 2014 at 10:57 am

Don’t worry, Cuz…he only bites hotdogs.

jimlewisowb January 9, 2014 at 10:50 am

If this cockroach wanna be is unsuccessful in his bid for Superintendent he may want to consider signing on as a co-instructor in the Good Touch, Bad Touch Program

From all accounts he has a pretty good grip on the Bad Touch aspect

matt January 9, 2014 at 2:14 pm

didnt burgess get busted for banging a hooker in a public park a few years back?

gary's boy January 9, 2014 at 8:31 pm

He was arrested for soliciting a male officer in a park in Anderson. This guy is bad news.

scsweepin January 10, 2014 at 11:01 am

I know that’s one good looking fella right there. I’d like to sweep his shoes underneath my bed.


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