
Website To Tackle Government School Failures

South Carolina’s worst government-run school district has landed on the pages of a new website devoted to exposing the chronic failure of government-run education in the United States. The website – Student First News – did a post on the lack of transparency demonstrated by district officials in the case of…

South Carolina’s worst government-run school district has landed on the pages of a new website devoted to exposing the chronic failure of government-run education in the United States.

The website – Student First News – did a post on the lack of transparency demonstrated by district officials in the case of Jasper County, S.C. Superintendent Vashti Washington.

For those of you who missed it, Washington received a contract extension and bonus payment behind closed doors despite her district receiving back-to-back failing grades on accountability report cards.

“If not results – or even progress toward results – then what did Jasper officials use to justify Washington’s ‘satisfactory’ evaluation?” Student First News noted. “Parents and taxpayers will never know, because Washington’s evaluation – along with her one-year contract extension and the $15,000 bonus payment she received on top of her $165,000 annual salary (excluding benefits) – was conducted behind closed doors. Not only that, district leaders refused to put anything on paper for fear of the public uncovering the scam.”

Nice …

Well, it’s not “nice” that it happened, obviously, but it’s nice that there’s an outlet dedicated to exposing this sort of bureaucratic corruption in our nation’s government-run schools.

And that’s precisely the point of this new outlet, which was launched last month by Americans for Limited Government (ALG).

Studentfirstnews.com is dedicated to promoting alternatives to the current failed education system, whether its private school choice, charter schools, or magnet schools within the public system,” ALG president Nathan Mehrens said. “We’re going to let the American people know who is fighting for students first. We’re going to name names and pull no punches against those who are desperate to keep the current disaster in our schools in place just to service a few narrow interests, leaving our children as pawns in a high stakes game competing for tax dollars.”

Wow … these guys might as well set up shop in South Carolina, which boasts the worst government-run education system in America.

ALG has previously launched Net Right Daily, a publication which features a wide range of news and opinion from a pro-free market, pro-liberty perspective.

Anyway, we’re bookmarking Student First News … and suggest those of you who care about education policy do the same.


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Callie Lyons


Jan January 7, 2014 at 6:27 pm

Surprise, Surprise this new site will not allow people to post responses to their BS. I guess we know who is interested in the truth. Hopefully America is rapidly learning who has who’s best interest at heart. And if you are poor or middle class Howie Rich and the ALG site could not care less about you. Just another Fake News style propaganda site.

Frank Pytel January 7, 2014 at 6:49 pm

WTF do you care Jan? You Own and Operate a huge ObamaCare, er um, healthcare consulting firm. Kids need some dem dere edumacations so thaze can works?

KKK Klavern #1 January 7, 2014 at 7:05 pm

Meeting at Eight tonight Frank.Hope you can make it!

Jan January 8, 2014 at 10:12 am

I appreciate the suggestion and will look into it, but I don’t know how to get any Obamacare consulting work or even if there is such work. I am not sure how Obamacare will affect my business yet. I consult on health care and long term care cost containment, for both businesses and families. The elimination of pre-existing conditions by Obamacare, eliminated a portion of my consulting work. So in the end my business will probably be hurt by Obamacare.
But if you have any ideas, I am always looking for new business.

Nobody January 7, 2014 at 6:41 pm Reply
Smirks January 8, 2014 at 8:24 am

Oh boy, another ALG-funded shill site for school “choice!” How wonderful! Thanks, but FITSNews is plenty enough.

idiotwind January 8, 2014 at 2:57 pm

ya know Fits, your thoughts on education are clearly muddled. i would read it if you wrote some kind of explanation of how you think education should be meted out. and i think you sort of owe it to your readers. i don’t blame you for taking checks from the dicks on top of the moneypile, we all have to pay the rent. but do you have any ideas at all about education (beyond “CHOICE!”) or are you just full of shit?

Jan January 9, 2014 at 9:56 am



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