Common Core Faces Opposition In South Carolina

Academic standards imposed by the federal government have run into a “Republican” buzz saw in South Carolina … although it remains to be seen whether the SCGOP is serious about taking on “Common Core” or if this is just another “show fight” for gullible activists. You know … like the…

Academic standards imposed by the federal government have run into a “Republican” buzz saw in South Carolina … although it remains to be seen whether the SCGOP is serious about taking on “Common Core” or if this is just another “show fight” for gullible activists.

You know … like the “Fair Tax,” which is sponsored by majorities of both chambers of the S.C. General Assembly each year (yet never passes).

It also remains to be seen whether Palmetto State “Republicans” are serious about strengthening ever-shifting state standards for government-run schools … which have fallen behind the rest of the nation in recent years.

For those of you just catching up to this debate, “Common Core” is an ostensibly a “voluntary” and “state-driven” process of setting new academic benchmarks for America’s school children. In reality it is a massive federal overreach.

“New Common Core educational standards are being implemented in South Carolina and in 44 other states this year,” S.C. Sen. Larry Grooms wrote recently on his Facebook page. “Under the Common Core Initiative we abdicated our state’s responsibility to our children by giving unelected Washington bureaucrats the right to decide what is taught in our schools. A progressive liberal worldview permeates the Common Core standards which will now be used to indoctrinate our kids. We must stop the Common Core and restore educational responsibility to the states.”

We agree … and so does the S.C. Republican Party, which issued a resolution this week calling on lawmakers to “withdraw our state from the Common Core State Standards Initiative.”

Good … South Carolina should absolutely ditch any association with Common Core.  Its leaders should also get rid of the Education Oversight Commission (SCEOC), which administers social promotion on a widespread scale across the Palmetto State.

In fact S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers (D-Bamberg) – a statewide candidate for lieutenant governor – has proposed doing away with this agency.

More fundamentally we view the debate over government-run accountability as entirely misplaced … because the only accountability with regard to academic achievement should be the accountability of the marketplace.

Ideally, government should have no role in that process …

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SCBlueWoman December 18, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Yes the USA and SC need to stay noncompetitive on the international market. SC is at the bottom of the rung in education. Let’s keep it that way. Keep them ignorant and unemployable.

MyDaddyIsRich December 19, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Stupidity is a State’s right and no one takes that more serious than we do!

A face in the crowd December 18, 2013 at 1:59 pm

Yes, because South Carolina does such a wonderful job educating students. Those carpetbaggers are gonna ruin the system!

Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:25 pm

Freat post “face” I agree the government carpetbaggers are once again attempting to run our State from Washington and judging from the results of every other program they know what is best.

Jesus H. Christ! December 18, 2013 at 2:23 pm

Common Core is the latest wingnut freakout. I’ve seen several spammy letters to the editor opposing it, all closing with the same Bible quote.

Makes it kind of hard to take these people seriously.

Mary December 18, 2013 at 4:57 pm

Yes, this has all been another Fake News Network crisis, created for the terminally uninformed..

euwe max December 18, 2013 at 2:51 pm

People whose ancestors were monkeys aren’t gonna tell me to teach *my* son that the animals weren’t delivered two by two in an ark of gopher wood. They’re gonna teach my daughter that a whale is a MAMMAL with “breath in its nostrils?”

I’m not gonna let a bunch of ex-hippy chicks teach my sons and daughters what the “man in the boat” is. If my daughter NEVER larns how ta float her boat, it won’t bother me none. It ain’t *Christian*.

I don’t need no city fellers learnin’ on birth control neither. If them girls use the aspirin method, they ain’t none of ’em gettin’ pregnant no how.

We need teachin’ on the vapor canopy theory and end of the world preperation. We need some vocational trainin’ like shit shovelin’ and outhouse construction.

The states are supposed to be the crucible where idears are tested. We know what smart is, and we don’t need no *outsiders* tellin’ us about the internets, or shitcoins. Teach them youngins to do their chores and you won’t have no problem with crack.

If I sassed mah pappy, he’d throw’d me up against the wall so’s my head would spin! I knew ta say “yes, sir” and “no, ma’am” since I was a little feller. I knows raht from wrong.

Let the preacher choose our curriculum.

Yes Siree' December 18, 2013 at 4:35 pm

I know what’s best for everyone and I should be able to force them and their children to see the truth.

TBG's ghost December 18, 2013 at 5:06 pm

Pilgrim’s on line 1 sir.

euwe max December 18, 2013 at 5:50 pm

You only need to beat your own kids into your image.

Everything else takes care of itself.

Yes Siree' December 18, 2013 at 7:55 pm

Why beat them when you can do it for me?

euwe max December 18, 2013 at 8:02 pm

One reason might be, out of a feeling of personal responsibility for how they will grow up.

If you let someone else beat the shit out of your kids, they might get the baby duck syndrome – and if it’s liberals doing the deed for you, they might grow up liberal – best do it yourself. It doesn’t cost anything, and it helps relieve all that stress from working for inferiors.

Yes Siree' December 18, 2013 at 8:07 pm

But it’s obvious you want to beat them for me, why should I work so hard? You know what is best and care for them more than I do.

A good saintly beating by you should be sufficient. I appreciate your care.

euwe max December 18, 2013 at 8:29 pm

But it’s obvious you want to beat them for me, why should I work so hard? You know what is best and care for them more than I do.

yes, that’s true, but it’s not work – beating kids is a labor of love. You could let us do it, but you’d be opting out of all that rewarding struggling and pitiful caterwauling.

But, hey. It’s up to you. You’re probably rich beyond the ken of ordinary men to conceive, and can send your children to a military academy, or some cookie cutter razor wire finishing school.

It’ll prepare them for their ultimate goal of ruling over their inferiors much better than if they were to be mixed in with the mud races, reading “I have two mommies” and “Beyond good and evil” before prayers.

Yesiree' December 18, 2013 at 8:41 pm

lol…ok…you made me crack on that last paragraph.

Regardless, let’s not have all this “I know what’s best for your kids” bullshit about.

Nothing good comes from uniformity on a grand scale, as the DC experiment has shown over and over again.

It has nothing to do with economic classes, Jesus freaks claiming their ancestors rode dinosaurs, Cletus & Shaniqua beating their kids, or any other crap.

It’s unnecessary unified power. It’s DC telling states they know better than them and states telling parents the same.

euwe max December 18, 2013 at 9:34 pm

If we knew what “we” as Americans were “supposed” to be doing, then maybe we could better design our institutions to facilitate it.

We do so many things at cross-purposes, it’s like having the keys on the keyboard be in a different place on every keyboard. There are some things that benefit from standardization. Creativity is not one of them.

Lucky for us, the vehicle for the transmission of knowledge is transforming. The speed at which new information is created and accessed will eventually allow us to chart what paths we can see are common to us all. Hopefully, when we see better what we are doing, we can all agree on what we can do better.

Yes Siree' December 18, 2013 at 10:24 pm

“Lucky for us, the vehicle for the transmission of knowledge is
transforming. The speed at which new information is created and accessed
will eventually allow us to chart what paths we can see are common to
us all. Hopefully, when we see better what we are doing, we can all
agree on what we can do better.”

What you speak of is brought on by decentralization, further eliminating the need for everyone to “agree” per se, assuming that such “agreement” is at the tip of a spear.

If it’s voluntary, that is obviously best.

euwe max December 18, 2013 at 11:10 pm

If it’s voluntary, that is obviously best.

yeah, well – I’m not talking about the motherfuckers who shit all over everything of value. “men with guns” are going to be needed forever, or until eugenics is legalized.

Hopefully, the sociopaths will remain in the minority, and “we” can agree independent of their influence, to arrange things so that the MOST of us have a relatively easy time of it, without having to kill them all off…. although, to tell the truth, it would satisfy something deep within me to see the wolves surprised by a sudden change in consciousness leading to their entire world wiped out by sheep with a purpose.

Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:28 pm

w/hat euwe max said and he said it quite well.

euwe max December 24, 2013 at 3:24 pm

I’m an internet *god*!!!!

SCBlueWoman January 31, 2014 at 4:40 pm

Well, at least you are intelligently funny. LOL

Centrist View December 18, 2013 at 3:01 pm

When teaching English, exactly who decided what is English?

Jesus H. Christ! December 18, 2013 at 3:12 pm Reply
The Borg December 18, 2013 at 3:28 pm

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. The collective awaits.

tomstickler December 18, 2013 at 7:03 pm

Common Core is not a federal program. It was developed with input from educators and standards experts from across the country.

Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Tomsticker, where do you buy your coolaid, Common Core claimed they had received feedback from the public and from professional educators. As you may recall, if you think or read for yourself, these claims had to be walked back.

gubzombie December 18, 2013 at 7:13 pm

Government knows best. Always.

poopyhead December 18, 2013 at 9:00 pm

how come its a classroom of all white kids?

Mike December 18, 2013 at 10:02 pm

Common core was and is an initiative started by Governors of several states. It did not start in Washington. After the false assertion it did the rest of the story is useless.

So what? December 18, 2013 at 10:04 pm

Does it matter where it started if it is being enforced by Washington?

Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:31 pm

Mike, wasnt either. everything you just said is wrong.

Dyke Cullum December 19, 2013 at 8:41 am

Why is that anything that comes from the intelligent educators throughout the world is turned down in South Carolina. Wait, I got it.. Stupid is as stupid does… Anything that can help South Carolina with its education is a good thing. As for Washington helping, I would rather see that all states have the same high standard goals. And I do not want to see the religious right get involved, as they will set the state back further than it is already.

Joe December 20, 2013 at 6:51 pm

Yes it has the possibility to help the education level in SC. However are you aware, that just like the rest of this administrations doings, it is a “share the wealth” program. It will end up bringing down the better schools. In reports conducted by leading authorities, Common Core standards are two grade levels LOWER than the nation average now.
Are you aware that the majority of learning materials will have to be changed. Just where are the schools going to get the funding for this? Are you aware that the major supporters are business that provide schools with learning materials, the biggest provider being Gates… surely there wont be software requirements that the school will have to invest into. That is not counting the software that will run the data servers that will track between 400 and 3,000 points of data (that will include ID tracking) per child from Kindergarten through High School, Through 4 years of College AND the first 4 years of their working. Data that includes desk mounted facial expression recognition, wireless biometric information obtained from sensors attached to the skin, and chairs that have weight sensors, School buses with retina scanners. Why do they need to create a data base that contains that much data? Making it even better this information has to be easily shared across state lines… Im sure Identity thieves are going to love this… because we are all aware of how well South Carolina guards our Tax Information and Bank Account information.
(Oh Im sure we can expect another wonderful computer project from the Government).

Even with the recent upgrades in data warehousing the NSA is doing, The Digital X-rays that TSA is taking, that is not enough, now they want to start collecting as soon as start socializing, so they can learn how we actually think and problem solve.

Remember in the 80’s when new math was being introduced, we that is about to change, the new curriculum requires that you give 3 methods of how to solve the problem before you are even allowed to answer the problem. Then the 3 methods you chose are more important than whether or not you answered the problem correctly! (I guess they want people to start doing math the way the government does it… so you always get the wrong answer, and then no one will be able to provide a winning argument with the government).

People that are for this wonderful educational program, really need to take the time and research all of it.

Another thing, are you aware that it was pushed through in the same manner as the affordable health care act?

Blue Cullum December 21, 2013 at 8:33 am

Yes, Joe, research and information are important. To bad you don;t have a grasp if them. The Standards are designed to build upon the most advanced current thinking about preparing all students for success in college and their careers. This will result in moving even the best state standards to the next level. In fact, since this work began, there has been an explicit agreement that no state would lower its standards. With South Carolina, it won’t be an issue.

There may be changes in books and learning materials, but if it improves education is not the cost worth it? If you are involved in a business then you know that you have to invest in the business to make it grow. Education is no different.

As for your last “worry” about the government pushing it is totally false, you have to stop listening to Fox News… The federal government will not govern the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The Initiative was and will remain a state-led effort. The National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers is a non profit group and are committed to developing a long-term governance structure with leadership from governors, chief state school officers, and other state policymakers. In fact the President of the CCSO is from Kentucky and the new President Elect is from North Carolina and several of the board members are from the south as well.

Thank you for asking me to do some research on Commom Core as it backs up everything I said and not much of what you posted.

What December 23, 2013 at 2:48 pm

and you think it better that ours kids be governed by the Corporatocracy?

Blue Cullum December 23, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Joe, I am as against corporatocracy as you are, maybe more. However, when it comes to Education, I would much rather take a look at what other states, countries and schools are doing to set the path forward. They set the goal high and that is good. Or would you rather see more of a Texas point of view where they mix religion, fairly tales, and local politics into school teaching? Not I, as that is for sure taking the low road to ruin which would be great for more corporate rule in government..

Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:42 pm

Blue, you are so far off track I dont know where to begin. The information obtained by your research of Common Core was orivuded by , oh yes, Common Core. Everything you believe is wrong, To begin your education , i will start you out with: Major Jordans Diary, If you can understand that you might want to peel back all the other layers of misinformation avaliable for so called researchers.

Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:37 pm

Blue, the key word here is Common, and Standardize, The CC Standards were developed with little or no imput from prodessional educators or general public and without any sort of pilot program. Tests show students taught outside the governments programs achieve very high scores and compete very well with international students. Each state should decide what is best for their students witout influence or meddling from DC.

Johnnelle Raines December 23, 2013 at 5:51 pm

I have studied these standards for the last two years…I have read through all of the standards…grades k-12. How many others on here can say that? These standards are NOT in the best interest of SC students. We can do much better. I wish someone here would tell me how one size fits all education is in the best interest of students who are unique and not common. What if there were only one restaurant that only served one choice of entree’? The main thing readers need to realize is NOT ONE SINGLE EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT EXPERT validated these standards. These standards are not developmentally appropriate. I taught 6 and 7 year olds for 29 years and I can vouch for the fact that six year old students cannot think abstractly. It’s like asking a 6 month old baby to find a toy that you show them and then hide behind your back. They haven’t cognitively developed yet to understand that a hidden object still exists. Common Core is child abuse. The three major stakeholders are parents,students and teachers…that’s who needs to be leading the movement to a better future for SC students…NOT unelected bureaucrat business leaders like Bill Gates who has invested 150 million dollars into promoting these untested standards. SC children are guinea pigs and our 2010 State Board of Education, EOC, Former Superintendent Jim Rex and Gov. Mark Sanford pimped SC children’s futures out to the highest bidders and a No Child Left Behind Waiver. The goal of education is NOT to make our students human capital. Students need to be taught to their full potential to be able to choose their life’s path…not pushed into an assembly line of one-size-fits-all education. We want students to come out of school knowing they are life long learners and there are ultimate possibilities to what they chose for their life’s work…we are not educating them to be just a slave to a company.

Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:45 pm

Well said Jonnelle. maybe the misinformed such as Blue Cullum will wventually recognise truth when he sees it. Remember this Blue, if you like your education , you can keep it.

Jeannie Bluemel January 4, 2014 at 8:17 pm


Larry Fuller December 23, 2013 at 6:22 pm

Common core seeks to standardize thinking leaving no room for individual input , this is about as far out of sync with traditional American values as it is possible to get. * The standards were developed and writen by policymakers in Washington DC without a pilot program or test run to generate public feedback. * The standards assume that what kids need to know is covered by one or the other of the standards. and makes no room for kids innovation. * Standards (, despite early claims which had to be walked back that there was professional educator input into implementation ) were implemenmted with very little imput from educators or public dialogue or feedback. * On social issues , the Core Standards lead the student into a desired answer by questions or statements designed to bring about a desired conclusion.

Pearson For Profits. December 24, 2013 at 8:49 am

Pearson and Gates stand to make huge profits off of Common Core standards. If it is not a National program why does this administration offer bribes in educational money to convert. Read up on Pearson before following the flock. It will bankrupt most small districts.


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