In an effort to get the jump on the Black Friday crowds, 35-year-old Christopher Jackson of Jewell Ridge, Virginia and 61-year-old Ronnie Sharp of Russell County, Virginia decided to go to Walmart on Thanksgiving evening.
Sacrilege, right?
We think so …
Anyway according to WVVA TV 6 (NBC – Bluefield, West Virginia) Jackson and Sharp apparently arrived at the Claypool Hill, Virginia discount retailer at the same time – with designs on the same parking spot.
This led to a verbal altercation, which led to Sharp brandishing a rifle at Jackson. At that point Jackson attacked Sharp, who then “used a knife to cut Jackson in the arm, slicing down to the bone.”
Yikes …
Both men were arrested in the aftermath of the melee. Sharp was charged with malicious wounding and brandishing a firearm, while Jackson was charged with disorderly conduct and assault and battery.
Again … on Thanksgiving.
Here are the two happy campers …

Both hooligans were released to family members on $5,000 bond.
Say it with us everybody … “U.S.A.!!!! U.S.A.!!!!”
When are white people going to learn how to act in public? Sheesh.
When are black people not going to be black anymore
Want to look at the nigger in post WW II America? It ain’t a pretty story.
A walmart worker in Long Island was trampled to death this morning, he was in his 30s. 5 others were injured. American greed and avarice at it’s worst. All for paying $10 less for a flat panel tv. Right. Bless their stupid, greedy, murderous hearts.
Good post. You are right. Look at all the money Greedy Obama has drained from good, hardworking American people. Through taxes, gas prices, loss on home sales…and now Obamacare.
Greed Starts at the top. The White house is Racist and Greedy….so we get ‘Knock-out’ and Greedy people killing because Obama has told them they are entitled…whether they earn it or not.
Bless your heart. It starts with the GOP. The White House is a building and it can’t be racist nor greedy. PRESIDENT Obama is none of those either. Funny thing that the people stampeding and stabbing and fighting were whites. Bless your heart again.
The GOP is all but Powerless. The Worst of America since Jimmy Carter is being fostered by the Rev. Jeremiah’s Wright’s Disciple of Hate and Revenge…
And: the UGLIEST form of Greed is Taking wealth that you cannot (because of incompetence) or WILL NOT Earn for yourself. That is Obama and the liberal democrats…
Yet the Ignorant minions of Obama Bury their heads in the sand…or up his butt…and refuse to admit the horrible damage he is doing to our country…You are but another delusional Obama Drone…
I see that you’ve bought in to the GOP lies hook line and sinker. No one is taking wealth and redistributing it. The only manifestation of hate and revenge is the extreme right and their failure to understand that the majority of Americans voted for President Obama twice because he was the best candidate. Keep living in the 1800s through the 1950s. We don’t live there anymore and we aren’t going back there. You are the one that is a tea party drone. Facts elude you but racism and hate prevail. Again, bless your heart.
The Country is in a FREKIN’ Mess, you delusional Obama-leftwing robot…
Grow a brain, dumb@$$. I can take your ignorance (albeit difficult) to vote for that fool. But to defend Obama after screw-up after screw-up makes you look like a Total idiot…
Get a grip. Cut your losses. You should pray that you wake up…and realize how stupid you look defending that failed cretin.
And there you go. Thank you for making my point for me. Hateful, bigoted asshat. You are the cretin. Thanks again for making my point.
TBG thinks SCBW and GT should get a room.
GT taking Blues to pound town would produce the most vitriolic & totalitarian offspring I can imagine.
I’ve the perfect name for their creation: “Baby Mussolini”
You are like Rev. Wright (Obama’s pastor)…you say: G.D. America…then wonder why people say you are an America Hater.
Obama insulted his own grandmother (who raise him) as “A Typical White Woman” in his hateful tirade…it’s why you are revealed as Racists…
And you’re so ignorant, you’re still using the playbook, where your only defense is to attack everyone else for what you are….
You are the one attacking in this thread and you are the racist. And, through your post you are showing what a true idiot you are. Turn off fox news, glenn beck, and read some non-partisan reports. You also appear to hate America by posting your uninformed bullshit. Keep it up oh ignorant one. Why do you hate America? Yet, you call yourself a patriot. You wouldn’t know a patriot if it bit you in the arse.
You support Rev. Wright’s hatful words, and Obama???…you are an Anti-American, Bigot…So STFU, idiot….America is ugly because of Racists like you…
You STFU. The hateful words that you attribute to Obama were never said. You anti-American racist prick. You are the ugly racist. You are too ignorant for words. FU and the unpatriotic horse you rode in on.
GT, loves to cherry pick his out of context quotes to either push his agenda, or he’s too stupid to know the difference. I’m going with the latter.
I’m going with the latter.
Why can’t it be both?
I may have overestimated his intelligence. Good point.
What intelligence. GT’s post show he’s just an empty shill for the extreme right. Lying and cherry picking his points. Informed folks know he’s stupid, or at least willfully ignorant.
My point exactly!
He also is a tad of a bully. I’ve read his postings and he really gets off on bullying. This SC woman doesn’t fall prey to that BS either.
Yeah: Just lie about what Obama said. You did it w/ Obamacare..and that’s working out Great for you….Dumb@$$$!!!!!
You still yammering on?
LOL at this thread.
Yeah, I’m in with you on that laugh. GT is just Will using a fake name to generate comments.
Actually, big t (aka Grand Tango) has been an infamous message board troll for almost 15 years. He was a huge troll on the old Allsportstalk boards. Then he moved to the state paper boards, from what I hear. Long story short, I’m fairly positive he’s not Will.
Will could easily have been honing that persona for 15 years or more. He won’t come out and deny that he uses fake IDs to post on his own site. He also refuses to confirm or deny any financial arrangement with Howard Rich.
Time to wind your internal cuckoo clock.
Yet another of Will’s never ending fake IDs.
No history on this incarnation. Perhaps it is a take off on the photoshop I did with Sic as Dr. Evil.
Obamacare seems to be doing better and better. Hell, I even got to keep my BCBS State insurance, Shitbag.
I’m sure BC/BS smiled, billed you (or the gov’t agency you rob as a lazy-@$$ employ) 3 times the cost it used to be..after raising your deductible 4-fold…
And then they told you how great your lord-god Obama is for the billions they’ll get for shutting up while Obama F*#ks dolts like you….
PS: Good luck when they take your experienced doctor away and send you to Achmad who was trained at Nigeria Med. and he says ‘bend over’ for your reaming…
Are you aware that Grand Tango is one of the names that Will uses to generate comments?
I did not know but I suspected as much. GT is a prick, no matter who it is.
FITS doesn’t even have the mind that could function equal to a low-life idiot like Rachel Maddow. FITS has neither the creativity, intellect, honesty or experience to post at the level of quality I waste on ignorant pieces of $#!* like you…FITS wishes, on his BEST day, he could match my worst…
These liberal minions of his would Crap all over themselves if he veered from the mindless clichés. Unless you simple-minded dolts are fed the myths and lies of the leftwing religion, you would bolt, and his gossip site would die…
We just love fucking with you, Shitbag! Your comments are pure comedic gold. Our very own Karl Pilkington!!
You’re too F*#king intellectually deficient to F*#k w/ me. By “F*#king” w/ me, you actually show how F*#king ignorant you are…
That said: I do not doubt that some of these posts are authored by FITS, so p!$$#d that I slap the livin’ $#!* out of his ideology, that he tries to attack me under various pseudonyms.
To his credit, by taking me on…he does increase the value (and traffic) of his site exponentially. Because I actually offer the content he is too vacuous to offer. But sadly (for him) I reveal him to be the empty, no-talent he is…
Dear Wal-Mart shopper. That first mug shot looks a bit like you!
Wouldn’t be surprised if SCBlueWoman was, too.
People of Walmart.
dot com. Great site.
Yep! those fucks look the part.
Not only is assault and battery a festive part of the holidays, but batteries are 30% off!
But only from 0530-0540 Friday Morning…
Pro Tip:
Attention Wal*Mart shoppers!! In close in physical confrontations, pistols and sawed-off shotguns are much more effective than rifles.
Its safer to shop at Target. A little better character of people go there. Walmart attracts too many sickos, alcoholics, drug uses, and wannabe rap stars.
Those commie libruls, I’ll bet they are using their gifts before Christmas..
There you go.If you shop at ,Mall-Wart,you’re damned for life:
There sure was some good football on today.
I saved enough money, by Christmas shopping at Wal-mart on Black Friday, to post my bail!
I’m glad I moved to Texas, where I can have a loaded unregistered
handgun in my car and shoot and kill someone punching me in my own car.
Here your car is an extension of your castle and you can defend
Welcome to Obama’s America. Violence in the streets…and the idea that you are entitled to what you want…especially if you are too lazy to earn it…
Idiot! Google “Black Friday violence history” and it will tell you Obama has nothing to do with it. Greed is and has been around longer than any political party. Not hat narrow-minded fools like yourself would benefit from such research.
Check the pit at any Wall Street firm and see some REAL greed!
This stuff is minor league,
And when the Hell are we gonna give these Greedy bastards another tax cut? Huh.
Ask the Koch Bros.
It’s funny how everything is, all-of-a-sudden, historical now that Obama has fostered a mood for 5 years where racial violence, that he spurs, is out of hand..and he has his Filthy, Greedy Liberal Paws all over the money the moral and decent earn…
You’re as Filthy as him for trying to cover his corruption…Dirt bag….
You make less than a $1,000 a year, collect Medicaid, and bitch about Obama 99.5% of your day. Your life sucks.
Fostering a mood? That sounds more like teabagging racists. You have any NEW material, Cliché? You espouse the same shit 24/7.
No, the media that tells you how to think says it’s non-liberals…
But I’m talking about the Racists and Anti-American B@$*ards, like you and Obama, who REALLY are Racists and America Haters, you ignorant Dumb@$$….
Hahaha! You just stated the same thing twice in one sentence. Go back and edit, Mr. Professional Writer.
A minority can’t be racist. They can’t gain from it. Read a little bit. Bless your stupid heart.
So you admit you’re a hideous leftist racist…but the media and academics have convinced you race-based hate and abuse of other humans is OK since you vote for anti-American bigots…
Dumb@$$#$ like this (voting multiple times) is how we end up in the mess the country is in..
Ignorance and sin are deadly, no matter who is committing it, and no matter what they have to tell themselves to get away with it…
Hideous racist? That would be you and your sick ilk. Unpatriotic asshat, that would be you. Ignorant and sinful, that would be you. Bless your anti-American, anti-patriot, misguided heart.
Voting multiple times? Dumbass, currently there is 538 electors in the United States that ELECT the president. So, how can THEY vote multiple times? Take it up with them, You miserable prick.
Somewhat correct. Usuallly the majority of the people’s vote goes to the electorate, but not always. The year 2000 for example had Gore winnng the majority, but it went to Grand Tango’s main man Bush. These types of the electoral are considered “faithless electorates” and many states have laws against it, but nobody has ever been fined thus far for going against the majority. That’s not democrazy is it, GT?
Right on.
The Electors follow the popular vote you colossal F*#*kin Idiot…
And when you have Obama Voters (like Melowese Richardson) voting six times… the popular vote is CORRUPT…
Read Below you insufferable F*#*in, liar and Piece of liberal $#!*:
Excerpted from A former Hamilton County poll worker was convicted Tuesday of illegal voting and could go to prison for up to six years for it.
Melowese Richardson, 58, of Madisonville pleaded no contest to four counts of illegal voting – including voting three times for a relative who has been in a coma since 2003 – in exchange for prosecutors dropping four other illegal voting charges. Common Pleas Court Judge Robert Ruehlman immediately convicted her, making her a felon.
A poll worker from 1998 until being fired this year, Richardson admitted she voted illegally in the 2008, 2011 and 2012 elections.
Well, Adam Ward, a Republican voter, was charged with 36 counts of voter fraud and perjury.
Enrico Viallmaino changed 300 voter registrations so he could be in the Republican primary. His wife also pleaded guilty of voter fraud. So, what’s your point?
BTW just posted that the electorate doesn’t always go with the majority. It has happened four times. Too bad you never read about that, huh? Were you high on crak in 2000?
I almost left out calling you an shitbag, shitbag.
Does Gran Tangos reappearance mean that “Frank Pytel “is taking the holidays off?
It’s all one in the same…multiple personality disorder.
Shades of the legends from the 1930s of Macy’s Bargain Basement.
WalMart is a selfish, rich company that could do more for its workers.
I refuse to shop there, and I encourage others to do the same.
The only way you can have low low prices is if you pay your slaves, I mean employees, low low wages.
I agree, better that their employees are unemployed(and sterilized too!).
Yes, much better that they be unemployed versus letting Wally World subsidize their labor costs with public assistance dollars. Sterilized may be a bit too much. Strongly encouraging them to use condoms and take the pill would be appropriate, though.
“much better that they be unemployed versus letting Wally World subsidize their labor costs with public assistance dollars.”
Now, now, that’s not the issue. Wally World isn’t the one choosing to do so, it’s government that gives our money away to big corporations, like GE, Boeing, Wally World, etc.
So let’s blame the real criminal taking our money and giving it to those undeserving, our government.
Actually that is the issue. Wally World can get by paying employees next to nothing because said employees can get by on medicaid and food stamps. If they didn’t qualify for those benefits, they couldn’t afford to work there. Are you saying those who work for Wally World for less than a living wage are undeserving of food stamps and medicaid?
It’s a shame when a corporation, making more than $20 billion in profits, holds seminars for their employees teaching them how to collect government benefits because of the low wages. Wake up America. We are a Corporatist nation. Lower and middle class are serfs. If the GOP gets back in power it will be worse.
“Are you saying those who work for Wally World for less than a living wage are undeserving of food stamps and medicaid?”
Yes, that is correct.
Well, you’re an honest cold hearted witch I’ll give you that
People that risk their lives to get shit from China for 10-30% less deserve exactly what’s coming to them. Darwin in action.
ATTENTION Wal-Mart Shoppers! We have a Red-Light special in the mattress section!
Isn’t anyone going to talk about the elephant in the room?
Jackson should have been armed!
At least then, he could have shot the old geezer from a safe distance, and done his shopping in peace.
His mistake was having to get in so close to neutralize the threat.
good old turkey day