SC Anti-Pot Nazis Strike Again

Frank Peters of Bluffton, S.C. is 66 years old. According to the paper of record in his neck of the woods, his wife of forty years suffers from a variety of chronic ailments – and has discovered through experimentation that smoking marijuana relieves her pain and improves her appetite. So…

Frank Peters of Bluffton, S.C. is 66 years old. According to the paper of record in his neck of the woods, his wife of forty years suffers from a variety of chronic ailments – and has discovered through experimentation that smoking marijuana relieves her pain and improves her appetite.

So Peters has done what any loving husband would do, provide his wife with what she needs to enjoy a more comfortable, fulfilling existence.

Specifically, Peters has been growing marijuana in his back yard to provide his wife with pain relief. His neighbors know about it, and they don’t care – but two weeks ago somebody ratted Peters out, prompting the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office to raid his property and seize more than 130 plants. Not only that, the local cops charged Peters with “narcotics trafficking.”

Sheesh …

Our new associate opinion editor Amy Lazenby recently wrote about the biased, wasteful and ineffective policing of pot – and this website has argued consistently in favor of its legalization (most recently here).

Stories like this are precisely why …

Frank Peters has done absolutely nothing wrong – in fact he’s done something to benefit a loved one without hurting anyone else in the process – yet his government has decided to classify him as a criminal. That is a prima facie usurpation of individual liberty … one undertaken absent any compelling reason.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, marijuana should be 100 percent legal – to plant, grow, harvest, sell and consume. In fact in the hypothetical benevolent dictatorship of our founding editor, it would be.


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TA June 13, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Isn’t it odd that it can be illegal to possess a plant. Not something manufactured or stolen or anything. Just a plant. A naturally-occurring weed. Green leafy thing. Growing in dirt. The oddness of it just struck me..

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Well, it seems as we have slipped into the rabbit hole.

TA June 13, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Isn’t it odd that it can be illegal to possess a plant. Not something manufactured or stolen or anything. Just a plant. A naturally-occurring weed. Green leafy thing. Growing in dirt. The oddness of it just struck me..

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Well, it seems as we have slipped into the rabbit hole.

jimlewisowb June 13, 2013 at 1:43 pm


If you can find out if Mr. and Mrs. Peters are willing to accept financial assistance and a way to get it to them, I would like to send a few bucks for their legal costs

Do think I can cut back on my wings and beer for a few weeks

Now before any of you peckerheads whip it out and piss all over the place, I don’t give a good goddamn rat’s ass even if Mr. Peters was selling the shit and the story about his wife is 110% bullshit

Potted marijuana plants in one’s own backyard ani’t no reason to dispatch Blackhawks and Black Boots

As for the ones who ratted Mr. Peters out:

Fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on

BrigidBernadette June 13, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Whoever the rat was: may you be in so much pain from illness that you’d rather be dead, one day the long finger of death will point at you, no one escapes, for the stress you have put this man through. If it is a slow process, then no one on this planet can deny relief to someone who is sick and suffering. We have a human right to have our pain treated. And before anyone tells me that the doctor will take care of it–you’re dreaming! They most certainly will not take care of it, and it’s the luck of the draw whether you get a doctor that ‘believes in pain meds.’ Or not. Some don’t, or they’ve got the long arm of the law leaning on them to not prescribe pain pills. Or you may walk into a pharmacy like Walgreens and have them tell you to wait three days so they can call the doctors office and check out your prescription. If you have chronic pain, its one obstacle after another, all because someone somewhere that has nothing to do with you whatsoever abused pain pills. It is the chronic pain sufferer that is treated punitively by law enforcement meddling in what the medical community does.

Marijuana would be the number one cash crop in this state if it were legal. And society would not fall to pieces because a 65 year old lady smokes a joint and takes a nap.

9" June 14, 2013 at 8:45 pm

withdrawals speaking?

weight watcher June 15, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Although it is a pain reliever, it can be dangerous. You get the euphoric feeling which will make you feel so sleepy and dopey and would impair your driving ability. It’s also bad news for people who have trouble keeping their weight under control as it is increases one’s appetite to the point of wanting to eat everything in sight..

9" June 14, 2013 at 8:44 pm

never give a sucker an even break

jimlewisowb June 13, 2013 at 1:43 pm


If you can find out if Mr. and Mrs. Peters are willing to accept financial assistance and a way to get it to them, I would like to send a few bucks for their legal costs

Do think I can cut back on my wings and beer for a few weeks

Now before any of you peckerheads whip it out and piss all over the place, I don’t give a good goddamn rat’s ass even if Mr. Peters was selling the shit and the story about his wife is 110% bullshit

Potted marijuana plants in one’s own backyard ani’t no reason to dispatch Blackhawks and Black Boots

As for the ones who ratted Mr. Peters out:

Fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on

Brigid June 13, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Whoever the rat was: may you be in so much pain from illness that you’d rather be dead, one day the long finger of death will point at you, no one escapes, for the stress you have put this man through. If it is a slow process, then no one on this planet can deny relief to someone who is sick and suffering. We have a human right to have our pain treated. And before anyone tells me that the doctor will take care of it–you’re dreaming! They most certainly will not take care of it, and it’s the luck of the draw whether you get a doctor that ‘believes in pain meds.’ Or not. Some don’t, or they’ve got the long arm of the law leaning on them to not prescribe pain pills. Or you may walk into a pharmacy like Walgreens and have them tell you to wait three days so they can call the doctors office and check out your prescription. If you have chronic pain, its one obstacle after another, all because someone somewhere that has nothing to do with you whatsoever abused pain pills. It is the chronic pain sufferer that is treated punitively by law enforcement meddling in what the medical community does.

Marijuana would be the number one cash crop in this state if it were legal. And society would not fall to pieces because a 65 year old lady smokes a joint and takes a nap.

9" June 14, 2013 at 8:45 pm

withdrawals speaking?

weight watcher June 15, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Although it is a pain reliever, it can be dangerous. You get the euphoric feeling which will make you feel so sleepy and dopey and would impair your driving ability. It’s also bad news for people who have trouble keeping their weight under control as it is increases one’s appetite to the point of wanting to eat everything in sight..

9" June 14, 2013 at 8:44 pm

never give a sucker an even break

Nölff June 13, 2013 at 2:05 pm

I don’t know if I’ll see it legalized in my lifetime, but it will happen one day.

9" June 14, 2013 at 7:14 pm

you deserve a purple heart

Nölff June 13, 2013 at 2:05 pm

I don’t know if I’ll see it legalized in my lifetime, but it will happen one day.

9" June 14, 2013 at 7:14 pm

you deserve a purple heart

Will June 13, 2013 at 2:14 pm

I do not smoke so I may be way off base here, but more than 130 plants seems to be substantially more than is needed for medicinal purposes for a single person… thoughts?

Frank Pytel June 13, 2013 at 2:20 pm

I didn’t read the article, but you gotta point. Yep yep

southmauldin June 13, 2013 at 2:22 pm

I agree. Wouldn’t 10 or so be enough? Then again, my mother is in serious pain and if I got my hands on some seeds/plants, I’d do the same thing as this man did.

Smirks June 13, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Does weed grow year round? Is he just making enough to last the whole year? That’s the only thing I could think of.

Bill Clinton June 13, 2013 at 2:49 pm

Marijuana does not grow year round. The shortening of the days in the Fall is what causes the plant to produce Buds, the smokable portion of the plant. He was growing a years supply. You can however, grow year round indoors and everything you need except seeds is available at Homedepot. The only harm that Marijuana causes is jail time. No one has died from Marijuana use and as far as a “gateway” drug, I submit that’s alcohol…

Boz Martin June 13, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Yeah. He was growing enough for a year. NOBODY grows it in their back yard to sell these days.

russ June 14, 2013 at 12:04 pm

i am a medical patient in california, and nobody needs 130 plants for personal use. 1 patient would be hard pressed to use 6 outdoor plants in 1 year. including smoking/eating/tinctures/hash – all of which use large ammounts for processing.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:12 pm

Maybe he was a crappy grower and didn’t know Sensimilia.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:06 pm

Why should anyone be limited on the number? The only thing that makes MerryWanna valuable is the governments prohibition of it.

Will June 13, 2013 at 2:14 pm

I do not smoke so I may be way off base here, but more than 130 plants seems to be substantially more than is needed for medicinal purposes for a single person… thoughts?

Frank Pytel June 13, 2013 at 2:20 pm

I didn’t read the article, but you gotta point. Yep yep

southmauldin June 13, 2013 at 2:22 pm

I agree. Wouldn’t 10 or so be enough? Then again, my mother is in serious pain and if I got my hands on some seeds/plants, I’d do the same thing as this man did.

Smirks June 13, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Does weed grow year round? Is he just making enough to last the whole year? That’s the only thing I could think of.

Bill Clinton June 13, 2013 at 2:49 pm

Marijuana does not grow year round. The shortening of the days in the Fall is what causes the plant to produce Buds, the smokable portion of the plant. He was growing a years supply. You can however, grow year round indoors and everything you need except seeds is available at Homedepot. The only harm that Marijuana causes is jail time. No one has died from Marijuana use and as far as a “gateway” drug, I submit that’s alcohol…

Boz Martin June 13, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Yeah. He was growing enough for a year. NOBODY grows it in their back yard to sell these days.

russ June 14, 2013 at 12:04 pm

i am a medical patient in california, and nobody needs 130 plants for personal use. 1 patient would be hard pressed to use 6 outdoor plants in 1 year. including smoking/eating/tinctures/hash – all of which use large ammounts for processing.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:12 pm

Maybe he was a crappy grower and didn’t know Sensimilia.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:06 pm

Why should anyone be limited on the number? The only thing that makes MerryWanna valuable is the governments prohibition of it.

Dinosaur June 13, 2013 at 2:47 pm

Weed can be grown year round in South Carolina, it just stands out between October and March when everything else is brown or grey. Since it take 3 to 4 months from seed to harvest time you can get at least two if not three crops a year. A average plant will produce about a pound of good grade. That would mean this guy could be doing between 130 to 390 pounds a year. And I thought 2 packs a day of Marlboros was a strong habit. This may be a case of a ripple on the surface means a shark right below.

Bill Clinton June 13, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Sir, you are wrong. Marijuana does not grow year round. The shortening of the days in the Fall is what causes the plant to produce Buds, the smokable portion of the plant. To grow “at least two if not three crops a year” you would have to artifically reduce the sunlight by using a covered green house. And what is in the woods is “grey” between October and March?

Marshall Culpepper June 13, 2013 at 8:41 pm

You are only partially correct, Willie Klinton… You are correct about the budding process, however that ranges by region and the further south you get, the better the climate. South Carolina has a much better environment for growing than California, not as good as some parts of Georgia, and much of Florida (provided the plants don’t encounter a hurricane). Truth is, if South Carolina had laws that were Marijuana, and especially Hemp friendly, it would do wonders for farming in this state.

Please don't bogart that joint June 13, 2013 at 4:31 pm

And the difference between 10 plants and anything more than 10 plants is about 20 years. Check it out. And with a “screet” value north of $400,000 this story just reeks of bullshit. His copay on pharmas must be out of this world.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:18 pm

Tell me the strain of cannabis that will produce a pound of sensimillia per plant.

Dinosaur June 13, 2013 at 2:47 pm

Weed can be grown year round in South Carolina, it just stands out between October and March when everything else is brown or grey. Since it take 3 to 4 months from seed to harvest time you can get at least two if not three crops a year. A average plant will produce about a pound of good grade. That would mean this guy could be doing between 130 to 390 pounds a year. And I thought 2 packs a day of Marlboros was a strong habit. This may be a case of a ripple on the surface means a shark right below.

Bill Clinton June 13, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Sir, you are wrong. Marijuana does not grow year round. The shortening of the days in the Fall is what causes the plant to produce Buds, the smokable portion of the plant. To grow “at least two if not three crops a year” you would have to artifically reduce the sunlight by using a covered green house. And what is in the woods is “grey” between October and March?

Marshall Culpepper June 13, 2013 at 8:41 pm

You are only partially correct, Willie Klinton… You are correct about the budding process, however that ranges by region and the further south you get, the better the climate. South Carolina has a much better environment for growing than California, not as good as some parts of Georgia, and much of Florida (provided the plants don’t encounter a hurricane). Truth is, if South Carolina had laws that were Marijuana, and especially Hemp friendly, it would do wonders for farming in this state.

Please don't bogart that joint June 13, 2013 at 4:31 pm

And the difference between 10 plants and anything more than 10 plants is about 20 years. Check it out. And with a “screet” value north of $400,000 this story just reeks of bullshit. His copay on pharmas must be out of this world.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:18 pm

Tell me the strain of cannabis that will produce a pound of sensimillia per plant.

carrie June 13, 2013 at 2:53 pm

He sounds like a very caring man who lovingly wants to make his wife comfortable. Nevertheless he is a criminal because the law states you cannot grow marijuana. This is a no win situation and I believe the Medical Association should try to convince the Government to approve the legalization of using marijuana for medical purpose only not as a way to make huge profits in selling it.

carrie June 13, 2013 at 2:53 pm

He sounds like a very caring man who lovingly wants to make his wife comfortable. Nevertheless he is a criminal because the law states you cannot grow marijuana. This is a no win situation and I believe the Medical Association should try to convince the Government to approve the legalization of using marijuana for medical purpose only not as a way to make huge profits in selling it.

It's Still Illegal June 13, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Will, your (and Ms Lazenby’s) opinion on this topic is well understood by your regular readership but what you both and a lot of your readers need to understand is, in SC marijuana cultivation and possession is still against the law. Doesn’t matter how bad you or anyone else wants it to be legal, it ain’t and until it is, there’s a penalty (albeit usually minor) if you get caught. Just because one is in pain doesn’t mean they have the right to break the law. Go to the doctor, they’ll give you something for it. I’m sure we can all find laws that we disagree with but that doesn’t mean we have the right to ignore them. Personally I can’t get my mind around the utopia you and Ms Lazenby want to live in. Surely you’re smart enough to realize a society can’t exist without rules. Maybe you two would have been better served to have lived in the communes of the 60’s, where everyone smoked dope, engaged in free love (whether it was with the same sex or not), bathed once a week (if they wanted to), laid around all day with no responsibilities and expected someone else to take care of all their needs. In fact, in today’s depressed housing market ya’ll might be able to find a cheap trailer park in the sticks of Horry County and start your own society.

Matt June 13, 2013 at 3:35 pm

“Just because one is in pain doesn’t mean they have the right to break the law.”

If your wife was in labor or someone was having a heart attack would you “speed” to the hospital? There is an philosophical idea of “reasonable” laws – I don’t steal, rape or murder because it is reasonable for me to agree that committing these acts is wrong. Growing (and smoking for that matter) marijuana is often victimless and its illegality is the remnant of archaic ideas of state mandated morality. Recent polling indicates a change in public opinion on the issue and I would suspect under trial by jury Mr. Peters will be acquitted.

Having lived in CO (and the greater mountain west) for the last 4 years, the idea that this is still a “crime” out east is comical.

BrigidBernadette June 13, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Thanks for the condescending lecture. How dare you equate medical marijuana, or any marijuana, with living in a trailer park in the sticks, you bigoted jerk. You sound about a thousand years old, and heartless to the point of being a sociopath, your indifference or is it schadenfreude I detect, is shocking, whatever the hell it is that is wrong with your compass. I hope you’re shown as much mercy as you’ve shown others when cancer eats your colon or infects your blood or your bones. You clearly have no idea the suffering that goes on in this world.

St Lousi Opiscibo June 13, 2013 at 4:25 pm

I do get mine from a guy in a trailer park in Sandy Run

dwb619 June 13, 2013 at 9:54 pm

DAMN, ya’ dun gone and narced you man out!

frankie June 15, 2013 at 10:44 am

I get my green in S. Congaree at a trailer park too then ride up to Pelion to get me some crankie for me and the boys and I’m good to go and then I go to Beaufort County and cook some crack in a skillet in my kitchen, the locals love it!

EJB June 13, 2013 at 4:03 pm

I have on a number of occasions quoted Abraham Lincoln but I do not have the quote in front of me to do so accurately at this time but we must enforce all laws even the ones we do not like. Lincoln made his quote in regards to the SCOTUS Dred Scot ruling. Lincoln was much against this ruling and the Fugitive Slave Act but argued that they must be enforced lest people loose all respect for any laws and enforce only those with which they agreed and thus bring about anarchy.

In this case there clearly needs to be some common sence applied, reducing charges to simple possesion or growing (unless there are extenuating circumstances of which we do not know). But all that aside people that believe that marijuana should be legalized should be pushing their lawmakers to pass legislation to make it legal.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:31 pm

Done that in my state, Washington,who’s next?

Smirks June 13, 2013 at 4:33 pm

Will, your (and Ms Lazenby’s) opinion on this topic is well understood
by your regular readership but what you both and a lot of your readers
need to understand is, in SC marijuana cultivation and possession is
still against the law.

1) Jury nullification is a thing.

2) Pointless laws exist on the book, many of which are not enforced, but they are “the law.” Who decides what laws are ignorable and what laws aren’t?

3) With how politicians in this state seem to treat the law like a chronic masturbator treats Kleenex, it kind of waters down why we schlubs are expected to follow laws from people who claim to know better than us but can’t be bothered to follow themselves.

A real good example of #3 is the attempt to add legislators to the list of people who can carry without a CWP, therefore making them exempt from gun laws and ensuring that they have zero interests in keeping gun rights open for the rest of society. Or, look at how often politicians are involved in a DUI and the charges never land.

Oh, and the Constitution exists so that “It’s the law” shouldn’t become a reason to deny people BASIC rights. Of course, PRISM is a great example of what those who pass the laws think of the Constitution too, I suppose.

Tetley June 13, 2013 at 11:43 pm

Hey, “It’s Still Illegal…”

Go fuck yourself.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:29 pm

Overgrow the government.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:24 pm

Thanks for pointing out the obvious,but some of U.S dream of a better world,one that obviously does not agree with your narrow minded steryotypes.

It's Still Illegal June 13, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Will, your (and Ms Lazenby’s) opinion on this topic is well understood by your regular readership but what you both and a lot of your readers need to understand is, in SC marijuana cultivation and possession is still against the law. Doesn’t matter how bad you or anyone else wants it to be legal, it ain’t and until it is, there’s a penalty (albeit usually minor) if you get caught. Just because one is in pain doesn’t mean they have the right to break the law. Go to the doctor, they’ll give you something for it. I’m sure we can all find laws that we disagree with but that doesn’t mean we have the right to ignore them. Personally I can’t get my mind around the utopia you and Ms Lazenby want to live in. Surely you’re smart enough to realize a society can’t exist without rules. Maybe you two would have been better served to have lived in the communes of the 60’s, where everyone smoked dope, engaged in free love (whether it was with the same sex or not), bathed once a week (if they wanted to), laid around all day with no responsibilities and expected someone else to take care of all their needs. In fact, in today’s depressed housing market ya’ll might be able to find a cheap trailer park in the sticks of Horry County and start your own society.

Matt June 13, 2013 at 3:35 pm

“Just because one is in pain doesn’t mean they have the right to break the law.”

If your wife was in labor or someone was having a heart attack would you “speed” to the hospital? There is an philosophical idea of “reasonable” laws – I don’t steal, rape or murder because it is reasonable for me to agree that committing these acts is wrong. Growing (and smoking for that matter) marijuana is often victimless and its illegality is the remnant of archaic ideas of state mandated morality. Recent polling indicates a change in public opinion on the issue and I would suspect under trial by jury Mr. Peters will be acquitted.

Having lived in CO (and the greater mountain west) for the last 4 years, the idea that this is still a “crime” out east is comical.

Brigid June 13, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Thanks for the condescending lecture. How dare you equate medical marijuana, or any marijuana, with living in a trailer park in the sticks, you bigoted jerk. You sound about a thousand years old, and heartless to the point of being a sociopath, your indifference or is it schadenfreude I detect, is shocking, whatever the hell it is that is wrong with your compass. I hope you’re shown as much mercy as you’ve shown others when cancer eats your colon or infects your blood or your bones. You clearly have no idea the suffering that goes on in this world.

St Lousi Opiscibo June 13, 2013 at 4:25 pm

I do get mine from a guy in a trailer park in Sandy Run

dwb619 June 13, 2013 at 9:54 pm

DAMN, ya’ dun gone and narced you man out!

frankie June 15, 2013 at 10:44 am

I get my green in S. Congaree at a trailer park too then ride up to Pelion to get me some crankie for me and the boys and I’m good to go and then I go to Beaufort County and cook some crack in a skillet in my kitchen, the locals love it!

EJB June 13, 2013 at 4:03 pm

I have on a number of occasions quoted Abraham Lincoln but I do not have the quote in front of me to do so accurately at this time but we must enforce all laws even the ones we do not like. Lincoln made his quote in regards to the SCOTUS Dred Scot ruling. Lincoln was much against this ruling and the Fugitive Slave Act but argued that they must be enforced lest people loose all respect for any laws and enforce only those with which they agreed and thus bring about anarchy.

In this case there clearly needs to be some common sence applied, reducing charges to simple possesion or growing (unless there are extenuating circumstances of which we do not know). But all that aside people that believe that marijuana should be legalized should be pushing their lawmakers to pass legislation to make it legal.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:31 pm

Done that in my state, Washington,who’s next?

Smirks June 13, 2013 at 4:33 pm

Will, your (and Ms Lazenby’s) opinion on this topic is well understood
by your regular readership but what you both and a lot of your readers
need to understand is, in SC marijuana cultivation and possession is
still against the law.

1) Jury nullification is a thing.

2) Pointless laws exist on the book, many of which are not enforced, but they are “the law.” Who decides what laws are ignorable and what laws aren’t?

3) With how politicians in this state seem to treat the law like a chronic masturbator treats Kleenex, it kind of waters down why we schlubs are expected to follow laws from people who claim to know better than us but can’t be bothered to follow themselves.

A real good example of #3 is the attempt to add legislators to the list of people who can carry without a CWP, therefore making them exempt from gun laws and ensuring that they have zero interests in keeping gun rights open for the rest of society. Or, look at how often politicians are involved in a DUI and the charges never land.

Oh, and the Constitution exists so that “It’s the law” shouldn’t become a reason to deny people BASIC rights. Of course, PRISM is a great example of what those who pass the laws think of the Constitution too, I suppose.

Tetley June 13, 2013 at 11:43 pm

Hey, “It’s Still Illegal…”

Go fuck yourself.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:29 pm

Overgrow the government.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:24 pm

Thanks for pointing out the obvious,but some of U.S dream of a better world,one that obviously does not agree with your narrow minded steryotypes.

Joe June 13, 2013 at 3:20 pm

His bet bet is a “jury nullification” defense. I would not convict him for trafficking. Jury nullification has been used since the beginnings of this country to to fight against malicious laws and malicious prosecution for anti free speech laws, slavery laws, discriminatory laws, and now more and more drug laws. Google it. Exercise your right as a juror to sit in judgement not just over the defendant but the law and the application of the law as well.

Joe June 13, 2013 at 3:20 pm

His bet bet is a “jury nullification” defense. I would not convict him for trafficking. Jury nullification has been used since the beginnings of this country to to fight against malicious laws and malicious prosecution for anti free speech laws, slavery laws, discriminatory laws, and now more and more drug laws. Google it. Exercise your right as a juror to sit in judgement not just over the defendant but the law and the application of the law as well.

Popcorn Sutton June 13, 2013 at 4:20 pm

I have relatives in the business and before my demise I run the numbers. Basically, if he is any sort of competent as I was with the shine, this feller is growing what would equate to a third of a pound (5.33 ounces) of bud per day. A good plant will yield at least a pound of bud.

I smoked ever day when I was a young’un and an O Z would last me a couple of weeks at the least. So I submit that his old lady has let her appetite get way out of control and she’s a eating the weed or this feller is a giv’n her some help ‘a smoking the dadgum stuff.

Popcorn Sutton June 13, 2013 at 4:20 pm

I have relatives in the business and before my demise I run the numbers. Basically, if he is any sort of competent as I was with the shine, this feller is growing what would equate to a third of a pound (5.33 ounces) of bud per day. A good plant will yield at least a pound of bud.

I smoked ever day when I was a young’un and an O Z would last me a couple of weeks at the least. So I submit that his old lady has let her appetite get way out of control and she’s a eating the weed or this feller is a giv’n her some help ‘a smoking the dadgum stuff.

This just in . . . June 13, 2013 at 4:56 pm

Murdoch Divorce Stuns Satan

HELL (The Borowitz Report) — Word that the News Corporation chief executive Rupert Murdoch has filed for divorce from his wife, Wendi Deng, came as a “total surprise” to longtime Murdoch confidant Satan, the Lord of the Underworld said today.

“I am totally blindsided by this,” Satan told reporters. “He and I talk every day.”

Citing his long history with the media titan, the Hound of Hell said, “We go way back. I gave him the idea for Fox News. I told him to hire Roger Ailes. That’s why this is such a shock.”

A frequent dining companion of the Murdochs, Satan said he “didn’t have a clue that they were having problems.”

“I’ve had dozens of dinners with them in the Hamptons,” he said. “Did they bicker? No more than other couples. But they seemed to be on the same page about all the important things, like creating corrupt media monopolies and buying politicians. I thought they were for keeps.”

Adding that he “cares deeply about his friends,” Satan said the news about the Murdochs had hit him especially hard: “I was just starting to get over the Putins.”

The Prince of Darkness said he first got word of the Murdoch divorce about an hour before the official announcement: “My banker at Goldman Sachs called and told me to sell my News Corp. stock right away.”

This just in . . . June 13, 2013 at 4:56 pm

Murdoch Divorce Stuns Satan

HELL (The Borowitz Report) — Word that the News Corporation chief executive Rupert Murdoch has filed for divorce from his wife, Wendi Deng, came as a “total surprise” to longtime Murdoch confidant Satan, the Lord of the Underworld said today.

“I am totally blindsided by this,” Satan told reporters. “He and I talk every day.”

Citing his long history with the media titan, the Hound of Hell said, “We go way back. I gave him the idea for Fox News. I told him to hire Roger Ailes. That’s why this is such a shock.”

A frequent dining companion of the Murdochs, Satan said he “didn’t have a clue that they were having problems.”

“I’ve had dozens of dinners with them in the Hamptons,” he said. “Did they bicker? No more than other couples. But they seemed to be on the same page about all the important things, like creating corrupt media monopolies and buying politicians. I thought they were for keeps.”

Adding that he “cares deeply about his friends,” Satan said the news about the Murdochs had hit him especially hard: “I was just starting to get over the Putins.”

The Prince of Darkness said he first got word of the Murdoch divorce about an hour before the official announcement: “My banker at Goldman Sachs called and told me to sell my News Corp. stock right away.”

9" June 13, 2013 at 5:15 pm

what a noble bunch of fucking potheads

9" June 13, 2013 at 5:15 pm

what a noble bunch of fucking potheads

thatpatkerce June 13, 2013 at 5:21 pm

If he was growing 130 plants that is not just to provide medicine for his wife. She will be long dead before she could smoke that amount of refer. I am against prohibition, but come on, let’s not be naieve, he was growing money trees.

thatpatkerce June 13, 2013 at 5:21 pm

If he was growing 130 plants that is not just to provide medicine for his wife. She will be long dead before she could smoke that amount of refer. I am against prohibition, but come on, let’s not be naieve, he was growing money trees.

gamecock June 13, 2013 at 7:53 pm

If it was legally purchased in Colorado, would it still be illegal in SC? If I went on vacation in Colorado and smoked pot where it was legal, would I still face job dismissal in SC if I had a drug test? I didn’t commit an illegal act by purchasing or using in Colorado?

gamecock June 13, 2013 at 7:53 pm

If it was legally purchased in Colorado, would it still be illegal in SC? If I went on vacation in Colorado and smoked pot where it was legal, would I still face job dismissal in SC if I had a drug test? I didn’t commit an illegal act by purchasing or using in Colorado?

idiotwind June 14, 2013 at 9:26 am

130 plants? for one patient? so a beaufort deputy is smarter and less gullible than Fits?

idiotwind June 14, 2013 at 9:26 am

130 plants? for one patient? so a beaufort deputy is smarter and less gullible than Fits?

Farmer Joe June 14, 2013 at 10:58 am

Regarding various claims in Comments about how the number of plants meant way too much pot for personal use:

You guys have no idea what you are talking about.

The “bud” that is smoked in marijuana smoking comes from the female plant, not the male plant. Of the 130 plants growing here, roughly half will be male plants, not female. So, that 130 figure gets cut in half to 65 right off the bat.

Of those roughly 65 female plants, being grown outdoors this time of year means that they probably are all still relatively small. As anybody familiar with growing plants outdoors should know– any kind of plant — many of them will not amount to much. Many will be casualties long before full maturity from all the things that can kill or stunt plants in the outdoors, from insect pests to disease to being eaten by rabbits or other such critters. It is simply RIDICULOUS to assume that they will all eventually become fully mature plants giving one pound of bud each.

As every farmer knows, when you plant a crop, you plant a hell of a lot of seeds, precisely because so many of them will be casualties along the way.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:37 pm

Growing 101, you cull out the males, otherwise you pick seeds, and that is a pain in the ass, unless you want seeds.

9" June 14, 2013 at 8:51 pm

you’re too cool

Farmer Joe June 14, 2013 at 10:58 am

Regarding various claims in Comments about how the number of plants meant way too much pot for personal use:

You guys have no idea what you are talking about.

The “bud” that is smoked in marijuana smoking comes from the female plant, not the male plant. Of the 130 plants growing here, roughly half will be male plants, not female. So, that 130 figure gets cut in half to 65 right off the bat.

Of those roughly 65 female plants, being grown outdoors this time of year means that they probably are all still relatively small. As anybody familiar with growing plants outdoors should know– any kind of plant — many of them will not amount to much. Many will be casualties long before full maturity from all the things that can kill or stunt plants in the outdoors, from insect pests to disease to being eaten by rabbits or other such critters. It is simply RIDICULOUS to assume that they will all eventually become fully mature plants giving one pound of bud each.

As every farmer knows, when you plant a crop, you plant a hell of a lot of seeds, precisely because so many of them will be casualties along the way.

PhilDeBowl June 14, 2013 at 7:37 pm

Growing 101, you cull out the males, otherwise you pick seeds, and that is a pain in the ass, unless you want seeds.

9" June 14, 2013 at 8:51 pm

you’re too cool

Poop Head June 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm

I’m high right now.

Poop Head June 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm

I’m high right now.

Mguzman June 15, 2013 at 7:52 am

Some nosey neighbor doing that front porch thing……..

Mguzman June 15, 2013 at 7:52 am

Some nosey neighbor doing that front porch thing……..


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