Lindsey Graham: Buying Off The Christians

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham is a primary sponsor of S. 13 – federal legislation which would spend $550 million across the country on abstinence only sex education programs (including $2 million here in South Carolina). The lion’s share of that cash would be earmarked for Heritage Community Services – an abstinence…

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham is a primary sponsor of S. 13 – federal legislation which would spend $550 million across the country on abstinence only sex education programs (including $2 million here in South Carolina).

The lion’s share of that cash would be earmarked for Heritage Community Services – an abstinence only group which has been living off of federal funding for years.

Meanwhile funding for abstinence education continues at the state level as well ….

Is this investment paying off? Of course not …

According to statistics provided by the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), the percentage of live births to single mothers in the state of South Carolina continues to climb. In 2005, 43.4 percent of all live births were to single mothers. Five years later, that percentage had increased to 46.9 percent – despite $12 million in grant money sent to Heritage Community Services over that time period.

Heritage Community Services is run by Republican political activist Anne Badgley.

“At least four members of her family have been compensated for their work with Heritage Community Services … including Anne, her husband Gordon, their daughter Sally Badgely Raymond, and her husband Jerry Raymond,” an investigative report published by the Reproductive Health Reality Check website noted.

That same report also found Badgley’s organization “uses federal and state funds to buy copies of its own program from a private company that is wholly owned by the Badgley family.”

What a racket …

As we’ve stated on numerous previous occasions, South Carolina has no business whatsoever funding any sort of sex education – abstinence-themed or otherwise. Sadly, “Republicans in Name Only” at the state and federal level – like Graham – continue to force taxpayers to subsidize such efforts.

In Graham’s case there could be a political motive to his efforts as one (now two) of his GOP primary opponents are devout evangelicals.

Incidentally former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford – who is now running for Congress – consistently vetoed funding for abstinence only programs at the state level. S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, on the other hand, has approved the funding.


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Smirks April 16, 2013 at 3:42 pm

The GOP pop star, Sarah Palin, has a daughter who is proof positive of abstinence’s success. But hey, she’s been paid quite handsomely for her unplanned pregnancy, so any mother can do it! Right?

Also, no business funding sex ed? Yeah, fuck that jazz. Private schools don’t teach health? Portions of those vouchers wouldn’t go towards private schools teaching sex ed? lol… Anyone want to take a stab at what “sex ed” costs the public school system anyways? I wouldn’t be surprised if schools spend more money on chalk.

BigT April 16, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Morality has lasted in STRONG societies the same reason leftwing hedonism has destroyed so many civiliziztions. You Dumb@$$#$ are just too stupid to get it.
Again: EVERYTHING the left touches, despite ALL the promises and money for a Utopia…IT JUST GETS WORSE.
Black people were told in the 60 to ‘Hump Early and Hump Often’ to over-populate whitey and destroy him. Yet your advice has collapsed the Black Family, and Severely Damaged all of us…Ignorance is not a good strategy, but it does not stop you from trying it over and over…(FITS is proof of that)….
You people are FAILED Idiots, who are told you are elite and ingenious.
You need the $#!* slapped out of you..You are spoiled children and you need to STFU…

Ken E. April 16, 2013 at 11:46 pm

“Ignorance is not a good strategy,”

Take your own advice, moron.

Sex Wax April 17, 2013 at 9:15 am

Funny, bigT. You were outraged by the 500 million wasted on the failed Solyndra, but have no problem with 500 million wasted on a tried and failed concept? Reminds me of the defination of insanity.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 3:42 pm

The GOP pop star, Sarah Palin, has a daughter who is proof positive of abstinence’s success. But hey, she’s been paid quite handsomely for her unplanned pregnancy, so any mother can do it! Right?

Also, no business funding sex ed? Yeah, fuck that jazz. Private schools don’t teach health? Portions of those vouchers wouldn’t go towards private schools teaching sex ed? lol… Anyone want to take a stab at what “sex ed” costs the public school system anyways? I wouldn’t be surprised if schools spend more money on chalk.

BigT April 16, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Morality has lasted in STRONG societies the same reason leftwing hedonism has destroyed so many civiliziztions. You Dumb@$$#$ are just too stupid to get it.
Again: EVERYTHING the left touches, despite ALL the promises and money for a Utopia…IT JUST GETS WORSE.
Black people were told in the 60 to ‘Hump Early and Hump Often’ to over-populate whitey and destroy him. Yet your advice has collapsed the Black Family, and Severely Damaged all of us…Ignorance is not a good strategy, but it does not stop you from trying it over and over…(FITS is proof of that)….
You people are FAILED Idiots, who are told you are elite and ingenious.
You need the $#!* slapped out of you..You are spoiled children and you need to STFU…

Ken E. April 16, 2013 at 11:46 pm

“Ignorance is not a good strategy,”

Take your own advice, moron.

Sex Wax April 17, 2013 at 9:15 am

Funny, bigT. You were outraged by the 500 million wasted on the failed Solyndra, but have no problem with 500 million wasted on a tried and failed concept? Reminds me of the defination of insanity.

BigT April 16, 2013 at 3:49 pm

FITRS: You and the left have Whored out too many children already..So STFU!!!!
Sad to inform you FITS: But we employed the “If it feels good, do it” mantra of your 60’s Humpity-Hump crowd, long ago.
Illigitimate births are up to more than 40%. In NYC, 72% of all babies born (not to mention aborted) are born out of wedlock.
You have taken God out of schools, and replaced Him w/ codom dispencers..
Bottom line: the science is kicking your @$$…Idiot…
Leiberal hate for morality DOES NOT WORK…
You may not give a $#!* that some kid in the projects starves while his ‘moms’ is at da’ club. tryin’ to get her freak on..but I do.
I’ll slap the P!$$ out of whore-dog punks like you to protect those children. Leave that funding alone…It may have a chance…But we KNOW you Clinton and Obama have FAILED…

Chris Nölff April 16, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Who wants to fight?
I’ve watched a lot of Ric Flair, so you better watch out, T.

? April 16, 2013 at 4:17 pm

I stood behind Ric Flair in line for a flight out of Charlotte right after 9/11. He stood in line with the rest of us chumps even though security offered him a “free pass”. He was a great guy, very amicable and appreciative of the young fans coming up to him now and then when he was in line.

In real life though he’s not a very big guy. Don’t get me wrong, he was probably tough…just not big.

9" April 17, 2013 at 10:21 pm

To educate Fits’ denizens and reflect on Southern history;back in the glory days of,’wrastlin’,you could get all the man on man action you wanted at Township Auditorium,usually guys in the audience ,but many of the renowned pugilists were not adverse to same-sex sex..

Some of these guys were slightly flabby,but that was good,especially the ones with the strong .muscular,glutei maximi…

Sex Wax April 16, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Funny, didn’t work then, won’t work now…but keep throwing money at it.

Thebeachisback April 16, 2013 at 6:33 pm

You really need to double your dose because you make no sense! Perhaps you are so hateful that you would harm Americans watching an event?????? Be afraid, be very afraid—–of people like BT!!!!!

9" April 17, 2013 at 6:22 am

Big Fag,

I’m SORRY.I got really busy and forgot your greedy ass;the way it winks and twitches,and tries to talk, and say,’fuck me’;See ya soon!

BigT April 16, 2013 at 3:49 pm

FITRS: You and the left have Whored out too many children already..So STFU!!!!
Sad to inform you FITS: But we employed the “If it feels good, do it” mantra of your 60’s Humpity-Hump crowd, long ago.
Illigitimate births are up to more than 40%. In NYC, 72% of all babies born (not to mention aborted) are born out of wedlock.
You have taken God out of schools, and replaced Him w/ codom dispencers..
Bottom line: the science is kicking your @$$…Idiot…
Leiberal hate for morality DOES NOT WORK…
You may not give a $#!* that some kid in the projects starves while his ‘moms’ is at da’ club. tryin’ to get her freak on..but I do.
I’ll slap the P!$$ out of whore-dog punks like you to protect those children. Leave that funding alone…It may have a chance…But we KNOW you Clinton and Obama have FAILED…

Nölff April 16, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Who wants to fight?
I’ve watched a lot of Ric Flair, so you better watch out, T.

? April 16, 2013 at 4:17 pm

I stood behind Ric Flair in line for a flight out of Charlotte right after 9/11. He stood in line with the rest of us chumps even though security offered him a “free pass”. He was a great guy, very amicable and appreciative of the young fans coming up to him now and then when he was in line.

In real life though he’s not a very big guy. Don’t get me wrong, he was probably tough…just not big.

9" April 17, 2013 at 10:21 pm

To educate Fits’ denizens and reflect on Southern history;back in the glory days of,’wrastlin’,you could get all the man on man action you wanted at Township Auditorium,usually guys in the audience ,but many of the renowned pugilists were not adverse to same-sex sex..

Some of these guys were slightly flabby,but that was good,especially the ones with the strong .muscular,glutei maximi…

Sex Wax April 16, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Funny, didn’t work then, won’t work now…but keep throwing money at it.

Thebeachisback April 16, 2013 at 6:33 pm

You really need to double your dose because you make no sense! Perhaps you are so hateful that you would harm Americans watching an event?????? Be afraid, be very afraid—–of people like BT!!!!!

9" April 17, 2013 at 6:22 am

Big Fag,

I’m SORRY.I got really busy and forgot your greedy ass;the way it winks and twitches,and tries to talk, and say,’fuck me’;See ya soon!

Chris Nölff April 16, 2013 at 4:03 pm

The Left and Right both are attacking ol’ Lindsey.

Nölff April 16, 2013 at 4:03 pm

The Left and Right both are attacking ol’ Lindsey.

Todd April 16, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Easy: Let’s ban everything the Christians have a problem with.

CorruptionInColumbia April 17, 2013 at 5:28 am

That would be literally…………………… everything.

Trevor Bauknight April 18, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Better start with Jesus.

Todd April 16, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Easy: Let’s ban everything the Christians have a problem with.

CorruptionInColumbia April 17, 2013 at 5:28 am

That would be literally…………………… everything.

Trevor Bauknight April 18, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Better start with Jesus.

jimlewisowb April 16, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Looks like the Badgley family knows how to fuck

Well, they know how to fuck taxpayers

Too bad Ms. Badlgley’s parents didn’t practice what she preaches

jimlewisowb April 16, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Looks like the Badgley family knows how to fuck

Well, they know how to fuck taxpayers

Too bad Ms. Badlgley’s parents didn’t practice what she preaches

SeneseLikeChaps April 16, 2013 at 6:08 pm

“As we’ve stated on numerous previous occasions, South Carolina has no business whatsoever funding any sort of sex education – abstinence-themed or otherwise.”

Really Will? You can’t be that much older than me and you haven’t sat in on some human growth class at some point in your life? After hearing a girl ask “How do women pee when they are pregnant, since the pee comes out of the vagina, right? Does it just build up and that is the water breaking?” all costs were justified. Seriously, kids are stupid but at least they come by it honest and we can do something about it.

Then again, by your definition no public school should teaching anything other than how to weld the doors shut, so even replying to this is a sucker’s game.

9" April 18, 2013 at 5:41 am

One more reason to ban heterosexuality.You people are so fucking sick…

SeneseLikeChaps April 16, 2013 at 6:08 pm

“As we’ve stated on numerous previous occasions, South Carolina has no business whatsoever funding any sort of sex education – abstinence-themed or otherwise.”

Really Will? You can’t be that much older than me and you haven’t sat in on some human growth class at some point in your life? After hearing a girl ask “How do women pee when they are pregnant, since the pee comes out of the vagina, right? Does it just build up and that is the water breaking?” all costs were justified. Seriously, kids are stupid but at least they come by it honest and we can do something about it.

Then again, by your definition no public school should teaching anything other than how to weld the doors shut, so even replying to this is a sucker’s game.

9" April 18, 2013 at 5:41 am

One more reason to ban heterosexuality.You people are so fucking sick…

annefair April 16, 2013 at 7:16 pm

Sanford went all the way to Argentina to do the research, and found that abstinence is not a good thing………He totally believes the Bible is wrong and fornication is a blessing….He’s a man of research and faith…..He’s on TOP with the research and faith has him on his KNEES.

annefair April 16, 2013 at 7:16 pm

Sanford went all the way to Argentina to do the research, and found that abstinence is not a good thing………He totally believes the Bible is wrong and fornication is a blessing….He’s a man of research and faith…..He’s on TOP with the research and faith has him on his KNEES.

Gamercock April 16, 2013 at 11:00 pm

Looks like Miss Lindsey is throwing another hissy fit in the above picture.

Gamercock April 16, 2013 at 11:00 pm

Looks like Miss Lindsey is throwing another hissy fit in the above picture.

vicupstate April 17, 2013 at 6:00 am

David Wilkins and the other conservatives in this state, are blowing up my radio and internet with ads about how conservative Lindsay Graham is. His buddy Rubio is in on it too. Any comment FITS/

vicupstate April 17, 2013 at 6:00 am

David Wilkins and the other conservatives in this state, are blowing up my radio and internet with ads about how conservative Lindsay Graham is. His buddy Rubio is in on it too. Any comment FITS/

Manray9 April 17, 2013 at 10:30 am

Pandering. What else is new?

Manray9 April 17, 2013 at 10:30 am

Pandering. What else is new?

Bird Song April 18, 2013 at 8:34 pm

How Graham talk he’s confused as to what sex he is? It’s amazing South Carolina is the lowest in education and one of the highest in STDs.

Bird Song April 18, 2013 at 8:34 pm

How Graham talk he’s confused as to what sex he is? It’s amazing South Carolina is the lowest in education and one of the highest in STDs.


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