
Kermit Gosnell’s Shop Of Horrors

Who is Kermit Gosnell? That’s a good question … like Josef Mengele, his name ought to be reviled all over the world, but the mainstream media here in the United States has chosen to largely ignore his story. For those of you who have never heard of him Gosnell, 72,…

Who is Kermit Gosnell?

That’s a good question … like Josef Mengele, his name ought to be reviled all over the world, but the mainstream media here in the United States has chosen to largely ignore his story. For those of you who have never heard of him Gosnell, 72, ran a pair of “women’s health” clinics in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from 1972-2011 – facilities which specialized in performing illegal late-term abortions on low income women.

But this story isn’t just about abortion – it’s about a truly demonic individual and his minions performing all manner of savage inhumanities on women, newborn children and fetuses – and getting away with it for years. And while Gosnell is facing the death penalty in Pennsylvania for his crimes … this is truly one of those cases in which there is no suitable punishment for the atrocities he committed. There is also no excuse for those who failed to stop him – and those who remain mute in the face of the ugly truth.

“There was blood on the floor,” a grand jury report noted of one of Gosnell’s facilities. “A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets. All the women had been sedated by unlicensed staff.”

Disgusting right?

“Instruments were not sterile,” the report continued. “Equipment was rusty and outdated. Oxygen equipment was covered with dust, and had not been inspected. The same corroded suction tubing used for abortions was the only tubing available for oral airways if assistance for breathing was needed. There was no functioning resuscitation or even monitoring equipment, except for a single blood pressure cuff.”

But this filth was just the first layer of horror uncovered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) team that raided the facility in 2010 – an action that took place years after authorities were first alerted to the extent of the barbarism taking place inside.

Oh, and the FBI wasn’t even investigating Gosnell for illegal abortions (a.k.a. murders) … the agency was raiding his facility as part of a painkiller probe.

What else did they find inside?

“The search team discovered fetal remains haphazardly stored throughout the clinic – in bags, milk jugs, orange juice cartons, and even in cat-food containers,” the report continued.

Over the past few years of investigation, a clearer picture has emerged of Gosnell’s methodology – which consisted primarily of severing the spinal columns of late-term babies who managed to survive his ham-fisted “abortions.”

Here’s an excerpt from the grand jury’s report describing this process …

By 24 weeks, most babies born prematurely will survive if they receive appropriate medical care. But that was not what the Women’s Medical Society was about. Gosnell had a simple solution for the unwanted babies he delivered: he killed them. He didn’t call it that. He called it “ensuring fetal demise.” The way he ensured fetal demise was by sticking scissors into the back of the baby’s neck and cutting the spinal cord. He called that “snipping.”

Unreal …

Gosnell performed this “snipping” method (and other horrific “fetal demise” techniques) on babies much older than 24 weeks, though. In fact he’s facing murder charges in the deaths of seven children who were “born alive” … as well as one woman who died as a result of a botched abortion.

Of course his real victims number in the thousands …

As glaring as Gosnell’s savagery is the sheer incompetence – or perhaps the intentional negligence – of Pennsylvania’s government, which for years blithely ignored reports of illegal late-term abortions and related horrors taking place under this watch.

“Pennsylvania is not a third-world country,” the grand jury report states. “There were several oversight agencies that stumbled upon and should have shut down Kermit Gosnell long ago. But none of them did.”

Why not?

“Because the women in question were poor and of color, because the victims were infants without identities, and because the subject was the political football of abortion,” the report concludes.

Amazing …

And this isn’t newsworthy? Apparently not …

“A Lexis-Nexis search shows none of the news shows on the three major national television networks has mentioned the Gosnell trial in the last three months,” columnist Kirstin Powers of USA Today wrote. “The Washington Post has not published original reporting on this during the trial and The New York Times saw fit to run one original story on A-17 on the trial’s first day. They’ve been silent ever since, despite headline-worthy testimony.”

Why isn’t the mainstream media covering the Gosnell story? Apparently they don’t have the stomach for it … literally.

“To start, it makes me ill,” Megan McCardle of The Daily Beast wrote in explaining her own lack of coverage. “I haven’t been able to bring myself to read the grand jury inquiry. I am someone who cringes when I hear a description of a sprained ankle.”

Of course we all know that’s not the real reason why McCardle and thousands of her pro-choice colleagues in the professional left took a pass on this story. The real reason members of the MSM are ignoring Gosnell is quite simple: They love abortion. 

Love it, love it, love it, LOVE IT.

In fact anything that calls into question the liberal dogma of abortion on demand cannot be highlighted under any circumstances, because doing so might succeed in exposing abortion for what it really is: Murder.

This website has never worn its pro-life views on its sleeve – and to our discredit we didn’t cover the Gosnell trial, either. In fact we hadn’t even heard of it until some of our commenters started (rightfully) criticizing us for failing to pick up on it. Sure, we’ve weighed in against gruesome “after birth” abortions in the past, but the truth is we’ve been pretty slack in upholding our obligation to protect the most fundamental of all American liberties: The right to life.

“This website’s focus has been – and will continue to be – driving the debate on fiscal issues and holding officials at all levels of government accountable for how they spend our tax dollars,” we wrote recently in discussing the issue of abortion.

And that is our role …

But this case – like any of the thousands of babies brutalized by this monster – is literally crying out to be heard, as are the broader debates over the utter failure of government and media to stop these atrocities from taking place.



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Guero April 15, 2013 at 6:15 am

Rightwing-nuts want to make this about a “love” of abortion. This is a failure by doctors to discipline their own after complaints were made. This is a failure by the Pennsylvania governmental agencies charged with protecting the health of women.
Agencies whose budgets people like Billy Folks want to cut. Agencies people like Billy Folks don’t like “overregulating” doctors.
The Rightwing Media Machine outrage is selective. The Washington Times runs one story on the Gosnell trial and then ten stories on their outrage no one else is covering the trial.
No one else does what Gosnell did so whining little people like Billy Folks get their panties in a wad and make sweeping pronouncements with no basis in fact. Subpoena Billy’s email and I’ll wager Howie Rich told Billy he needed to start whining.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 6:22 am

Disgusting. You are an ogre and monster. You are HATE and EVIL, personified. To attack others for the practices you Worship as religious tenants, is FILTHY. Shame on you.

Guero April 15, 2013 at 2:43 pm

Any attack from little bitty tea pot is a badge of honor. As a veteran, teapot’s chickenhawk conservatism disgusts me.

Will Folks aka Sic April 15, 2013 at 7:50 am

You start off with some strong points but your effort to come at me personally gets you off course toward the end. You are reaching to throw a punch, which almost always result in a miss – not to mention an exposed vulnerability. Do you box? Perhaps we could schedule a few rounds.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:50 am

FITS is FINE if the Leftwing Hate-Machine bashes “The Rightwing-nuts” but FITS’ praise subsides when the poster turns it on FITS…Very self-serving and typical…

Guero April 15, 2013 at 2:45 pm

A classic non-denial misdirection. Thanks for playing, Billy, try again.

Both Ways April 15, 2013 at 8:39 am

Wonder if smaller government with cuts to healthcare and welfare would help all these “babies” after they’re born? BigT and Co. have adopted thousands, right? More humane to starve them for making bad grades?

CL April 15, 2013 at 11:11 am

The lack of oversight is another compelling story that was overlooked by the media. At some point, you need to ask yourself why so many people (regulators, journalists) turn a blind eye. Maybe the same reason Obama fought the infanticide bill when he was a state senator in Illinois? People do not like to be reminded of the monstrous outcomes of their questionable moral choices.

You wrote, “No one else does what Gosnell did…” Well read this description of a procedure performed by a Dr. Martin Haskell and tell me how it differs from Gosnell:

“the baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out, like a startle reaction, like a flinch, like a baby does when he thinks he is going to fall.

The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby went completely limp. . . . He cut the umbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he had just used.”

Of course, this is a description of a partial birth abortion, a procedure defended vigorously by the Left and performed openly by doctors throughout the country. Yet the only difference between Dr. Haskell and Gosnell, other than maybe hygiene, is that Haskell purposely left part of the body in the birth canal before jabbing in the scissors.

The Left defends the one while dismissing the other as an outlier, and you call us nuts?

CL April 15, 2013 at 11:23 am

Also on this notion of Gosnell as a unique case, we know from Obama’s opposition to that infanticide bill in Illinois that babies repeatedly survived attempted abortions and were born alive, only to be left in closets without medical care or nourishment until they died. That was the testimony of one nurse at one hospital in Illinois. This article from Britain documents 66 such cases in one year at NHS facilities. Sure, letting the babies die from exposure or suffocation lacks the decisiveness of Gosnell’s scissors, but the intent and result are no different.


Guero April 15, 2013 at 6:15 am

Rightwing-nuts want to make this about a “love” of abortion. This is a failure by doctors to discipline their own after complaints were made. This is a failure by the Pennsylvania governmental agencies charged with protecting the health of women.
Agencies whose budgets people like Billy Folks want to cut. Agencies people like Billy Folks don’t like “overregulating” doctors.
The Rightwing Media Machine outrage is selective. The Washington Times runs one story on the Gosnell trial and then ten stories on their outrage no one else is covering the trial.
No one else does what Gosnell did so whining little people like Billy Folks get their panties in a wad and make sweeping pronouncements with no basis in fact. Subpoena Billy’s email and I’ll wager Howie Rich told Billy he needed to start whining.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 6:22 am

Disgusting. You are an ogre and monster. You are HATE and EVIL, personified. To attack others for the practices you Worship as religious tenants, is FILTHY. Shame on you.

Guero April 15, 2013 at 2:43 pm

Any attack from little bitty tea pot is a badge of honor. As a veteran, teapot’s chickenhawk conservatism disgusts me.

Will Folks aka Sic April 15, 2013 at 7:50 am

You start off with some strong points but your effort to come at me personally gets you off course toward the end. You are reaching to throw a punch, which almost always result in a miss – not to mention an exposed vulnerability. Do you box? Perhaps we could schedule a few rounds.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:50 am

FITS is FINE if the Leftwing Hate-Machine bashes “The Rightwing-nuts” but FITS’ praise subsides when the poster turns it on FITS…Very self-serving and typical…

Guero April 15, 2013 at 2:45 pm

A classic non-denial misdirection. Thanks for playing, Billy, try again.

Both Ways April 15, 2013 at 8:39 am

Wonder if smaller government with cuts to healthcare and welfare would help all these “babies” after they’re born? BigT and Co. have adopted thousands, right? More humane to starve them for making bad grades?

CL April 15, 2013 at 11:11 am

The lack of oversight is another compelling story that was overlooked by the media. At some point, you need to ask yourself why so many people (regulators, journalists) turn a blind eye. Maybe the same reason Obama fought the infanticide bill when he was a state senator in Illinois? People do not like to be reminded of the monstrous outcomes of their questionable moral choices.

You wrote, “No one else does what Gosnell did…” Well read this description of a procedure performed by a Dr. Martin Haskell and tell me how it differs from Gosnell:

“the baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out, like a startle reaction, like a flinch, like a baby does when he thinks he is going to fall.

The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby went completely limp. . . . He cut the umbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he had just used.”

Of course, this is a description of a partial birth abortion, a procedure defended vigorously by the Left and performed openly by doctors throughout the country. Yet the only difference between Dr. Haskell and Gosnell, other than maybe hygiene, is that Haskell purposely left part of the body in the birth canal before jabbing in the scissors.

The Left defends the one while dismissing the other as an outlier, and you call us nuts?

CL April 15, 2013 at 11:23 am

Also on this notion of Gosnell as a unique case, we know from Obama’s opposition to that infanticide bill in Illinois that babies repeatedly survived attempted abortions and were born alive, only to be left in closets without medical care or nourishment until they died. That was the testimony of one nurse at one hospital in Illinois. This article from Britain documents 66 such cases in one year at NHS facilities. Sure, letting the babies die from exposure or suffocation lacks the decisiveness of Gosnell’s scissors, but the intent and result are no different.


BigT April 15, 2013 at 6:20 am

This is the GOP’s Civil Rights Moment. Democrats, especially WOMEN, really need to look in the mirror and ask yourself: Are tiny baby’s live more important. Or are Leftwing politics and the Devil your masters?

For any democrat to defend this, or use it to attack pro-life, you ARE the Dirty Slave Owner (worse) of 2013.

If you vote democrat: and your party supports what Abortion has become, you are an Ugly, Wretched sort.
PS: Good Work, FITS…

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 9:00 am

The New GOP Civil Rights Movement

1) Ban abortion of any kind, making no exception for cases of rape (the body will just “shut down” if it is really rape), incest (southern states have no issue with it, why should anyone else?), birth defects (because God loves ALL of the little children, and if you can’t afford hundreds of thousands in medical bills, or stand to see your child suffer with zero quality of life, then you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant in the first place), or risk of mother’s health or life.

2) Ban teaching safe sex and only teach abstinence. Make Bristol Palin the leader of an agency to promote this, assisted by a board comprised of the stars of Teen Mom. Win hearts and minds of how successful abstinence is in the real world.

3) Ban birth control and the morning-after pill. Don’t hand out free condoms to anyone. Aspirin between the knees is the only acceptable solution.

4) COMPLETELY defund Planned Parenthood. Ignore the fact that Planned Parenthood provides a variety of functions besides birth control, including providing mammograms, because social conservative logic.

5) Slut-shame anyone who complains. For instructions on this, please listen to Rush Limbaugh. If slut-shaming is not a viable option, resort to binders full of women for more options.

6) As unplanned pregnancies rise (as they are already doing so in states like Texas), vehemently complain about all forms of welfare, most especially food stamps, being given to teenage and/or single moms who need help affording to feed their kids. Suggest we cut welfare at its current level of spending, providing even less money to a pool of poor people you yourself helped expand.

7) Tell single parents that they should give their kid up for adoption, ignore the fact that the adoption system is already bloated and that thousands upon thousands of kids live in neglectful and/or abusive foster homes, making them a much higher risk for being career criminals.

8) Jump up and down with glee when in the coming decades there are more meat shields (i.e. high schoolers who are dirt poor and have no better options) to join the army and fight wars in foreign lands that may or may not have WMDs.

9) Economy becomes so heavily burdened by increase in poor and government becomes further burdened by useless wars that country falls apart. Blame liberals and “declining morals” for it.

10) Put more SCOTUS justices up that want to keep gay marriage banned and want to reconsider the Voting Rights Act. Openly complain about it being a mistake that we allowed women to vote. Disenfranchise poor voters and voting blocs that don’t swing your way. Raise taxes on poor to lower them on the rich. Dismantle social programs in ways that don’t cost you your seat AND pay for private businesses that fund your campaign. Rewrite history books to gloss over Founding Fathers owning slaves. Funnel tax dollars from public schools and put it down the gullet of private institutions that can use various methods to weed out the undesirables and teach that Jeebus is a Republican and libruls go to Hell.

11) Execute the communist dictator with no birth certificate, Jesus of Nazareth, when he makes his second coming and he doesn’t go back on that time he said “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” as paying your taxes is akin to theft, class warfare, punishing the successful, hurting the job creators, redistribution of wealth, perpetuating the welfare state/dependence on government, etc. Allow Kent Hovind to throw the switch.

12) Average IQ drops low enough for BigT to be considered “average.” Upon discovering this, aliens put human race out of its misery.

CL April 15, 2013 at 10:19 am

Can you just type ad hominem over and over again and save the rest of us the trouble of having to pretend to read you vomitting on your keyboard? You can still pat yourself on the back for your moral superiority over us inbred Southerners while you defend monstrous behavior.

mph April 15, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Don’t let fact he didn’t defend said monstrous behavior and nobody on the planet has, get in the way of knocking down that well placed strawman, CL.

CL April 15, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Apparently you have not read his work in this thread. He said Gosnell was no worse than GOP treatment of children and strongly implied that what he did may have been more humane than letting the babies live in such a world.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 2:44 pm

It is ingrained in liberals. they are like Hitler Youth, just regurgitating their marching orders from on high. Never blinking ot see the gurgling baby.
It really is Sickening what they will defend, so automatically, never asking why.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 6:20 am

This is the GOP’s Civil Rights Moment. Democrats, especially WOMEN, really need to look in the mirror and ask yourself: Are tiny baby’s live more important. Or are Leftwing politics and the Devil your masters?

For any democrat to defend this, or use it to attack pro-life, you ARE the Dirty Slave Owner (worse) of 2013.

If you vote democrat: and your party supports what Abortion has become, you are an Ugly, Wretched sort.
PS: Good Work, FITS…

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 9:00 am

The New GOP Civil Rights Movement

1) Ban abortion of any kind, making no exception for cases of rape (the body will just “shut down” if it is really rape), incest (southern states have no issue with it, why should anyone else?), birth defects (because God loves ALL of the little children, and if you can’t afford hundreds of thousands in medical bills, or stand to see your child suffer with zero quality of life, then you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant in the first place), or risk of mother’s health or life.

2) Ban teaching safe sex and only teach abstinence. Make Bristol Palin the leader of an agency to promote this, assisted by a board comprised of the stars of Teen Mom. Win hearts and minds of how successful abstinence is in the real world.

3) Ban birth control and the morning-after pill. Don’t hand out free condoms to anyone. Aspirin between the knees is the only acceptable solution.

4) COMPLETELY defund Planned Parenthood. Ignore the fact that Planned Parenthood provides a variety of functions besides birth control, including providing mammograms, because social conservative logic.

5) Slut-shame anyone who complains. For instructions on this, please listen to Rush Limbaugh. If slut-shaming is not a viable option, resort to binders full of women for more options.

6) As unplanned pregnancies rise (as they are already doing so in states like Texas), vehemently complain about all forms of welfare, most especially food stamps, being given to teenage and/or single moms who need help affording to feed their kids. Suggest we cut welfare at its current level of spending, providing even less money to a pool of poor people you yourself helped expand.

7) Tell single parents that they should give their kid up for adoption, ignore the fact that the adoption system is already bloated and that thousands upon thousands of kids live in neglectful and/or abusive foster homes, making them a much higher risk for being career criminals.

8) Jump up and down with glee when in the coming decades there are more meat shields (i.e. high schoolers who are dirt poor and have no better options) to join the army and fight wars in foreign lands that may or may not have WMDs.

9) Economy becomes so heavily burdened by increase in poor and government becomes further burdened by useless wars that country falls apart. Blame liberals and “declining morals” for it.

10) Put more SCOTUS justices up that want to keep gay marriage banned and want to reconsider the Voting Rights Act. Openly complain about it being a mistake that we allowed women to vote. Disenfranchise poor voters and voting blocs that don’t swing your way. Raise taxes on poor to lower them on the rich. Dismantle social programs in ways that don’t cost you your seat AND pay for private businesses that fund your campaign. Rewrite history books to gloss over Founding Fathers owning slaves. Funnel tax dollars from public schools and put it down the gullet of private institutions that can use various methods to weed out the undesirables and teach that Jeebus is a Republican and libruls go to Hell.

11) Execute the communist dictator with no birth certificate, Jesus of Nazareth, when he makes his second coming and he doesn’t go back on that time he said “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” as paying your taxes is akin to theft, class warfare, punishing the successful, hurting the job creators, redistribution of wealth, perpetuating the welfare state/dependence on government, etc. Allow Kent Hovind to throw the switch.

12) Average IQ drops low enough for BigT to be considered “average.” Upon discovering this, aliens put human race out of its misery.

CL April 15, 2013 at 10:19 am

Can you just type ad hominem over and over again and save the rest of us the trouble of having to pretend to read you vomitting on your keyboard? You can still pat yourself on the back for your moral superiority over us inbred Southerners while you defend monstrous behavior.

mph April 15, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Don’t let fact he didn’t defend said monstrous behavior and nobody on the planet has, get in the way of knocking down that well placed strawman, CL.

CL April 15, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Apparently you have not read his work in this thread. He said Gosnell was no worse than GOP treatment of children and strongly implied that what he did may have been more humane than letting the babies live in such a world.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 2:44 pm

It is ingrained in liberals. they are like Hitler Youth, just regurgitating their marching orders from on high. Never blinking ot see the gurgling baby.
It really is Sickening what they will defend, so automatically, never asking why.

Bubbas Brother April 15, 2013 at 6:55 am

Wow, talk about schizophrenia… Guero, try changing names when you argue with yourself, it makes it easier for the rest of us to keep up.

The Colonel (R) April 15, 2013 at 6:55 am

Wow, talk about schizophrenia… Guero, try changing names when you argue with yourself, it makes it easier for the rest of us to keep up.

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 8:31 am

I really don’t know where I stand on abortion. On of my biggest problems with it is that if you accept life begins at conception then we would have to investigate every miscarriage as a murder trial. Would women have to registrar their pregnancies with a government agency? I more lean to the viability argument but overall this story almost made me throw up.

CL April 15, 2013 at 10:16 am

Life begins at conception. That is not a tenet of faith, it is basic biology. A fertilized egg meets all the criteria for life that we have ever applied in biology to any organism. http://academic.wsc.edu/mathsci/hammer_m/life.htm It also has a unique DNA code that cannot be described as anything other than human. So the fertilized egg is unquestionably a human life. What the left really debates is when that life is a “person,” with all the attendant rights, such as not being murdered.

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 11:09 am

like I said I don’t know where I fall on this one. You would be very hard pressed to get me to go against morning after pills and such. I also think movies like Juno and Knocked up do alot more for pro life arguments than alot of protest outside clinics. I also don’t understand how many of the hard pro life people won’t protest needless and unjust wars or the killing of innocent people through drone strikes. Don’t proclaim the sanctity of life if you only apply it selectively.

CL April 15, 2013 at 2:48 pm

The drone war? Why can’t anyone talk about abortion without trying to change the subject?

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 4:05 pm

I think its relevant if you put on a huge protest about the right to life and then cheer at policies that needless take lives.

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:15 pm

The argument from hypocrisy is a logical fallacy, so it actually is not remotely relevant to the discussion of the morality or proper legal status of abortion. And take that thought to its logical conclusion, do you have to be pro baby killing to support drone strikes? So Obama loves baby murder? Well, bad example, since he does have a history of defending infanticide.

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 8:31 am

I really don’t know where I stand on abortion. On of my biggest problems with it is that if you accept life begins at conception then we would have to investigate every miscarriage as a murder trial. Would women have to registrar their pregnancies with a government agency? I more lean to the viability argument but overall this story almost made me throw up.

CL April 15, 2013 at 10:16 am

Life begins at conception. That is not a tenet of faith, it is basic biology. A fertilized egg meets all the criteria for life that we have ever applied in biology to any organism. http://academic.wsc.edu/mathsci/hammer_m/life.htm It also has a unique DNA code that cannot be described as anything other than human. So the fertilized egg is unquestionably a human life. What the left really debates is when that life is a “person,” with all the attendant rights, such as not being murdered.

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 11:09 am

like I said I don’t know where I fall on this one. You would be very hard pressed to get me to go against morning after pills and such. I also think movies like Juno and Knocked up do alot more for pro life arguments than alot of protest outside clinics. I also don’t understand how many of the hard pro life people won’t protest needless and unjust wars or the killing of innocent people through drone strikes. Don’t proclaim the sanctity of life if you only apply it selectively.

CL April 15, 2013 at 2:48 pm

The drone war? Why can’t anyone talk about abortion without trying to change the subject?

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 4:05 pm

I think its relevant if you put on a huge protest about the right to life and then cheer at policies that needless take lives.

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:15 pm

The argument from hypocrisy is a logical fallacy, so it actually is not remotely relevant to the discussion of the morality or proper legal status of abortion. And take that thought to its logical conclusion, do you have to be pro baby killing to support drone strikes? So Obama loves baby murder? Well, bad example, since he does have a history of defending infanticide.

jimlewisowb April 15, 2013 at 8:53 am

America’s head ain’t in abortion right now

Try a blonde in a big hat walking around a golf course

If that doesn’t work for you,how about a story about a golfer who dropped a little ball

Now that is prime media meat

jimlewisowb April 15, 2013 at 8:53 am

America’s head ain’t in abortion right now

Try a blonde in a big hat walking around a golf course

If that doesn’t work for you,how about a story about a golfer who dropped a little ball

Now that is prime media meat

lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 9:02 am

So this place operated through 18 years of republican governors including Dick Thornburg and Tom Ridge. Hmmm. And you’re blaming democrats. Hmmmm.

Gillon April 15, 2013 at 9:51 am

And wasn’t Republican prolife champion Rick Santorum representing Pennsylvania in the US Congress and the
US Senate during part of this time.

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:07 pm

I never knew Senators were responsible for abortion clinic inspections. Please tell me more. My goodness are the pro- posts in this article idiotic.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:54 am

Quit acting STUPID and Own up to the Mosters you are…Why do you cower when your handi-work manifests…???
The feds are infested w/ a leftwing Abortion Gestapo. Make one move on baby-killers and they come down on you w/ a million tons of hate and persecution.
The American Left of today HATES worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao…(see Obama)…

The Damned TV April 15, 2013 at 10:11 am

Haha! Let’s see: A Gay Gestapo, Abortion Gestapo…DAMN BigT, We better stay inside and get our guns before they come door to door…

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:05 pm

Ridge is pro-choice and the inspections stopped when he took over and then continued under the next governor, who was a pro-choice Dem.

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Sorry, to be precise they stopped late in Casey’s term, who is a Dem, and then pro-choice Ridge did nothing to remedy.

Lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 9:02 am

So this place operated through 18 years of republican governors including Dick Thornburg and Tom Ridge. Hmmm. And you’re blaming democrats. Hmmmm.

Gillon April 15, 2013 at 9:51 am

And wasn’t Republican prolife champion Rick Santorum representing Pennsylvania in the US Congress and the
US Senate during part of this time.

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:07 pm

I never knew Senators were responsible for abortion clinic inspections. Please tell me more. My goodness are the pro- posts in this article idiotic.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:54 am

Quit acting STUPID and Own up to the Mosters you are…Why do you cower when your handi-work manifests…???
The feds are infested w/ a leftwing Abortion Gestapo. Make one move on baby-killers and they come down on you w/ a million tons of hate and persecution.
The American Left of today HATES worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao…(see Obama)…

The Damned TV April 15, 2013 at 10:11 am

Haha! Let’s see: A Gay Gestapo, Abortion Gestapo…DAMN BigT, We better stay inside and get our guns before they come door to door…

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:05 pm

Ridge is pro-choice and the inspections stopped when he took over and then continued under the next governor, who was a pro-choice Dem.

CL April 15, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Sorry, to be precise they stopped late in Casey’s term, who is a Dem, and then pro-choice Ridge did nothing to remedy.

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 9:13 am

This story is probably being squashed because (surprise, surprise) the right will run with it and characterize all abortions and abortionists as the same as this sick individual, much as liberals like to portray the people who stand outside abortion clinics to the one nut who shot that one abortionist while in his church.

Abortion as a means of late contraception for nothing more than “I don’t want a baby right now” is not very morally justifiable to me at all. However, the assault on abortion by the right goes far beyond that, and the right supports all manners of things that increase pregnancy rates in general. This shit results in more babies being born into situations where the family can’t afford to have them. And, of course, the “party of morals” that demands such practices that increase the number of people needing some kind of assistance to have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies is the same party that demands dialing down welfare bigtime. It is the same party that doesn’t want an end to lifetime maximums, preexisting conditions, or expanded Medicaid to help pay for medical bills that come with children with birth defects. It is also the same party that looks to exploit those same children when they become 18 and need something, anything, that pays them money, and Uncle Sam is more than willing to pay them money to go to war with some country that we don’t need to be anywhere near and get blown to bits.

Snipping a fetus’ spinal cord to “ensure fetal demise” is definitely gruesome in a violent and bloody way. The Republican view on unborn children, born children, and young adults is gruesome in a sinister way of its own.

George Carlin made great points on this:


CL April 15, 2013 at 10:29 am

What a disgusting and idiotic moral equivalence. Arguing for life is the same as murdering babies if you do not guarantee them cradle to grave entitlements? So what, Dr. Gosnell is a hero, then? Quite a twisted morality you have there. And it is truly sad how emasculated the Left has been by the welfare state that they imagine living without the dole is unimaginable. Well, we build an entire civilization without Medicaid, and I imagine there are at least a few people that lived during that time who are glad to be born. Even a few born in poverty.

Planter's April 15, 2013 at 10:32 am

Here come the nuts…

CL April 15, 2013 at 10:36 am

More ad hominem. I would say the only nut is someone who could even type that “The Republican view on unborn children, born children, and young adults” is in any way analogous to Gosnell and the work he did in his abattoir.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I’m against the the slaughter of an innocent baby. If that makes me a Nut, let me be a nut that gets to confront a baby-killer in person.
There are FEW things worth physically fighting for…but stopping the slitting of throats of babies is one…
So you d@M* well better be dedicated to killing babies, if you are willing to reveal your blood-lust in public. Because we are a civil sort…but there is H#!! to pay when Evil comes after our children…So be prepared…Thsi ain’t the coffee house,m where tyou murderers sit around and wx ignorantly…

Planter's April 15, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Good day hanging with the politcal and social vanguard at The Drip dreaming up ways to snuff out these snotty faced kids. You got me Miss Marple!

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 9:13 am

This story is probably being squashed because (surprise, surprise) the right will run with it and characterize all abortions and abortionists as the same as this sick individual, much as liberals like to portray the people who stand outside abortion clinics to the one nut who shot that one abortionist while in his church.

Abortion as a means of late contraception for nothing more than “I don’t want a baby right now” is not very morally justifiable to me at all. However, the assault on abortion by the right goes far beyond that, and the right supports all manners of things that increase pregnancy rates in general. This shit results in more babies being born into situations where the family can’t afford to have them. And, of course, the “party of morals” that demands such practices that increase the number of people needing some kind of assistance to have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies is the same party that demands dialing down welfare bigtime. It is the same party that doesn’t want an end to lifetime maximums, preexisting conditions, or expanded Medicaid to help pay for medical bills that come with children with birth defects. It is also the same party that looks to exploit those same children when they become 18 and need something, anything, that pays them money, and Uncle Sam is more than willing to pay them money to go to war with some country that we don’t need to be anywhere near and get blown to bits.

Snipping a fetus’ spinal cord to “ensure fetal demise” is definitely gruesome in a violent and bloody way. The Republican view on unborn children, born children, and young adults is gruesome in a sinister way of its own.

George Carlin made great points on this:


CL April 15, 2013 at 10:29 am

What a disgusting and idiotic moral equivalence. Arguing for life is the same as murdering babies if you do not guarantee them cradle to grave entitlements? So what, Dr. Gosnell is a hero, then? Quite a twisted morality you have there. And it is truly sad how emasculated the Left has been by the welfare state that they imagine living without the dole is unimaginable. Well, we build an entire civilization without Medicaid, and I imagine there are at least a few people that lived during that time who are glad to be born. Even a few born in poverty.

Planter's April 15, 2013 at 10:32 am

Here come the nuts…

CL April 15, 2013 at 10:36 am

More ad hominem. I would say the only nut is someone who could even type that “The Republican view on unborn children, born children, and young adults” is in any way analogous to Gosnell and the work he did in his abattoir.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I’m against the the slaughter of an innocent baby. If that makes me a Nut, let me be a nut that gets to confront a baby-killer in person.
There are FEW things worth physically fighting for…but stopping the slitting of throats of babies is one…
So you d@M* well better be dedicated to killing babies, if you are willing to reveal your blood-lust in public. Because we are a civil sort…but there is H#!! to pay when Evil comes after our children…So be prepared…Thsi ain’t the coffee house,m where tyou murderers sit around and wx ignorantly…

Planter's April 15, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Good day hanging with the politcal and social vanguard at The Drip dreaming up ways to snuff out these snotty faced kids. You got me Miss Marple!

RHood2 April 15, 2013 at 9:33 am

The conspiracy themed mantra that the liberal MSM is ignoring it because of its bias has no provable basis in objective reality. Your own failure belies that argument. The truth is, NOBODY was covering it. EVERYBODY was ignoring it up until last week, when the pro-life crowd started a Twitter campaign to get it covered. They cynically blamed, as you do, the MSM for ignoring based on its “bias.”
But if that is why MSM ignored it, why did the pro-life, right wing media ignore it too? Apparently only Fox news ran multiple stories, but right wing papers and mags, radio shows, the local Catholic paper there AND the two major Catholic news wires all failed to cover it. Absolutely this should have been covered, but or you to blaim it was ignored because of liberal bias because the MSM was just as lazy as your sorry ass on this story is just preening and posturing. Hell, i had stuff in my Facebook feed before you about this.
I don’t doubt some ignored it because of a pro-abortion lean. But I have alreaapdy seen a pro-choice argument advanced that coveribg th trapial makes the case fir well-regulated, safe and available abortion on demand.
Some say the networks ignored it because no cameras werevallowed. I think, as is more often the case, lack of resiurces and laziness are bigger culprits.
This case is perfect backdrop for a rwal, serious, and detailed look at the issue. And that is why it was ignored. It offers compelling caes to be made by both sopides, and is not clear cut either way. The laziness of big broadcast is hurting our democracy.

RHood2 April 15, 2013 at 9:33 am

The conspiracy themed mantra that the liberal MSM is ignoring it because of its bias has no provable basis in objective reality. Your own failure belies that argument. The truth is, NOBODY was covering it. EVERYBODY was ignoring it up until last week, when the pro-life crowd started a Twitter campaign to get it covered. They cynically blamed, as you do, the MSM for ignoring based on its “bias.”
But if that is why MSM ignored it, why did the pro-life, right wing media ignore it too? Apparently only Fox news ran multiple stories, but right wing papers and mags, radio shows, the local Catholic paper there AND the two major Catholic news wires all failed to cover it. Absolutely this should have been covered, but or you to blaim it was ignored because of liberal bias because the MSM was just as lazy as your sorry ass on this story is just preening and posturing. Hell, i had stuff in my Facebook feed before you about this.
I don’t doubt some ignored it because of a pro-abortion lean. But I have alreaapdy seen a pro-choice argument advanced that coveribg th trapial makes the case fir well-regulated, safe and available abortion on demand.
Some say the networks ignored it because no cameras werevallowed. I think, as is more often the case, lack of resiurces and laziness are bigger culprits.
This case is perfect backdrop for a rwal, serious, and detailed look at the issue. And that is why it was ignored. It offers compelling caes to be made by both sopides, and is not clear cut either way. The laziness of big broadcast is hurting our democracy.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:47 am

Gosnell IS the epitome of Leftwing politics.
Conservatives MUST ATTACK w/ this. Make the media talk about it.
It shows LEFTWING EXTREMES that the Left does to all it touches.
Liberals have used the democrat party to pervert: Race, Gender, Age, Healthcare, Religion, Welfare, Unions, immigrats…So that it is DISGUSTING to the reasonable person…
Cutting babies’ throats is what the LEFT does to all issues…because they pander and patronize special intrests instead of being honest and fair…

1955 April 15, 2013 at 9:52 am

Well, if you want to see more doctors like Gosnell…ban abortion and back alley here we come…

lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 9:54 am


BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:56 am

So you’re saying people like you are prone to Monsterous acts and Baby-killing. Your @$$#$ need to be in jail..If you don’t get your demands of cutting babies’ throats,…you’ll do it on the sly….
You are Hitler re-incarnate…

1955 April 15, 2013 at 9:59 am

People like Gosnell…can’t you read?

Girl Talk April 15, 2013 at 10:30 am

Yeah, because nobody had abortions before Roe Vs. Wade…

BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:47 am

Gosnell IS the epitome of Leftwing politics.
Conservatives MUST ATTACK w/ this. Make the media talk about it.
It shows LEFTWING EXTREMES that the Left does to all it touches.
Liberals have used the democrat party to pervert: Race, Gender, Age, Healthcare, Religion, Welfare, Unions, immigrats…So that it is DISGUSTING to the reasonable person…
Cutting babies’ throats is what the LEFT does to all issues…because they pander and patronize special intrests instead of being honest and fair…

1955 April 15, 2013 at 9:52 am

Well, if you want to see more doctors like Gosnell…ban abortion and back alley here we come…

Lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 9:54 am


BigT April 15, 2013 at 9:56 am

So you’re saying people like you are prone to Monsterous acts and Baby-killing. Your @$$#$ need to be in jail..If you don’t get your demands of cutting babies’ throats,…you’ll do it on the sly….
You are Hitler re-incarnate…

1955 April 15, 2013 at 9:59 am

People like Gosnell…can’t you read?

Girl Talk April 15, 2013 at 10:30 am

Yeah, because nobody had abortions before Roe Vs. Wade…

Devil April 15, 2013 at 10:07 am

More ugly than home-made sin.

Devil April 15, 2013 at 10:07 am

More ugly than home-made sin.

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 10:13 am

I do love what this says about the drug war though. That fighting a no win campaign to purify America is more important than stopping the guy from saw 4

BigT April 15, 2013 at 4:21 pm

Should be a launching point to WAKE UP America against liberal murder.
Gosnell the Butcher: IS the epitome of Leftwing politics.
It shows LEFTWING EXTREMISTS and the democrat party perverts all: Race, Gender, Age, Healthcare, Religion, Welfare, Unions, immigrats…So that it is DISGUSTING to the reasonable person…
Cutting babies’ throats is what the LEFT does to all issues…because they pander and patronize special intrests instead of being honest and fair…

jasmineflowers April 15, 2013 at 6:08 pm

hahahahahahaha “liberal murder” “leftwing extremists” “democrat party perverts” if abortion is outlawed women are still going to have abortions its just going to be even more unsafe than this. that’s why we need restrictions and a more active regulations. they didn’t check his “clinic” for 20 years.

lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 6:58 pm

Right wingers should be outraged. After all they caused it. It will only get worse and republicans can congratulate themselves for it v

wanabejedi April 15, 2013 at 10:13 am

I do love what this says about the drug war though. That fighting a no win campaign to purify America is more important than stopping the guy from saw 4

BigT April 15, 2013 at 4:21 pm

Should be a launching point to WAKE UP America against liberal murder.
Gosnell the Butcher: IS the epitome of Leftwing politics.
It shows LEFTWING EXTREMISTS and the democrat party perverts all: Race, Gender, Age, Healthcare, Religion, Welfare, Unions, immigrats…So that it is DISGUSTING to the reasonable person…
Cutting babies’ throats is what the LEFT does to all issues…because they pander and patronize special intrests instead of being honest and fair…

jasmineflowers April 15, 2013 at 6:08 pm

hahahahahahaha “liberal murder” “leftwing extremists” “democrat party perverts” if abortion is outlawed women are still going to have abortions its just going to be even more unsafe than this. that’s why we need restrictions and a more active regulations. they didn’t check his “clinic” for 20 years.

Lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 6:58 pm

Right wingers should be outraged. After all they caused it. It will only get worse and republicans can congratulate themselves for it v

mph April 15, 2013 at 10:43 am

I’ve see this covered extensively on all three networks. I saw CNN run two consecutive segments last week that lasted almost an hour. I guess this is just another instance of “conservatives” finding something else to be outraged about. Last week it was what? A kid’s 8th grade art project? Larry Grooms would be so proud of you, fits. Hell, fits hasn’t reported on this story except to complain that other “news” sources haven’t reported on it. Sounds about right.

mph April 15, 2013 at 10:43 am

I’ve see this covered extensively on all three networks. I saw CNN run two consecutive segments last week that lasted almost an hour. I guess this is just another instance of “conservatives” finding something else to be outraged about. Last week it was what? A kid’s 8th grade art project? Larry Grooms would be so proud of you, fits. Hell, fits hasn’t reported on this story except to complain that other “news” sources haven’t reported on it. Sounds about right.

? April 15, 2013 at 11:15 am

We put dogs down more humanely than the way we kill human fetuses.

Chesterfield County Resident April 15, 2013 at 2:08 pm

Not here in Chesterfield County. Just ask the former sheriff.

? April 15, 2013 at 11:15 am

We put dogs down more humanely than the way we kill human fetuses.

Chesterfield County Resident April 15, 2013 at 2:08 pm

Not here in Chesterfield County. Just ask the former sheriff.

Al Sharpton where are you? April 15, 2013 at 11:23 am

And furthermore, this appears to be ANOTHER black on black crime!

Al Sharpton where are you? April 15, 2013 at 11:23 am

And furthermore, this appears to be ANOTHER black on black crime!

tomstickler April 15, 2013 at 1:12 pm

This a just a right-wing meme manufactured to engender outrage against the right to abortion, which has already been under attack by various state legislatures dominated by Republicans.

Gosnell was arrested back in 2011, and the story was well covered in the major media at the time — if you had been paying attention.

As the blogger TBogg commented, “So it looks like we are in for at least a week of fauxrage at the “EmmEssEmm” for failing to cover the Kermit Gosnell trial; a fauxrage, I should add, that was instigated by Daily Beast columnist and USA Today columnist and resident Fox News Democrat/Hannity fluffer Kirsten Powers who somehow was unable, until this week, to find a major news outlet where she could talk Gosnell 24/7.

It’s almost as if she took part in this conspiracy of silence that wasn’t …. except on the right.

But congratulations to all of the major media outlets for taking the bait and allowing themselves to be mau-maued into becoming the tip of the spear for those who who are cynically using this to further their plan to ban access to women’s health choices which will in turn create more Gosnells as women find their options even more limited.

Well being played, guys. Golf clap.”

So, add FitNews to the sucker list.

tomstickler April 15, 2013 at 1:12 pm

This a just a right-wing meme manufactured to engender outrage against the right to abortion, which has already been under attack by various state legislatures dominated by Republicans.

Gosnell was arrested back in 2011, and the story was well covered in the major media at the time — if you had been paying attention.

As the blogger TBogg commented, “So it looks like we are in for at least a week of fauxrage at the “EmmEssEmm” for failing to cover the Kermit Gosnell trial; a fauxrage, I should add, that was instigated by Daily Beast columnist and USA Today columnist and resident Fox News Democrat/Hannity fluffer Kirsten Powers who somehow was unable, until this week, to find a major news outlet where she could talk Gosnell 24/7.

It’s almost as if she took part in this conspiracy of silence that wasn’t …. except on the right.

But congratulations to all of the major media outlets for taking the bait and allowing themselves to be mau-maued into becoming the tip of the spear for those who who are cynically using this to further their plan to ban access to women’s health choices which will in turn create more Gosnells as women find their options even more limited.

Well being played, guys. Golf clap.”

So, add FitNews to the sucker list.

Jeremiah Tydeman April 15, 2013 at 2:40 pm

Interesting; what’s your take on gun control? Bet I could take a pretty accurate guess. I’ve heard this argument swung the other way too many times “there are millions of responsible gun owners and the actions of one mentally ill individual shouldn’t infringe on their rights”. How about; “there are thousands of responsible Women’s Health Clinics and responsible Women who are making a very difficult, personal and private descision and the actions of one lunatic doctor shouldn’t infringe on their right to choose what is best for their body”. Personally; I OPPOSE GUN CONTROL and I am 100% PRO CHOICE. I just really enjoy Calling out HIPOCRATES on their BS regardless of what hat they wear be it liberal or conservative.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 2:50 pm

I don’t blame you for changing the Subject. Your bloody agent is slitting the throats of defensless Babies, and you MONSTERS are talking about gun control.
You are pictured w/ a Female. a potential mother. PLEASE tell me (I pray) she is repulsed as a woman, by your heinous beliefs and she is ashamed that you will defend this Butcher of innocent babies.
When you make excuses for Murder; do you also cheer the memory of Hitler sending Jewish Children to the gas chambers, to murder them, becuse they were inconvenient.

Jeremiah Tydeman April 15, 2013 at 2:40 pm

Interesting; what’s your take on gun control? Bet I could take a pretty accurate guess. I’ve heard this argument swung the other way too many times “there are millions of responsible gun owners and the actions of one mentally ill individual shouldn’t infringe on their rights”. How about; “there are thousands of responsible Women’s Health Clinics and responsible Women who are making a very difficult, personal and private descision and the actions of one lunatic doctor shouldn’t infringe on their right to choose what is best for their body”. Personally; I OPPOSE GUN CONTROL and I am 100% PRO CHOICE. I just really enjoy Calling out HIPOCRATES on their BS regardless of what hat they wear be it liberal or conservative.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 2:50 pm

I don’t blame you for changing the Subject. Your bloody agent is slitting the throats of defensless Babies, and you MONSTERS are talking about gun control.
You are pictured w/ a Female. a potential mother. PLEASE tell me (I pray) she is repulsed as a woman, by your heinous beliefs and she is ashamed that you will defend this Butcher of innocent babies.
When you make excuses for Murder; do you also cheer the memory of Hitler sending Jewish Children to the gas chambers, to murder them, becuse they were inconvenient.

CL April 16, 2013 at 9:28 am

The quality of “arguments” from the pro-choice folks in this thread (you hate women, you hate minorities, you are a hypocrite for opposing policy X that I support, etc.) really reinforces the point made by James Taranto in the WSJ (who is not pro-life, but does not like Roe v. Wade):

“A funny thing happens when you dissent from Roe v. Wade: You come to see that there’s not much else by way of intellectual content to the case for abortion on demand. Roe predates our own political consciousness, so we have to assume there were once stronger arguments. But these days the appeal to the authority of Roe is pretty much all there is apart from sloganeering, name-calling, appeals to self-interest and an emphasis on difficult and unusual cases such as pregnancy due to rape.”

CL April 16, 2013 at 9:28 am

The quality of “arguments” from the pro-choice folks in this thread (you hate women, you hate minorities, you are a hypocrite for opposing policy X that I support, etc.) really reinforces the point made by James Taranto in the WSJ (who is not pro-life, but does not like Roe v. Wade):

“A funny thing happens when you dissent from Roe v. Wade: You come to see that there’s not much else by way of intellectual content to the case for abortion on demand. Roe predates our own political consciousness, so we have to assume there were once stronger arguments. But these days the appeal to the authority of Roe is pretty much all there is apart from sloganeering, name-calling, appeals to self-interest and an emphasis on difficult and unusual cases such as pregnancy due to rape.”

KERMIT THE FROG April 16, 2013 at 12:35 pm


KERMIT THE FROG April 16, 2013 at 12:35 pm


Lola April 17, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Gosnell is no human being he is a MONSTER! How could he hurt a new born child who are such a precious gift of Life from God so that we may witness it.

Lola April 17, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Gosnell is no human being he is a MONSTER! How could he hurt a new born child who are such a precious gift of Life from God so that we may witness it.


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