About That SC Workforce …

THEY CAN STILL STACK SOME BOXES! When this website was still in its infancy five years ago, we wrote a story about a jobs announcement in Orangeburg, S.C. that referenced how South Carolina workers were “skilled at stacking boxes for minimum wage.” The more things change, right? S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley…


When this website was still in its infancy five years ago, we wrote a story about a jobs announcement in Orangeburg, S.C. that referenced how South Carolina workers were “skilled at stacking boxes for minimum wage.”

The more things change, right?

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley was in Orangeburg, S.C. earlier this week to promote the “South Carolina Certified Work Ready Community Initiative,” another one of those “Government Knows Best” initiatives that command economic planners like to create in an effort to make it look like they’re doing something on “economic development.”

You know … besides bribing companies with your tax dollars.

Anyway, at Haley’s big press conference the CEO of Cox Industries, Inc., Michael Johnson, strode to the podium and offered this doozy of a quote about the current status of South Carolina’s workforce …

Sometimes it can take us months to hire a simple position and it shouldn’t be that way.

Ha!  No it shouldn’t, man.  No it shouldn’t …

Talk about an embarrassing quote to read if you’re a company thinking about doing business in the Palmetto State.  Hell, that’s almost as embarrassing as this (but not quite as embarrassing as this).

It’s also why we have to bribe companies to come here …

Of course when your state has the worst education system in America (despite record funding increases) – and a governor who has done absolutely nothing to try and fix it – what do you expect?  Building a better workforce has NOTHING to do with government planning and everything to do with having smarter citizens.  And that starts with market-based education reform …


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johnb November 29, 2012 at 11:49 am

With all the handouts nobody has an incentive to work.
The national parks tell you “don’t feed the bears or they will come to expect it and won’t work for food”


Natty Bumppo November 29, 2012 at 12:01 pm

The bears do not work for food, and we actually feed on the bears.

johnb November 29, 2012 at 12:19 pm

?? say what Natty Bumppo ??

Natty Bumppo November 29, 2012 at 2:30 pm

All good – meat, fur, grease, claws, bones – all useful.

Tricky Ricky November 29, 2012 at 12:20 pm

There is stupid and there is ignorant. education can cure ignorance. Only selective breeding can (eventually) improve stupidity.

As a North Carolina soccer coach once famously stated to explain his poor season: “You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit”.

Citizens United for Haley November 29, 2012 at 2:28 pm

Why didn’t someone tell us this BEFORE we voted for her!

Billy-Bob November 29, 2012 at 3:22 pm

A quick look at who we elect is evidence the populace of SC is ignorant.

Colonel K November 29, 2012 at 8:14 pm

Case in point is that idiot JOE WILSON. Shame on us for electing that worthless lying sack of shit.

gotcha November 30, 2012 at 7:20 am


We need more folks like Clyburn in public office.

Booyah November 29, 2012 at 8:29 pm

“Building a better workforce has NOTHING to do with government planning and everything to do with having smarter citizens. And that starts with market-based education reform …”

The best workforces in the world are NOT produced by market-based education, but by CULTURES whose people value education AND invest tax dollars exposing students to workforce training basics. Modern example: Germany.

The US industrial workforce at its height was the product of public schools and government involvement in workforce training. Metal shop classes and other courses which exposed students to fundamental principles of industry which MUST be experienced in a tactile, performance-based training environment were a key part of that. That level of investment require government assistance. The “Arsenal of Democracy” had a very strong educational base.

As to “bribery”, that’s how you must compete. If you don’t WANT to compete, don’t be a little bitch complaining about the real rules in the real world.

Big businesses have plenty of places they can locate. If you want their sweet, sweet money then be prepared to help them beat their competition by forking over incentives.


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