Multiple Palmetto Politicians Owe Massive Fees To Taxpayers

Dozens of political candidates and groups seeking to influence the political process owe taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in ethics fines, according to a “debtor’s list” compiled by the S.C. State Ethics Commission (SCSEC). The fines range from small-ticket amounts ($100) to hefty chunks of change (more than $200,000)….

Dozens of political candidates and groups seeking to influence the political process owe taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in ethics fines, according to a “debtor’s list” compiled by the S.C. State Ethics Commission (SCSEC).

The fines range from small-ticket amounts ($100) to hefty chunks of change (more than $200,000).  Many of the debtors are former officeholders or candidates who lost their races, but some are sitting officials – like Richland County councilman Norman Jackson, who owes taxpayers more than $35,000.

Former lobbyists are also on the list, like Chip Zullinger of the liberal S.C. Education Association – who owes $2,600.

Political party organizations are listed, too, including the City of Charleston’s Republican Party – which owes $12,500.

“In each case the Commission has levied a late filing penalty, issued a public order with an enforcement fine, and/or has filed a judgment with the Clerk of Court/Register of Deeds in the county of residence,” the SCSEC website states.  “Commission personnel have sent letters, telephoned, and/or made personal contact regarding these debts. In addition, the Commission has referred the list of debtors to the S.C. Department of Revenue for collection.”

The full commission list (.pdf format) can be found HERE.

Meanwhile FITS has compiled a list of 160 debtors who owe taxpayers more than $1,000 apiece.  To access that list (.xlsx format), download it HERE.

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Thomas July 25, 2014 at 8:51 am

Garnish their state paychecks.

Steve Smith July 25, 2014 at 9:13 am

Google is paying 80$ per>>>>>>>>???????

???? W­W­W­.­N­E­T­P­A­Y­6­0­.?­?­m



Pete July 25, 2014 at 10:12 pm

Jake Moore on the Legislative Audit Council. And owing money too. Hahaha

Wake up July 25, 2014 at 8:55 am

Again, upstate corruption gets a pass here at FITS. I think you know where the real mob lives in this state and are smart to stay away. Unfortunately it just keeps growing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Metts going down is not part of a big territory grab by the upstate syndicate.

MPATiger July 25, 2014 at 10:59 am

Yes, you could not be more correct. The Greenville County Sheriff learns of corruption and promptly terminates the employees.

Meanwhile in Lexington County the High Sheriff knew for at least a year that he was going to be indicted and not only did he not resign to save the embarrassment of his employees, he goes to county council, and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers Association seeking funds in advance to pay for his defense.

Then there was Lee County Sheriff E.J. Melvin, who faced 47 counts of racketeering, money laundering, extortion, lying to federal prosecutors, and conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

Lets not forget Williamsburg County Sheriff Michael Johnson who created fake police reports so customers of a credit repair business could claim their overdue bills were caused by identity fraud.The indictment against Johnson estimates the scheme was used in over 130 credit reports.

How about Chesterfield County Sheriff, Sam Parker? He was indicted on six misdemeanor charges. Prosecutors said he allowed two hand-picked inmates to live in a dorm, have televisions and an iPad and spend holidays with his family……..not their family, but his family.

The death of Orangeburg County Sheriff Larry Williams kept him from being indicted for taking more than $200,000 in public money and used it on personal expenses.

But my personal favorite is former Saluda County Sheriff Jason Booth who accepted a plea deal that left him only paying a $900 fine for using inmate labor to build a party shed on his land. Since it was not a felony, he is able to work in law enforcement again.

You could not be dead on, the Upstate is a hot bed for corrupt law enforcement…….Oh wait!

Buz Martin July 25, 2014 at 8:59 am

Yeah, but what can we do about that nextissue ad with the Vanity Fair cover photo of skeletal Kristen Stewart and her poofy little anklebiter? That offends me, deeply. I don’t think it’s an ethics violation, but I am still lodging a complaint.
No, wait … hold the presses. There’s an option to stop seeing it. So I took it. Don’t like the choices, because it doesn’t say “I don’t like the attitude on that skeleton girl’s face.”
So I chose “Repetitive.”

/// It’s gone. Undo
What was wrong with this ad?
Irrelevant ///

nitrat July 25, 2014 at 12:04 pm

I didn’t have enough to do this morning, so I looked at the Debtor’s page. What grabbed my attention among the candidates and politicians was the number of board members, appointed by local or state politicians or the governor. So. I’m going to tell you about a few:
William B. Harvey, Jr. – Beaufort – Board member – State Board of TEC (schools) – $5000.00
Parker Harrington – Hilton head Island – Commissioner SCETV – $100.00 (it’s never too early to get this straight, Parker)
John L. Knuckles – Rock Hill – Board Member – SC Developmental Disabilities Council – $100
Philip F. Laughridge – Columbia – Board Member – Legislative Audit Council – $100.00
Stephen Jahue Moore – Columbia – Board Member – Legislative Audit Council – $100.00
Henry C. Lawton – Ridgeland – Board Member – SCDHEC – $100.00
James M. McQuilla – Blythewood – Board of Visitors – The Citadel – $2,200.00
Michael T. Lowman – Irmo – Board Member – SC Building Codes Council – $100.00
Gregg A. Malphrus – Ridgeland – Commissioner – Aeronautics Commission – $100.00
To be cont…

Jon July 25, 2014 at 10:11 pm

Thanks for the post, I had forgotten about these lists. Bunch of deadbeats…I say string them high!

Diogenes July 26, 2014 at 10:09 am

Although everyone knows that you will seize every opportunity to discredit that “liberal” organization, the SC Education Assoc., at least try to be current with your research. Dr.
Chip Zullinger died in April of this year.

Really? July 26, 2014 at 8:19 pm

Is he allowed off the hook because he died?

Commonman July 26, 2014 at 3:56 pm

The Ethics Commission is a JOKE. We need Speaker Bobby to appoint them all. The paperwork they require (as passed by the incumbent members of the State Legislature) is ludicrous. Then, to say someone owes thousands of dollars for not filing is insulting. Treat all of these people as if they were illegal aliens and pay them and grant them amnesty. After all, they are already citizens.


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