
Ron Paul: Will The Swiss Get Their Gold Back?

REFERENDUM PUTS SPOTLIGHT ON AMERICA’S TAX POLICY By RON PAUL  ||  On November 30th, voters in Switzerland will head to the polls to vote in a referendum on gold.  On the ballot is a measure to prohibit the Swiss National Bank (SNB) from further gold sales, to repatriate Swiss-owned gold…


ron paulBy RON PAUL  ||  On November 30th, voters in Switzerland will head to the polls to vote in a referendum on gold.  On the ballot is a measure to prohibit the Swiss National Bank (SNB) from further gold sales, to repatriate Swiss-owned gold to Switzerland, and to mandate that gold make up at least 20 percent of the SNB’s assets.  Arising from popular sentiment similar to movements in the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands, this referendum is an attempt to bring more oversight and accountability to the SNB, Switzerland’s central bank.

The Swiss referendum is driven by an undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the conduct not only of Swiss monetary policy, but also of Swiss banking policy.  Switzerland may be a small nation, but it is a nation proud of its independence and its history of standing up to tyranny.  The famous legend of William Tell embodies the essence of the Swiss national character.  But no tyrannical regime in history has bullied Switzerland as much as the United States government has in recent years.

The Swiss tradition of bank secrecy is legendary.  The reality, however, is that Swiss bank secrecy is dead. Countries such as the United States have been unwilling to keep government spending in check, but they are running out of ways to fund that spending.  Further taxation of their populations is politically difficult, massive issuance of government debt has saturated bond markets, and so the easy target is smaller countries such as Switzerland which have gained the reputation of being “tax havens.”

Remember that tax haven is just a term for a country that allows people to keep more of their own money than the US or EU does, and doesn’t attempt to plunder either its citizens or its foreign account-holders.  But the past several years have seen a concerted attempt by the US and EU to crack down on these smaller countries, using their enormous financial clout to compel them to hand over account details so that they can extract more tax revenue.

The US has used its court system to extort money from Switzerland, fining the US subsidiaries of Swiss banks for allegedly sheltering US taxpayers and allowing them to keep their accounts and earnings hidden from US tax authorities.  EU countries such as Germany have even gone so far as to purchase account information stolen from Swiss banks by unscrupulous bank employees.  And with the recent implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Swiss banks will now be forced to divulge to the IRS all the information they have about customers liable to pay US taxes.

On the monetary policy front, the SNB sold about 60 percent of Switzerland’s gold reserves during the 2000s.  The SNB has also in recent years established a currency peg, with 1.2 Swiss francs equal to one euro.  The peg’s effects have already manifested themselves in the form of a growing real estate bubble, as housing prices have risen dangerously.  Given the action by the European Central Bank (ECB) to engage in further quantitative easing, the SNB’s continuance of this dangerous and foolhardy policy means that it will continue tying its monetary policy to that of the EU and be forced to import more inflation into Switzerland.

Just like the US and the EU, Switzerland at the federal level is ruled by a group of elites who are more concerned with their own status, well-being, and international reputation than with the good of the country.  The gold referendum, if it is successful, will be a slap in the face to those elites.  The Swiss people appreciate the work their forefathers put into building up large gold reserves, a respected currency, and a strong, independent banking system.  They do not want to see centuries of struggle squandered by a central bank.  The results of the November referendum may be a bellwether, indicating just how strong popular movements can be in establishing central bank accountability and returning gold to a monetary role.

Ron Paul is a former U.S. Congressman from Texas and the leader of the pro-liberty, pro-free market movement in the United States. His weekly column – reprinted with permission – can be found here.

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Fruitcakes and Great Whites September 15, 2014 at 1:53 pm

For the record, Paul jumped the shark a long time ago. But criticizing the US for going after tax scofflaws takes it to a new level.

I suppose next he’ll claim we’re spending too much money pursuing international investigations of murderers or child molesters.

He’s almost as nutty as Mark Sanford.

Mike at the Beach September 15, 2014 at 6:49 pm

I have to up-vote you based upon nothing more than the screen name. Quality work, that.

adplatt126 September 16, 2014 at 3:32 am

He’s right about the gold issue. He’s half right about the tax haven issue. The US isn’t wrong in going after tax evaders but the way it does so to me suggests both corruption and soft imperialism.

FastEddy23 September 18, 2014 at 11:46 am

Tax scaflaws? Least we not forget, All money belongs to Them. That is “progressive” elites attitude, and for now, They are Them.

And those child molesters? They all work for g’ment, that’s why violent crime is down, the lawless now all work for g’ment, so They don’t have any tax problems.

Uh huh September 15, 2014 at 2:09 pm

“Will The Swiss Get Their Gold Back?”

Let’s see, when the Germans asked for their gold back from the US government a few years ago, did they get it back?


How about Ecuador when they asked for it back a few years ago?


How about Venezuela?

No again.

That’s because the US government has stolen everyone’s gold. They don’t have it to “give back”. They leased it over and over again and sold a lot too and no one knows who owns what anymore. That’s why the Chinese are buying tons of gold with US dollars under the radar, in anticipation of the great default and why Goldman Sachs, the US banking proxy/hitman runs around making alternate deals with the whiners using printed up US dollars.

Maybe the charade will go on 3 months, 3 years, or 30…but it’s just that…a charade.

Just like the US government stole its citizens gold in 1933 when it couldn’t pay its bills, then again in 1971 when it closed the gold window and told other countries that $35/ounce was going away, it has now just outright taken what’s left and that’s why it won’t allow anyone into Fort Knox for a full audit, only partial bullshit without a full accounting.

So in summary, no one is getting their gold back from the US government.

They were dumb asses to store it with them in the first place. They haven’t balanced a budget for a long, long time…so what did these morons think was going to happen? They deserve to have it taken.

It’s like telling a bankrupt friend you want them to hold your family jewels for “safe keeping”, it’s pure stupidity.

Smirks September 15, 2014 at 3:52 pm

It’s like telling a bankrupt friend you want them to hold your family jewels for “safe keeping”, it’s pure stupidity.

Not if she’s hot.

9" September 15, 2014 at 5:58 pm

Gold is really really heavy.

Bible Thumper September 15, 2014 at 11:29 pm

——- “But no tyrannical regime in history has bullied Switzerland as much as the United States government has in recent years.” —-
Not true. Wikipedia – In 1798, the revolutionary French government conquered Switzerland and imposed a new unified constitution. This centralised the government of the country, effectively abolishing the cantons: moreover, Mülhausen joined France and Valtellina valley, the Cisalpine Republic, separating from Switzerland. The new regime, known as the Helvetic Republic, was highly unpopular.

During World War II, detailed invasion plans were drawn up by the Germans, but Switzerland was never attacked. Switzerland was able to remain independent through a combination of military deterrence, concessions to Germany, and good fortune as larger events during the war delayed an invasion. Switzerland’s trade was blockaded by both the Allies and by the Axis. Economic cooperation and extension of credit to the Third Reich varied according to the perceived likelihood of invasion and the availability of other trading partners. Concessions reached a peak after a crucial rail link through Vichy France was severed in 1942, leaving Switzerland completely surrounded by the Axis. Over the course of the war, Switzerland interned over 300,000 refugees. ———————–
Beyond that the USA is not a Tyrant. It is enforcing it’s laws for Banks that use US banks for transactions, use US currency, have US branches or avail themselves of the US judicial system to protect their interest.

—– countries such as Switzerland which have gained the reputation of being “tax havens.” Remember that tax haven is just a term for a country that allows people to keep more of their own money than the US or EU does,”
Not true. Wikipedia –
United States (all levels) —26.9%
Switzerland ——- 29.4%


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