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SCGOP: Sheheen-Obamacare Wrong For SC

As the October Obamacare compliance deadline creeps closer, momentum continues to build against the health care takeover’s expansion in South Carolina. Unfortunately, liberal Vince Sheheen continues to embrace the federal spending disaster against the wishes of South Carolinians. Here’s what folks all across South Carolina are saying about the Sheheen-Obama…

sheheen wrong for sc

As the October Obamacare compliance deadline creeps closer, momentum continues to build against the health care takeover’s expansion in South Carolina. Unfortunately, liberal Vince Sheheen continues to embrace the federal spending disaster against the wishes of South Carolinians.

Here’s what folks all across South Carolina are saying about the Sheheen-Obama health care expansion:

Even if the new system meets the specifications of federal law, it will represent a new level of federal intrusion into personal privacy.” (Editorial, “Data Hub: New ObamaCare Risk From Intrusive Feds”,The Post and Courier, 8/20/13)

The middle class will pay, pay, and pay some more.” (Susan Keefe, “LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ObamaCare Is No Deal For The Country’s Middle Class”, The Morning News, 8/13/13)

We need more certainty and confidence in our health care system…I’m just not feeling that with Obamacare.” (ACE Glass Owner Fred Price, Press Conference, 8/13/13)

I’ve got employees that have been with me for over 30 years and I certainly need to take care of them but the costs are just escalating way too high.” (ACE Glass Owner Fred Price, Press Conference, 8/13/13)

It’s an enormous task for the federal government to try to basically create an entire new health care purchasing structure in such a tight timeline.”(Lauren Sausser, “Health Care Coalition, State Agencies Brainstorm Ways To Prepare South Carolina For Affordable Care Act, The Post And Courier, 8/14/13)

I had 53 employees. Unfortunately, four people lost their jobs last month so my company could get under the magical 50 threshold that Obamacare obtusely and indirectly dictates.” (Tom Price, Opinion, “Wednesday Letters: Obamacare Hurts Small Businesses”, The State, 8/7/13)

South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore issued the following comments regarding the October deadline:

“The Sheheen-Obama health care disaster will hit South Carolinians where it hurts: higher premiums, more regulation, less take-home pay, and growing uncertanity for both businesses and families. Vince Sheheen’s unabashed support for Obama’s massive health care nightmare, on the eve of its implementation, is just another example that he is too liberal for South Carolina.”

(Editor’s Note: The above communication is a press release from a political party and does not necessarily reflect the editorial position of To submit your letter, news release, email blast, media advisory or issues statement for publication, click here).

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Nölff August 21, 2013 at 1:19 pm

“I had 53 employees. Unfortunately, four people lost their jobs
last month so my company could get under the magical 50 threshold that
Obamacare obtusely and indirectly dictates.”
Sounds like a dick move.

Frank Pytel August 21, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Sounds like business.

Nölff August 21, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Yes. Assholes run businesses.

? August 21, 2013 at 5:26 pm

Don’t you like Jan?

Yea, you’re right, fuck all the businesses. They don’t do shit for anybody.

Have gov’t just run everything and print up the money it needs to maintain the idiocracy.

Money printing and gov’t can improve our lives.

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 5:22 am

“Have gov’t just run everything and print up the money it needs to maintain the idiocracy.”

Brilliant. That’s never been done before in the history of like the planet and stuff. Aaaaahhhrrrriiiigghht. :)

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 5:24 am

I was going to try to be serious, but it’s just to danged early. Good luck with that.

Jan August 21, 2013 at 2:09 pm

I love this ad. The only people who are saying anything negative about the ACA are owners of successful businesses who do not want to provide health insurance for their employees. I employ 6 people and I pay health insurance for my employees. I think the ACA will lower my costs.
The Republicans hate the ACA because it will cost some medium size to large businesses money. Everyone agrees the act favors states where incomes are lower and where fewer businesses provide benefits to their employees. Like South Carolina. So no the ACA is not bad for SC, its bad for Republican campaign contributors in SC. Consequently it is a crisis for the Republicans.
As for increased premiums, Republicans have contributed to that by not expanding Medicaid, and not setting up health care exchanges.

trbamafan August 21, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Jan You are so full of shit, your eyes must be brown. “As for increased premiums, Republicans have contributed to that by not expanding Medicaid, and not setting up health care exchanges.” Only a liberal could make such an ignorant and untrue statement and call it fact. Please explain your logic in making such a statement, and “I read over on Huff-Po” is not an acceptable response.

EJB August 21, 2013 at 3:40 pm

The company I work for has approximately 200 workers. The president of the company is doing everything he can to keep providing medical insurance but the costs have gone up so much. This year they had to double our deductible and change the way they pay for medications as well as physician referral service. This man is literally doing everything he can but first and foremost his business has to make a profit. He has to provide medical insurance for his employees to get them, no medical insurance the people won’t come to work here. Eventually though he will have to make a decision, to dump us on to 0bama’s medical insurance (national insurance exchanges) to preserve his profits or run at a loss. With all the new regulations from this administration, EPA, ACA and the rest of it he’s hurting for profits. With the economy still in the tank the competition on bids is fierce and the margins slimmer every bid. Bad is fixin’ to get worse and the ACA is NOT helping it is hurting and more as it goes along. Whatever business you are in stay there because the rest of the business community is hurting.

? August 21, 2013 at 5:25 pm

“I think the ACA will lower my costs.”



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